Library Juice 2:29 - July 28, 1999


1. Megan Adams' Consumer Resources Webliography at LSU
2. Press for Sandy Berman
3. AltaVista Nixes Paid Search
4. LibraryLand Index update
5. A New Tool Expands The Public's Right-to-know About Pollution
6. Information for Social Change website
7. Filtering vignette from Santa Clara County Public
8. Filtering-related news, courtesey of Karen Schneider
9. New anti-filtering discussion list from Chuck0
10. Ethnic pages and directories
11. PLUS: Public Libraries Using Spanish
12. El Faro - Servicio de Navegación Bibliotecológico
13. REFORMANET/Census2000 Website Info Re: Racially and Ethnically Mixed People
14. LIBREF Survey Results:  Core Reference Tools
15. Economic Reporting Review
16. Alternative Press Center's Request
17. Skateboard Science [RealPlayer G2]

Quote for the week:

"Most of these (filtering) horror stories are taking place in schools.
Why?  Because so many have insisted so hard that school libraries are
different.  They act in loco parentis.  Who, I'd like to know, is
acting in loco parentis for those parents who DON'T want their kids to
have only filtered access?  I've asked that question, and haven't
gotten an answer yet.  When we ask questions about the welfare of all
kids, the issues seem to quickly turn to questions of legal liability,
as if what's best for kids and whether or not somebody might sue the
school are NECESSARILY the same thing all the time."

-Melora Ranney

Home page of the week:

  Jessamyn West:


1. Megan Adams' Consumer Resources Webliography at LSU

A nice collection of consumer resources, suitable for use in public


2. Press for Sandy Berman

Article on Sandy Berman in Minneapolis's Citypages:

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Following one of the links brought me to an interesting
RealAudio lecture by Sandy:

-Chris Mays

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Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 18:46:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: Katia Roberto <kroberto[at]>
Subject: Fun fact of the day.

A certain festschrift zine is now online because I was bored today.
Now you can see what it looks like with visible margins and good copy
quality. Absolutely astonishing, isn't it?

Now let us never speak of it again.


"Facts are like bricks. You can make a building out
of them, or you can break a window." -- Charles Schnee

3. AltaVista Nixes Paid Search

by Polly Sprenger

9:00 a.m.  23.Jul.99.PDT
AltaVista announced Thursday it would stop its
controversial policy of auctioning off the results to
popular search terms.

Full story:


4. LibraryLand Index update

Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 06:14:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Jerry Kuntz" <jkuntz[at]>
To: publib <publib[at]>
Subject: LibraryLand Index update

As Karen Schneider mentioned in a recent message, the LibraryLand site of
bookmarks for librarians at:
has been morphing into a indexing service for OTHER library resource sites.
As of this month, we're indexing the following sites:

LibraryLand Link Lists (those that remain!)
American Library Association
Electronic Reserves Clearinghouse
Resources of Use to Government Documents Librarians
Health Sciences Internet Librarianship Resource Page
Book Arts Web
Conservation Online
FIDDO Project
Library Support Staff Resource Center
Young Adult Librarian's Help/Home Page
Librarians Serving Genealogists
Ready, 'Net, Go! Archival Internet Resources
Art Libraries Society of North America
Music Library Association Clearinghouse
Serials in Cyberspace
Internet School Library Media Center
Law Librrary Resource Exchange (LLRX) Links

Every word on every html document (excepting mailing list archives) on these
sites is indexed in LibraryLand, so make your search inputs specific! (The
first search result screen you'll see will list the number of hits at each
one of these sites, which should help to narrow your search.)
We're perfectly willing to index even more sites, and improve the interface
more, but only if we see some evidence that the library community is finding
this a helpful service.
The only thing we won't consider is going back to the old LibraryLand
bookmark lists, which were proving too time-consuming to maintain.
Jerry Kuntz
Ramapo Catskill Library System


5. A New Tool Expands The Public's Right-to-know About Pollution

Today EPA is releasing a new tool for comparing information about
pollution in local communities.  This new tool  entitled, "Risk-Screening
Environmental Indicators," is available on CD-ROM and is a part of the
agency's public right-to-know efforts.  It uses national data on toxic
chemical emissions from  EPA's Toxic Release Inventory. 

