Library Juice 2:48 Post-WTO supplement - December 15, 1999
2. Progressive Librarians Guild contingent at WTO meeting
3. FAIR Media Advisory: WTO Coverage: Prattle in Seattle
4. AlterNet compilation of articles on WTO protests
5. Chuck0's comments for TIME magazine (Eugene Anarchists)
6. New political comix by Mike Flugennock
7. Use of Force by the Police
9. WTO Guide by IRC/IPS
10. Final comments on the ALA and the WTO____________________________________________________________________________top
1. brought live coverage of the WTO protests by satellite
feed and the web. The website is still the central distribution point for
most alternative reports of the WTO protest. The story isn't told fairly
by the mainstream media. It is told by the people who were in the streets,
and their stories are at did a commendable job
organizing their activities and I hope they will stay together and pursue
new projects.
2. Progressive Librarians Guild contingent at WTO meeting
From: Jeffery Purdue <Jeffery.Purdue[at]>
To: PLG <PLGNet-L[at]>
Subject: PLG at the WTO
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:57:50 -0800
Here is an account of what the three librarians who made up the Progressive
Librarians' Guild contingent saw and heard at the anti-World Trade
Organization demonstrations on Tuesday, November 30th.
We arrived at our designated meeting site in Seattle Center at 10:00am with
the PLG banner. Although the banner attracted many librarians who spoke with
us and expressed their support, our contingent did not grow as a result.
By noon, we entered Memorial Stadium to join the last hour of the AFL-CIO
rally and line up to march. An excruciating hour-long wait followed as the
marchers assembled on 5th Avenue to head south toward downtown. We stood
next to a news truck for part of this time. One of us heard a reporter
indicate somewhat vaguely what was happening (violence . . . pepper spray .
. . tear gas . . . one policeman down, heart attack . . .); hence the
delay. He wished us "good luck, you'll need it." It was a huge rally; at no
time could we see either front or back.RESPONSES TO THE BANNER
The Progressive Librarians' Guild banner elicited quite a few comments.
Mostly surprise-all positive. We were quite a novelty. People first looked
at the banner, then read it again (just to make sure) and looked us up and
down as if to assess what librarians look like outside a library. Finally,
they would look one of us in the eye, smile or pat us on the shoulder and
express their joy over our participation. Several people took pictures of
the banner, and one or two posed with us for a picture. Most people,
including librarians, asked how they could contact PLG and what issues we
are involved in. We referred most of these people to the PLG web page. One
child asked his mother who we are and she explained, "These are the people
who make sure Harry Potter stays in the library." She looked at us, grinned,
and added, "Among other activities, I'm sure." At one point, we found
ourselves marching with ousted BC premier Glen Clark, who commented that his
wife is a school librarian. One man stopped and exclaimed, "Aren't all
librarians progressive?"GOING IN CIRCLES
Meanwhile, an "illegal" mass nonviolent direct action march had begun at
7:00am in downtown Seattle. They had blocked intersections and access to
buildings where the WTO dignitaries planned to meet. Ultimately they
succeeded in their final goal: they shut down the WTO meeting for the day!
The "legal" AFL-CIO march, in which we were participating, had originally
planned to merge with the direct action people on 5th Avenue before turning
around and heading back to Seattle Center via 6th Avenue.
Our direct action comrades had spent the morning at the convention center
being pepper sprayed, bombed with tear gas, and shot with rubber bullets.
They desperately needed the reinforcements the AFL-CIO march would bring.
However, in a decision that we consider a betrayal of our front-line
comrades, the AFL-CIO organizers detoured the march route so that it turned
around two blocks before the location of the direct action rally! (For an
interesting discussion of the different approaches of the AFL-CIO and the
direct action people, see Doug Henwood's reports in the Left Business
Observer here:
We were marching with the AFL-CIO, and therefore were ignorant of the
morning's events and the success of the direct action group. Fortunately,
people in front of us were in radio contact with the direct action
activists. They informed everyone within earshot that the AFL-CIO march was
being diverted from its original course to avoid the "trouble" downtown.
