Library Juice 1:14 - April 15, 1998

1. of Western Signs and Ideograms 
2. Jan Alexander and Marsha Tate's "Evaluation of Web Resources" 
3. Short news story on Public Libraries as internet access point 
4. Federal Resources for Educational Excellence--US Dept. of Education 
5. Technical Services and Library Home Pages 
6. Social Research Update 
7. Editorial from Progressive Librarian #14 
8. TABLE OF CONTENTS from Progressive Librarian #14 
9. UN Investigator tells US to halt executions in human rights report 
10. The Top 500 Corporations in America 
11. Katharine Sharp Review No. 6 released 
12. Second Call For Papers - Katharine Sharp Review 
Quote of the week: 
"(_Auto-da-Fe_) had left me ravaged.  I could not forgive myself  
for burning the books... I felt that I had sacrificed not only my  
own books but also those of the whole world, the books of all  
religions, all thinkers, all Eastern literatures, and those of  
the Western literatures that were still in any sense alive."   
Elias Canetti, author of _Auto-da-Fe_, quoted (from _The Play of the Eyes_)  
in _The Nation_, April 20, 1998, in a review of the newly published _Notes  
from Hampstead: The Writer's Notes: 1954-1971_.  
1. of Western Signs and Ideograms 
Provided by HME Media, this site is an online version of Carl G. Liungman's 
_Thought Signs_ (1975), an encyclopedia of graphic symbols. The site 
contains more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according 
to their graphic characteristics. Ranging from Cro-Magnon carvings in 
mammoth teeth to hobo signs and subway graffiti, the signs are explained 
and examined in 1,600 articles. Users may search for the meaning or history 
of a sign in the Graphic Index or use the Word Index to find an ideogram 
with a certain meaning. [MD] 
The Scout Report's Web page: 
2. Jan Alexander and Marsha Tate's "Evaluation of Web Resources" 
The web site for Jan Alexander and Marsha Tate's "Evaluation of Web 
Resources" is now 
3. Short news story on Public Libraries as internet access point 
Finance - Internet Daily for Wednesday, April 15, 1998 
In alliance with Money Online at 
Libraries popular Net access point 
Next to home, work or school, the public library is the most 
popular place from which to get on the Internet. Research analyzed 
by the MCI Foundation found the number of people who accessed the 
Internet from their public library increased 86 percent since 
January 1997. "This study reveals a dramatic shift in technology 
awareness and availability," Diane Strahan, the foundation's 
executive director said. "Today, 16 percent percent of users 
access the Internet from an alternative point, and by the year 
2000, our data suggests that number will nearly double," she 
The percent of libraries that offer Internet access to their 
patrons has more than doubled to 60.4 percent today from 27.8 
percent in 1996, according to a 1997 Public Library Data Service 
Statistical Report. Of 8,921 public libraries across the country, 
72.3 percent are connected to the Internet, up from 44.4 percent 
in 1996. 
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence--US Dept. of Education 
FREE is a new US Department of Education meta-site that acts as a gateway 
to US government sites that can be used as teaching tools or resources. It 
is highlighted by a searchable and browsable (ten subjects from arts to 
vocational education) interface to hundreds of government resources. For 
example, the science section points to resources from the US Department of 
Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and US Geological 
Survey, among others. Arts contains educational resources from the Library 
of Congress, National Gallery of Art, National Archives and Records 
Administration, and Smithsonian Institution, among others. FREE is a handy 
way for teachers to quickly find useful government sites that can be put to 
work in the classroom. [JS] 
The Scout Report's Web page: 
5. Technical Services and Library Home Pages 
Announcing - the brand new, totally revised Top 200 Techical Services 
Benefits of Library Home Page Development home page: 
Now equipped with directional frames, and expanded sections on 
Acquisitions, Cataloging, General, Serials, and Technical Services 
sections. I'm especially happy with the general section, but really all 
of the sections have been expanded and spruced up. And yes, in answer to 
your unspoken question, there are now approximately 600 "benefits" listed 
(Go figure ;-)  ) 
As always, I welcome any of your comments, suggestions, or criticisms. 