Specifically, the new tool can be used to compare relative risk from toxic
chemicals grouped by categories like cities, states, and industrial
facilities, based on factors like pounds of pollutants released, relative
toxicity, population and exposure data.  It is critical to note that these
relative-risk rankings can only be used for comparisons.  For example, the
rankings now allow one industrial facility to be compared to another, but
are not intended for quantifying actual risks posed to public health from
any single facility, geographical area or other category.  Such
comparisons are meant to be helpful only for identifying and prioritizing
areas for further research and attention.  A more detailed description of
the tool, the user manual, frequently asked questions, and contact
information is available at:

More information on the Toxic Release Inventory is available at:


6. Information for Social Change

Seizing the Time

Information for Social Change is an activist organisation that
examines issues of censorship, freedom and ethics amongst library and
information workers. It is committed to promoting alternatives to the
dominant paradigms of library and information work and publishes its
own journal, Information for Social Change.

The ways by which information is controlled and mediated has a
serious influence on the ways people think, how they communicate,
what they believe is the "real world", what the limits of the
permissible are. This applies equally to information that comes
through the channels of the mass media, through our bookshops or
through our libraries.

Of course, free and equal access to information is a myth throughout
the world, although different situations pertain in different
countries. Control is more explicit in cruder in some places, more
"sophisticated" and more invisible elsewhere (for example in
Britain). One of the aims of Information for Social Change is to
document these situations.

But we want to go further than that, documenting also the
alternatives to this control, the radical and progressive channels by
which truly unfettered, unmediated ideas may circulate. And further
still: to encourage information workers to come together, to share
ideas, to foster these alternatives - whether we are publishers,
librarians, booksellers, communication workers or distributors.
Whoever you are, if you are in sympathy with us, join us.

Putting Ideas Into Action

    1.To address issues of freedom of information and censorship as
       they affect library and information work.

    2.To promote alternatives to mainstream library and information

    3.To provide a forum for the exchange of radical views on library
       and information issues.

    4.To debate ethics and freedom within the library and information

    5.To challenge the dominant paradigms of library and information

We publish a journal Information for Social Change twice a year.

We also organise seminars and conferences, sometimes in associations
with other progressive organisations such as LINK and the Black
Radical and Third World Book Fair. The Better Read than Dead
conferences, for example looked at non-capitalist library provisions
in Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea and China. The conference proceeding
were subsequently published.

Information for Social Change is an Organisation in Liason with the
Library Association.

The Journal: Information for Social Change, ISSN 1364-694X

Members of the Editorial Board are:

Shiraz Durrani, Ukenya
Gill Harris, LINK
Joe Hendry, Cumbria County Libraries
Martyn Lowe, Founder, LWPM
Christopher Merrett, University of Natal
John Pateman, National Councilor, LA

We welcome contributions in our field. Read the journal to gauge our
interests. If you're in doubt, write to us with suggestions. Whilst
encouraging rigorous debate, the journal exists primarily for workers
and practitioners, so simple and clear English is preferable. Articles
should, where possible, be between 500 and 2500 words. This is to
ensure a wide coverage of topics in each issue. However, longer
articles may be excerpted in the journal and the full text made
available from the author(s), if you wish. We also welcome reviews,
letters, and news items.

We publish twice per year. Individual subscription for a year is
£5.00. Institutional rate is £15.00. Free to exchanging journals.
Enquire for overseas rates. Please make cheques payable to
"Information for Social Change".

Send to:

John Pateman
32 Petten Grove
Kent BR5 4PU

7. Filtering vignette from Santa Clara County Public

by Rory Litwin

I've been doing extra-hire work in the Santa Clara County Public
Library system, which I should start out by saying is a very nice
library system, with an unusually good feeling.  It's really
exemplary in its atmosphere and in the approachability
and helpfulness of the staff.

Santa Clara County is big, with affluent Silicon Valley suburbs in
its West Hills, and rural Gilroy, home of the famous garlic festival,
in the South.  Gilroy residents are predictably more conservative.  A
savvy pro-filtering group formed there and after much hard work forced
the county library system to install filters on all of its computers. 