They asked us to continue marching straight down 5th Avenue to aid the
Decision time came when we arrived at the next intersection. AFL-CIO
marshals were directing the crowd to turn, while it was clear that there was
action directly ahead. Particularly frustrating was the lack of honesty from
the AFL-CIO marshals in explaining to us what was happening. They seemed to
want to keep us ignorant of the direct action events. One marshal refused
to show us a map of the march and insisted that if we turned now, we would
be keeping on course with the original legal route. This was untrue - we had
seen a map of the route just minutes earlier, which showed that it was
supposed to continue and join the downtown protest. Finally, a group of
AFL-CIO marshals stood in front of the street to block our path toward the
direct action protesters. We decided to join the direct action group and
continued straight through the AFL-CIO marshals.
We found ourselves in a war-zone. As we made our way to 5th and Union we
passed overturned garbage dumpsters forming a barricade in the middle of
each intersection. Yellow tape hung from the dumpsters that read "Unseen
Crime" - mocking police crime scene tape. A crowd of people milled about
behind a large group facing off a line of police clad in black riot gear.
It was then that we heard about the tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets
and the magnificent accomplishment of these young activists in shutting down
the WTO meeting for the day.
A tense calm characterized the atmosphere in that part of downtown when we
marched up, still displaying our PLG banner, still receiving a positive
response to the banner (a cyclist rode by and yelled "Way to go Progressive
Librarians! Wooo!"). Everyone seemed to be peacefully waiting for something
to happen. Great chants filled the air: "Whose streets? OUR STREETS!" and
"You go back" (in response to a police order to clear the intersection).
After a few minutes, we saw the police shoving the front liners back. We
witnessed the police holding people's heads and spraying their eyes for
several seconds with large cans of pepper spray. Tear gas canisters were
launched into the air and approximately 200 people started retreating. This
was around 3:00pm. Initially, we were angry with the police tactics, which
we believed constituted excessive force. But soon we became used to it and
even grew to expect it and predict when it was coming. For the next three
and a half hours, this pattern was repeated at each intersection.THE PATTERN
A core group of protesters occupied each intersection by sitting down in
front of the line of riot police and sometimes chaining themselves to
concrete blocks. They were in radio contact with each intersection
throughout downtown. Surrounding them were hundreds, sometimes thousands of
people. By this time, the numbers had swollen downtown as more unionists and
participants in the AFL-CIO march joined us.
The police seemed to wait patiently until either the crowd had grown to a
certain size, or the exuberance of the crowd (which was something to
experience) had reached a certain level. We were mostly sitting down,
chanting no-to-WTO slogans, banging drums, standing around...and then
suddenly a flash-bang grenade would go off and tear gas filled the air. Loud
and frightening concussion grenades were detonated, pepper spray was
discharged, and rubber bullets and paint pellets (which were used to tag
activists for later apprehension or assault) were fired directly at
protesters. Our contingent was never directly gassed, but no one could
entirely avoid it. Even far away from detonation areas, where no tear gas
was apparent, we suddenly would catch some gas - our eyes would tear up, our
nostrils and throats would burn, and we'd have a difficult time trying to
The police pulled out all their sub-lethal toys for this protest, including
armored personnel carriers and an attack helicopter. They even put on a show
of videotaping faces of protesters.
Activists also had toys: technology really helped with organization. Many
people kept in contact with cell phones and several were recording the
entire event, including police reaction, with camcorders. On Wednesday,
police confiscated all these items, plus gas masks, and piled it in the
middle of the street. But the activists had low-tech toys too; besides the
cell phones, there also was a network of cyclists running messages.
