Library Juice 2:28 - July 21, 1999

Polymorphous Happy


1. GLBTRT - A new ALA Round Table
2. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual visibility and information service
4. ACLU Sues Texas City for Public Library Censorship
5. Feminist Task Force of ALA/SRRT
6. Women's Issues, Women's Studies, Feminist resources
7. Suffragists Oral History Project
8. Women's Studies Programs
9. The mystery and the act: towards a youth services human sexuality collection
10. Librarians Index to the Internet: Sex Instruction
11. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
13. The Image of Librarians in Pornography

Quote for the week:

We librarians ostensibly subscribe to the "balanced collection"
professional ethic.  Intellectual freedom, our raison d'etre, needs
a garden of diversity in which to flourish.  So we can certainly demand
equal time for women's material after 5,000 years of male worldview! 
I define "women's material" as material *useful* to women, which works
directly in our interest like a fine tool, which does not ignore,
trivialize, or lie to us.

Celeste West, "The library as motherlode: a feminist view" 
In James P. Danky and Elliot Shore, eds., _Alternative Materials in
Libraries_. (Scarecrow, 1982)

Homepage of the week:

  Katia Roberto


1. GLBTRT - A new ALA Round Table

At the recent ALA conference, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Task Force of
ALA/SRRT won approval to be full-fledged Round Table.  This will change
some things, and will help give visibility and advocacy to Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgender librarians.  Here is the announcement from
Jules Tate.  More info is available at their website, at:

>From Jules Tate:
At 11:04 AM CDT on Wednesday, June 30, 1999, having received an
recommendation from its Committee on Organization (COO), ALA Council
voted unanimously without any objections to create the Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table.

There was applause from Council, hand-holding support from Satia Orange
of OLOS, and ecstacy from present and past glbtf co-chairs (Shari
Clifton, Michael Miller, Mark Martin)and members who were in attendance.

On the advice of some counsellors and Satia, Michael Miller, outgoing
co-chair, will post some transitional matters to glbtf-L tomorrow for

I felt really privileged to be there for the historic moment that so
many have worked so hard and so long to reach.


Note to readers: Also keep in mind The Lesbian and Gay Archives
Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists -ed.

2. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual visibility and information service

Invisibility is a barrier to information access.  If gays, lesbians
and bisexuals don't feel comfortable being out in your library, they are
not going to ask for the information they need.  Similarly, if you are
not comfortable making resources for gays, lesbians and bisexuals
obvious and visible in your library, people are going to miss out. 
The following are some links to put on web pages where people will see
them, as well as a couple of books to make prominent.  Doing this makes
the resources readily available and declares your library gay-friendly.

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QRD - Queer Resources Directory

A searchable electronic library with more than 1,800 files containing
news clippings, political contact information, newsletters, essays,
images, hyperlinks, and other information of interest relating to sexual
minorities. Regularly updated

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Queer America

The National Database of Lesbigay Resources

National database of more than 4,000 support organizations, searchable

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"Bisexuality and Related Topics," by Jennifer M. "Kata" Collins

A great collection of resources and writings about bisexuality and other
queer topics.

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Out of the Past--400 Years of Gay and Lesbian History--PBS [RealPlayer]

PBS Online offers this site as a companion to the film _Out of the Past_.
The Website follows the film's lead to link personal and national history,
dividing the history of gays and lesbians into historical periods that
could roughly correspond to stages of an individual's life: Keeping
Secrets, 1600-1800, Finding Love, 1800-1900, etc. Each "era" features a
timeline of events in gay and lesbian history juxtaposed with other
historical events. For instance, in 1704, the site tells us, the Royal
Governor was accused of dressing like a woman, Bach composed his First
Cantata, and Massachusetts suffered from Franco-Indian raids. Clicking on
the year brings forth a more detailed description, in some cases
accompanied by a RealPlayer clip. The site offers a forum question inspired
by each period; in the Puritan era, for example, the question is "Have you
struggled to reconcile your sexuality and your religious beliefs?" Visitors
can post their own responses or read others' stories. Those inspired to
learn more should check out the bibliography in the Resources section. [TK]

>From the Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1998.

