Library Juice 2:13 - March 31

1. Intellectual Freedom Supplements to this week's Library Juice 
2. Yahoo Internet Life column on filtering 
3. Alaska Library Association Statement on Internet Filtering 
4. Maryland Library Association Statement on Electronic Access to Information 
5. LRB-2068/2 Requires Internet Filters (Wisconsin) 
6. Two articles on filtering 
7. American Libraries Online March 29 news stories (ad) 
8. "A collection of (mainly) special search engines 
9. ALA/SRRT Feminist Task Force Website 
10. NY Times article, "Gender Bias on Campus" 
11. Data Warehousing Career Newsletter 
12. Scout Report sources on Yugoslavia air strikes 
13. Long list of sources on the Balkans War, from AGITPROP NEWS 
14. Librarians Against the Bombing of Kosovo & Serbia 
15. "Big and Small Booksellers Take Battle Online" (article) 
16. Open Net, Padlocked Libraries (Excerpt from NETFUTURE #87) 
17. Materials relating to the Congress on Professional Education 
18. "What I Really Learned in Library School," by Karen Elliot 
19. Irene Newman's 104th Birthday 
20. Blue Moon today 
Quote for the week: 
"I love the smell of a desperate librarian." 
  -Principal Snyder to Mr. Giles (the librarian) on last night's 
   "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (3/29/99) 
1. Intellectual Freedom Supplements to this week's Library Juice: 
This week's Library Juice comes with two supplements, which are on the web. 
The first is a discussion on the ALA Council Listserv following the recent 
Filtering Summit.  It can be found at the URL: 
The second is selections from a discussion on LIBREF-L in December and 
January on the "tap on the shoulder" method of internet use policy 
enforcement.  This is followed by some questions from the editor that make 
an attempt at reaching the underlying issues.  It can be found at: 
2. Yahoo Internet Life column on filtering 
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 04:20:43 -0900 
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]> 
From: "Ann K. Symons" <symons[at]> 
Subject: Filtering 
Mime-Version: 1.0 
Reply-To: symons[at] 
Sender: owner-alacoun[at] 
FYI - A very interesting column in Yahoo Internet Life - with quotes from 
Karen Schneider. 
Charles Pappas 
Blocking Hate; Can Software Shield You from Extremist Sites 
Yahoo Internet Life, March 1999 
3. Alaska Library Association Statement on Internet Filtering 
The Alaska Library Association recognizes concerns regarding access 
to the Internet.  The use of Internet filters to prevent such access 
has been widely suggested, but poses many problems for libraries. 
Filters can block valuable information, thus preventing the library 
from fulfilling one of its primary missions.  In addition, filters may 
prove unconstitutional in public institutions, since some of the 
information they block is constitutionally protected speech. 
The Alaska Library Association does not recommend the use of Internet 
filters in libraries and emphatically opposes attempts by federal and 
state governments to mandate their use. 
4. Maryland Library Association Statement on Electronic Access to Information 
The Maryland Library Association supports the principle of open and 
equitable access to information and ideas, regardless of the format in 
which they exist.  The Association upholds the right of each person to 
electronically access constitutionally protected information and ideas 
in libraries.  The Association also upholds the confidentiality of 
user records as stated in State and Federal law. 
The Maryland Library Association reaffirms its endorsement of the 
American Library Association's intellectual freedom documents, 
including the Library Bill of Rights, the Interpretations of the 
Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read, the Statement of 
Professional Ethics and Libraries:  An American Value.  The 
Association also reaffirms its endorsement of the American Film and 
Video Association's Freedom to View Statement. 
Restrictions on electronic access to constitutionally protected 
information and ideas are not consistent with the Maryland Library 
Association's position on intellectual freedom and access to 
information.  Therefore the Maryland Library Association emphatically 
opposes any State or Federal government restrictions on electronic 
access to constitutionally protected information and ideas, including 
mandating the use of Internet filters in libraries. 
Adopted by the MLA Executive Board on March 16, 1999. 
5. LRB-2068/2 Requires Internet Filters (Wisconsin) 
From: Douglas Baker <dbaker[at]> 
Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 1:22 PM 
Subject: LRB-2068/2 Requires Internet Filters 
Representative Mike Huebsch (R- West Salem) has 
introduced a bill into the Assembly (now called 
LRB-2068/2) which will require ALL "educational agencies" 
which receive TEACH grants to install Internet filters. 
