Library Juice 2:27 - July 14, 1999
L'edition le meilleur
1. Today is Bastille Day
2. French National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale) online catalog
3. Tour de France
4. The battle continues at KPFA
5. An open letter to ALA members from Sandy Berman
6. A2A - Access to Archives (archive web directory in progress)
7. U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian is back!
8. Carol Reid's "Bad Libraries" article updated
9. Globalization Bibliography
10. Your Nation -
11. Meta Search Engine for Searching Multiple Human Rights Sites
12. Letter from Sandy Berman on Poor People's Policy resolution
13. Facts About The "Booming" U.S. Economy
14. A Short History of the US Working Class (review)
15. Hypertext Library Lingo - a glossary
16. New Online: Gateway To Interent Resources For Librarians
17. Planning and Building Libraries
18. Dr. Laura: Wronging rights in the library
19. Anti-Dr. Laura Graphic for use on websites
20. "I liked Powell's Speech," by David Burt
21. Toward a new definition of "community values?"
22. "How to Communicate with your Spanish Employees"
23. Languages on the Web
24. Feline Conservation Center (FCC)
Quote for the week:
"It is especially the narrowing of the range of public discourse in a
market-dominated information industry that requires vigilant librarians
who recognize that libraries in a corporate sense symbolize the totality
of human knowledge in all modes of knowing. As consumers of information
products, library systems could, for example, use their collective
purchasing power to remain critical of the ethical consequences of
convergence and concentration industry trends for their collection
and interpretive functions."Archie L. Dick, "Epistemological Positions in Library and Information
Science," _Library Quarterly_, Vol. 69, no. 3, July 1999, pp. 305-323
Home page of the week:
Deborah Richards page, "POOKLAND"
1. Today is Bastille Day
Explanation of Bastille Day of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Aug 1798
The Marseillaise:
Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé.
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé.Arise, children of the nation!
Our day of glory is here.
For against us we see raised
Tyranny's bloody banner!____________________________________________________________________________
2. French National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale) online catalog
The Catalogue of the French National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale) is
online at English version of the interface is promised.
The main index, BN-OPALE PLUS announces 7 million index entries, describing
8 million documents stored by the library since the 16th century, when King
François I enacted a law obliging printers to provide one copy of every
book published in France to the library.--
David Sharp - Equipe Web/Web Content Team, AFP News Agency <>
Dépt. Multimédia, AFP, 13 place de la Bourse, 75002 Paris, France
Tel 331 40 41 47 92. Fax 331 40 41 45 72
E-mail -[at] ICQ: 16881741Note: Library Juice has covered the BNF in these past issues:
Library Juice 1:39 -
Library Juice 1:43 -
Library Juice 2:19 -
3. Tour de France
le Tour de France [.pdf]
_Bicycling Magazine_ 1999 Tour de France Center
ESPN Tour de France Multimedia [RealPlayer] marks the 86th Tour de France, the most prestigious bicycle race
in the world. On July 3rd, 180 riders (20 teams of 9) began this
year's 23 day, 20 stage (plus a prologue), 2,200+ mile race. The race
includes eleven flat, three mountain, and four high mountain stages,
as well as two time trials (each rider alone against the clock). The
official Tour site is presented in four languages (French, English,
German, and Spanish) and includes detailed information on both the
riders and the stages (including DHTML-enhanced maps), as well as
live updates during each stage. _Bicycling Magazine_'s site also
includes live coverage of the race, previews of the day ahead, and
special coverage of the US Postal Team's effort this year. ESPN and
ABC have teamed up to provide a multimedia section showing the last
few minutes of each day's race in RealPlayer format. They also
provide video of historic Tour de France moments dating back to 1989.
[PMS]>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.