Barbara Stewart 
Latin American Cataloger 
W.E.B. DuBois Library 
University of Massachusetts Amherst 
Amherst MA 01003 
To unsubscribe from NetInLib-Announce,  
Social Research Update 
Social Research Update is a quarterly publication of the Department of 
Sociology at the University of Surrey, UK. Its purpose is to help social 
researchers keep up to date with developments in their field. Each issue 
covers developments in one specific topic. Past Updates have covered such 
issues as focus groups, correspondence analysis, visual research methods, 
archiving qualitative research data, and analyzing qualitative data by 
computer, among others. Each issue is accompanied by a bibliography for 
further research. [JS] 
The Scout Report's Web page: 
7. Editorial from Progressive Librarian #14 
Progressive Librarian #14, Spring 1998 
EDITORIAL:  Institutionalizing silence within ALA? 
Appearing in the "Documents" section of this issue of Progressive Librarian 
is "Librarians Against War: an open letter."  This letter expresses 
opposition to the US-planned bombing raids against Iraq that seemed 
imminent in mid-February.  Written by PL editor Mark Rosenzweig and 
initially circulated for signatures over the Internet on listservs 
maintained by PLG, the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) and the 
Council of the American Library Association (ALA), the letter was signed 
within a few days by 107 librarians across the U.S.  Released under the 
auspices of SRRT's governing Action Council, the letter appeared in both 
electronic and paper formats and was distributed to the library press, 
President Clinton, Secretary of State Madelaine Albright, and to members of 
both houses of Congress.   
Within a week of distribution, and just days before United Nation's General 
Secretary, Kofi Annan, successfully brokered a diplomatic settlement to the 
stand-off, SRRT's Action Council Coordinator was telephoned by ALA 
headquarters in Chicago with the request that SRRT not issue the anti-war 
statement on SRRT letterhead.  Headquarters also wanted a disclaimer 
indicating that views expressed did not reflect any official position of 
either the Executive Board or the Council of ALA.  It was feared that 
readers might believe the letter was issued by ALA, although it clearly 
states that signers are members of SRRT Action Council and supporters.  
The day following the telephone conversation, the SRRT Action Council 
coordinator received an e-mail message in which the request was changed - 
at the advice of ALA legal counsel!  Now, headquarters desired "that [SRRT] 
include the following phrase '...the Action Council of the Social 
Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association voices its 
opposition to the planned US-led attacks on the nation of Iraq.'"  The 
message, from acting ALA executive director Mary Ghikas, concluded, "I 
anticipate that the ALA Executive Board will address the broader issue 
beginning this spring."  The "broader issue" is understood to be the 
issuance of statements of a political nature by bodies within ALA. 
Those within the library community who appreciate the freedom SRRT 
exercises to express "the conscience of ALA" should follow closely the 
Executive Board's pending deliberations on this matter.   
Recent experience leads us to anticipate a further tightening of 
bureaucratic and procedural mechanisms within ALA designed to rein-in those 
voices within librarianship that insist on expressing support or opposition 
to social and political issues as the need arises.  Two examples from the 
not-so-distant past will remind us of the extent to which ALA will attempt 
to temper, alter, inhibit or control such expressions. 
Recall the debate that arose, during the January 1993 ALA midwinter 
convention, after librarians around the country received packages of 
posters, bookmarks and other materials promoting a joint ALA-McDonald's 
campaign "Together is better...let's read!"  All materials prominently 
featured the McDonald's  "golden arches" logo.  Sanford Berman, PLG and 
SRRT member, drafted a resolution that received immediate support from SRRT 
Action Council.  The resolution noted that the program "has resulted in an 
advertising windfall for McDonald's" and called upon ALA "to avoid 
collaborations or funding arrangements in the future that in effect equate 
books, reading, and libraries with hamburgers or other commodities."  (from 
Resolution on the "Together is Better" Reading Program, SRRT Action 
Council, 1/25/93.) 