Failure to install the filter will make the agency 
ineligible for TEACH grants. 
"Educational agencies" means school districts, private 
schools, CESA's, technical colleges, private colleges, and 
public libraries. 
Federal courts have long held that there is a distinction 
between K-12 schools (which deal exclusively with minors) 
and postsecondary educational institutions.  Federal 
courts make the same distinction between school libraries 
and public libraries. 
Internet filtering by a public library has been ruled 
illegal by a Virginia federal court.  The court's opinion 
is available at 
 We must get the message out that no Internet filter works 
very well. Useful sites are made unavailable, and porno 
and hate sites slip by the filter. This arbitrarily 
restricts information to students and library customers; 
while at the same time, it gives parents a false sense of 
security that their kids can't get to porno sites. 
Doug Baker 
Kenosha Public Library 
812 56th Street 
PO Box 1414 
Kenosha, WI 53141-1414 
(414) 605-2160, Ext. 1024, Phone 
(414) 605-2170 FAX 
6. Two articles on filtering 
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:04:55 -0700 
From: James LaRue <jlarue[at]> 
To: mai[at] 
Subject: another link for you 
Stumbled across your page today, and thought I'd pass on the URL for a 
piece I wrote for the Colorado State Library and the Central Colorado 
Library System -- a primer for Trustees on what filtering is, does, and 
doesn't do. It's at 
Also, a good technical piece by a Colorado computer consultant about 
just why filtering CANNOT work: 
Keep up the great work. 
James LaRue  *  jlarue[at]  * 
Voice: (303) 688-8752   FAX: (303) 688-1942 
"When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better."  -- 
7. American Libraries Online March 29 news stories (ad) 
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 15:34:02 -0600 
From: "Gordon Flagg" <gflagg[at]> 
To: member-forum[at] 
Subject: American Libraries Online March 29 news stories (ad) 
Reply-To: member-forum[at] 
Sender: owner-member-forum[at] 
News stories appearing in the March 29 American Libraries Online 
*  U.S. News and World Report Ranks Library Schools 
*  First Lady Launches Children's Defense Fund Library 
*  ALA Washington Office Director Henderson Announces Retirement 
*  Internet Watchdogs Blast Overreach of SmartFilter 
*  ALA Voices Opposition to Database Protection Bill 
*  Phoenix Discards 2,000 Volumes Following Sewage Leak in Rest Room 
*  Oklahoma City Library Staff Members Robbed at Gunpoint 
*  Wellesley Fire Causes Little Damage 
*  Plano Children May Need Parents' OK to Surf at the Library 
*  Arizona Filtering-Mandate Bill Gains Ground 
*  Savannah Decision Delayed to Await Black Caucus Report 
*  Business Manager Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $400,000 
American Libraries' Web site also features the latest "Internet 
Librarian" columns by Karen Schneider; AL's "Career Leads" job ads; 
listings of conferences, continuing-education courses, exhibitions, 
and other events from AL's "Datebook"; and Tables of Contents for the 
current year. 
8. "A collection of (mainly) special search engines 
Dear colleagues, 
On   Feb 23 1999 03:57:00 GMT 
"Bidwell, Pam" <BidPam[at]> 
posted a question about free databases on the web. She got a few 
reactions by people mentioning several databases known to them. I 
would like to point out that there are already large collections of 
such databases on the Web, so that one doesn't have to rely on one's 
personal experience. You'll find them in the Databases part of my "A 
collection of (mainly) special search engines": 
Marten Hofstede 
from ResPool - 
9. ALA/SRRT Feminist Task Force Website 
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:29:51 -0400 
From: Rosemary McAndrew <mcandrew[at]> 
To: feminist[at] 
Subject: FTF WEB SITE 
Please take a look at our web site! 
Check out what's happening at ALA annual in New Orleans, e.g. Author's 
Breakfast or Women's Night Out; Sign on for the SHARE DIRECTORY; Read an 
Interview with Ginu Kamani (one of our Feminist Author's Breakfast 
participants from the San Francisco conference of '97); check out the 
feminist resources or send an email to me at my new address! 
Many thanks to Adriene Lim for her work on this. 