4. The battle continues at KPFA
Last night (Tuesday, July 13) Pacifica Corporation took over the airwaves
at KPFA, forcibly removing the station's regular broadcaster. For info on
the crisis, the flashpoint in the corporate media's cold war, go to these
http://www.savepacifica.netPacifica's site is also worth a look - - but
keep in mind that they are the party with the upper hand in this conflict,
which has involved arrests and shootings (that's right, guns). KPFA was
the country's first public radio station and its collective leadership
has been cast to the four winds by the increasingly corporate controlled
Pacifica Foundation.See Library Juice 2:17 for information on a project aimed at preserving
the Pacifica Archives at KPFA:
5. An open letter to ALA members from Sandy Berman
Dear Friends,
Early in March, hoping to prevent other colleagues from undergoing
the same denial of on-the-job intellectual freedom that I was
experiencing at Hennepin County Library, I proposed this resolution
to the ALA Council:WHEREAS the American Library Association is firmly committed to
human rights and freedom of expression (POlicies 53 and 58.4.1);
andWHEREAS candid, robust debate is essential to the making of sound
policy; andWHEREAS library staff do not universally enjoy the right to openly
discuss library and professional issues without fear of reprisal;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that ALA Council amends the Library Bill
of Rights (53.1) by adding:
7) Libraries should permit and encourage a full and free
expression of views by staff on professional and policy
E.J. Josey, Marice J. Freedman, Tamara Miller, and Gretchen Wronka
(Minnesota Chapter Councilor) seconded the resolution.On Tuesday, June 29th, in New Orleans, ALA Council overwhelmingly
voted to refer the amendment to its Committee on Professional Ethics,
which presumably will report back in six months, perhaps recommending
new language for the ethics code.While some sympathetic Council members supported the referral as a
way to at least keep the proposal alive, I opposed it.The arguments favoring referral largely asserted that the Library
Bill of Rights was exclusively user-centered and that the document
itself was now tantamount to holy writ, not to be frivolously
desecrated by the unanointed. This is what I said:1) The focus is entirely on free speech, which perfectly
harmonizes with the tone and substance of the Library Bill of
Rights; and 2) hardly anyone, in truth, sees or reads the code
of ethics, but the Library Bill of Rights is often laminated,
framed, displayed, and even distributed to public and
staff--and thus seems an ideal vehicle for stating with equal
firmness and clarity that library resources *and* employees
should be uncensored.I added that the speech-climate within a library could directly
impact user resources, access, and services, particularly if staff
were unable to openly and fully discuss such basic matters as
cataloging policy, fee-based activities, and collection development.To thwart the ALA "establishment" from burying or muting this vital
issue, and to concretely establish free speech rights for all library
staff, I invite every ALA member to contact both the Ethics and
Intellectual Freedom Committees, demanding that the amendment as
originally proposed be speedily added to the Library Bill of Rights.Yours for an unmuzzled profession,
Sanford Berman
Former ALA Councilor-at-LargeJuly 6, 1999
Library Bill of Rights:
6. A2A - Access to Archives (archive web directory in progress)
The A2A - Access to Archives website is now live at'll be updating the site as the project develops over the
coming months -in addition, suggestions for information
you'd like to see here, or links, would be welcomed.Margaret Procter
Communications Officer
A2A Steering Group----------------------
University of Liverpool Library
PO Box 123
Liverpool L69 3DA
Tel: 0151 794 5675
Fax: 0151 794 5417
7. U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian is back!
Several folks asked, so here is info on The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian
Here is the subscription info from the latest (#110) issue of _The
U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian: the "how I run my library good" letter (sm)_:Published four times a year. US $48.00. Many back issues in print -- US
$12.00 each (First issue -- Fall 1971) Canandian and foreign postage and
handling -- US $2.00 per issue ($8. per year); foreign airmail -- US $5.00
per issue ($20. per year)Marvin H. Scilken M.L.S., Creator, Mary P. Scilken, Editor and Publisher.
The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian G.P.O. Box 2631, New York NY 10116. Fax
212-691-3807.Michael A. Golrick mgolrick[at]
Southern Connecticut Library Council
2911 Dixwell Ave, Suite 201
Hamden CT 06518-3130voice: 203-288-5757
fax: 203-287-0757Connecticut Library Association President 1999/2000
Connecticut Chapter Councilor
8. Carol Reid's "Bad Libraries" article updated
Carol Reid writes that the version of her "Bad Libraries" article
published in Library Juice last week contained some factual errors.
She has corrected them and made some other changes to the article
as well. The updated article can be found in the web version of
Library Juice 2:26, at .
The article is about offenses to truth and justice at the hands
of various North American library directors, but has a happy ending.
9. Globalization Bibliography
Hey all, please stop by my new globalization bibliography site.