Some images: When we first arrived, we saw an injured man and a woman who
was screaming for water to save him from the effects of a direct hit of
pepper spray . . . a young guy, a woman cradling his head while another
person tried to clean his eyes; he was in so much pain that he was clawing
the street . . . at the first skirmish we witnessed, someone was trying to
help his injured friend away from the tear gas; someone in a shoe store
opened the door, pulled the two in, then
locked it; a bunch of people were hiding inside . . . a spectacular moment
when an anarchist marching band marched up to the intersection in tight and
disciplined formation, playing as they approached. Everyone stopped and
looked at the spectacle then erupted into enthusiastic cheers-morale
improved . . . a couple of blocks behind one of the police barricades:
another police barricade with a mirror-image group of protesters. It
provided an odd sense of unity to see we had comrades in the same situation
but separated from us.
A few people ran around smashing windows and spray painting buildings. This
distracted attention from the non-violent aspect of 99% of the protesters.
Our contingent later debated about the nature of the property damage and the
crowd's response to it. Some in our contingent confessed they got a charge
out of seeing Niketown trashed, another expressed disgust over the
In news coverage, some reporters characterized the "violent" property damage
as the typical feature of the protests. One police spokesperson even made
the absurd claim that vandalism was a planned act by the protesters and that
the activists purposely put the peaceful protesters up front as a kind of
barrier to the police to prevent them from apprehending the vandals. Other
reporters tried to carefully separate the property damage from the peaceful
protests. In reality, it's more complex. It is clear that most of the
protesters were very upset at the property damage. Plus, the vandalism
wasn't random. The targets of vandalism were fairly major corporate symbols:
Nike, Starbucks, and the WB store. One shop had a sign announcing that it
was a small, privately owned business: it was untouched.
There was a lot of self-policing during the protest. For almost every
outbreak of property damage or hot-headedness, demonstrators moved
immediately to quell damage and break up conflicts. The chant, "nonviolent
protest! Nonviolent protest!" filled the air whenever someone tried to
cause vandalism. The effect was to put the rowdier elements on notice that
the vast majority of those present did not appreciate their tactics. It was
common to see lines of demonstrators linking arms to successfully protect
storefront windows. One protester who was protecting a store, and who was
perched on the entrance canopy, told another person that yes, he could come
and sit up there with him for a better view, but he couldn't damage
anything. And, in the midst of all, there was a very high level of regard
for others. In a café we went to (one of the very few businesses open: and,
significantly, a small business) no one butted in line and everyone had
correct change.
A cell phone store was looted, but as far as we could see that was the only
example of "opportunistic" theft. The only real violence we saw, as distinct
from property damage, was on the part of the police with their sub-lethal
We participated until about 6:30pm and were at one of the last large
intersection gatherings before we left (at 6th and Pine). When the police
decided to clear this one, they fired tear gas behind the crowd, so as we
retreated we walked directly into exploding gas canisters. As we drove away
from Seattle, we listened to radio reports of the day's action and watched
state patrollers whiz by us southbound. The city was now under a 7:00pm
curfew and a State of Civil Emergency had been declared, enforced by the
National Guard.HEROES OF THE DAY
The young activists who pulled-off this action were committed, creative,
smart, and funny. They took the city, WTO and the police by surprise when
they succeeded in their stated goal. The event was as beautiful as it was
terrifying. They organized legal aid, legal observers, and medical aid - all
wearing shirts or armbands to clearly identify their position. They proved
the old Wobbly statement: "direct action gets the goods." Hopefully this
broad coalition between labor, anarchists, environmentalists, and the left
will stick - we certainly hope to involve ourselves with this direct action
group again so that the energy created on November 30th will be carried
We shall leave you with our favorite chant of the day:
"Bad cop - no donut!"Shawna Hellenius
Jeff Purdue(with contributions from Corey Schultz)
FAIR Media Advisory:
WTO Coverage: Prattle in SeattleDecember 7, 1999
As an estimated 50,000 protesters rallied in Seattle to shut down the
opening conference of the World Trade Organization meeting last week,
mainstream media treated protesters' concerns with indifference and often
contempt. That hostility translated into slanted coverage of both the
demonstrations and the police reaction.In mainstream reports, "anti-trade" became a common--though wildly
inaccurate--label for the demonstrators. "A guerrilla army of anti-trade