Rosemary McAndrew 
Co-Coordinator, Feminist Task Force 
10. NY Times article, "Gender Bias on Campus" 
The Sunday New York Times leading editorial today (March 28, 1999) 
is entitled Gender Bias on the Campus: 
       The American Association of University Professors last month 
       reported that the gap in salaries between male and female faculty 
       members of the same rank actually worsened from 1975 to 1998, even 
       though the proportion of women teaching at universities and colleges 
       grew over that period. Women are moving into academia in greater 
       numbers, but they seem to be less valued and more likely to be 
       relegated to lesser-paying jobs in lower-ranking institutions. 
for the entire editorial, 
11. Data Warehousing Career Newsletter 
Vance Bell wrote: 
From: vbell[at] (Vance Bell) 
Subject: Data Warehousing Career Newsletter 
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 13:32:21 -0500 (EST) 
Data Warehousing Career Newsletter 
Welcome to The Data Warehousing Career Newsletter! Established in 1996, 
The Data Warehousing Career Newsletter is the only publication of its 
kind. Each edition contains a sampling of data warehousing job 
opportunities, as well as news and views from the field, and articles on 
building and managing your d ata warehousing career. 
Rachel Meyers 
(From NewJour-L) 
12. Scout Report sources on Yugoslavia air strikes 
====== In The News ==== 
22. Airstrikes on Yugoslavia 
BBC News: Kosovo Crisis [RealPlayer, Frames] 
NATO Air Strikes Against Yugoslavia: "War in Europe" -- USIA 
Editorial Cartoons on Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia 
Kosovo Issue Area -- CDI 
Kosovo Crisis -- Jane's Defense Weekly 
Radio B92 Open Yugoslavia [RealPlayer] 
Kosova Crisis Center 
Serbia Info 
The major news story of the week is, of course, the airstrikes on 
Yugoslavia. For the first time in its 50-year history, NATO has made war on 
a sovereign nation that is outside of the alliance. The strikes have raised 
a host of troubling questions, and their impact on the humanitarian and 
political situation in Kosovo, the NATO alliance, US foreign policy, and 
NATO-Russian relations remains to be seen. In addition to their favorite 
online news sites, interested users will want to examine some of the 
following resources. Always a dependable and thorough news source, the BBC 
has posted a special report on the bombing, with breaking news, analysis, 
and an interactive map. The US Information Agency (USIA) has compiled a 
very large selection of excerpts from editorials on the strikes from 
newspapers worldwide, organized by region. Users interested in how the 
crisis has been represented by editorial cartoonists around the world will 
want to visit the sizable and constantly-updated collection of cartoons at 
Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonist Index. More detailed analysis is 
provided at the Center for Defense Information's (CDI) Kosovo Issue Area, 
which features maps, reports, fact sheets, and related links. Users curious 
about the military aspects of the operation will be hard-pressed to find a 
more authoritative site than Jane's Defense Weekly. Jane's Kosovo feature 
offers analysis, reference information on the military forces and 
equipment, and background on the political and ethnic situation in the 
region. Radio Station B92, one of the most prominent independent voices in 
Yugoslavia, was shut down by the authorities on March 23. However, a number 
of online mirror sites in Europe and the US have banded together to 
distribute B92 broadcasts and written reports via this site. Given the 
uncertainties of the situation and today's decree banning all contact with 
the foreign media, these reports may be sporadic or may stop at any time. 
Finally, for news from a pro-Kosovar independence viewpoint or a 
pro-Serbian viewpoint, users should visit the Kosova Crisis Center and 
Serbian Info site, respectively. Users interested in additional resources 
for understanding the Balkans and the diplomatic fallout of the strikes 
will find a number of items in the Scout Report Signpost the Scout Report's 
database. These include the International Crisis Group (ICG) South Balkans 
Reports Index, RAND reports on US and Russian Policymaking with Respect to 
the Use of Force, and The Department of Defense's BosniaLINK. [MD] 
International Crisis Group (ICG) South Balkans Reports Index 
U.S. and Russian Policymaking with Respect to the Use of Force 
The Department of Defense's BosniaLINK 
>From the Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999. 