The filtering works through a proxy server.  If you are in an adult
area, when you sit down at a computer to begin using the web, your
first click takes you to a consent form, where you can select
filtered or unfiltered access for the next twenty minutes or so,
after which time you'll encounter the consent form again.  Children's
areas have filtered access only.  The filtering is provided by

If you ask different librarians in the system how well the filtering
is working you will get different answers.  The librarian who trained
me when I was hired reported that it seems to be working well, and
there haven't been any instances of erroneous site-blockages that she
is aware of.  A children's librarian I spoke to, however, had
complaints.  She has run into the problem of wrongly blocked sites
frequently enough to be unhappy with this particular filter.  She is
unhappier still with the reporting mechanism.  When a user encounters
a site that is blocked, the message that comes up on the screen gives
contact information for CyberNOT that can be used to report an
inappropriately blocked site.  Of course, many library users,
especially children, would not know that a site is blocked
inappropriately, and would simply be embarrassed by the warning
message and move on to something else, with the librarian never
finding out.  If a user encounters porn while using a filter, on the
other hand, the librarian is very likely to hear about it, and will
make a report to CyberNOT.  The children's librarian I talked to said
that it's only the librarians who are continually helping patrons use
the internet who are aware of the problem of inappropriately blocked

I am also aware of the problem, by first hand experience, because
when I am using the web at the reference desk, I like to keep the
filter on.  (I am the only librarian in the system I know who does
this.)  I was testing the links on the ISC links page when I
discovered that two of them are blocked, the site for Raimund
Dehmlow's Directory of Progressive Librarians Around the World, and
the site for the German left librarians group AKRIBIE.  I will report
these sites to librarians above me on the food chain, but I have no
expectation that the blocks will be removed.  The children's
librarian I spoke to said that CyberNOT does not respond to requests
to unblock sites, even if the requests come from librarians.  Whether
they chose to unblock a site is not something that the librarians are
able to predict, and can find out only by checking the sites directly
after some time has passed.  It's a perfect example of bad customer
service.  The librarians who have the complaints, though, are front
line librarians, not the librarians at HQ responsible for evaluating
the service, and the two groups may not even be in communication, so,
CyberNOT remains in place.  Perhaps HQ is actually fully aware that
CyberNOT's service is lacking but still finds it better than the

In sum, what we have is a library system where filtering is not
working very well, but whose spokespeople will tell you that everyone
is happy.  Is that perhaps a little bit like your own library?

-Rory Litwin, Library Juice editor


8. Filtering-related news, courtesey of Karen Schneider

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 09:39:43 -0400
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]>
From: "Karen G. Schneider" <kgs[at]>
Subject: Great Article in Washington Post!


Do not miss this article!  Suitable for framing!  PUBLIB folks--note
reference to PUBLIB'er Leila Shapiro! 

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Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 09:14:34 -0400
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]>
From: "Karen G. Schneider" <kgs[at]>
Subject: Marianne Means debunks Dole on filtering

On Sunday, July 18, the Albany Times Union ran a column by Marianne Means
in which she emphatically debunks Elizabeth Dole's statements about
Internet filtering.  Means' column is so concise, clear and accurate that
it makes a great mini-tutorial on the topic.

"At its clumsiest, the system represents unconstitutional censorship," she
wrote.  Means cited the inherent weaknesses of filters: the fact that site
lists are hidden as a "trade secret," so that "librarians have no basis on
which to examine the [filter's] decisions"; that they are known to block
"legitimate literature"; and that mandated filtering flies in the face of
local standards. 

"What really upsets the librarians," Means writes, "is having mechanical
one-size-fits-all censorship imposed by Washington."  She points out how
convenient it is to support filtering legislation because it makes
politicians appear that they are against "smut."  She focused firmly on her
point that the nature of Internet content does not mitigate the inherent
flaws of Internet filters. 

If we in NY are collecting ideas for Best Library-Related Column of the
Year, I hope Means makes the list! 

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Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 11:23:57 -0400
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]>
From: "Karen G. Schneider" <kgs[at]>
Subject: Letter in Washington Post re Sex, Libraries and Internet

The Washington Post printed a letter I wrote in response to Daniel LeDuc's
column about sexually explicit materials in libraries.  In the online
version, my letter runs directly below a letter using arguments touted by
the pro-censorship organization, Filtering Facts.  You can read both
letters at:

(I did explain to the Post that I *live* in Albany and *work[ed]* in
Brunswick, but like most papers they chose to list my residence.)
Karen G. Schneider |  kgs[at]
Author: A Practical Guide to Internet Filters, Neal Schuman, 1997
Director, Brunswick Community Library [Formerly Garfield]

9. New anti-filtering discussion list from Chuck0

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:10:47 -0400
From: Chuck0 <chuck[at]>
To: ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom List <alaoif[at]>
Subject: New anti-filtering list

I've set up a new list for those opposed to filtering software in
libraries. This is a working and organizing list. It's primary purpose
will be to collectively develop the Filtering FAQ found at the
Mid-Atlantic Infoshop ( It
will also be used to organize a grassroots campaign against filtering.