activists took control of downtown Seattle today," a Washington Post article
(12/1/99) began. ABC News reporter John Cochran (11/30/99) said Seattle had
become a "home for protests against world trade." ABC anchor Jack Ford
(12/1/99) pitted the demonstrators against the city hosting them: "No
American city exports as much, President Clinton was happy to point out
today, which helps explain why a good many people in Seattle are angry--at
the protesters and their very anti-trade message."Even coverage that did attempt to describe the protesters' goals dealt with
them in only the vaguest terms--and often at a level of generalization that
rendered the descriptions inaccurate or meaningless. An ABC News story by
correspondent Deborah Wang in Seattle failed to address the activists'
concerns with anything more than platitudes:"They are fighting for essentially the same issues they campaigned against
in the '60's. Corporations, which they say are still exploiting workers in
the Third World. Agribusiness is still putting small farmers out of work.
Mining companies, still displacing peasants from the land.... But what is
different is that, for these protesters, this single organization, the WTO
has come to symbolize about all that is wrong in the modern world."More helpful than such generalities would have been a summary of some of the
protesters' specific complaints: that the WTO has issued rulings forcing
member countries to repeal specific laws that protect public health and the
environment; that it proposes new rules limiting countries' freedom to
regulate foreign corporate investors; and that its decisions are made in
secret by an unaccountable tribunal.The lack of understanding of the demonstrators' concerns was unsurprising,
given how seldom the media spoke with them. When the police first started
using tear gas against street blockades, CNN reporter Katherine Barrett
(11/30/99) turned for comment to Jerry Jasinowski, president of the National
Association of Manufacturers. Jasinowski confessed that he was "struck by
how loopy some of the protesters were" and observed that they were "shouting
a lot of crazy different messages."Perhaps the single WTO opponent who received the largest amount of time on
CNN to expound his views was Pat Buchanan, who was interviewed, one-on-one
and at length, by Inside Politics anchor Judy Woodruff (11/30/99). Though
right-wing nationalists appeared to make up--at most--an infinitesimal
fraction of the actual protesters in Seattle's streets, the media seemed to
anoint Buchanan as a major leader of the anti-WTO movement. New York Times
columnist Thomas Friedman wrote (12/1/99) that "knaves like Pat Buchanan"
had "duped" the demonstrators--"a Noah's ark of flat-earth advocates,
protectionist trade unions and yuppies looking for their 1960s fix"--into
protesting the WTO."What's driving [the protests]?" CNN political analyst Bill Schneider asked
on Inside Politics (11/30/99). "Resentment of big business for its
irresponsible behavior, a resentment shared by the left"--followed by a
soundbite of AFL-CIO leader John Sweeney--"and the right"--followed by a
soundbite of Pat Buchanan. This type of right/left "evenhandedness"
concerning the protests did not appear to be justified by the actual
composition of the anti-WTO movement.Media outlets seemed unconcerned by Buchanan's less-than-sterling record as
an advocate for labor. As co-host of CNN's Crossfire (7/3/91), Buchanan once
grilled public-sector union leader Gerald McEntee--one of the labor
officials present at the Seattle demos--on "the suicidal impulses of
American unions":"A lot of the jobs now have disappeared-they're gone. One reason, one
complaint, is the pay of the United Auto Workers and the benefits.... Aren't
you fellows committing suicide by yourselves?"Perhaps mainstream news outlets' confusion concerning the protesters' goals
contributed to their often skewed coverage of the behavior of the Seattle
police and National Guard. A continuing theme in news reports was that the
use of tear gas and concussion grenades was an appropriate response to
"violent" activists.CBS News anchor Dan Rather reported (12/1/99) that "the meeting of the World
Trade Organization was thrown into turmoil by violent demonstrations that
went on into last night. That brought on today's crackdown." A CNN report
from Seattle (12/1/99) claimed that "as tens of thousands marched through
downtown Seattle, [a] small group of self-described anarchists smashed
windows and vandalized stores. Police responded with rubber bullets and
pepper gas."But the sequence of events described in these reports was wrong. As
Detective Randy Huserik, a spokesman for the Seattle police, confirmed,
pepper spray had first been used against protesters engaged in peaceful
civil disobedience. CNN anchor Lou Waters asked Huserik (11/30/99) why the
gas was used:Waters: How would you characterize the nature of the threat today? Were
police assaulted? Is that what precipitated this?Huserik: Well, a rather large group of protesters...were determined to
continue blocking public entrance and exit in access of some of the various
venue sites. They were given a lawful order to disperse, which was ignored.