13.  Long list of sources on the Balkans War, from AGITPROP NEWS 
Version 2.0 
Updated on March 28, 1998 
Send new links to iconmedia[at] 
CNN: Strike on Yugoslavia 
Washington Post: Balkans Special Report 
France Press 
BBC: Kosovo Crisis, Balkan Flashpoint 
Anti-NATO web site 
Common Dreams News Center 
eGroups: Kosovo Reports 
Kosovo Dies For Independence, Out There News 
Press Now 
Z Magazine on U.S./NATO Bombings 
Bombing Serbia is Dangerously Counterproductive, by Jonathan Power 
Email Assist for Yugoslavia, by Leander Kahney 
Frontline Documentary on Slobodan Milosevic 
Kosovo's Slippery Slope by George Kenney, In These Times 
Net Dispatches from Kosovo's War, by Leander Kahney and James Glave 
Notes on the Kosovo Problem and the International Community by Diane 
Johnstone, Dialogue 
Prospects for Peace in Kosovo by Howard Clark 
Yugoslav Net at the Brink, by Leander Kahney 
Amnesty International: The Road to Kosovo 
Balkan Action Council 
Balkan Internet Resources 
Balkan's Page 
Central Europe Online 
Human Rights Watch: Kosovo Focus on Human Rights 
Institute for War and Peace Reporting 
International Action Center 
Kosovo Crisis Center 
Kosovo Info 
Kosovo Privacy Project: Service of 
One World: Special News Reports 
Transnational Center for Peace 
Center for Defense Information: Kosovo Site 
Cloud Cover Over Kosovo: Satellite Images 
Federation of American Scientist's Military Analysis Network 
Jane's Defense Weekly 
Pentagon's Operation Allied Force 
UK Ministry of Defense: Kosovo 
US Air Force News: Crisis in Kosovo 
US Information Agency: Kosovo 
US State Department: Special Section on Kosovo 
Yugoslavia Foreign Ministry 
Yugoslavia Ministry of Information 
Yugoslavia Official Web Site 
Our site A Luta Contiinua 
is already featuring 80 entries against NATO aggressions to Yugoslavia. 
Please, do forward 
Give us the chance to say things are not the way Mr. Clinton says. 
The following, all on ZNet, can be reached via the top page at 
The Current Bombings: Behind the Rhetoric - Noam Chomsky 
Essay on the context, rationales, and true motives... 
Thoughts About Bombings - Michael Albert 
Why the bombings, why now, what's in the future... 
War is Peace? - Andre Gunder Frank 
Contextualizing the history and particularly the role of NATO 
David McReynolds on NATO/Kosovo 
The quandry of bombing's opponents and the issues involved 
Bombing Serbia... - Stephen Zunes 
...why didn't the prior non-violent efforts by the Kosovars attract 
A Call for a New Peace Front - Jan Myrdal 
A reaction to the boming in context and looking forward... 
Comment from TFF on NATO/KOSOVO 
Some short and potent arguments/claims... 
NATO's Humanitarian Trigger - Diana Johnstone 
Some background regarding the ethnic hostilities and current crisis 
Another Diana Johnstone Link 
A major essay on the entire regional problem...with a minority but highly 
informed perspective. 
Holbrooke, Timor, and Kosovo 
Holbrooke's history reveals current hypocrisy very graphically 
A Very Instructive Satire 
Reworking Clinton's speech to refer to Japan bombing New Mexico on behalf 
 of Latinos here...funny and insightful 
From: "Rollo Tomassi" <DR.HILARIUS[at]> 
From: "Antti.rautiainen" <antti.rautiainen[at]> 
To: Dion Giles <dgiles[at]> 
<alter-ee[at]> <caravan99[at]> 
These ones are from albanian perspective. 
Kosova Crisis Center 
Albanian news from Romania 
Massacres by Serbians 
Antti Rautiainen - antti.rautiainen[at] 
Kaikki mit” et halunnut tiet”” j””kaapistasi! 
Email: lamp[at]   -   Website: 
To subscribe to AGITPROP NEWS, 
the LAMP weekly digest of news and humor for artists and activists: 
Send to: listserv[at] 
Message: subscribe agitprop_news (Your Name) your[at]address 
14. Librarians Against the Bombing of Kosovo & Serbia 
Socially responsible and progressive librarians and library workers oppose 
the US-led NATO military attacks on Yugoslavia's Kosovo and Serbia. This is 
the wrong means to the just end of ending Serbia's repression of Kosovo's 
Albanian majority. Missiles and bombs will not resolve this conflict and, 
as an intervention in an internal civil conflict involving an undeclared 
war against a sovereign nation, will only fan the flames of ethnic hatreds. 
It must be noted that NATO and the US ignored the peaceful and organized 
protests of the Kosovars beginning in 1989 when Milosevic revoked the 
autonomy of the Kososvo region, It was not until the emergence last year of 
the violent and ultra-nationalist  Kosovo Liberation Front that the world 
and the US government took notice. Eight years passed during which the 
problem could have been addressed diplomatically. Now, with the bombing 
underway, the Serbs will use the opportunity to crush all organized 
Albanian resistance. 
