Library Juice 2:35 - September 8, 1999


1. Encyclopedia Britannica to drop the print version
2. LOC's new online catalog
3. Citing electronic resources
4. Walt Crawford critique of Coffman article
5. 10 Graces for New Librarians
6. ALA/SRRT Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty Task Force (website)
7. Summary Report of SFPL's Post Occupancy Evaluation (New Main)
8. Library Journal editorial on SFPL Post Occupancy Evaluation
9. SF Chronicle article on SFPL Post Occupancy Evaluation
10. Letter from James Chaffee to the San Francisco Chronicle
11. SFPL Petition, 1991
12. Censorship on library listservs
13. The Civic Media Center Five Years On
14. Hermenaut: "Irish Bars and Nothingness"
15. Cliche Finder
16. "Sex in the Stacks" article
17. Article on Infoshops by Chris Dodge
18. comics research bibliography

Quote for the week:

"When I step into this library, I cannot understand why I ever
step out of it."  Marie de Sevigne (1626-1696) French diarist
"Letters of Madame de Sevigne to Her Daughter and Friends," 1811.

Homepage of the week: Randy Reichardt


1. Encyclopedia Britannica to drop the print version

Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 12:12:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: Arro Smith or David Gentry <arro[at]>
To: gay librarian <gay-libn[at]>
Subject: Britannica announced that it has stopped printing (fwd)

Sorry if this was addressed last week while I was signed off on vacation.
I hope this doesn't spell the end of other great reference sources in book

> Glenn Hauman (BiblioBytes, writes: Encyclopaedia
> Britannica announced that it has stopped printing because its
> multimedia CD-ROM version is a far bigger seller (July 27, 1999).
> The ending of a tradition reaching back more than 200 years came
> about because the company now sells only a minimal number of books,
> compared with 150,000 CD-ROMS every year in Europe alone.

2. LOC's new online catalog

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 09:27:54 +1200
From: "Alistair Kwun" <a.kwun[at]>
To: "New Librarians" <newlib-l[at]>
Subject: [website] LOC online catalog

Umm...LOC is on Voyager, just like my library :-)
-- Alistair

Today, August 31, marks the opening of the Library of Congress' new
web version of its online catalog, available at

The old system, known as Library of Congress Information Systems, or
LOCIS, will be available until December 31, 1999.  However, the last
updates to LOCIS were made on August 12, so searching LOCIS will not give
you any information input after August 12.

The new system, based on the Voyager ILS created by Endeavor, contains all
records and has combined the two major files, i.e., the older PREMARC
records and the MUMS records, so it's one-stop searching.  Several
features are better, e.g., truncation with a question mark, but not
everything is better.  The OPAC does not include authority headings, for

There are four ways to search, one of which is called Guided Keyword,
which I recommend for most keyword searches.  Another search mode is
confusingly called Subject/Name/Title/Call Number.  It is not the only
place to compose subject or other searches - Guided Keyword can do them as
well.  Subject/Name/Title/Call Number is basically a card catalog
approach, no keywords, so it's fine for known-item searches.

Unfortunately, Subject/Name/Title/Call Number does not allow limits by
language, dates, country of publication, etc., for subject or name
(author) searches, whereas Guided Keyword allows limits on all searches.

3. Citing electronic resources

Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 12:45:48 +1200
From: "Alistair Kwun" <a.kwun[at]>
To: "New Librarians" <newlib-l[at]>
Subject: [websites] citing electronic resources - summary list

Hi eveyone:

A while back I posted a question asking for sites for
citing electronic resources.

Thanks to all those who replied to my request.
Here's a summary of resources.
I've checked all the links and they're all active.
Hope this is not information overload :-)

Sorry for this belated posting.

-- Alistair Kwun

Florida Distance Learning Reference & Referral Center

Bibliographic Formats for Citing Electronic Information

Citing Cyberspace (Lester, James D.)

Electronic Reference -- Style Manuals

Internet Public Library list of sites

OCLC Guide to cataloging Internet resources

Style Guide for Online Hypertext


4. Walt Crawford critique of Coffman article

Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 15:29:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Dahn <dahn[at]>
To: publib <publib[at]>
Subject: Critique of  Earth's Largest Library

Many thanks to Christine Lind Hage for posting this link -- I would have
completely missed the critique otherwise.