Suggestions and submissions are welcomed.Kinsey
Ta ta for now.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.(sent to librarians[at]
10. Your Nation -
This database provides an interface to data from the CIA
Factbook and other sources. You can compare any data
element of two countries, find the top five countries for
any data element, or look at all data elements for a
particular country. You can also compare data values
against another data value (for instance, see the population
of two countries as per total land area) using a modifier. -rs
From Librarians' Index to the Internet
11. Meta Search Engine for Searching Multiple Human Rights Sites
Recently unveiled by the Human Rights Library of the University of
Minnesota (originally reviewed in the January 5, 1996 Scout Report), this
new search engine will be welcomed by researchers and activists in human
rights. Searchable by keyword and several optional operators (Boolean,
proximity, truncation), the engine retrieves data from any or all of the 23
different rights-related sites that users select. Interestingly, returns
are presented "as is" from the source pages (with page header, images, and
unique formats) but combined into a single results page. A test search for
"Northern Ireland" on four selected sites returned over 40 results. Direct
links to the featured databases and, in some cases, their search tips pages
are also provided. [MD]>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.
12. Letter from Sandy Berman on Poor People's Policy resolution
July 3, 1999
_American Libraries_
50 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611Dear Colleagues,
On June 29th, in New Orleans, ALA Council refused to approve the
"Resolution on the Subject Heading Revisions Related to the 'Poor
People's Policy" that had been introduced at the 1999 Midwinter
Meeting and subsequently referred to ALCTS for comment. That vote
derived, in part, from an error-ridden, LC-idolizing, alibi-laden
"background paper" by the Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) chair,
coupled with appallingly elitist, condescending, and user-unfriendly
remarks made by ALCTS leaders and allied Councillors (one alleging
that making recommendations directly to LC catalogers would be like
telling reluctant teenagers how to behave, only making them more
defiant, and another claiming that outsiders' suggestions for new or
reformed subject headings should always be "strenuously resisted"!).The resolution itself sprang from the "Poor People's Policy"
injunction to "promote the ready accessibility of print and nonprint
materials that honestly address the issues of poverty and
homelessness, that deal with poor people in a respectful way, and
that are of practical use to low-income persons." As slightly
emended, it *urged* the Library of Congress to "a) replace PUBLIC
WELFARE and WELFARE ADMINISTRATION; b) humanize the current heading,
POOR, by transforming it into POOR PEOPLE; and c) swiftly establish
and assign" some 39 "warranted and essential headings related to
poverty and social policy," including CHILDREN OF UNEMPLOYED PARENTS,
and WORKING POOR PEOPLE.Every one of the proposed descriptors had been innovated at Hennepin
County Library, freqently in the course of handling materials already
cataloged by LC. Contrary to the "background paper" assertions,
cross-references, public notes, usage-examples, and
assignment-citations have been routinely reported to both the Subject
Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) and LC's Cataloging POlicy and
Support Office by means of the bimonthly _HCL cataloging bulletin_.Typically, there has been no explanation for rejecting or ignoring
particular forms. However, LC lately *did* dismiss CORPORATE WELFARE
as a partisan, editorial buzzword--even though HCL created that
heading in December 1995 and has ever since recorded and forwarded
usage-examples and assignments, now truly overwhelming, which clearly
indicate "literary warrant" and its applicability to actual library
materials.The lame and hoary argument against humanizing POOR is that too many
authority and bibliographic records would have to be modified. And
to explain the contrast between the two extant headings, POOR and
RICH PEOPLE, LC stated"Poor" is an original subject heading, established in 1898, that
followed a pattern, prevalent at the time, of referring to groups
of people in this manner, similar to "Blind" or "Deaf." "Rich
people," however, was established in 1996 and follows the current
pattern of including "people" in the heading.It appears that "historic preservation" now justifies retaining
obsolete, Victorian terminology.Libraries are regularly touted as "bulwarks of democracy," but how
can they usefully support or contribute to public policy debates when
such genuine issues or concepts as classism, corporate power, living
wage laws, and corporate welfare can't even be searched in library
catalogs?This resolution doesn't *require* LC to do anything. It merely
"urges" them to improve access to poverty and social policy topics.