There is no doubt that the current crisis in Kososvo,as previously in 
Bosnia, is a result of Serbian extremism and ethnic nationalism. Bombing 
Serbia is, however, not the only alternative. Indeed, it strengthens 
Milosovic's ultranationalistic appeal, while it is unlikely to create 
anything but disorder and dissaray  and an atmosphere in which the 
important Serbian democratic movement will find it impossible to develop. 
We must find a way through the UN and renewed, patient and skillful 
diplomacy to assure autonomy for Kosovo and stay the hand of Milosovic. 
We suggest the massive deployment of UN observers between the two 
sides and further negotiations involving truly "mixed," representative 
There is, of course, a great deal of hypocrisy involved in the US concern 
for the Kosovars when one considers the indifference  of the US to the similar 
plight of the Kurds, suffering at the hands of our ally Turkey. Be that as 
it may, the policy being pursued now, in which NATO and the US in 
particular bomb Serbia until Milosevic says "uncle", cannot be the only 
alternative. If it is, how many innocent Serbs will die, how much of Serbia 
will be destroyed, laid waste, while Milosevic hunkers down for the 
duration and, worse, uses this period to unleash terror against all 
opponents including but not restricted to the KLA? 
We say 
Support the democratic movement in Serbia. 
End the senseless and counterproductive bombing. 
[to add your signature to this letter, please write to Mark Rosenzweig at 
15. "Big and Small Booksellers Take Battle Online" (article) 
forwarded by Sandy Berman 
March 29, 1999 
Big and Small Booksellers Take Battle Online 
Ever since the first mega-bookstore rolled into the 
suburban strip mall, small independent booksellers have 
cried foul, accusing the chains of big-foot practices. 
Now the wailing can be heard in cyberspace. 
The independents are rankled over advertising deals that 
Internet search engines like Yahoo, Lycos, Excite, Hotbot, 
which is a unit of Wired Digital, and Alta Vista have 
forged with the two biggest on-line bookstores -- and, a joint venture of 
Barnes & Noble and Bertelsmann. Under those deals, a 
user's Web search, almost regardless of the topic, will 
yield a list of search results accompanied by a banner ad 
for Amazon or -- whether a book on that 
topic exists or not. Even more grating, the independents 
say, is that when someone searches specifically for an 
independent bookseller by name, they may still be served 
up an ad for or Barnesandnoble .com. In some 
instances, the ads actually purport to carry a book about 
the independent bookseller. 
Search on Lycos for Bookstreet, an independent bookseller 
in Ukiah, Calif., for example, and you get a hot-link ad 
-- one that requires just one click to move to the 
advertiser's Web site -- that says "Books about Bookstreet 
at" Likewise, a Yahoo search for 
Powell's Books in Portland, Ore., brings up a hot link to 
"Books about Powell's Books at" 
Some of the approximately 3,000 independents that sell 
books on line contend that the practice is fraudulent: 
often, such books do not exist. It is also 
anticompetitive, they contend, comparing it to someone 
from Barnes & Noble walking into a small bookstore and 
pasting up ads to lure customers away. 
John Conroy, vice president of Soda Creek Press, a small 
publisher that operates the Web site, said 
that many of the independents have discussed the issue 
informally among themselves, but had not decided on a 
course of action. 
Barnes & Noble insists that nothing sinister is afoot. 
"Banner technology does not discriminate," Ben Boyd, a 
Barnes & Nobel spokesman, said. 
His company's advertising deals with the search services 
simply call for a banner ad to pop up, whatever the topic 
entered into the search box. "If you type in 1-2-3 the 
same thing happens." (He's right. Such a search elicits 
this hot link: "Books about 1-2-3 at") 
The controversy is parallel to complaints earlier this 
year by EstÈe Lauder and Playboy Enterprises, which each 
filed lawsuits against Excite on similar grounds. EstÈe 
Lauder is suing, for example, because a search for "Estee 
Lauder" on Excite brings up banner ads for an on-line 
retailer, the Fragrance Counter. In its ads, the Fragrance 
Counter portrays itself as a reseller of EstÈe Lauder 
products, which it is not. 