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GLINN's Glossary of Sayings, Slang, Signs and Symbols for Gay Men:

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On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, David Garnes wrote:

> Re Michael Colby's question on new ed. of Encyclopedia of Homosexuality:
> There is a completely revamped 2-volume version coming out soon (it's in the
> Spring 1999 Garland catalog). Title is ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LESBIAN AND GAY
> HISTORIES AND CULTURES:  Vol. 1 ....LESBIAN...ed. by Bonnie Zimmerman; Vol. 2
> ...GAY...ed. by George E. Haggerty.

Bisexuals on a small sheet, suitable for tipping in, available on request
from the publisher...

sigh, growl
Naomi Young

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Bisexual Resource Guide (book)



   by Randy P. Luncunas Conner, David Hatfield Sparks
   and Mariya Sparks  -- Foreword by Gloria Anzaldua

PAPERBACK EDITION: $15.95 (ISBN 0-304-70423-7) 382 pages

Trade Hardcover -- $29.95 (ISBN 0-304-33760-9), 320 pages

This encyclopedia is an unprecedented reference source
on the theme of same sex desire, gender variance and
the sacred. Drawing on religion, mythology, folklore,
anthropology, history and the arts, the encyclopedia is
a cornucopia of queer spirit. The book contains major
articles on the world's spiritual traditions; more than
1,500 alphabetically arranged entries on deities,
symbols, spiritual teachers, spiritually focused
artists and related subjects; a lengthy bibliography;
and extensive subject indexes. The encyclopedia is
highly informative, entertaining and empowering.

Selections, reviews, bookstore links, and author information
are at


4. ACLU Sues Texas City for Public Library Censorship

Friday, July 16, 1999

WICHITA FALLS, TX -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas today filed
suit in federal district court against the City of Wichita Falls challenging
the constitutionality of removing two books from the children's area of the
city's public library.

The ACLU of Texas, which is representing 19 residents of Wichita Falls, said
that the removal of the books and the resolution allowing the censorship
violates the residents' right to free expression, their right to receive
information and their due process rights guaranteed by the First and
Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The two award winning works, Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy's Roommate,
were removed last week under a new city resolution that was adopted with
much controversy last February.

Under the resolution, a book must be removed from the children's section of
the library to an adult area upon receiving a petition signed by 300 Wichita
Falls residents who object to the content of the book. Since then, the city
council has been under fire from residents who feel that the resolution
allows censorship of certain books disfavored by local special interest
groups who have an interest in controlling access to materials for all
library patrons.

"The controversy revolves around a group of folks that do not share the same
viewpoints as those expressed in these particular children's books," said
Diana Philip, Regional Director of the ACLU of Texas. "As a result, a small
group of people are trying to make decisions about what other people's
children can read in the library."

Known as the "Altman Resolution," the city ordinance provides no recourse to
those citizens who might be opposed to the removal petitions. After
receiving the removal petition on Wednesday, the Library Administrator,
Linda Hughes, requested a waiver from the Wichita Falls City Council.

However, the City Manager, Jim Berzina, who has complete discretion to deny
the head librarian's request, denied the request for a waiver of the removal
of the two books on Thursday. The resolution provides no right to appeal the
city council's rejection of a waiver request.

The city residents are asking for a temporary restraining order requiring
the books to be returned to the Youth Non-Fiction section of the public
library. The lawsuit is also asking for the court to declare the Altman
Resolution unconstitutional, as it allows the city council to unlawfully
delegate its proper legislative authority to any 300 private citizens who
wish to violate other library patrons' free speech rights.

By placing children's books in the adult section of the library, civil
libertarians claim that the city is hiding books from young library patrons.