And that doesn't seem like to much for the profession to ask--without
a SAC Task Force first agonizing over every already-researched and
worked-our proposal and, in all likelihood, finally accepting LC's
stock, head-in-the-sand excuses for not doing anything at all.Sanford Berman
Former Chair, SRRT Task Force on Hunger, Homelessness, and Poverty
Former Head Cataloger, Hennepin County LibraryEdina, MN
bc: Library Juice
13. Facts About The "Booming" U.S. Economy
In the 1970s, the top 1 percent of households had about 20 percent of
the national wealth. This was widely considered excessive. Today,
the number is over 40 percent and climbing.Thirty years ago, about 10 percent of American households were broke,
with a net worth of zero or less. fifteen years ago, the number was
about 15 percent. Today the number is almost 20 percent.Adjusting for inflation, blue-collar workers are making less than
they did a quarter-century ago. The U.S. savings rate is now
negative 0.5 percent, the lowest level since the early Depression.Most Americans have a lower net worth than they did 15 years ago,
when the greatest stock market rally in history began. the bottom
two-fifths of households have lost about 80 percent of their average
net worth. The middle fifth has lost about 11 percent. The richest
1 percent of America owns more wealth than the entire bottom 95
percent combined, and the inequality is increasing.Twenty years ago, a typical big-time corporate CEO was paid about 40
times what an average worker received. CEOs today are paid almost
420 times as much. As CEO of Genreal Electric, Jack Welch has
eliminated 128,000 jobs. But GE stock has appreciated about 40-fold,
even adjusting for inflation. So Jack Welch is paid $83.6 million.Meanwhile, after what economists will soon call the longest economic
expansion in U.S. history, 20 percent of all American children now
grow up in poverty. And Money magazine can write "Everyone's Getting
Rich!" in giant letters across the cover...(This is snipped from an article by Bob Harris in the new issue of
Extra!, the quarterly magazine published by Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting. [ ] The figures come from the economic
watchdog group United for a Fair Economy, whose reports can be found
14. A Short History of the US Working Class (review)
From Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Centuryby Paul Le Blanc
Illustrations by Mike Alewitz
"An excellent overview, enhanced by a valuable glossary, chronology, and
bibliography. A must for all students of U.S. labor history."
---Elaine Bernard, director of the Harvard Trade Union Program"A compelling, lucid, and concise history of the U.S. working class. . . .
Le Blanc is passionately committed to the labor movement, but he does not
gloss over the many divisions which have plagued it---slavery, racism,
sexism, corruption, and anti-communism. This is popular historical writing
at its best and will be of great interest to students and scholars alike."
---Michael Yates, professor of economics, University of Pittsburgh at
Johnstown, and author of Why Unions Matter"Paul Le Blanc. . .places into perspective the struggle for economic
justice and equality as an extension of the principles of the American
Revolution that were again affirmed during the Civil War. It is a struggle
that continues today."
---Russell W. Gibbons, former editor of Steel Labor, and director of the
Philip Murray Institute of Labor StudiesPaul Le Blanc blends economic, social, intellectual, cultural, and political
history into a compelling narrative that includes the views of key figures
of U.S. labor. His broad analytical framework highlights issues of class,
gender, race, and ethnicity. A bibliographical essay directs readers to
classic works and cutting-edge scholarship in the field of U.S. labor
history as well as to relevant fiction, poetry, films and videos. The
book's glossary offers clear definitions and thought-provoking mini-essays
for almost two hundred terms from the most basic to the most complex and
technical. Illustrations throughout by acclaimed labor muralist Mike
Alewitz provide an imaginative counterpoint to the text.Paul Le Blanc has been active in labor and social movements for many years.
He is the author of From Marx to Gramsci: An Introduction to Revolutionary
Marxist Politics (Humanity Books). He is assistant professor of history at
Carlow College.Available: July 1999 201 pages
Paper/1-57392-664-7 $17.95Humanity Books (an imprint of Prometheus Books)
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst NY 14228phone: (716) 691-0133 FAX: (716) 564-2711
15. Hypertext Library Lingo - a glossary
A new, expanded version of HYPERTEXT LIBRARY LINGO, a glossary
of library and publishing terminology is availble at:
The glossary now includes approximately 1,000 terms, and the new generic
version lacks references to specific procedures and layout at Western CT
State University, which makes it more suitable for linkage to other
library Web sites.Comments and suggestions are welcome. Plans are underway to add
a search engine, and possibly translate the glossary into a second
language.Joan Reitz
Instruction Librarian
Ruth A. Haas Library
Western CT State Univ.
