>Library Juice 3:1 - January 5, 2000


1. Library Juice subscription news
2. Letter from Sanford Berman
3. UTNE Reader's First Annual Mr. Alternative Press Award
4. Casey Hill's New Pages
5. About.com's Alternative Media page
6. AmaL - Alternative Libertarian Quotations
7. 2000 Calendar of Promotional Events for Libraries and Literacy
8. IFLA FAIFE Country Reports
9. "War is the health of the State"
10. Festivals.com: Celebrating the World of Festivals and Events
11. WebChron: Historical and Cross-Cultural Chronologies
12. Katia "Fast Work" Roberto provides name authority!
13. Volunteer in Zimbabwe
14. Africana Librarians Council and Zimbabwe Book Fair
15. Resources on Africa
16. The Bookhouse Classifications, a cosmic baseball team

Quote for the week:

"Ha Ha Ha"

-The Laughing Librarian

Home page of the week: Rory Litwin


1. Library Juice subscription news

Library Juice is no longer running on Majordomo software, so the commands
you  might have been using to subscribe or unsubscribe have changed.  The
list  hosting company that I was using to distribute the Juice went out of
business.  Another program, called "SmartList" is installed on the web server
I use, and  I have set up Library Juice to run on that.

If you want to unsubscribe, send a message to Juice-request[at]libr.org with
the  message "unsubscribe" in the subject line.  To subscribe, send a message
to the same address with "subscribe" in the subject.  Note that the command
has to be in the subject line, not in the body of the message.  Write me at
Rory[at]libr.org if you have any questions.

2. Letter from Sanford Berman

I asked Sanford Berman to give an update on his situation vis-a-vis
Hennepin County Library for Library Juice readers, and this is what he
sent back.  Enjoy!  -Rory


As requested, here's a (somewhat offhanded) update on My Situation:

Hoping to secure at least a grain of justice, I've repeatedly
requested --through the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners, among
others--that my initial, unjust remand be rescinded and that the HCL
Administration issue a public apology for the mistreatment I
experienced.  I have also sought apologies from Elizabeth Feinberg
and OCLC for the flagrant censoring of my solicited input to the
Jan./Feb. 1999 _OCLC Newsletter_.  I've further submitted two
citizen-queries to the HCL's Community Relations Manaer, Nancy
Perron, the first in October, asking about why no one has apparently
been assigned to undertake the super-rush, year-long project that I
had been unilaterally reassigned to do last Spring and why--despite
continual assurances that HCL cataloging would remain undiminished in
quality and usefulness, there have been subject heading assignment
caps imposed, checking has been abandoned, the 26-year-old _HCL
Cataloging Bulletin_ has been terminated, the Head Cataloger position
has not been filled and a lower-grade "lead worker" instead placed "in
charge," and the understaffed/overworked section ordered in December
to handle some 4,500 new titles, "cataloging" them according to
minimalist guidelines that preclude, for instance, note-making and
adequate search-point specifications.

The response to these pleas and questions has thus far been a
resounding silence.  Everyone covers their ass.  No one takes
responsibility.  And the deception, the spin-doctoring, proceeds as
before (e.g., a press release regarding the _Bulletin_ termination
claiming this resulted from too few subscriptions & a consumer
preference for online access to the same data, but failing utterly to
acknowledge the actuality that the last _Bulletin_ produced after I
left ran to 27 pages and covered 4 months whereas the previous, more
typical issue reached 60 pages and covered only 2 months--in short,
there just wasn't enough new authority work being done to justify

On the "bright side," the nonsupervisory librarians' union at HCL
successfully negotiated a "free speech" clause in their latest
contract, perhaps the first ever of its kind.  And personally, I've
been actively engaged in coediting the next edition of _Alternative
Library Literature_ and speaking on either cataloging or censorship
at two library schools and the local Twin Cities Humanist
Association, as well as participating in a distance ed cataloging
course at the University of Illinois.  Lastly, Carolynne Myall
conducted a 3-hour-long phone interview lately that should ultimately
appear in _Cataloging & Classification Quarterly_.