"Kids are just not going to look adult areas of the library for the books
they need," the ACLU's Philip said. "Hiding the books under the authority of
the city council is plain old censorship. What is truly unfortunate is that
these decisions are being made based upon bigotry and intolerance. I do not
think that the good people of Wichita Falls want to be as known as bigots."

5. Feminist Task Force of ALA/SRRT

         The Feminist Task Force
                 of the
      American Library Association's
    Social Responsibilities Round Table

ALA's SRRT Feminist Task Force (FTF) was founded in 1970 by women
determined to address sexism in libraries and librarianship. FTF
was the first ALA group to focus on women's issues. Other ALA women's
groups fostered by FTF include the standing ALA Committee on the
Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL), the Committee on Pay Equity,
the RASD Discussion Group on Women's Materials and Women Library Users,
the ACRL Women's Studies Section, and the LAMA Women Administrators
Discussion Group. The Feminist Task Force continues to be one of SRRT's
largest and most active groups, concerned with a broad, evolving set of
feminist issues.


6. Women's Issues, Women's Studies, Feminist resources

Whether it's called "Women's Studies" or "Women's Issues" may depend on
whether it's a public or an academic library collection.  The important
thing is what people might learn.

Here are some interesting resources for women and anyone interested
in feminism and women's studies:

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I've put together a thousand title Feminist and Women's  resource
Can be seen at:

or its mirror site

Lili Pintea-Reed, MA
Family Therapist

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Directory of Women's Organizations

A database of 9,000 resources.
Search or browse by topic/location.

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Feminist Activist Resources on the net

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Sexual Assault Information Page

This is an excellent resource divided into thirty-six very specific

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Feminist Theory Website

Created by Professor Kristin Switala of the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga and hosted by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture at
Virginia Tech University, this site is aimed at students, scholars, and
activists "interested in women's conditions and struggles around the
world." The site, which states that it contains over 5,000 bibliographical
entries, close to 600 related links, and almost 700 paragraphs of
information, is divided into three sections: Fields within Feminism,
National/ Ethnic Feminism, and Individual Feminists. The first section
offers bibliographies, links, and names of specific people working within
more than 30 fields of feminist thought and theory. The second section
offers the same, but for specific countries, organized under seven regions.
The final portion of the site offers brief biographical information, a
summary of major themes, a bibliography, and links to related sections on
the site for over 80 individual feminists, listed alphabetically and
identified by nationality. This site is an excellent starting point for
anyone interested in researching particular themes in feminist thought or
seeking information on feminist communities in specific regions. [MD]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.

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Feminist Collections

news of the latest print and audiovisual resources for research and
teaching in women's studies. Recent book reviews have treated such
subjects as African American women writers, lesbians in popular culture,
and women in the international marketplace. There are guides to new
bibliographies and reference works, film and video critiques, computer
updates, and news of out-of-the-way materials -- pamphlets, reports, rare
book dealers' catalogs, microforms, and more. Thoughtful articles by
experts explore women's publishing, Internet resources, library
organization, archives, and other tools for feminist scholarship. New
periodicals and special issues of journals in other disciplines are
announced in each issue.  This site contains a partial electronic version
of the print journal of the same title.



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Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930

This site was created to introduce secondary and higher education students
to some of the primary documents available for the study of women's
involvement in social movements in the US between 1830 and 1930. The
material at the site has its origins in editorial projects of undergraduate
and graduate students at the State University of New York at Binghamton,
collected and revised by Professors Kathryn Kish Sklar and Thomas Dublin.
These are presented as a collection of learning modules addressing specific
topics, such as African-American Women and the Chicago World's Fair, 1893;
Women's Peace Mission to European Capitals, 1915; and Pacifism vs.
Patriotism in Women's Organizations in the 1920s, among others. Each module
contains an introductory essay and, in most cases, between fifteen and
twenty primary documents. The modules have potential in classrooms as
either discrete learning units or perhaps as examples to students on how to
incorporate primary documents in their essays. Additional resources include
a modest collection of annotated links and an internal search engine. [MD]

>From the Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1998.