Danbury CT 06810
(203) 837-8308
16. New Online: Gateway To Interent Resources For Librarians
As Internet awareness and the World Wide Web have become
familiar to more people you might think that there would
be fewer Internet-related questions. But this has not
been the case.To assist in answering questions and address issues
about the Internet in your community look into
"The Librarian's Guide To Cyberspace For Parents & Kids."To find out more visit
# # #
Stephanie Stokes
415-749-0130 phone
415-749-0735 fax
(GBALC) Greater Bay Area Library Council
e-mail: info[at]
phone 415-749-0130 fax 749-0735
Representing librarians and library systems within
the fourteen Greater Bay Area counties,
from Mendocino to Monterey
and San Mateo to Contra Costa
17. Planning and Building Libraries
This site has been created for Architects, Librarians, Design
Consultants, and students - those interested in - useful web
resources on planning and building libraries. The purpose of this
page is to provide an outline of all the resources.
Listed below is an outline of the subject categories found on each
Technology Planning / Comprehensive lists of suppliers / Library
Journals on Automation / SuppliersBARRIER-FREE DESIGN:
Comprehensive Lists / Other related linksFAMOUS LIBRARIES:
AIA/ALA Award Winning Libraries 1999, 1997, 1995 / Carnegie Libraries
/ National LibrariesINTERIORS
Comprehensive Directories / SuppliersLIGHTING
Projects, Case Studies & Research / SuppliersPLANNING
Planning guides / Library Plans / Planning Teams - Architects /
Planning Teams - Library Building ConsultantsPROGRAMMING
Design Guidelines / Needs Assessments / Sample Building ProgramsSECURITY
Design Guidelines / SuppliersSTANDARDS
Comprehensive Lists / Standards and Codes and OrganizationsRESOURCES
L578 Course Reading List (University of British Columbia SLAIS) /
LAMA (Library Administration and
Management Association) Publications
18. Dr. Laura: Wronging rights in the library
Paul McMasters, First Amendment Ombudsman, has written an
editorial--Dr. Laura: Wronging rights in the library--found on the
free! The Freedom Forum Online, at editorial praises librarians, as the following paragraph
evidences:"What's puzzling is that so few people have come to the ALA's defense
for what amounts to a bizarre attack on the integrity and motives of
some of the nicest people in the whole world, the folks who work in
our libraries."
Don Wood
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
800-545-2433, ext. 4225
Fax: 312-280-4227
19. Anti-Dr. Laura Graphic for use on websites
Anti-Dr. Laura graphics are now online for use on websites. If you want
a custom one done, let me know.
Chuck0Alternative Press Review Leonard Peltier!
Support anarchism in Cuba. Boycott tourism to Cuba!
Don't help Castro's authoritarian regime!
20. "I liked Powell's Speech," by David Burt
...and a response
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 04:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Burt <dburt[at]>
To: publib <publib[at]>
Subject: I liked Powell's SpeechAs the person who started the "Don't go to ALA, Colin Powell" campaign, I'd
like to comment that I very much liked Colin Powell's thoughtful,
even-handed treatment of the filtering in libraries controversy. Here is
my own summation of the portion of his speech that addressed library
cyberporn for those of you who weren't there, drawn from my own notes, ALA
Cognotes, Library Journal Digital, and LJ Hotline:Saturday, June 26, Opening General Session, Keynote Speaker Colin Powell
The large auditorium was filled with several thousand attendees. A small
group of ALA members demonstrated outside, carrying placards protesting
Powell's presence and his $70,000 fee ($50,000 of which was paid by The
Library Corp.) Television and video media were also excluded from the
session, as one of Powell's conditions for signing a contract with ALA.Colin Powell spoke for about 45 minutes. He spent the bulk of his speech
addressing the library cyberporn issue. He said he had thought this would
be an easy speech, "then the fun started." After Dr. Laura's suggestion
that her listeners encourage him not to go, he got more than 2000 letters
in the first week alone. Powell was obviously deeply affected by the Dr.