As strongly as I urged all of you to read Coffman's original article
back in March, I now urge you to read Walt Crawford's critique if you
are at all interested in ELL.  It is an important contribution to this
discussion. (more about this later)

-- Mike

Michael Dahn
Librarian, Webmaster
Stetson University College of Law
(727) 562-7800 x7681

5. 10 Graces for New Librarians

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 06:18:40 -0400
From: "Jacqueline Haun" <jehaun[at]>
To: Patricia Rivers <privers[at]>
Cc: newlib-l[at]
Subject: Re: 10 Graces for New Librarians

On 13 Aug 99, at 20:08, Patricia Rivers wrote:

> I missed the previous messages, and just saw this reference to "10 Graces
> for New Librarians". Would someone please send me the full citation?

Patricia, it can be found on the Web at:


(And yes, I cc'd to the list in case anyone else wanted quick and 
easy access...;-) )

Jacqueline Haun
Master's Degree Student
School of Information
University of Michigan

6. ALA/SRRT Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty Task Force (website)

At ...

the SRRT Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty Task Force now has a web page,
with a bibliography, a discussion of current legislation relating to
poverty issues, a collection of internet resources, and the following

Despite current "prosperity", millions remain hungry, homeless, and
destitute. Most working poor people are barely "making it."

The income gap increasingly widens. Poor-bashing has become
common-place in media & politics while corporate welfare soars and
conglomerates grow even bigger and more powerful.

Incredibly, ALA -- until 1990 -- had never developed a formal policy
on library service to poor people. Nor had there been an ALA unit
dedicated to ensuring that libraries be accessible and useful to
low-income citizens, as well as better informing the whole population
about the dimensions, causes, and ways to end poverty itself.

In that year, ALA Membership and Council approved a Poor People's
Policy, but it long went unnoticed and unimplemented. In 1996,
SRRTers formed a Task Force to resurrect and promote the ALA
guidelines. Subsequently, the TF mounted major conference programs,
secured policy-support from ALA Presidential candidates, initiated a
SRRT resolution on poverty-related subject headings, distributed
resource information, encouraged the OLOS (Office for Literacy &
Outreach Services) Advisory Committee to create a Poverty
Subcommittee, published a first-ever statement on class and libraries
in American Libraries, and spawned an activist's "cookbook," Poor
People and Library Services (McFarland, 1998), edited by TF member
Karen Venturella.

There is still much to do:

       * Annual programming
       * Lobbying ALA & Congress
       * Initiating a clearinghouse on library-related poverty issues
         (like fees, fines, and borrowing privileges)
       * Publishing a newsletter

We can do it all. It only depends on members willing to contribute
their time, energy and expertise.

The Task Force on Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty is one of several
issue oriented Task Forces within the Social Responsibilities Round
Table (SRRT) of the American Library Association.

SRRT has worked effectively to make ALA more democratic and to
establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but
also for the entire profession. Concern for civil and economic rights
was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent
concern today.

SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help
solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their
mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Want to Become a Member?

Membership in the Task Force is open to anyone who joins the Social
Responsibilities Round Table. For further information, contact Karen
M. Venturella, Task Force Chair, at Sprague Library, Montclair State
University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
phone: 973-655-7153
fax: 973-655-7780
email: venturellak[at]

To join the American Library Association and SRRT, contact ALA
Membership services at 1-800-545-2533
fax: 312-944-2641
email: membership[at]

Task Force On Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty
Social Responsibilities Round Table
of the American Library Association

7. Summary Report of SFPL's Post Occupancy Evaluation (New Main)


8. Library Journal editorial on SFPL Post Occupancy Evaluation$29030

The Key Lesson from San Francisco
Staff and public input is useless when it's ignored

"Already the stuff of legends, the saga of the new main library in
San Francisco has just added a new chapter. Last month a team comprised
of architect Cynthia Ripley and library consultants Florence Mason and
Susan Kent (director of the Los Angeles P.L.) presented a massive Main
Library Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) to a meeting of the staff and,
a few days earlier, to the San Francisco Public Library Commission. The
POE clearly isn't the last word in this story, which will go on for

9. SF Chronicle article on SFPL Post Occupancy Evaluation

Throwing the Book at Library
Study says S.F. main branch lacks shelf
space, has confusing layout

San Francisco Chronicle, August 27, 1999

"San Francisco's 3-year-old main library may be a busy and
beautiful building, but its shelf space is already full and its layout
confuses many visitors, a new city-commissioned study says.