I'd be delighted to talk with anyone by phone about my recent
experiences or anything else of interest: 612-925-5738.  And I'll
swiftly send copies of the alluded-to correspondence plus an
assortment of cataloging and censorship documents to anyone who
asks.  All I need is a mailing address.  (Mine: 4400 Morningside
Road, Edina, MN  55416.)

Two final remarks: 1) Boundless thanks to the scores of colleagues
and friends who demonstrated such overwhelming support over the past
11 months.  Your passion and eloquence and high ideals made me proud
to be a librarian.  And your generous words about me and my
work--well, I truly hope I deserved them and can't even begin to
describe how heartening they were.  2) As mean-spirited and petty as
it may sound, I confess to deep and abiding bitterness and
disappointment at getting *no* support of assistance from the
American Library Association leadership, ALA Council (with the
honorable exception of perhaps 15 or 20 members out of 170), or the
Intellectual Freedom establishment.  My case was routinely dismissed
by these administrator-and-managerial-wannabe-dominated groups as an
"internal personnel matter" rather than addressed forthrightly as an
issue of workplace speech and repression.

In solidarity -- and with heartiest greetings to all LIBRARY JUICERS,

Sanford Berman

3. UTNE Reader's First Annual Mr. Alternative Press Award

Presented to Chris Dodge

In honor of your vast and varied knowledge of the alternative press.

In honor of your dedication to all publications, large or small, glossy or
newsprint, perfect bound or stapled.

In honor of the "thumbs up" that all 'zines in our library hope for and all
editors search for - the coveted post-it note with "Dodge recommends" blessing.

In honor of your enthusiasm to help redirect the wayward and oh-so-corporate
methods of Utne Reader.

We bestow upon you the first ever Mr. Alternative Press Award.*

*easily photocopied for use as mail art.

(Library Juice protests the sexist title of the "Mr. Alternative Press Award"
and hopes Utne Reader will be duly embarrassed and not give the award in
future years, reserving the honor for Chris alone.;)

4. Casey Hill's New Pages

New Pages Online


An Independent Guide to Alternatives in Print and Electronic Media

The New Pages Resource Library is being built
[http://www.newpages.com/resource.htm].  I will use
information from the sites in this Library on a  regular basis when
I publish New Pages Online, a newsletter which will help librarians,
booksellers, and readers in the selection and review of alternative
print and electronic media.

The New Pages Guides, though not ignoring the best of the mainstream
sources, focus on the alternatives -- the work of smaller,
independent publishers.

The New Pages Guides:

Independent Publishers
Alternative Periodicals
Literary Periodicals
Alternative Newsweeklies
Independent Bookstores
The Web

5. About.com's Alternative Media page


This page by Penny Perkins is a good starting point for browsing and makes a good link from any public library homepage.

6. AmaL - Alternative Libertarian Quotations

Dear friends
I'm Glad to announce about AmaL a rich resource of Alternative Libertarian
Quotations from the
FreeThinkers of the 20th century at: http://amal.activeweb.co.il
Some of the activities in this site are:

More than 1500 thought provoking Quotes
Daily Quote
Mailing list
Search by keyword or Categories
Gift-Wrapped Quote
and finally you can know who's AmaL...

Please add this URL in your Quotations Links Page

Thanks in advance
Samy Matar
E-mail : samy[at]webglide.com

7. 2000 Calendar of Promotional Events for Libraries and Literacy


Don Wood
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom

8. IFLA FAIFE Country Reports

"FAIFE  provides documentation on the actual situation concerning
libraries, librarianship and intellectual freedom around the world.
To this end FAIFE collects country reports, documents and other
contributions from library associations, institutions and professionals,
and various other sources. The information is used to produce a global
report on the state of Intellectual Freedom in the library world."