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Health Concerns Across a Woman's Lifespan: The Commonwealth Fund 1998
Survey of Women's Health
.pdf version of report: [140K, 65 p.]
.pdf version of charts [65K, 16 p.]

The Commonwealth Fund has recently published a new report based on the
research findings of a recent survey on women's health. The report
highlights key findings derived from survey questions that examined "access
to care, health knowledge, health-related behaviors, violence, depression,
use of hormone replacement therapy, and informal caregiving roles." The
report includes 32 charts and 19 data tables. [AO]

>The Scout Report's Webpage:

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1893 - Anarchist/feminist Emma Goldman imprisoned in NY for
"inciting to riot."
>"Emma Goldman For Sale" (“Fifth Estate”) >Emma Goldman recalls
Red Scare >Women's Speeches From Around the World

>"Emma Goldman served ice cream in Worcester"... >Notable American Women >An Anarchist Reading List >Feminist
Websites >
History of fighting for women's freedom > "Queen of
Incites to Murder"

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Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Utopia

a bibliographic resource by Laura Quilter


7. Suffragists Oral History Project

From: Susana Hinojosa <shinojos[at]LIBRARY.BERKELEY.EDU>
Subject:      Suffragists oral histories now available online (fwd)
To: Multiple recipients of list EQUILIBR <EQUILIBR[at]CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU>

In the early 1970s the Suffragists Oral History Project, under the
auspices of the Bancroft Library's Regional Oral History Office, collected
interviews with twelve leaders and participants in the woman's suffrage
movement.  Tape-recorded and transcribed oral histories preserved the
memories of these remarkable women, documenting formative experiences,
activities to win the right to vote for women, and careers as leaders of
the movements for welfare and labor reform, world peace, and the passage
of the Equal Rights Amendment. Now, 25 years later, the nineteenth century
meets the twenty-first as the words of these activist women, born from the
1860s to the 1890s, are made accessible for future scholarly research and
public information via the Internet.

Seven major figures in twentieth-century suffragist history are
represented here with full-length oral histories. These include Alice
Paul, founder and leader of the more militant organization called the
National Woman's Party, which made suffrage a mainstream issue through
public demonstrations and protests; Sara Bard Field, a mother, lover,
poet, and social and political reformer, whose interactions with
California artists and political activists gave her a national profile;
Burnita Shelton Matthews, a District of Columbia federal judge; Helen
Valeska Bary, who campaigned for woman's suffrage in Los Angeles and later
had a prominent career in labor and social security administration;
Jeannette Rankin, a Montana suffrage campaigner and the first woman
elected to Congress, who recalls Carrie Chapman Catt, the League of Women
Voters, and her lifelong work for world peace; Mabel Vernon, who is
credited for the advance work of gathering the throngs of people to greet
Alice Paul and her entourage on their famous coast-to-coast suffrage
campaign in the fall of 1915; and Rebecca Hourwich Reyher, who gives an
account of working with Alice Paul in organizing the Woman's Party.

The oral histories of five rank-and-file suffragists are collected in The
Suffragists: From Tea-Parties to Prison, conducted by Sherna Gluck,
director of the Feminist History Research Project. These women spoke out
for suffrage from horse-drawn wagons and streetcorner soapboxes. Some
discussed politics in genteel tea parties, others were arrested for
picketing for suffrage in front of the White House. These five interviews
represent the diversity of ordinary women who made woman's suffrage a
reality, documenting their motivations and ethical convictions, their
family, social, and regional backgrounds, and their part in the campaign
for women's right to vote.

The oral histories are now available online, and we invite you to use
them.  The address is:


8. Women's Studies Programs

Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 14:55:22 -0500
To: Feminist[at]
From: Beth Stafford-Vaughan <bstaff[at]>
Subject: Women's Studies program database

Some of you might remember my "Directory of Women's Studies Programs and
Library Resources" published by The Oryx Press in 1990 that was prompted by
my compiling directories for National Women's Studies Association several
years running.  Below is a description of what is essentially an updated,
expanded online version in the form of a searchable database.