"Fixing all the problems detailed in the report could cost millions of
dollars, concede library officials, who agree with the report's
basic findings. They have not even begun to think about where
they might get the money."

10. Letter from James Chaffee to the San Francisco Chronicle

in response to their August 27 article

Dear Editor:

I read with interest your cover story on the Post Occupancy
Evaluation of the New Main Library.

With a fair amount of detail regarding What, Where and When, your
reporter could have devoted just a bit of newspaper space to Why.
Why is part of the story too.  The reason for the debacle that is the
New Main Library is the "public private partnership."  The purpose of
the library was subverted for the personal benefit of those who were
raising private money.  Among many other examples, the managing
partner of the architectural firm and the president of the Library
Commission considered it a badge of honor that they had prominent
positions in the money raising organization (instead of doing their

The report says as much when it notes at page 2-1: "[It] is therefore
not whether mistakes were made, but whether the perspective of the
design team and the perspective of those who currently operate the
facility were *congruent*.  (Emphasis in original.)

Thus the function of the library became a beggar in its own house in
favor of those who were drinking at the income stream of private
money.  It was nothing less than the conversion of public assets to
private benefit.  While this was going on, planning details were
openly mocked by library officials who were busy stirring Martinis
for the New Main.


James Chaffee

11. SFPL Petition, 1991

19 February 1991

To the Library Commissioners

     San Francisco's new main library building is much needed and
eagerly anticipated.  Many meetings have been held to elicit staff
expertise for designing this structure.  Yet only a modicum of input
has been heeded.  Three major points need correction:

1.  SPACE.  Of the 375,000 square feet promised, much of it will be
all but useless.  This has come about through peculiarities of design
(wedge-shaped rooms, few secure spaces for restricted reference
materials, etc.) and a certain inflexibility in the permanent placing
of reference desks, bookcases, and other furniture - an insistence on
conformity to "architectural conepts" rather than practical use.
Librarians have asked for a modular approach and flexibility;
architects are insisting on a set-in-stone permanence that does not
fit the practical daily needs of a successfully functioning
library.  Off-site storage is already looming as a possibility;
obviously the current plan for the new building is not meeting the
needs set forth to voters to justify the expenditure.

2.  HEALTH.  A) The absence of REAL WINDOWS (i.e., openable windows
as opposed to glass walls) creates an indoor environment redolent
with building-material chemicals and an excellent breeding ground for
germs that cause a variety of illnesses - all of which will be
recycled again and again.  Well aware of the growing medical and now
legal literature on "sick building syndrome" and of innovations by
architects in Europe and other parts of the English-speaking world
staff members have insisted on the inclusion all over the library of
openable windows.

3.  ENERGY.  Ironically, the reason cited for closed windows is
conformity to a California Energy Commission regulation for
conserving energy in public buildings.  With San Francisco's climate,
the city needs to heat the current building for four months of the
year; a sealed new building will require energy expenditure for all
twelve months just to maintain a livable environment, creating an
increased and ongoing unnecessary expenditure for an ever-decreasing
city budget.  Other public buildings, such as schools, are built
throughout California each year - with windows that open,
successfully enough to satisfy the California Energy Commission.

     Willie Brown, in his endorsement of the bond to build a new
library for San Fransicso proclaimed that we should "do it right".
Spending from $92 to $98 million dollars on a structure in which
librarians are being asked to cram their books and services into
preconceived, inadequate spaces, in which San Francisco's climate is
ignored, in which the health of staff and citizenry is glibly
disregarded, and in which ongoing budgetary limitations are not given
a thought, is hardly "doing it right" by San Francisco or San
     Staff input and suggestions have been based on careful research
and considerations of public trust, the uniqueness of San Francisco's
climate, and a sound knowledge of the everyday needs of properly
functioning libraries.  What is presented here is an outline of
unworkable and totally unacceptable conditions that are now being
built into the new library.
     We, the undersigned staff, respectfully request that the Library
Commissioners take a close and hard look at the plans for our new
library and not set their names to an edifice that betrays the intent
for which the building gained public support and grossly betrays the
trust of the citizens of San Francisco.

(Signed by 31 librarians.  Two others had their signatures removed
out of fear of reprisal by the administration.)