Officers then announced that the Seattle police officers would deploy pepper
spray if the crowd did not disperse. For those that remained, the pepper
spray was deployed in order to disperse that crowd.One eyewitness, nonviolence trainer Matt Guynn, distributed the following
account of police brutality over the Internet:"In one scene I witnessed this morning (at 8th Ave and Seneca), police who
had been standing behind a blockade line began marching in lock-step toward
the line, swinging their batons forward, and when they reached the line they
began striking the (nonviolent, seated) protestors repeatedly in the back.
Then they ripped off the protestors' gas masks, and sprayed pepper spray at
point-blank range into their eyes repeatedly. After spraying, they rubbed
the protestors' eyes and pushed their fingers around on their lips to
aggravate the effect of the spray. And after all THIS, they began striking
them again with batons.... The police then were able to break up the line,
and the protestors retreated to the steps of a nearby church for medical
The lack of condemnation of police tactics--especially their tear-gassing
and pepper-spraying of peaceful protesters--was a striking feature of the
coverage. "Thanks for joining us and good luck to you out there," CNN anchor
Lou Waters told a Seattle police spokesperson (12/1/99) as police continued
their crackdown on demonstrators. A front-page Los Angeles Times article on
the protests (12/2/99) featured a subhead that read "Police Commended for
Restraint." Yet the only source cited by the Times was Seattle police chief
Norm Stamper, who praised the "professionalism, restraint and competence" of
his forces.Contrast that with this account from Seattle physician Richard DeAndrea,
posted on the website :"The police were using concussion grenades. They were... shooting tear gas
canisters directly at protesters' faces. They were using rubber bullets.
Some of the damage I saw from these rubber bullets took off part of a
person's jaw, smashed teeth... There are people who have been... treated for
plastic bullet wounds. Lots of tear gas injuries, lots of damage to [the]
cornea, lots of damage to the eyes and skin."One of the few media accounts that conveyed the brutality of the Seattle
police was written by a local correspondent for the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer (12/2/99), who reported that "three Seattle police
officers slammed me to the pavement, handcuffed me and threw me into the
van. I was charged with failing to disperse even though I showed them
reporter's credentials and repeatedly said I was just covering a story."--------
For more on coverage of the World Trade Organization, go to
4. AlterNet compilation of articles on WTO protests
Dear media mavens,
The massive protests of the Seattle's World Trade Organization talks have
proved to be as explosive as anticipated. AlterNet has compiled a tremendous
variety of articles about this hugely important event, all drawn from the
independent media, which often presents a different perspective from local
and national daily media. Check out for
these breaking stories:THE SIEGE OF SEATTLE
By Roni Krouzman, Original to AlterNet
Seattle remained under marshal law on Thursday, as the WTO continued its
ministerial meetings and Seattle Police resorted to violence and mass
arrests to keep protesters off of the city's streets. The latest update from
By Bill McKibben,
The era when global trade decisions get made without anyone noticing is
officially over.INSIDE THE BUNKER
By Mark D. Fefer, Seattle Weekly
The WTO delegates fumed -- and ran scared -- as protester brought their
talks to a halt.THE BATTLE IN SEATTLE
By Harold Meyerson, LA Weekly
The WTO protests in Seattle could well signify an ideological turning point
-- or at least, an end to the unchallenged dominance that right-wing
economics has enjoyed for the past two decades.BARE BREASTS, GREEN CONDOMS AND RUBBER BULLETS
By David Moberg, Salon
The WTO has united labor and the radical, countercultural left in a way the
anti-war movement never could.THE DAY THE WTO STOOD STILL
By Geov Parrish, Seattle Weekly
How did thousands of protesters get together and make their massive,
non-violent, highly effective demonstrations happen?WHO'S VOICE MATTERS ON TRADE?