To date we have approximately 140 programs included.  If you can, would
you please give a nudge to any WS program/department/unit on your campus to
fill out our survey in order to enhance access to WS program information
for all interested parties.  (The database has been publicized on WMST-L.)

If you have responsibility for WS in a college or university library, we
want to include your name and title in the database as well.  Currently the
database does not have that information, but we can add it fairly easily.
We can add only what people supply to us.


    A new SEARCHABLE DATABASE on Women's Studies programs, created and
maintained by the University of Illinois Women's Studies/WID Library and
co-sponsored by NWSA, is now available at

    More than a directory, this is an important resource for programs,
faculty, students, and all who have a commitment to feminist scholarship
and education. In addition to accessing names of program administrators,
faculty with departmental affiliations, courses, degree options, etc, it
enables one to find quickly and in one source which institutions in a
particular geographic area offer specific degrees and fields of

It is also possible to identify course titles by keyword, identify names
of schools that offer majors or minors, as well as identify possible
speakers, program addresses, URLs, and more.

Our plan is to update the database periodically.

The survey to add your program to the database is available via email at:


It's also available on Internet at:


        Questions?  Call 217-333-7998 Monday - Friday, 8:30-5:00 CST.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Beth R. Stafford                     mail to:bstaff[at]

Women's Studies/WID Librarian            Phone: 217-333-7998
University of Illinois Library           Fax: 217-333-2214
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL  61801

------- End of Forwarded Message

9. The mystery and the act: towards a youth services human sexuality collection

by Teri Weesner, Library Juice Youth Services Editor

This editorial is based on the premise that there is a connection between
young people accessing porn via the internet and their innate curiosity
about human sexuality and their own bodies. Young people viewing internet
porn have an information need that can be addressed by youth services
librarians and library collections.  To ignore this information need is
just as inaccurate and inappropriate as young people gleaning their
information from internet pornography and cybersex chat.  Young people's
information needs are legitimate and the response of shaming from
librarians is an ineffective tool for teaching, learning or discipline. 

Cultural reluctance to educate young people about human sexuality and
cultural reaction of shame and punishment for young people's
experimentation and access to information through the prolific
pornography industry is an intrinsically related combination which
fosters unhealthy cultural human sexuality. Unhealthy in the sense that
shame and ignorance become barriers to people's healthy and safe
concepts and practice of sexuality. A culture which will not educate
itself about sex in order to "protect" itself is left (on many levels)
ironically unprotected.

We relegate a large percent of sexual culture to the pornography
industry and keep it separated as forbidden knowledge. When pornography
overextends these boundaries of separateness, as in the case of young
people accessing internet porn, a body of accurate, accessible and
respectfully presented knowledge is needed to turn to.

Go Ask Alice ( or the 1998 paperback)
is one of the best resources I've seen in terms of medical accuracy and
honest and respectful responses. Go Ask Alice is not only an
indispensable resource of accurate health information for people of
any age with questions but an excellent primer for librarians on honest and
respectful dissemination of "sensitive" information. As my signed copy
says, "Be healthy and happy -- Alice"

As librarians, our charge is to create an environment of information in
relation to the needs of all people who would access that information
as well as an ideology of honesty and respect towards all people and
their information needs. Shooing young people off the internet is
like obnoxious shooshing of their curiosity and hunger for knowledge.
Young people speak with their behavior. When we are confused by their
behavior, ask them what it is they really want to communicate and help
them find it in your collection (which includes the library's
computer). We are the gatekeepers and porn and cybersex chat are
barriers in youth services. Our job as librarians is to open the gate
when asked and assist young people to navigate those barriers.

As adults looking back at our own youth, think about how such
dispassionate information may have benefited us to make informed,
individual choices.