Supporters of filtering are NOT welcome on this list and will be removed
immediately if discovered.

List name: nofilters[at]

To join, send an email to lists[at]

In the body type

subscribe nofilters

I look forward to seeing some of you on this list. We will win someday!


Alternative Press Review

Free Leonard Peltier!

"A society is a healthy society only to the degree
that it exhibits anarchistic traits."
        - Jens Bjørneboe

10. Ethnic pages and directories

Multicultural links courtesy of Chris Dodge, at his Street Librarian site.
Suitable for a library links collection.

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Diversity and Libraries

The impact of racial and ethnic diversity on libraries grows as the
world becomes increasingly connected. More accessible transportation,
global communication systems, and international diplomacy foster a
global community. These resources were collected to help 1)
librarians to stay informed about the diverse communities they serve
and to provide services appropriate to their needs, and 2) library
educators to infuse multiculturalism in LIS programs in order to
train professionals to serve culturally diverse communities. This
site is continually updated so plan to visit us again.

>From Clara Chu of UCLA's DLIS


11. PLUS: Public Libraries Using Spanish

Many public libraries are constrained in their efforts to attract and
serve Spanish-speaking patrons because they lack staff members capable
of performing translation and outreach work.

PLUS seeks to lend a hand by gathering useful, downloadable documents
that can help you make your library a more welcoming place for
Spanish-speakers. Card applications, brochures, policy statements,
signage text, press releases and news articles--all in Spanish with a
side-by-side English translation--will be collected here and are yours
to use as you see fit.

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La Brujula  - Latin American Resources

Búsquedas en Sol

Yahoo! en espanol


12. El Faro - Servicio de Navegación Bibliotecológico

Creado y administrado por:
Paola Andrea Ramírez Pérez
Bibliotecologa. U de A.

Estos son los primeros y principales servicios de EL FARO; y teniendo
en cuenta que  la principal virtud de un sitio como este, es la de
mantenerse activo para solventar las necesidades de información y
aprovechar las nuevas capacidades técnicas que ofrezca la internet,
en el apartado de Proyección de presentan otros servicios que pueden

    Consulta en la página principal

Es el principal servicio de EL FARO, consultar de los recursos de la
internet para unidades de información  y profesionales de la
información, clasificados en facetas y  con énfasis en América

    Consulta personal

Cada usuario podrá dirigir sus sugerencias e inquietudes sobre el
servicio y  solicitar la realización de una búsqueda de manera
personal y directa a la administración, cuando la información
presentada no satisfaga sus expectativas. Con base en estas consultas
personales se conformará un banco de perfiles de usuarios para
mantener una comunicación directa con la comunidad y para iniciar un
estudio de las necesidades de información reales  y practicas del

    Asesoría para la búsqueda y consulta en la internet

El trabajo desarrollado para la construcción del Servicio da como
resultado una metodología de búsqueda, consulta y evaluación de
recursos de información en la internet. Para mayor comodidad de los
usuarios, estas indicaciones y estrategias están disponibles en un
banco de documentos en línea  que se mantendrá actualizado y que
apoye las solicitudes personales para la realización de búsquedas
individuales en otra áreas del conocimiento


13. REFORMANET/Census2000 Website Info Re: Racially and Ethnically Mixed People

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:52:34 -0400
From: Cal Zunt <Cal.Zunt[at]>
To: CPL Branch Librarians <branch.librarians[at]>
Cc: reformanet[at]
Subject: REFORMANET/Census2000 Website Info Re: Racially and Ethnically Mixed People

Please go to the following website for additional info regarding Census
2000 issues regarding racially and ethnically mixed people:

Topics covered include:

Issues for 2000 census The federal government is considering changes in
the guidelines for classifying race and ethnic data.