From the Public Campaign
The protests in the Seattle illustrate what happens to issue -- in this case
global free trade -- when the American public says "go slow" and campaign
contributors say "move fast."THE MASK SLIPS
By Roger Downey, Seattle Weekly
How are WTO delegates going to cover their asses and pretend that WTO
Seattle 1999 isn't turning out to be a catastrophic public embarrassment for
US foreign and economic policy?
In addition to these stories we have comprehensive background information
about the WTO, the Seattle protests and the issues surrounding global trade.
Check it all out at
5. Chuck0's comments for TIME magazine
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 16:26:53 -0500
From: Chuck0 <chuck[at]>
To: Margot_Hornblower[at]
Subject: Re: Time Magazine story
Margot_Hornblower[at] wrote:
> Hello Chuck: I am a reporter for TIME magazine, and have been covering the
> WTO. Am working on a piece about who the protesters were, particularly the
> anarchists, and the group which resorted to violent direct action. What
> were their concerns? Where were they from? How did they organize? Can you
> offer some
> insight? thanks, margot hornblowerMargot:
First of all, I'd like to point you to my website, which has been
tracking the news from both the mainstream media and the alternative
media. That URL is:
I've been following the news online and via TV so I think I have a grasp
of what happened, although I'm still 3,000 miles away and am relying on
mediated accounts.There were quite a variety of anarchists who went to the anti-WTO
protests in Seattle. I'd estimate that several thousand attended the
events, which I base on the sense I got that everybody was going. At
least two anarchists from the D.C. area went.Anarchists were involved in all aspects of the Seattle events: some were
involved in the nonviolent street sit-ins. Others did street theater and
displayed puppets. I know quite a few were involved in alternative media
efforts, including everything from filing eyewitness accounts, updating
websites, shooting pictures and video, and operating the micropower
radio stations. I also know that quite a few of my union mates in the
IWW participated in the union march, but I haven't heard back from them.
And yes, there were the young anarchists who trashed downtown Seattle.
More on them in a moment.Several press accounts I've read have stated that there were only
"hundreds of anarchists." This would be true if you only counted
teenagers dressed in black. This count would have left out anarchists
who look like hippies and the vast majority of us who look just plain
ole working class. I know that several of my anarchist librarian buddies
were there. They probably dress like librarians, but don't tell anybody
I told you that.The anarchists that attended the WTO protests went for a variety of
reasons. Some are involved in union organizing and workplace struggles.