Don Wood
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom

9. "War is the health of the State"

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 10:20:31 -0800
From: Bureau of Public Secrets <knabb[at]slip.net>
To: Bureau of Public Secrets <knabb[at]slip.net>
Subject: "War is the health of the State"

Randolph Bourne's incisive analysis of the interconnection of war
and the state is now online at


"War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in
motion throughout society those irresistible forces for
uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the Government
in coercing into obedience the minority groups and
individuals which lack the larger herd sense.... In a nation
at war, every citizen identifies himself with the whole, and
feels immensely strengthened in that identification.... He
achieves a superb self-assurance, an intuition of the
rightness of all his ideas and emotions, so that in the
suppression of opponents or heretics he is invincibly
strong; he feels behind him all the power of the collective
community.... War has an immemorial tradition and heredity
only because the State has a long tradition and heredity.
But they are inseparably and functionally joined. We cannot
crusade against war without crusading implicitly against the
State.... The State is not the nation, and the State can be
modified and even abolished in its present form, without
harming the nation. On the contrary, with the passing of the
dominance of the State, the genuine life-enhancing forces of
the nation will be liberated."

* * *

Of related interest at the same website:

"Two Local Wars" (Situationist article on the Vietnam and
Arab-Israel wars) --

"The War and the Spectacle" (on the Gulf war and the
media) -- http://www.slip.net/~knabb/PS/gulfwar.htm

"Advantages and Limits of Nonviolence" --

"Eliminating the Roots of War and Crime" --

* * *

The Bureau of Public Secrets website, which has received
over 100,000 page visits during its first 16 months,
(translations from the notorious group that helped trigger
the May 1968 revolt) and PUBLIC SECRETS, the recent
collection of Knabb's own writings, including "The Joy of
Revolution," "Confessions of a Mild-Mannered Enemy of the
State," and an assortment of comics, leaflets and articles
on Wilhelm Reich, Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, the sixties
counterculture, radical women, Chinese anarchists, socially
engaged Buddhists, urban "psychogeography," the Watts riot,
the Iranian uprising, the Gulf war, and the recent jobless
revolt in France. The new site index --
http://www.slip.net/~knabb/index1.htm -- includes over 2000
name and topic entries, from anarchism to Zen.

* * *

P.O. Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701, USA

10. Festivals.com: Celebrating the World of Festivals and Events


        Updated daily, this database of festivals and events is
        searchable by categories: Arts, Children, Motor,
        Music, Sports, Culture, or Backstage. The site can also
        be searched using maps of North America or The
        World; by keyword or title of event; or, for either the
        US and Canada, or the world, by month, city and/or
        state/province or country. Information for each event
        includes the name, date, location, details, and a Web
        site or e-mail address, when available. - er
        Subjects: festivals

From Librarians Index to the Internet - http://www.lii.org

11. WebChron: Historical and Cross-Cultural Chronologies


        This ongoing project contains a series of linked
        chronologies that depict world, regional, and
        cross-cultural history. There is a major World History
        Chronology, and Regional Chronologies that range from
        Africa South of the Sahara to India and South Asia to
        North America. Cross-Cultural Chronologies include
        Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Western Civilization, and
        Technology. Within chronologies there are both links to
        related chronologies as well as links to WebChron
        articles and related Web sites. Useful for students and
        checking quick facts. Developed by the History
        Department at North Park University - mc
        Subjects: history | chronology

Librarians' Index to the Internet - http://www.lii.org

12. Katia "Fast Work" Roberto provides name authority!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katia Roberto [mailto:kroberto[at]csc.albany.edu]
> Sent: Friday, December 24, 1999 8:56 AM
> To: librarians[at]tao.ca
> Subject: fun anarchist librarian fact of the day.
> The Library of Congress doesn't seem to recognize that Hakim Bey
> and Peter Lamborn Wilson are the same person. (Or, if they do, their
> name authority records don't have cross-references for the
> other name.)
> Heh.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Katia Roberto, Monographic Cataloger   (518) 442-3629
> University at Albany                   kroberto[at]csc.albany.edu
> 1400 Washington Ave, ULB-35A          
> http://www.lis.uiuc.edu/~kroberto
> Albany, NY 12222
> --------------------------------------------------------------

From: Diana Hagan <dihagan[at]smathersnt2.uflib.ufl.edu>
To:  librarians[at]lists.tao.ca
Subject: RE: fun anarchist librarian fact of the day.
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 09:12:27 -0500

Does your library participate in NACO?  That is probably something that
ought to be remedied. - Diana


It is a NACO library, but I don't know if I personally have the authority
(uh, no pun intended) to make a global change like that. I have modified
it in our local catalog, but that's about it. Hmm.



Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 13:19:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Katia Roberto <kroberto[at]csc.albany.edu>
To: librarians[at]tao.ca
Subject: one last comment on the Hakim Bey authority record thing...

...LC just fixed Hakim Bey's and Peter Lamborn Wilson's authority
records to indicate that they're the same person.

You're welcome.

Katia Roberto

13. Volunteer in Zimbabwe

Spend the summer of 2000 helping communities get access to the
information they need to build a better future.  As an Inform the World
(ITW) Volunteer Librarian in rural Africa, you could use your
professional skills to help rural librarians in English-speaking
Zimbabwe. Instead of spending the summer battling with your online
catalog, you could teach a class on book repair, help implement a simple
cataloguing system, peddle a bicycle-mounted book box to a remote
village, or lead a donkey driven "book mobile" to a group of eager
children. If living and working in rural Zimbabwe sounds like a challenge
you would enjoy, then join us for this exciting service project and help
make the information poor a little bit richer.

Who: The World Library Partnership (WLP) and the Zimbabwe Book
Development Council (ZBDC) will be working with a variety of Zimbabwean
organization to coordinate the ITW 2000 project. WLP supports libraries
around the world through exchange projects and produces training
materials for librarians in developing countries.  ZBDC promotes reading
and literacy through its Book Fund Library Project, which serves 600
libraries, and through its National Book Week Campaign, which reaches
6000 schools.  It is the umbrella agency for 8 constituent Zimbabwean
organizations that work together to "promote a sustainable, literate and
informed society."

What: The Inform the World Program will train and place 10-15 American
librarians in rural libraries in Zimbabwe. The volunteers will conduct
practical service projects determined by the needs of their host
libraries. Last year's volunteers trained Zimbabwean librarians in basic
skills such as how to inventory, weed, repair and catalog books. They
also used their knowledge and creativity to paint murals, make display
boards, produce publicity fliers and pamphlets and help clean, brighten
and re-organize Zimbabwean libraries.  After returning to the U.S., the
volunteers will also work with WLP to design projects that will continue
to help the libraries they visit.

When:  The pre-departure cross-cultural and technical training will take
place at the School of Information and Library Science of the University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill from July 15 - July 17th.   The volunteers
will depart for Zimbabwe following the training and will return to the US
on August 12th. When they arrive in Zimbabwe, they will participate in an
in-country orientation before spending three weeks working at their host
libraries.  The trip will also include a visit to the Zimbabwe
International Book Fair for both the American and Zimbabwean librarians
and a debriefing/evaluation session for all participants.

Eligibility:  WLP invites professional librarians and library school
students from all disciplines to apply.  Flexibility, a sense of
adventure and the ability to adapt to very basic living conditions are a
*  Cost: The maximum cost of the trip is $3,850. This includes
*  training at the University of North Carolina,
*  materials,
*  in-country orientation and debriefing,
*  accommodations,odations, *  most meals,
*  site visit by trip coordinator during project,
*  registration for the Zimbabwe International Book Fair,
*  in-country transportation
*  round-trip airfare from Durham to Zimbabwe. 