Draft Provisional Guidance on the Implementation of the 1997
Standards for Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (February 17, 1999) 

Federal Register Notice (10/30/97, Vol. 62, No. 210) Revisions to
the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and

Federal Register Notice (7/17/97, Vol. 62, No. 137) Census 2000
Dress Rehearsal Questions on Race and Hispanic Origin

Federal Register Notice (7/9/97, Part II) Recommendations from the
Interagency Committee for the Review of the Racial and Ethnic Standards
to the Office of Management and Budget Concerning Changes to the
Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity

Federal Register Notice (8/28/95, Vol. 60, No. 166) Standards for
the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity

Population Division Working Paper No. 18 Results of the 1996 Race
and Ethnic Targeted Test

Population Division Working Paper No. 16 Findings on Questions on
Race and Hispanic Origin Tested in the 1996 National Content Survey

1996 National Content Survey: Findings on Questions on Race and
Hispanic Origin

                  Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division,
                            Racial Statistics Branch
                   Maintained By: Laura K. Yax (Population Division)
                     Last Revised: July 13, 1999 at 09:31:09 AM
  M. Callaghan "Cal" Zunt
  Branch Head         Email: Cal.Zunt[at]
  Carnegie West Branch         Phone: (216) 623-6927
  Cleveland Public Library     Fax: (216) 623-6929
  1900 Fulton Road
  Cleveland, OH  44113


14. LIBREF Survey Results:  Core Reference Tools

===== Original Message From "Diane K. Kovacs" <diane[at]> =====

Thank you all very much to everyone who responded.  Here are the core
reference tools survey results from my previous question to this list
(sorry for cross-posting inconveniences).  They are in approximately order
of their mention with some notes from me and comments from respondents.
Please feel free to send me your core reference tools.  I can always add to
these.  Thank you all again!


1. What are the top 5 print reference books that you can't work without?

The top 7:
World Almanac (comment:  "hardcover, because I don't have to remove my
glasses to read tables, etc.")
World Book Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Associations
Random House 2nd ed. Unabridged Dictionary
Encyclopedia Britannica
Statistical Abstracts.
Local/Regional and major city Phone books

The also rans:
National Five-Digit Zip Code and Post Office Directory
NADA automobile price guides, Kelley Blue Books, Edmunds Used Car Price Guide
Haines Criss-Cross Directory
Thomas Register
American Heritage English Dictionary
Americana Encyclopedia
CIA World Factbook
Consumer's Reports (both the magazines and the annual buying guides)
Contemporary Black Biography. (We have a large African American population,
and this series is great for Black History Month.)
Directory of Corporate Affiliations
Endangered Wildlife of the world (Marshall Cavendish)
Infotrac Magazine ASAP (CD-ROM)
International Wildlife Encyclopedia (Marhsall Cavendish)
McGraw-Hill Ency. of World Biography (Comment: "though may need updating!")
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology
Merck Manual
New York Times Almanac
Physicians Desk Reference *note votes in Medical questions also.
Statistical Abstracts
The Information Please series--great starting points for many assignments.
Specific State codes, regulations, and case reporters

(Comment: "[It is my firm belief that >90% of reference questions       can
be answered using only these two sources.]" speaking of the Random House
Unabridged and the World Almanac).

2. What are the top 3 CD-ROM, Tape or Online databases that you can't work

Infotrac Magazine and Newspaper Indexes
PhoneDisc, Powerfinder Phone Discs (or similar product)
American Business Disk
Electric Library
Infotrac Health Reference Center
Books In Print+
EBSCOhost online periodical database
Full text magazine database---UMI or Ebsco. (The more titles in full-text
the better.)
Grangers Poetry
IAC magazine indexes (Searchbank--General Reference Center & Health
Reference Center)
Local Newspaper (on-line or CD) (Comments:  "we have Dallas Morning News
CD-ROM or on-line periodical index such as Infotrak General Reference",
"Active Dayton (index to the local newspaper)")
Newsbank Comprehensive
SIRS Researcher
B&T Link database from Baker & Taylor (comment: "similar to BIP on disc,
only better")

3. What are your 2 most used reference tools for Business Questions?

Southern California Business Directory--provides addresses, contact
information, and some sales data for many local businesses. Main directory
is by SIC (or whatever the new classification is called)/subject, with
geographic, zip code, and alphabetical listings.