Others are involved in direct action on behalf of the environment and
animals. The environmental direct action contingent includes member from
Earth First movement, animal rights activists, Reclaim the Streets
dancers, Critical Mass bikers, anti-biotechnology activists, sustainable
agriculture advocates, and the Eugene primitivists who question the very
idea of civilization. I would say that all anarchists who attended are
united in their opposition to the onward march of global capitalism at
the expense of people's lives and the envrionment's health. We are not
interested in reforming the WTO or GATT--we seek the elimination of
capitalism for a more humane, free, and egalitarian planet.But as the Seattle protests demonstrate, one doesn't have to be an
anarchist to see that world trade groups like WTO are inherently
undemocratic institutions. They are clubs for the rich guys, which
explains why the better off people from Third World countries are so
eager to get in the club. The WTO is simply the latest effort by those
with the most money to set the agenda for the world. If that infringes
on the right of folks from Massachusetts to refuse to do business with
companies doing business in Burma, so be it. This foolish arrogance
about controlling the world's agenda comes at a price: the world
includes people who get angry and fight back.How did people organize? Chiefly through the Internet: websites and
mailing lists. Except for the Eugene anarchists, who are pretty hardcore
against the Net. They relied on traditional face-to-face meetings.Explaining the Eugene anarchists is a difficult task. I should point out
that they are highly controversial with the anarchist movement and that
the majority of anarchists don't agree with their tactics, or their
message. What's more, a majority of anarchists are uncomfortable with
the property destruction in Seattle, which they see as reinforcing wrong
stereotypes about our politics. The Eugene anarchists represent a
minority trend within anarchism, albeit one that tends to get press
attention.To really understand the Eugene anarchists, you should understand their
take on things, which usually revolves around primitivism. One of their
local muses is John Zerzan, who has been profiled in numerous
newspapers, usually in conjunction with the Unabomber.Zerzan links: Eugene anarchists also publish several magazines, including Black
Clad Messanger.Their anger revolves around several factors. Last year they had a
destructive protest a the Niketown in Eugene. One of their teenage
members was arrested and placed under house arrest. Last summer, on June
18th, they had a protest in conjunction with worldwide June 18th
activities, which turned into a riot after the police attacked them. One
of their members, Rob Los Ricos, was arrested, tried, and later
sentenced to 7 YEARS in prison for throwing a rock at a cop. The Eugene
anarchists, including anarchists who disagree with the Anarchist Action
Collective, have also been subjected to several pepper spray attacks by
cops at various demos (including one over a park).More info on this here: on Eugene anarchists:
Disaffected Youth Dust Off A Combustible Philosophy [Wall Street
Journal] of Oregon doesn't gavel anarchists out of order' rally erupts into riot in Eugene other anarchist sources that I recommend:
Eat The State (Seattle anarchist magazine)
Geov Parrish also has written alot about the WTO for Seattle Weekly
( West's journal, which has her account of helping people during
the tear gas attacks, and includes pictures from the riot. as "street librarian" conclusion, let me say that anarchists are like any other political
philosophy. We have our factions and we disagree about our politics.--
Chuck0Mid-Atlantic Infoshop Peltier Freedom Month
Executive Clemency For Peltier! Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!"A society is a healthy society only to the degree
that it exhibits anarchistic traits."
- Jens Bjørneboe
6. New political comix by Mike Flugennock
"Give me your Starbuck's, your Gap,
Your Nike Towns full of sweatshop inventory,
Your McDonald's, gobbling profit and craving more.
Send these, and tacky corporate-branded outlet malls to me,
I put my Louisville Slugger through your plate-glass door!"New political comix by Mike Flugennock are online at:
Hey, now, kids! Let's all raise our bongs in salute to the anarchist
heroes of Seattle! In glorious tabloid format, available in .jpg,
generic .eps and Adobe .pdf formats!And that was just the pep rally...just wait 'til we play the football
game!Heads up, flypasters!
" were caught with your hands in the till
but you still got to swallow your pill
as you slip and you slide down the hill
on the blood of the people you killed!" --John Lennon.
Mike Flugennock, flugennock[at]
Mike Flugennock's Mikey'zine,
7. Use of Force by the Police [.pdf] -- BJS
Released this week by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), this report is the product of
several national and local-level surveys on the use of force by
police officers. Offered in six independent but interrelated
chapters, the report explores what is and what is not known about the
extent and nature of police use of force, the circumstances under
which force is applied, and the difficulties in measuring the use of
force, and suggests future paths for research in this area. The
report is available in .pdf format in two parts or in text format.