Travel to Durham, NC is NOT included.  The final price of the
trip will be determined by the amount of funding WLP is able to raise for
the ITW scholarship fund.  WLP distributes this funding equally among all
the volunteers requesting financial assistance. WLP can provide materials
and suggestions to help volunteers secure additional funding from other

Deadline: The Application Deadline is January 31st, 2000.  Please see the
WLP web site at http://rtpnet.org/wlp for the application and more trip
information, or call (919)479-0163 or email Laura Wendell at

Laura Wendell
Executive Director
The World Library Partnership
1028 Bahama Rd.
Bahama, NC 27503

or Maggie Hite
Assistant Director
The World Library Partnership
(919) 479-0163

*******************FREE THE BOUND PERIODICALS*********************
Maggie Hite
World Library Partnership  School of Information and
1028 Bahama Rd.       Library Science
Bahama  NC 27503          University of North Carolina
http://RTPnet.org/wlp      at Chapel Hill
919/479-0163    114 Manning Hall
Margaret_Hite[at]unc.edu    hitem[at]ils.unc.edu

14. Africana Librarians Council and Zimbabwe Book Fair

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 14:25:02 -0500
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]ala1.ala.org>
From: Al Kagan <akagan[at]uiuc.edu>
Subject: Africana Librarians Council

For those interested in African Studies librarianship, see the homepage of
the Africana Librarians Council, a 40-year old body of the African Studies
Association.  http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/amed/9asa.html

----forwarded message----
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 12:59:51 -0500 (CDT)
From: Sarah Long <slong[at]nslsilus.org>
Subject: Zimbabwe Book Fair

Remember "Global Reach, Local touch"?  That was Barbara Ford's theme when
she was ALA president, 1997-1998.  Acting on her theme, Barbara led a
delegation of 13 U.S. librarians to the Zimbabwe Book Fair in August 1997.
Their excitement for African authors and information about Africa was
intense and contagious.  When ALA was approached by the Zimbabwe Book Fair
itself to set up a program that would support U.S. librarians' attendance
at the Fair, the response was an enthusiastic "yes".  The Feria
Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL), (Guadalajara Book Fair) also
became a sponsor along with Scholastic Inc.  That's the way the ZIBF Free
Pass program was born.  This year 10 U.S. librarians attended and I was
lucky enough to be among them.

Here are some observations on my experience at ZIBF.

1. African publishing has a vitality or zest to it, especially the
creative world, that is very compelling.  My dormant interest in poetry
was reawakened and I brought home "Song of Lawino" and "Song of Ocoi" by
Okot p'Bitek and "Land Without Thunder" and other stories by Grace Ogot.
There was lots more to tempt me, but room in the suitcase was limited.

2. There are terrible barriers between African publishers and the
U.S. reading public.  Generally speaking, in the U.S. we don't know about
books published in Africa.  They are not reviewed or mentioned in U.S.
trade journals and U.S. jobbers don't stock these titles.  Shipping costs
are significant, often more than twice the cost of the book.

3. U.S. Libraries really need books from Africa.  Democracy is young
in Africa and the potential for Africa to play a dominant role in
tomorrow's world - politically, socially and artistically is very great.
Americans need access to African thinking via books and periodicals.

Many persons of African heritage live in the United States.  It is
important that we collect African materials so that this portion of their
heritage is accessible to them.

New immigrants from Africa need to see materials in their native languages
in the libraries that service them in the U.S.  Books in Shona, Ndebele,
Swahili and other African languages are very difficult to obtain in the

As a part of the book fair, an opportunity to network with librarians from
other countries was arranged.  The Zimbabwe Library Association and other
African Associations were represented. The Norwegian Library Association
and other Scandinavian library associations were represented.  And, of
course, the American Library Association was represented.  What interested
me was that on a mega level, the major trends as reported by everyone were
the same in all countries:

* Concern over new education and continuing education for
* Need to market library services more thoroughly and convincingly
to the general public and to funding authorities
* Need to embrace technology

After the book fair, our ALA/ZIBF group and other visitors were invited by
the Rural Libraries and Resources Development Program (RLRDP) to visit
libraries in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe.  It's a beautiful,
mountainous area, but indeed-very rural.

We visited the Nyanhundu School Community Library, Nyanga, and the Nyajezi
School/Community Library.  Both were small in size but big in impact on
the community.  One of the librarians told me that test scores jumped to
the 90% pass rate after the library was established.