ValueLine Investment Survey
Duns Million Dollar Directory
American Business Disk
Dun and Bradstreets Business Directories
Hoover's directories
Standard & Poors Register
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
Moody's Industrial Manual.
Business InfoTrac ONline
2 Directory of Corporate Affiliations
Illinois Services Directory
Infotrac Company Profiles
Morningstar Mutual fund Survey.
Poor's company directory
Wisconsin Business Services Directory (published by State Chamber of Commerce)
Wisconsin Manufacturers Directory plus
California manufacturers and service industry directories
for product complaint--Gale's Brands and their companies

4. What are your 2 most used reference tools for Medical Questions?

Merck Manual
Health Reference InfoTrac
Encyclopedia of Diseases (Springhouse?)
Consumer Reports Complete Drug Reference
Harrison's principles of Internal Medicine
Stedman's Medical Dictionary

5. What are your 2 most used reference tools for Jobs and Employment

The number 1 source by a lot:

Occupational Outlook Handbook (comment: "Occupational Outlook Handbook is
THE most frequently used source, nothing else really comes close..")


"Assortment of resume books kept at reference desk"
Local newspaper Help Wanted Ads
Career Information Center (13v., Macmillan Pub.)
Help Wanted USA (job ads from multiple Sunday papers on microfiche)
Infotrac Company Profiles
Directory of Executive Recruiters
Moody's Manuals (comment: "that huge news collection")
Career Information Center (Ferguson) or Encyclopedia of
Careers and Vocational Guidance (Macmillan)
Ferguson's Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance
American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries.
Ohio Industrial Directory.

6. What are your 2 most used reference tools for Law Questions?

The number 1 source by a lot:

Specific State codes, regulations, and case reporters

West's Encyclopedia of American Law
Nolo Press books on divorce, bankruptcy, copyright, trademark, and patents
Black's Law Dictionary
GPO Access - through internet
Thomas online - through internet
WESTLAW CD-ROM (Massachusetts Laws, REgs, Cases)
Tenant/Landlord Law (various sources - mostly local)
Legal Forms publications
BOCA codes (Building Officials and Code Administrators) for regulations on
various building projects
Divorce in Ohio

Other areas added:
"Two areas I didn't have room for are Native Americans (Encyclopedia of
Native American Tribes by Waldman) and information about what happened in
different eras (Time-Life series of the Gale Decades series)"

Diane K. Kovacs                                 |
Kovacs Consulting -                             | fax: (330)225-0083
Specializing in Instructor-Led                  | phone: (330)273-5032
Web-Based Training

15. Economic Reporting Review

                    Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
               Media analysis, critiques and news reports

Economic Reporting Review
July 26, 1999

Contact: Rachel Coen (mailto:rcoen[at]

MICROSOFT-Is It Really as Big as Spain?
Reporting on a jump in the price of Microsoft stock that placed its market
valuation at approximately $500 billion, the New York Times asserted that
if Microsoft were a country, "it would have the ninth-largest economy in
the world, behind Spain" (7/17/99).   As Dean Baker reveals, the Times'
assertion is based on a faulty economic comparison and creates a very
misleading impression of Microsoft's place in the global economy.  Read
this week's ERR and learn where Microsoft really ranks.

TAX CUTS-Beyond the Spin
Baker shows how the papers of record failed to question both Democratic
and Republican assertions about the size and impact of the GOP's proposed
tax cuts.  See ERR for a reality check.

To read the New York Times, you would think the United States is leaving
all its economic rivals in the dust.  Find out how the U.S. really
compares with "struggling" Europe and "lagging" China in this week's ERR.

Check out this week's ERR for more on these key stories and others:

What is ERR?
Challenging reporters at the nation's leading newspapers to live up to
their reputations, Economic Reporting Review provides weekly on-line
analysis of the economic reporting in the New York Times and the
Washington Post.

Written by Dean Baker, a senior research fellow at the Preamble Center for
Public Policy, and previously a senior economist at the Economic Policy
Institute, ERR calls attention to unsupported assertions, misrepresented
facts or outright mistakes in economic reporting.  An invaluable resource
for journalists, columnists and media analysts, ERR provides a fresh,
insightful perspective on economics. ERR is a joint project of FAIR and
the Preamble Center.

ERR is on-line at

To receive ERR via e-mail every week, go to:

NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at


Feel free to respond to FAIR ( fair[at] ). We can't reply to
everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
documented example of media bias or censorship. All messages to the
'FAIR-L' list will be forwarded to the editor of the list.

Also, please send copies of email correspondence, including any
responses, to us at: fair[at] .