As soon as supporters of the ALA-McDonald's project got wind of the SRRT 
statement, they countered it with one of their own and prevailed upon ALA 
Council to convey to McDonald's Council's  
sincere appreciation of [McDonald's] support, (past, present, and 
anticipated future), our assurance that the SRRT speaks for itself in this 
matter and not for the Association, and our hope that libraries that 
voluntarily decide to use the materials that have been sent to 16000 of 
them and order others through ALA Graphics, will find that the materials do 
indeed achieve their purpose:  to encourage more and more "reading 
together."  (from ALA Council Doc. #48, Midwinter 1993.) 
While, on one level, the action and reaction generated by this lively 
debate can be seen as evidence of a healthy democratic environment within 
ALA, it is disturbing that the substantive issues raised by SRRT (free 
advertisement and product identification with libraries) and the widespread 
anger expressed by many librarians who had received the unsolicited 
materials were completely ignored in the Council statement. 
More disturbing was ALA Council's recommendation, also in January 1993, to 
increase quorum at ALA Membership meetings.  This move came six months 
after the infamous Resolution on Israeli Censorship was passed, first by 
SRRT, then by ALA Membership, and finally by ALA Council - only to be 
rescinded by Council in January 1993.  Many believe the recommendation to 
raise quorum was a direct result of attempts to keep "controversial" issues 
from Council's agenda.  So far, it's worked fairly well, and not one ALA 
Membership meeting has taken place since.   
The ALA Executive Board's upcoming deliberations occur as ALA's 
president-elect (and, therefore, Exec. Board member) Anne Symons is 
circulating for discussion the draft of a document intended for the general 
public that outlines ALA's commitment to intellectual freedom.  At 
press-time the document concludes: 
...libraries in the U.S. can contribute to a world free of fear and want, a 
world which values  and protects freedom of speech, a world which tolerates 
cultural differences and respects individual beliefs, and a world where all 
are truly equal and free. 
How can libraries make any such contribution, if within ALA itself an 
atmosphere is created that causes librarians to become hesitant, cautiously 
circumspect or even fearful of voicing opposition to those political, 
social or "market" forces often responsible for generating, maintaining and 
promoting fear, want, intolerance and inequality around the globe?   
Being debated on the Internet right now is a resolution concerning the Boy 
Scouts of America and its discriminatory policy prohibiting atheists, 
agnostics and homosexuals from membership.  ALA continues to maintain 
official relations with BSA, in spite of ALA policies against affiliating 
with organizations that practice discrimination.  Another hot topic is the 
planned official visit of Anne Symons to Turkey, a country mired in some of 
the worst human rights abuses.  Nothing in Symons' description of her 
proposed trip indicates even any awareness of the state of intellectual and 
civil rights in Turkey, much less any plans to take the opportunity to meet 
with human rights supporters, or to establish relations with those who 
struggle against a repressive political regime.   
These will certainly not be the last controversial issues debated within 
ALA.  If ALA members, officers, staff and divisions are truly committed to 
a world free of fear and want, one characterized by commitment to 
intellectual freedom and human equality, then we must not be afraid to 
support those beliefs in word and deed - consistently.  We must ally 
ourselves with others who share those beliefs, and we must not let 
self-interest, political expediency or economic pressures provide excuses 
to restrain the expression of views that seek to put into practice our 
profession's highest values. 
Progressive Librarian #14, Spring 1998 
Editorial: Institutionalizing silence within ALA? 	page  1 
Garlic, Vodka, and the Politics of Gender: 