12. Censorship on library listservs

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 18:04:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Gordon Riley" <gdriley[at]>
To: publib <publib[at]>
Subject: Censorship on library listservs

I wrote the following article for School Library Journal last June,
but it  was not published because the Dr. Laura controversy had
gotten old by then.   It is not about her so much as it is about how
we respond to issues.  I had  a specific word limit, so it is not as
detailed as I might have liked, but I  decided to put it on the
listservs in the form that I would have had it  published.  I wanted
to wait until the majority of our subscribers in school  libraries
were back to work, not because I was waiting to see if my  prediction
about a law requiring school libraries to install filtering  software
would come true.


I had never heard of Dr. Laura until I ignored a flash of postings
about her  on the PUBLIB listserv.   An electronic mailing list of
mainly public  librarians was discussing a radio
psychobabble-talkshowhost's attack on ALA  for linking to a
university site containing graphic sexual information for  teens.
After the first day I deleted all the messages based on their
subject lines, because I wasn't much interested in this new
permutation of  an endlessly unsolvable topic.  Until a posting on
LM_NET, a list  exclusively for school librarians, drew my
attention.  It reported that Dr.  Laura had been involved in getting
money pledged for the benefit of children  to be withdrawn, as part
of a broader 3-part attack on ALA.  An interesting  discussion arose,
but was quickly cut short when the moderator of the  listserv posted a
pair of edicts which stated that the Dr. Laura controversy  was not
relevant to school libraries and that henceforth anyone who
attempted to post a message on the forbidden topic would suffer the
21st  century equivalent of having their tongues cut off, would be
banned from  posting to the list.  As a previous critic of the
moderator, I was promptly  censored for arguing that the issue was an
important topic for discussion.   Peter Milbury, whose sole
qualification for holding the important post of  moderator is that he
started the dang thing before most of us had email,  insisted that he
was justified in banning me "due to the continued postings  on Dr. L.
which were not on target."

The idea that Dr. Laura's attack on ALA has no bearing on school
libraries  is absurd for at least 3 major reasons.  Her big complaint
is ALA's position  against filtering software.  In my last school in
North Carolina there was  no hotter issue in the Technology Committee
than the fact that we did not  have it.  To knuckle under and install
Net Nanny to the detriment of my  kids' educations would have been a
real easy thing for me to do.  Moreover,  a bill was introduced in
Congress that would have required me to do so.   Although the bill
did not have sufficient support to pass in that form at  that time,
direct political pressure such as is being applied by Dr. Laura
ensures that another such bill will be considered soon, perhaps as
a  national election issue.  Every day that Dr. L's tirade continues,
every  mention she makes of it, makes it that much more likely that
principals and  school board members are going to have their
attention drawn to the  associated issues.

The second reason has to do with her attack on Columbia University's
Go Ask  Alice site.  It is not that she is attacking this site, but
that she is  attacking it because it gives accurate, honest
information for teens about  sexuality issues.  Is it such a great
leap to think that books dealing with  this kind of topic might be
next to draw fire on the Dr. Laura show?  These  two issues,
filtering software and sexuality information, are crucial,  everyday
issues for those responsible for running school libraries,  therefore
public opinion and those trying to manipulate opinion are  relevant.

The third reason has to do with the idea of teaching about
libraries.  Have  school librarians so bailed on this concept that
the idea of informing  teachers about potential classroom issues
related to libraries is not even  considered, even when they are
national issues about constitutional  questions related directly to
kids?  Is there no possibility whatsoever that  a school librarian
somewhere might want to talk to the students about this  during
library period?

Dr. L is promoting the general idea that public libraries are bad
places for  kids.  If so, this would mean an entirely different role
for the school  library, not being able to depend on the resources of
the public library to  supplement the collection.  Generally and
specifically, there is no question  that this bears directly on
school libraries.  Even if relevance was not so  obvious, should
discussion of a particular topic be banned in a librarians'
discussion?  Is it not one of the guiding principals of our
profession  providing access to information?  It is for the user to
decide what  information is relevant to him, and what to ignore or

The only even halfway logical argument that can be made is that
this  situation doesn't have a direct bearing on school libraries
YET.  Except  perhaps for what it shows us about ourselves.
Librarians talk a good game  about free speech and how spirited
debate leads to intelligent solutions,  but do we really believe and
practice it?  The moderators of PUBLIB and  LM_NET have both
expressed to me that they are more concerned with seeing  that people
are not insulted and offended.  They say it is important to  suppress
flamers, which is Net lingo for people who seem to delight in  making
personal attacks on those with whom they disagree.  They claim that
it is their duty to suppress these discussions by prior restraint,
that is,  before they lead to flames.  Yet I must argue that an
adapted truism is  closer to the ideals that I would expect
librarians to support.  There  should be something on my listserv to
offend anybody.