Take a look at your youth services human sexuality collection under the
subject heading, "sex instruction." What proportion of the titles are
current, accurate, respectful, dispassionate information in a form
young people will read?  Are the juvenile titles in the juvenile or the
adult collection?  Weed and reseed your collection for Teen Read
Week, Oct. 17-23, 1999.

The following are a few human sexuality titles I highly recommend.

Bell, Ruth, and other co-authors of Our Bodies, Ourselves, and
Ourselves and Our Children, together with members of the Teen Book
Project.  (1998)  Changing bodies, changing lives: A book for teens
on sex and relationships.  (Vintage Books: New York)

Accurate information, illustrated with drawings and photographs. 
Uses real-life stories from teens themselves.  Its authorship might
make it especially trustworthy for readers familiar with the classic,
"Our Bodies, Ourselves."

Blank, Joani. (1983)  A kid's first book about sex  (Yes Press: San
Francisco, CA). 

"A first for this age child... the focus is on self image, the pleasures
of sexuality   and personal relationships, not on reproduction..."
-- School Library Journal.  I picked this one up at the Women's Presses
Library Project booth at ALA. Visit their site at

Originally for Columbia University, the internet allowed Columbia to
share the wealth of health information in a Q & A  format. This site
is still linked to ALA's "Teen Hoopla" site. Although Dr. Laura's
nationally syndicated condemnation of ALA and Go Ask Alice was
negative attention, it was attention none the less. Many people
are now glad to know of this site with an archive of over 1,500 Q&A's.

Columbia University's Health Education Program. (1998)  The "Go Ask
Alice" book of answers.  (Henry Holt: New York).  

The book from the site of the same name. I picked up this gem for $5
at ALA; my  only regret is not buying an even dozen to share with all
the libraries and resource centers I have contact with.

Harris, Robie (1994) It's perfectly normal. (Candlewick Press:
Cambridge, MA).  

A cartoon type illustrated book for young people which is easily
accessible in format and language.

- Finally, here are two human sexuality books by favorite authors who
  have contibuted greatly to children's literature.

Brown, Laura Krasny and Marc (1997) What's the big secret?: Talking
about  sex with girls and boys  (Little, Brown and Company: Boston MA).

From the creators of Dino Life Guides for Families and the Arthur  
books comes a book about human sexuality for young children with  
niether dinosaurs nor ardvarks but just as wonderfully illustrated.  
After discussing gender socialization and how that is not always an  
accurate indicator of gender, page 10 says, "Actually, the only sure  
way to tell boys and girls apart is their bodies." Homosexuality is  
not discussed.

Cole, Joanna (1988)  Asking about sex and growing up: A question and  
answer book for boys and girls.  (Beech Tree Books: New York).

Although 11 years old, if this book is still in your collection it is
still valuable. "The most important thing to remember about sex as  
you grow up is to respect yourself and others." She covers a wide  
range of topics including homosexuality. At the end she encourages the
reader to consult other resources (people and books) and emphasizes
life-long learning.

If you have other titles to add to this bibliography, please send them
to me at teri[at]


10. Librarians Index to the Internet: Sex Instruction

       Alan Guttmacher Institute Home Page -
This Web site provides an impressive amount of information and
statistics relating to sexual behavior, family planning, contraception,
abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, and law and public policy. Its
emphasis is on teenage sex and pregnancy. Searchable. - es
Subjects: sex instruction | teenagers | reproduction | pregnancy |

       Coalition for Positive Sexuality -
The heart of this site is their online tour - Just Say Yes, in English
and Spanish. "Just Say Yes is about having a positive attitude towards
sexuality -- gay, straight or bisexual. It's about saying 'yes' to sex
you do want, and 'no' to sex you don't." With straight forward information
in both English and Spanish, teens can find answers to questions about
birth control, HIV, safe sex,pregnancy and more. They can also chat
with other teens on their BBS or e-mail questions to the Coalition
for Positive Sexuality, the organization producing this site.
Some graphic content. - cs  Subjects: sex instruction | teenagers |