16. Open Net, Padlocked Libraries (Excerpt from NETFUTURE #87) 
NETFUTURE reader and educator, Jamie McKenzie, not known as a technology 
refuser, has sounded an alarm about our "ill-considered affair with 
networked information".  In his online article, "A Brave New World of 
Padlocked Libraries and Unstaffed Schools", he worries that 
   the story of declining funding and the padlocking of libraries goes 
   unmentioned by most of the "legitimate press" as stories of Internet 
   stocks and futures dominate their pages and screens. 
The article is mostly a collection of reports McKenzie has gathered from 
educators in the trenches.  These reports support the notion -- certainly 
familiar to NETFUTURE readers -- that 
   in some places, the pressures to network schools are so intense that 
   priorities are severely skewed in order to find the funding for the 
   equipment.  The hardware effort drains resources away from essential 
   school programs and often leaves the school or district without the 
   funding to provide a robust professional development program or 
   sufficient technical support.  Networks arrive with enormous appetites 
   for dollars and staff time.  Feeding the "network beast" becomes a 
   preoccupation.  ( 
I have the vague impression that the occasional skeptical voice such as 
McKenzie's is more discernible within the general technological fervor of 
the mainstream press than was the case a couple of years ago.  Just 
recently the *New York Times* ran an article in its education section 
under the title, "Amid Clamor for Computer in Every Classroom, Some 
Dissenting Voices" (Mar. 17), and Pamela Mendels regularly gives play to 
such voices in the online version of the *Times*. 
I wonder, though, whether, as a society, we will ever wake up from the 
strange collective trance whereby we sleepwalked our way into a hugely 
expensive computerization of education without ever having thought to ask 
what educational goal we were aiming for -- let alone whether 
computerization would serve that goal. 
An article here and there notwithstanding, I don't see many signs of the 
waking up.  The scary thing is that the computers we have so automatically 
yielded to are the perfect instruments for training us toward the kind of 
sleepwalking state that makes further yielding more likely -- so much so 
that few people today even recognize any longer how unhumanlike is the 
one-sidedly algorithmic nature of the computer's re-shaping of our 
activities.  The logic of algorithms can indeed flow automatically, and we 
all too easily move with that logic, for it is usually the path of least 
resistance.  Might we be locking ourselves into a downward spiral from 
which escape will be ever more difficult? 
(Thanks to Nelson Logan for bringing McKenzie's article to my attention.) 
From NETFUTURE Issue #87, March 30, 1999 
On the Web: 
17. Materials relating to the Congress on Professional Education 
Forwarded for Mary Ghikas by Don Wood: 
**Please pass the following along to all appropriate lists.** 
Materials relating to the Congress on Professional Education are on 
the ALA website -- 
There are a number of commissioned or contributed papers, as well as 
other background materials, at the website or linked to the website -- 
with more to come. 
A discussion list has also been opened to encourage broad 
conversation on the issues to be covered by the Congress.  That list 
of open now and will remain open for approximately 30 days following 
the conclusion of the Congress. 
To subscribe: 
Send an email message to LISTPROC[at]ALA.ORG.  Leave the subject line 
blank (or, if your system requires a subject line, enter "subscribe" 
-- *without* quotation marks).   As the *only* line of text enter the 
subscribe edcongress [Your First Name] [Your Last Name].  Do not 
include the brackets in the message. 
You will also find lists and subscription information on the ALA 
18. "What I Really Learned in Library School," by Karen Elliot 
>From MSRRT Newsletter, Spring '99 (new) issue, available at: 
What I Really Learned in Library School 
By Karen Elliott 
Creativity is prized only if it will get you future employment. 
Working in teams is good. Autonomy is bad. 
Never assist your classmates with homework assignments if you are not 
specifically told to work in groups. 
Looking in two or three sources is not enough to sufficiently answer a 
reference question. Trying at least two print sources, two websites, and 
perhaps a Dialog search is ideal. 
Sucking up really does get you somewhere. 
Libraries are never about politics. Libraries are always about politics. 
Taking a business administration approach to librarianship is to be desired. 
All intelligent and talented librarians invariably wind up working in the 
private sector, as well they should. 
If you feel like you're in an MBA program instead of an MLS program, it 
must be a good school. 
"Librarian" might be a dirty word. Use "information professional" to be on 
the safe side. 
If you don't want to learn programming or how to implement databases, you 
have no ambition. 
If you don't want to go into administration, you have no ambition. 