Gordon Riley, Electronic Resources Librarian Mercersburg Academy,
Mercersburg PA The opinions expressed are my own!

"It's all about sincerity.  Once you can fake that, you've got it made."
Former NFL Head Coach Monte Clark who heard it from Geroge Burns.



The Civic Media Center Five Years On

By James Schmidt, Coordinator

_Librarians at Liberty_ vol. 5, no. 2 & vol. 6, nos. 1 & 2 (June 1998):
pp. 46 - 47.

     In the beginning in 1993 a group of alternative publishers and
supporters of free media came together in Gainesville, Florida to
launch an information insurgency.  They decided to name their effort
"The Civic Media Center and Library, Inc.," usually shortened to the
"Civic Media Center," the "Center," or the "CMC."  Originally
conceived as a public archive and clearinghouse for independent,
non-corporate print and recorded material, including a lending
library, the Center has grown in five years into an incredible
community resource that provides the services of a library, meeting
space, office space, music hall, youth center, and arts center all
rolled into one.  It has been a fun but sometimes hectic and trying
five years.  There are some important lessons for folks interested in
building alternative libraries to learn from the Gainesville
community's experience with the Civic Media Center.
     In January of 1994 retired librarian and CMC board member
Charles Willett wrote an article for his publication Librarians at
Liberty about the founding of the Center and the high hopes that the
original organizers had for their brainchild (see p. 28).  Now in
1998 many of those original players, with some notable exceptions
including former director Joe Courter and Charles himself, have moved
on to other projects,  but the Center remains.  To those of us who
have been around for the long haul, it seems that the original goals
of the Center have been met and in some ways surpassed by all the
growth and changes that the project has undergone.
     The original CMC lending library, based conceptually on the
example of the  Alternative Reading Room in Asheville, NC (no longer
in existence), is still the anchor of the project.  Thanks to
generous donations of material from Charles' CRISES Press and many
other local donors, the library has grown by leaps and bounds, and
now includes almost two thousand books and hundreds of video and
audio tapes.  The collection also includes dozens of magazine titles
as well; these are available for in-house use, with the Alternative
Press Index as a research guide and photocopies available in the
back room for five cents each.
     Once the Center got up and running and was beginning to be a
self-sustaining project, the organizers turned their attention to
internal structure and long-term planning beyond the basics of daily
operation.  Incorporation as an official 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization was one of the first hurdles to clear.  The precise
configuration of the relationships among the board of directors
required by law for incorporation, the paid staffer
(manager/coordinator), and the volunteer staffers has been one of our
longest-running confusions.  I am pleased to report, however, that
true to the egalitarian ideals that our collection promotes, the
staff of the CMC have worked very hard to come up with positive,
democratic ways to channel our collective ingenuity and dreams for
the project.  As Charles' article from 1994 states: "Corporations
need officers and a board of directors, but operations may be handled
better as a collective."  Our experience at the CMC has proven that a
collective model is the best basic structure to work from.  We've
experimented with various formats in terms of committees and
"officers" and have settled into a loose collective structure that
incorporates the varying levels of drive and availability amongst our
volunteers by delegating responsibility to individual "mission chiefs"
and a series of ad hoc committees.  The coordinator oversees
day-to-day operations and the group makes collective decisions at
weekly volunteer meetings and a series of biannual retreats jokingly
referred to as "boot camps."    We have reconstituted the board as a
representative sample of staffers at these retreats.  This body, the
collective as represented at a given retreat, is the highest
decision-making power of the Center.
     Volunteers are essential to the functioning of the Center.  
They staff the space during regular operating hours, set up and run
events, maintain the membership, finance, and collections records,
assemble newsletters and other mailings, engage in phone drives, and
perform many other tasks too numerous to list here, all of which are
essential to making the CMC go.    The volunteers and staff have
found fertile ground in which to plant the project's roots in the
many layers of Gainesville's progressive community.  It is these
"people connections" that really make an operation like ours work.
     One of our greatest assets has been the network of activists,
musicians, counterculture folks, professionals ans small business
people that former director Joe Courter has cultivated in his
twenty-plus years of living and working around town.  People are what
the struggle for freedom that fuels projects like the CMC is all