Laura campaign. In preparation for his speech, Powell visited libraries
that were not filtering Internet access and read transcripts of testimony
to Congress in support of filtering. He talked to Sen. McCain and
listened to Dr. Laura. He read many of the letters sent to him and said
they were "not from zealots, but concerned people who are uneasy about new
technology and dangers in cyberspace." Powell related that his son Michael
is a commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission, the body that
will be responsible for E-rate decisions if Senator McCain's child
protection legislation is passed in Congress and signed by President
Clinton.After doing his research, Powell concluded, "the primary line of defense
rests with the parents", which caused the librarians applaud loudly and
cheer. Powell said, "You care about the safety of our children as much as
any group of Americans", to more loud applause. Powell then gave a
rousing defense of the First Amendment, saying, "Freedom of speech is the
most essential ingredient in a democratic society and we must protect it
vigorously. An informed electorate comes from freedom of speech." He went
on that "Freedom sometimes requires us to defend things we don't agree
with." By now most of the crowd was going wild, as Powell had up to this
point mostly followed ALA positions.Then Powell altered course. "As determined as I am to protect the First
Amendment, I recognize that freedom can be difficult. We all know that for
the good of society, sometimes restraints are necessary", and suggested a
"slow release of freedom and responsibility until they [children] are
ready." Powell used the examples of v-chips and movie ratings for
children, and concluded "it may not be inappropriate" to place similar
restraints on children's access to the Internet. He said that filtering
technology was improving, and added, "why not use filtering software if it
can protect children", which brought scattered applause. Powell said he
thought that whether or not to apply filters "should be left up to each
community." But he felt certain that the McCain legislation would be
signed into law, and that it "won't destroy the First Amendment rights of
children, but will assist us in making our way through the difficulty",
which brought audible gasps.At the conclusion of his speech, he received a standing ovation.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 06:35:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christine Lind Hage <hagec[at]>
To: publib <publib[at]>
Subject: Colin Powell's / ALAI too heard Colin Powell address ALA and came away with a very different
version than David Burt. Powell spent a great deal of time telling us
about all his family connections to public libraries (his wife works in a
public library). He defended his career as a soldier. He talked about his
"third career" as he called it which focuses the Alliance for Youth and he
did talk about filtering.
Powel waffled all over the filtering issue. My impression was here is a
politician doing his stuff of not committing to either side of the
filtering issue. He was trying to make everyone happy, but in fact ticked
me off because of his indecisiveness.
Christine Lind Hage
ALA Councilor-At-Large
Director, Clinton-Macomb Public Library
43245 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI 48038-1115
Voice: 810/226-5010
Fax: 810/226-5008
Email: hagec[at]
21. Toward a new definition of "community values?"
Thoughts and comments
Subject: Toward a new definition of "community values?"
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:36:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Melora Ranney <macbeth[at]>
Reply-To: Melora Ranney <macbeth[at]>
To: ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom List <alaoif[at]>
CC: ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom List
<alaoif[at]>,publib[at]sunsite.berkeley.EDUPlease forgive the cross-posting. I wanted to share these thoughts with
all of you.-=- -=- -=-
Who is the community, and what are its values?
Perhaps we, as information professionals, can help to guide our
communities toward a new definition.Consider, for instance, that each and every person who comes into our
libraries is a bona fide member of our community. Just about every
community is likely to include gays, lonely single people for whom
erotica is a healthy outlet, married people for whom erotica is a
supplement to a successful marital relationship, teens who are
determined to learn about sex one way or another (and, last I knew,
nobody had been known to contract AIDS from a keyboard), plus the usual
mix of Catholics, Protestants, fundamentalists, anti-abortionists,
pro-choice people, Quakers, Pagans, Unitarians, atheists, agnostics, libertarians, NRA members . . . the list goes on and on.Now, let us take the radical approach that these people are not only all
members of our communities, but that their interests comprise,
collectively, the values of the community: all of their different
beliefs, needs, wants, dreams, aspirations, pet peeves, etc. etc.Further, let us assert that the expression and active practice of this
collective community value is what our great country is all about.Then, let us go so far as to say that not only is this expression and
practice precious, but it is also a blessing. That libraries are the
holders of a sacred trust.Is it possible that we can organize and support one another toward a
global, tolerant, inclusive idea of what "community" is all about?.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
From Chuck0:
... I wonder how the statistics would include a person like myself, who
stopped using public libraries years ago, mainly because I couldn't find
the alternative materials I was looking for?I've made the point several times, that porn has to be a community
value, if the porn "industry" makes billions of dollars each year. Folks
in a community certainly have porn at home, but they won't fess up, for
a variety of reasons. The same goes for people with offbeat views or
interests. The incredible diversity of information that can be found on
the Internet, much of it DIY stuff put up by average people, is a
testimony to the diversity of our communities that isn't apparent on the
surface... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
From Paul Weiner:
This is an excellent statement, but I'm afraid it applies mainly to the
virtual world - and thus, to virtual librarianship. When all these
disparate groups meet in the flesh they tend to bark and chew on one
another and I've yet to meet a librarian who can mediate these conflicts.