	Anti-intellectualism in American  
	Librarianship	  			page  5 
	by Michael Winter 
Competing Visions of Library Service 
	by France Bouthillier			page 13 
Growing Our Communications Future -  
	Access, Not Just Wires 
	by Karen Coyle				page 22 
The "Invisibles" - Lesbian Women as  
	Library Users 
	by Heike Seidel				page 34 
"Lesbians & Libraries" Resource List		page 41 
Outsourcing Federal Libraries 
	by R. Lee Hadden			page 44 
Librarians Against War: an open letter					 
	by Mark Rosenzweig			page 47 
Added Entries 
St. Petersburg NGO Libraries			page 51 
Notes on Contributors				page 54 
United Nations Investigator Calls on United States to Halt Executions 
Until it Can Ensure Fairness and Impartiality in Use [of] Capital 
Commission on Human Rights Report 
54th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or 
arbitrary executions (Bacre Waly Ndiaye of Senegal), in a report to the 
United Nations Commission on Human Rights 54th Session, has recommended 
that "the United States stop executions until it can ensure that death 
penalty cases are administered fairly and impartially, in accordance with 
due process." The recommendation is the result of an investigation that 
culminated in a visit by the Rapporteur to the US in September and October 
1997. A press release explains the rationale behind the recommendation. 
Full text of the report the press release is based on is available at the 
54th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights site, along 
with other information about the Session, including a large number of 
documents about the status of human rights around the world. [JS] 
The Scout Report's Web page: 
The Top 500 Corporations in America 
_Forbes_ 500 
_Fortune_ 500 
For those interested in top business lists, both _Forbes_ and _Fortune_ 
magazines have recently released their 1998 lists, based on 1997 
performance, of the largest corporations in America. The Forbes site 
contains a "super 100" list, based on an aggregate of sales, net profits, 
assets, and market value ranking. In addition, users can retrieve a company 
list sorted by any of those individual rankings, or search by name, state, 
or industry type. There is also a link to a relevant _Forbes_ story. The 
_Fortune_ 500 ranking is based on annual revenue. In addition, it contains 
industry medians, top performers, and a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) list, 
among other features. Each company in each listing is hyperlinked to more 
information about that company. [JS] 
The Scout Report's Web page: 
Katharine Sharp Review 
ISSN 1083-5261 
Katharine Sharp Review, the review of student scholarship in library and 
information science, announces the publication of issue No. 6, Winter 
1998.  KSR is published by the Graduate School of Library and Information 
Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 
Articles are available in both HTML and PDF formats. 
Table of contents: 
* Jonathan W. Estrin 
        Instructional Communication as a Core Service Competancy: 
        A Call for Curricular Change in Professional Library Education 
* Ali Al-Ghamdi, Mohsin Al-Harbi, Natalie A. B. Beacom, Jennifer Dedolph, 
  Marci Deignan, Charles Elftmann, Nancy Finley, LeAnn LoCicero, John 
  Middlecamp, Christine O'Regan, Faymarie Pluskota, Andrew A. Ritter, Scott 
  Russell, Irene Sabat, Joseph Schneider, Maria Schoeberl, Phyllis Tragash, 
  and Bonnie H. Withers 
        Authorship in JASIS: A Quantitative Analysis 
* Harold E. Thiele, Jr. 
        Appraisal, Provenance, and the Computer Revolution: 
        An Examination of Organizational Records in the Electronic Age 
* Eron Main 
        Records Management for Electronic Mail 
* Jonathan W. Estrin 
        From Bibliographic Instruction to Instructional Management: 
        A Process-Oriented Approach for Reengineering Library Instruction 
* Line Pouchard 
        Cataloging for Digital Libraries: 
        The TEI Scheme and the TEI Header 
-- Katharine Sharp Review is also available on the following mirror site: 
                 +                                   + 
                               Kevin Ward 
                         Katharine Sharp Review 
                 +                                   + 
Attention Students!! 
                     Second Call For Papers 
                     Katharine Sharp Review 
                  GSLIS, University of Illinois 
                         ISSN 1083-5261 
(This information can also be found at 
This is the second call for submissions to the Summer 1998 issue of the 
Katharine Sharp Review, the peer-reviewed e-journal devoted to student 
scholarship and research within the interdisciplinary scope of library and 
information science.  Submitting to KSR not only gives you the chance to 
publish some of your work, but gives you the opportunity to take part in 
the academic publishing process. 
All submissions should be received by Monday, May 11, 1998. 
Although it is not required for submission, we would appreciate an 
abstract (of 150-200 words) or indication of intention to submit. 
Submitted articles must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 
For more information, including instructions for authors, please see the 
KSR webpage at <> or email us at 
**If you know of other listservs or locations to which this call should 
be posted, please let us know, and feel free to distribute this call!** 
                 +                                   + 
                               Kevin Ward 
                         Katharine Sharp Review 
                 +                                   + 

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