about, and Joe has taught many of us at the CMC by his example that
almost anything is possible, even on a shoestring budget, when you
keep the positive, productive connections between people at the
forefront of all your work.  Cynics often say of business and
politics in our society, "It's not what you do, it's who you know."
Looking back on the many powerful examples of organizing and
community-building that I have seen in five years of participation at
the Civic Media Center, I  have to say that the work of folks like Joe
and the CMC volunteers continually reminds me that in grassroots
community organizing, it's who you know and what you do.
     Although  there are many sides to the Center these days, from
public forum to punk rock music hall, the library remains at the core
of the Center's mission.  We are continually working to improve the
collection's organization and accessibility.  One of our  greatest
achievements within the last two years has been the implementation of
a program in which our collection is being added to the local public
library's electronic database.
     The library is the financial base of the project as well.   The
truly brilliant aspect of the original Civic Media Center design was
to create the lending library as a kind of "information cooperative,"
in which use of the collection was supported by  paid memberships
available for a $10 to $20 sliding-scale yearly donation.  This
membership aspect has allowed the Center to have a concrete record of
its community base of support in both the financial and practical
senses.  Our membership database functions as an organizing tool as
well.  By sending out newsletters that include updates on the
Center's functioning and a list of planned events, we are able to
bring people back again and again to share information with them and
get their input and participation in local political and cultural
happenings that we host here and at other sites around town.  By
keeping detailed records of how much and how regularly folks are
willing to pay for their memberships (some of our supporters pay
monthly , quarterly, etc.) we are able to know who we can tap for
emergency spot donations when funds are short.  Periodic membership
renewal drives by phone and mail accomplish the same goal  in a more
measured, sustainable fashion.
     The building of our fundraising programs has been a long, slow
process that is affected by many factors, including things like the
number and frequency of public events held at the Center within a
given period, changes in volunteer staffing, and the availability of
other community resources such as large music halls.  It is important
for folks considering a similar endeavor to understand that the Center
was very lucky to enjoy an initial fundraising push that consisted of
very substantial out-of-pocket donations from local supporters, in
particular Charles Willett, who funded the first year of operations
almost solely out of his own money.  For folks in communities where
radical media may not enjoy such a solid base of support, it is
important to consider the option of going for large grants to supply
the initial start-up costs.  However, we at the CMC have  followed
the advice of our comrades in other organizations whose experience
has taught them that too much reliance on fickle grant money can
prove disastrous to a grassroots organization.  Our advice, based our
experience: build your roots up strong in the soil of your
community!  If you do your work well and provide services your
community needs, the nourishment that flows in through those roots
will sustain you and allow you to grow.
     In addition to our membership program, which provides us with a
fairly stable base flow of income, we  hold benefit concerts at local
clubs,  collect voluntary donations at meetings, discussions, poetry
readings, art openings, and music shows held at the Center, and
engage in service exchange projects such as providing volunteers to
staff parking services at a local music festival in exchange for a
cut of the  fees.  The triumph of the CMC is that in all our
fundraising endeavors we have only relied on one small grant which we
received from the Resist! Foundation for a new copy machine.  We are
truly a grassroots, community-supported project.  The progressive
community in Gainesville has come to see us as an invaluable
resource, and that appreciation is reflected in the fact that we are
able to consistently collect enough money to pay for operations, and
have even increased the modest pay for the Coordinator's position.
Sometimes we even have a little left over at the end of the month!
     The Civic Media Center is a heroic grassroots achievement.  To
the coalition of liberals, radicals and counterculture folks who hold
it together and keep it going, the Center represents our little
community's contribution to the next wave of popular resistance to
corporate greed and government abuse of power—that is, organizing
around access to information and the use of alternative information
as a launching point for direct action on issues that affect the
everyday lives of people here in our community and around the
world.  We hear it said time and again by folks who visit the Center:
"I wish my town had a CMC" or "Gosh, every town oughtta have a place
like this!"