Feel free to spread this message around. Put it on conferences
where it is appropriate. We depend on word of mouth to get our message
out, so please let others know about FAIR and this mailing list.

Don't miss a single e-mail from FAIR-L.

You can subscribe to FAIR-L at our web site:
Or, you can send a "subscribe FAIR-L enter your full name"

The subscriber list is kept confidential, so no need to worry about

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16. Alternative Press Center's Request

Dear progressive librarians,

I wonder if some of you might be able to help me. With the help of our
friends at the Alternative Press Center, the Independent Press Association
(IPA) has just published a handy and eminently useful directory of
progressive print magazines and newspapers. Now, with boxes and boxes of
these books crowding our San Francisco offices, we're getting serious about
spreading the word to all of the markets that might be interested. Not
surprisingly, socially-aware librarians are high on our list.

"Annotations: a guide to the critical independent press" is the main part
of an initiative by the IPA to get more progressive and independent print
periodicals into North American libraries. Recent years have seen the IPA
rent booths at ALA conferences (most recently in New Orleans), going
head-to-head with EBSCO to craft efficient and easy magazine
sample-giveaway programs. But while EBSCO is pushing often unchallenging
material, the IPA's 170 member magazines offer real alternatives to
mainstream thought and opinion.

Where are the best places to go to reach this market, either in the U.S. or
in Canada? Where are the Web sites, the journals, the Listservs that
progressive librarians use? Who are in iconoclastic individuals that are
quietly leading this struggle? Any help -- even of a general nature --
would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, a final component of this initiative will be a column devoted to
progressive librarianship featured in the IPA Ink Reader, our 8-page
newsletter for the wide independent publishing world. We want to find
individuals librarians who have -- as we put it --  fought to make a
difference, implemented great changes, built their collections, and lived
to tell about it. By interviewing them, we think they might be able to
provide real hands-on technical advice to the 2,000 or so progressive
publishing workers who receive our newsletter.

Do such people exist?

I've listed more information about ANNOTATIONS below, including how to
PURCHASE IT. Even more info about this guide can be seen at

For the complete story of our experiences in NEW ORLEANS, check out the IPA
web site at :

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give.

Best regards,
Robert Rosenthal
IPA Publications Coordinator

PS -- Any truly helpful advice will be rewarded with FREE COPIES of Annotations!

* * *

Robert J. Rosenthal
Publications Coordinator
Independent Press Association

2390 Mission St., #201
San Francisco, CA  94110
phone: (415) 643-4401
fax: (415) 643-4402

* * *
Teamwork over the last year between the IPA and the Alternative Press
Center has yielded a stunning result: "Annotations -- a guide to the
independent critical press".

This valuable new 500-page directory showcases the unique perspectives of
over 300 hard-to-find independent periodicals, including fully-indexed
listings of subjects, editorial & column staffs, formats & frequencies,
subscription rates, publishing histories, and summary reviews.

If you're a writer, editor, activist, researcher or donor (and you care
about diversity of thought and opinion) make sure you get your copy. Ralph
Nader calls it "proof that there is much more beyond the soft ice cream
ladled out by the mainstream corporate press."

To get your copy of Annotations, send a check for US$28 (that's $24.95,
plus $3.05 shipping and handling) to: IPA Book, 2390 Mission St., #201, SF,
CA  94110-1836. IPA members pay only $13 ($9.95, plus shipping and
handling) Call for credit card orders.


17. Skateboard Science [RealPlayer G2]

This new exhibit from the Exploratorium (last described in the February 19,
1999 Scout Report) lets users in on the techniques and equipment
skateboarders use to seemingly bend the law of gravity. In the trickscience
section, the site explains the physics behind the ollie, a fundamental
jumping technique; mid-air maneuvers; and McTwists and Caballerials with
illustrations, concise text, and several experiments to try at home. The
equipment section offers an in-depth look at skateboard design and
construction and how they have changed over time. In addition, the site
also contains a glossary of skateboard terms and a RealPlayer G2 archive of
a recent (June 12) webcast of a skateboard science exhibition at the
Exploratorium. [MD]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.

  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

| Except where noted, items appearing in Library Juice
| are copyright-free, so feel free to share them with
| colleagues and friends.  Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited by Rory Litwin.  Original senders
| are credited wherever possible; opinions are theirs.
| Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
| mailto:Juice[at]                    

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