Reference librarians answer over 50% of reference questions incorrectly 
because they didn't go to our school. 
All good reference librarians want to become information brokers or 
information consultants. 
All good catalogers want to catalog Internet sources and nothing else. They 
should also be experts in SGML and metadata, otherwise they are not 
to be taken seriously. 
Outsourcing the cataloging of all printed materials is a good idea. 
Children's librarians are masochists. Nobody understands them and nobody 
wants to. 
Anyone without an MLS who calls herself a librarian has delusions of grandeur. 
Taking yourself and your chosen profession less than seriously is verboten. 
Distinguish yourself only by scholastic achievements and not by personality 
Collection development is all about balancing budgets and dealing with 
vendors. No intellectual activity should be required. 
Filtering the Internet is bad unless: a) it's the children's section, or b) 
your library board wants it. 
While corporate librarianship is ideal, academic librarianship can also be 
acceptable if it is in an ACRL institution and you are tenure-track 
Political activism isn't allowed at work. Unless you win. 
If you can't quote Ranganathan's five laws of library science verbatim, you 
Don't wonder (aloud) why the techies in your department aren't in computer 
science degree programs. 
Don't expect any of your professors to have worked in an actual library any 
time in the past 20 years. 
Don't expect any of your professors to have worked in an actual library any 
time ever. 
19. Irene Newman's 104th Birthday 
William Gordon wrote: 
17)  Following is a copy of the letter I have sent to Miss 
Irene Newman of Stoughton, Wisconsin to congratulate her 
on her 104th birthday, and career as a librarian.  Miss 
Newman was brought to my attention by Erlene Bishop 
Killeen, Council-at-Large. 
   Dear Miss Neuman 
   It is my great pleasure to offer you 
congratulations on your recent 104th birthday.  I was 
fascinated to read your story in the Stoughton Courier Hub 
and to learn of your long and distinguished career in 
   Our records show that you joined the American 
Library Association on January 1, 1927 and that you have 
been a member without interruption for 73 years.  On 
behalf of ALA, I'd like to thank you for your lifetime 
support of our association.  Your commitment and 
dedication over the years is remarkable. 
   Please accept my best wishes for many more 
healthy and productive years. 
20. Blue Moon Today 
forwarded by Fred Stoss 
Here comes the Blue Moon...03/30/99 
(NASA) The second Blue Moon of 1999 can been seen this Wednesday night 
when the moon becomes full at 2200 UT. To see the moon simply go outside 
shortly after sunset. It will be shining brightly just above the eastern 
horizon. By midnight it will rise high in the southern sky and illuminate 
the landscape with bright moonlight. 
The moon won't appear to be blue on Wednesday. It's called a "Blue Moon" 
by astronomers simply because it will be the second full moon in the month 
of March. The moon has assumed a bluish color at times in the past, for 
example after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1853 filled our atmosphere with 
obscuring dust, but such events are unrelated to the term "Blue Moon" as 
it is used today. 
According to research by folklorist Philip Hiscock the term "Blue Moon" is 
at least 400 years old, but its popular meaning has shifted many times. 
The earliest known references to a blue moon were intended as examples of 
obvious absurdities. If a 16th century person asserted "That's as likely 
as a Blue Moon", they meant that it simply couldn't be. 
As time passed the expression evolved to mean something that rarely or 
never happened. Hence the expression "Once in a Blue Moon" which is still 
popular today. A second, modern definition of a Blue Moon as the second 
full moon in a calendar month was apparently introduced to popular culture 
by a mistake in the magazine Sky & Telescope 53 years ago. (The author 
recommends this month's excellent article in Sky & Telescope on the 
history of the Blue Moon.) (To which the sender recommends the following 
Web sites from Sky & Telescope: 
Whats a Blue Moon? 
Once in a Blue Moon 
With Spring beginning in the northern hemisphere and the nights growing 
warmer, this week should be a pleasant opportunity to view the second Blue 
Moon of 1999. While Blue Moons may not be as rare as commonly thought, 
they can be like all full moons a sight of rare beauty. 
Best Wishes, 
Mitch Battros 
Producer - Earth Changes TV 
  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E 
| Except where noted, items appearing in Library Juice 
| are copyright-free, so feel free to share them with 
| colleagues and friends.  Library Juice is a free weekly 
| publication edited by Rory Litwin.  Original senders 
| are credited wherever possible; opinions are theirs. 
| Your comments and suggestions are welcome. 
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