[MD]>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.
8. ICTSD BRIDGES DAILY UPDATE is a daily news service covering trade and
sustainable development on the occasion of the Third World Trade
Organization Ministerial Conference in Seattle. The publication focuses on
news, activities and negotiations around the Ministerial from 30 November
to 3 December 1999 as they relate to sustainable development issue-areas.
Copies in English, French and Spanish can be found on the ICTSD website at
9. WTO Guide by IRC/IPS
Here is another good guide to the World Trade Organization by the
Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies.
_What's This Organization (WTO)_ is written by Tom Barry as part of
IRC/IPS's _Foreign Policy in Focus series. _What's This Organization
(WTO)_ is at
From the website:"(Editor's Note: The following description of the WTO's structure
is part of a larger FPIF document called: "What's This Organization (WTO):
An Annotated Glossary of Terms and Concepts about the World Trade
Organization." Other parts of this document, whose online version will be
constantly updated and revised, include: Key Concepts, Social Issues, WTO
Agreements and Related Issues, and Developing Country Issues. Your
comments, suggested changes, and criticisms are encouraged.)"_What's This Organization (WTO)_ is part of a larger website
called the _In Focus Project in Seattle During the World Trade
Organization Ministerial_ at
It has the following policy briefs and reports online:What's This Organization (WTO)
In Focus briefs:
China in the WTO: The Debate (December 1999-v4, n38)
U.S.-EU Trade Issues (December 1999-v4, n37)
WTO and Sustainable Development (December 1999-v4, n36)
WTO and Developing Countries (December 1999-v4, n35)
WTO, Agricultural Deregulation and Food Security (December
1999-v4, n34)
NAFTA and Environment (October 1999-v4, n26)
International Investment Rules and the Environment: Stuck in the
Mud? (August 1999-v4,n22)
Trade and Labor (January 1997-v2, n15)Progressive Response:
WTO and Sustainable Development (December 1, 1999-v3, n43)
WTO and Developing Countries (November 24, 1999-v3, n42)
WTO & AFL-CIO, Drug Policy (Novenber 5, 1999-v3, n39)
Trade and Environent (October 8, 1999-v3, n36)-----------
Dale Wertz
10. Final comments on the ALA and the WTO
The American Library Association was invited to the WTO meeting as
an official non-governmental organization, and, I believe, did send a
delegate. Hoever, there was no discussion on the ALA Council List about
what that delegate ought to say. This was despite attempts by councilors
Al Kagan and Mark Rosenzweig to get council to take a position on the WTO,
along the lines of the IFLA or the Canadian Library Association statements,
which came out strongly opposed to the WTO.The ALA has issued no report on its WTO participation, and it seems that
they aren't going to.This is disturbing on a variety of levels. Why is there such a reluctance
to face the issues of the day in the American Library Association? Article
One of the ALA Policy Manual states that the ALA "recognizes its broad
social responsibilities"... and defines in terms of having the willingness
to speak out on current critical issues. Al Kagan made ALA council fairly
well informed on the WTO issue, but he might as well have been talking to
a tree. There was absolutely no response. It is like a completely different
organization from the one that wrote the policy manual. And what about this
ALA delegate to the WTO? Why aren't we hearing back from them? Why was
their participation, whatever it was, planned in secrecy? Will it remain
secret?It often seems like the ALA is more concerned with the interests of its
corporate sponsors than with library interests. Remember, for example, when
the recommendations of council's outsourcing task force were all but ignored
by council. It looked like it was because they were too unfriendly to
ALA's vendor/partners. Now it looks like ALA tacitly supported the WTO in
not issuing a statement against it.On the plus side: new respect for IFLA and the Canadian Library Association
for their strong statements (available in Library Juice back issues).
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