       Dr. Ruth's Sexnet -
Dr. Ruth Westheimer (America's most publicized sex therapist) on the Web.
Features include: "Ask Dr. Ruth," answers to user submitted questions
on the Web; a "Question & Answer Debate," with an archive of 400
previously answered questions from Dr. Ruth's TV and radio talk
shows; and "Dr. Ruth's Picks," with links to selected Internet sites.
My personal favorite is the video clip section with her giving advice.
- cl  Subjects: sex instruction |

       Enjoying Safer Sex: Contraception and Preventing STDs -
Information covering all aspects of safe sex, contraception, AIDS, and
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Maintained by Peer Health, a
student-run organization at Williams College. - cl
Subjects: sex instruction |

       Healthwise - Go Ask Alice -
Ask Alice about sexuality, sexual health, relationships, nutrition and
diet, alcohol & other drugs, stress, etc. Questions are submitted
anonymously and answered publicly by Columbia University's Healthwise
Office. More than 1,000 questions and answers are archived and searchable.
- cl  Subjects: counseling | sex instruction | teenagers |

       Sex, etc. -
A teen-produced Web site that deals with information on a broad range
of sexuality issues. Topics include: love, sex, abstinence,
contraception, AIDS, STDs, drugs and drinking, and violence. From the
Network for Family Life Education (NFLE), a non-profit organization at
Rutgers University. - cl  Subjects: sex instruction | teenagers |

       TeenWire -
A searchable site for teens that presents information about adolescents
and their issues including relationships, sexuality, and pregnancy.
There is an archive of all of the questions asked. The Warehouse has
articles about dating, love, sex, birth control, infections and diseases,
abortion, sexual orientation, parents and friends, feelings, and
more. World Views presents teen issues from other parts of the world.
Hothouse is a teen-written zine. Sponsored by Planned Parenthood
Federation of America. - dl  Subjects: teenagers | health | reproduction |
sex instruction | pregnancy |

11. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality

Published by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human
Sexuality in San Francisco, this new journal plans to
publish in all aspects of human sexuality, from art to
zoology, and from dissertations to posters. A group of well
known sexologists from across the country are on the
Editorial Board. There is no cost to access this web
journal, and submissions are welcome. The initial articles
include The Meaning of Sex, a study on consent for sexual
behavior, and a study on the sexual life of former nuns.


Senior Editor: David Hall, Ph.D.
Email: dhall[at]


Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States

SIECUS is a national, nonprofit organization which affirms that sexuality
is a natural and healthy part of living.  Incorporated in 1964, SIECUS
develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive
education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make
responsible sexual choices.


SIECUS publishes more than two dozen publications for sexuality
professionals and consumers. Read here for the most up-to-date resources
about sexuality and sexuality education.

- Information Catalog for Publications Orders
- SIECUS Report
- SHOP Talk
- SIECUS Annual Report
- The Source
- Annotated Bibliographies
- Fact Sheets
- Community Action Kit
- Advocates Report
- Making the Connection: Sexuality and Reproductive Health
- But Does It Work? Improving Evaluations of Sexuality Education
- Teaching Our Teachers To Teach
- Now What Do I Do?
- Como Hablar Con Sus Hijos e Hijas Sobre el VIH/SIDA
- Oh No! What Do I Do Now?
- Ay No! (En Español)
- How to Talk to Your Children about AIDS
- Talking to Your Kids About Sexuality
- Hablando Con Sus Niños Acerca De La Sexualidad


13. The Image of Librarians in Pornography
by Dan Lester


  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

| Except where noted, items appearing in Library Juice
| are copyright-free, so feel free to share them with
| colleagues and friends.  Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited by Rory Litwin.  Original senders
| are credited wherever possible; opinions are theirs.
| Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
| mailto:Juice[at]                    

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