14. Hermenaut: "Irish Bars and Nothingness"

I am very excited about Hermenaut, "the journal of heady
philosophy."  What it is is a very fat, very intelligent,
well-produced zine that grapples with philosophical topics,
always connected to our culture as it is apprehended by its
young (30 something) writers.  The latest issue is number 15,
"Fake Authenticity," and it is 230 pages of great reading.  They
have a place on a web but nothing but contact information there
as yet.  (

Here's a very nice statement of what they are about from the last
issue, in keeping with the theme of fake authenticity:

"Irish Bars and Nothingness"

a testimonial by Jean-Paul Sartre

In the beginning, there was the Irish Bar (le Bar Irlandais).  The
Irish Bar had identity, it had substantiality, it was purely and
simply what it was: a plenitude of Irish-Barness.  There is no such
thing as "human nature," just a shared human condition: the anguished
awareness of our annihilating thirst, a void which can only be filled
at the Irish Bar.  However, the Fall of Man was his expulsion from
the Irish Bar, and we are today condemned to the nothingness of

The mainstream magazine grows weary of trying to deliver itself from
the torment of thirst.  Frightened by its vertiginous thirst, it
settles for the "Irish Bar."  This ersatz Irish Bar--which is what is
is not, and which is not what it is--is merely a *decompression* of
the Irish Bar.  The mainstream magazine permits itself to be
pseudo-persuaded of the Irish-Barness of the "Irish Bar," by
cynically disarming in advance the very notion of Irish-Barness; by
becoming disparagingly indifferent to the very possibility of the
Irish Bar.  However, although it may repress the truth about the
"Irish Bar" in which it drinks, the mainstream magazine remains
thirsty; it knows that it is in perpetual flight toward an Irish Bar
it can never find.  This state of existence can only be called Hell.

The zine adopts a different attitude; it accepts as a given the
anguish associated with its thirst, its nothingness, its lack of
Irish Bar.  The zine will not allow itself to be pseudo-convinced of
the authenticity of the "Irish Bar"; it remains critical, and holds
to those norms and criteria regarding the Irish-Barness of the Irish
Bar which the mainstream magazine has abandoned.  The zine is less
cynical than the mainstream magazine, and remains willing to consider
evidence for and against the authenticity of any given "Irish Bar."
But this open-mindedness, admirable though it may be in some ways,
brings into being a world where there is a place for every impossible
belief.  There is always a chance, then, that--like the mainstream
magazine--the zine will eventually make room for those impossible
beliefs against which there is evidence they cannot conceal.

Hermenaut rejects the attitude of the mainstream magazine, and does
the zine one better: Hermenaut wills its unslakeable thirst, and
*affirms* itself as thirst.  Hermenaut refuses the quest for the
Irish Bar, and devotes itself instead to maintaining the tension of
the unattainability of Irish-Barness.  In rejecting the notion that
the Irish Bar is the source of all authenticity, Hermenaut has
disengaged itself from the world of mainstream magazines and zines
alike, and lives *liberated* in the authenticity of its thirst.

How to subscribe to Hermenaut:

Send $20 for 4 issues to:

PO Box 141
Allston, MA  02134

The last few issues are also available, and can be bought individually.
Issue 11/12 was on Camp and costs $8; issue no. 13 was on Vertigo and
can be had for $7, and the great issue no. 14 was on Anorexia and
Technology, and goes for $6.  The current issue is $6.


15. Cliche Finder

From: "Thomas Pitre" <tpitre[at]>
To: "ResPool" <respool[at]>
Subject: Resource: Cliche finder
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 12:37:58 -0700

ResPool -

I love a good cliche more than I love life itself. If you need a
cliche for your next dinner party, see:

T. Pitre
Sequim, WA

========signature starts here====================
Thomas Pitre Associates
Thomas Pitre, Ph.D.
Sequim, WA  USA
email: thomas[at]
Phone: 360-683-7699
FAX: East Coast (e-Fax) (978) 389-0497
West Coast (Fax Wave) (209) 821-9517
Visit our classes and listings at::


16. "Sex in the Stacks"

Article on librarian porn by Candi Strecker


17. Article on Infoshops by Chris Dodge, published in American Libraries


18. comics research bibliography

Compiled by Michael Rhode and John Bullough, this international
bibliography will prove very useful to several constituencies. These
include scholars investigating the cultural and political role of
comics, students and artists interested in the creative process of
comic-drawing, and collectors. The bibliography contains over 5,400
entries on a number of related subjects, including comic books, comic
strips, animation, caricature, and cartoons, among others. For ease
of use, the bibliography is divided into four large sections:
History, Criticism and Education; Features and Reviews; Business and
Marketing; and Original Works. Topical bibliographies and an internal
keyword search engine are also available. [MD]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.


  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

| Original material and added value in Library Juice
| is copyright-free; beyond that the publisher makes
| no guarantees.  Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin.
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
| opinions are theirs. Your comments and suggestions
| are welcome.    Juice[at]                    

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