Perhaps it's a good thing that the human body is becoming irrelevant;
it'll make it a lot harder for handgun salesmen to prosper. I agree:
libraries DO hold "American values" in a sacred trust. Part of our job is
to protect them from actual Americans.
22. "How to Communicate with your Spanish Employees"
"The booming economy for the upper middle class and the new availability
of illegal immigrants has fueled a rebirth of household servants. Over 1.8
million people now work as housekeepers, cooks, nannies, gardeners and
chaffeurs in a field expanding at 5 times the rate of overall job growth.
Fortunately, a book has appeared in the nick of time to help employers
manage their largely Latino helpers, entitled "Household Spanish: How to
Communicate With Your Spanish Employees" by William C. Harvey. The book is
chockful of Spanish phrases essential for good relations, phrases like
"Bring the dustpan","Please use soap" and "Don't pour grease down the
garbage disposal." You can learn how to ask prospective helpers whether
they have been a bellhop, or a busboy, or a pool cleaner or a dishwasher.
Then you can tell them how you are an architect, or a doctor, or a lawyer,
etc. Among my favorite phrases, "How long are you planning to stay in the
USA?" and "There's so much to do." The author even provides helpful advice
like this: "Commands are practical and easy to use, but don't overuse
them" (so true). As an added bonus, the book provides the all-important
phrase "You're fired" ("Usta esta despedido"). Invaluable.- Wayne Grytting <wgrytt[at]>
From the editor:
Now, I think I might have a hard time buying this book for my library
even if there were a demand for it, because I might find it socially
damaging. I believe this book can serve as an example of an
intellectual conflict that is extremely uncomfortable - the potential
conflict between the values of social responsibility and intellectual
freedom. I realize I'm talking about self censorship. Well, at least
the temptation for it is there, on the basis of social responsibility
concerns. I believe we in the social responsibilities movement should
face this issue more directly, and really figure out the nature of the
conflict, or potential conflict, and what our responsibilities are.
This particular book shouldn't be a test that we can put behind us and
then not think about the issue any further. Many people might not object
to this particular book, but it should still serve to illustrate how we
might want to select against buying a book on the grounds of social
responsibility. The interests of social responsibility and intellectual
freedom may overlap much of the time (especially in advocacy of the
independent press) but they aren't identical, and I think they can come
into conflict, at least if the doctrines of intellectual freedom are
understood strictly. Write and tell me what you think.Rory Litwin, editor[at]
Now in case the review left you wondering if the book was real, as it
did me, here is some info from BIP:
Title: Household Spanish
Subtitle: How to Communicate with Your Spanish EmployeesPublisher: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated,
Publ. Date: April 1996ISBN FIELDS-
ISBN: 0812084055
Binding: Analog AudioTrade Paper
Language: EnglishEnglish
Status: Active Record
The review comes from AGITPROP NEWS --
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23. Languages on the Web
Said to contain 30,000 links to language
resources and a number of texts presented
as parallel translations.Submitted by:
Robert J. Tiess
ResPool List Owner
rjtiess[at]warwick.netFrom ResPool -
24. Feline Conservation Center (FCC)
This resource contains pictures and sound recordings of
16 species of wild cats currently housed and bred at the
center including the Asian golden cat, bobcat, caracal,
cougar, Eurasian lynx, fishing cat, Gordon's (Arabian)
wildcat, jaguar, jaguarundi, leopard, margay, ocelot,
serval, and tiger. The site also provides information on
membership activities and wild cat classification. - nbh
Subjects: wild catsLibrarians' Index to the Internet
| Except where noted, items appearing in Library Juice
| are copyright-free, so feel free to share them with
| colleagues and friends. Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited by Rory Litwin. Original senders
| are credited wherever possible; opinions are theirs.
| Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
| mailto:Juice[at]
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