The RLRDP serves as a library development group similar to services
provided by many state libraries.  One innovative feature displayed at the
book fair was their brand new donkey-drawn bookmobile, complete with solar
panels.  The bookmobile will service about six schools.  Donkeys were
chosen because they are plentiful and are able to navigate the rough dirt
roads in the area.  The bookmobile is stocked with books, magazines and
videos.  Solar panels were added to operate the video player.  Most of the
villages don't have electricity.  Children need to see videos, to be ready
for the world in Harare or Bulawayo as well as the contact and stimulation
that only a video can provide.

I felt humbled and invigorated by my African experience. Think about
participation in the Zimbabwe Book Fair program in August next year.
Here's the way the ALA/ZIBF program works: complete an application form by
April 15. The forms are available on the ALA website
(www.ala.org/work/international) or contact the ALA International
Relations office (1-800-545-2433, ext. 3201).  If you are chosen to
attend, you will receive several nights lodging at the book fair and a
$200 stipend toward your airfare.  It's modest support but it is
encouragement to attend an event that will open your eyes to things
unexpected and cause you to think differently about your work.

Al Kagan
Africana Unit, Room 328
University of Illinois Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

tel. 217-333-6519
fax. 217-333-2214
e-mail. akagan[at]uiuc.edu

15. Resources on Africa

Reference Guide to Africa: A Bibliography of Resources
by Al Kagan and Yvette Scheven
1999, Scarecrow Press.  262 pp.
ISBN 0-8108-3585-1  $49.50

..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. 

_Africa: Africa World Press guide to educational resources from and about
Africa_, compiled and edited by WorldViews.  Trenton, NJ: Africa World
Press, 1997.  198 pages.  http://www.igc.org/worldviews/awpguide/  ISBN
0-86543-588-X paper $21.95; ISN 0-86543-643-6 cloth

This 200-page annotated directory contains 28 topically arranged chapters
describing education resources on a range of Africa-related topics
including religious belief systems, African cinema, Africa's debt burden,
the environment, human rights, literature, refugees, and the voice of
women.  Also included are extensive lists of Africa related curriculum
guides, films and videotapes, organizations and more.

The stated aim of the directory is "to provide educators and others with
resource tools that contribute to more informed and enlightened
understandings of Africa and its peoples."  The compilers sought "to
magnify the voices of those whose perspectives on Africa are not now
adequately represented in the mainstream media and in materials used in
libraries and schools outside Africa - especially writers, publishers, film
makers, educators, and others from Africa."

Two additional aims of the directory are (1) to illustrate how Africa's
peoples are finding innovative solutions to problems such as AIDS and
regional conflicts, and (2) to highlight the richness of the African
continent in the areas of literature, music and cinema so that educators
will have the resources at hand to present a complete and textured picture
of Africa's peoples and nations.

-WorldViews 14, nos. 1-2 (January-June 1998)

Reprinted in Counterpoise 2:2, April 1998
Details at http://www.liblib.com

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http://www.hanszell.co.uk/contents.htm : Meta list of sites with focus on
Africa. Includes: African publishing & book trade, Newspapers and Media in
Africa, Publishers with African studies lists (outside Africa), African &
Africanist journals, African literature, African literary & cultural
journals and General resources...
..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. 

African Development Review


ISSN: 1017-6772

African Development Review is a professional journal devoted to the study
and analysis of development policy in Africa. The Review emphasizes policy
relevance of research findings, rather than purely theoretical and
quantitative issues. The African Development Review is published twice a
year, in June and December for the African Development Bank.

The African Development Bank is a regional multilateral development
finance institution the members of which are all of the 53 countries in
Africa and 25 countries from Asia, Europe, North and South America. The
purpose of the Bank is to further the economic development and social
progress of African countries, individually and collectively. To this end,
the Bank promotes the investment of public and private capital for
development, primarily by providing loans and grants for projects and
programs that contribute to poverty reduction and broadly based
development in Africa.

The review contains:

High quality articles analyzing recent critical issues related to Africa's
economic and social development;
Empirical analyses and case studies either of single countries, or of
comparative nature, which shed light on development policy choices;

and Book reviews, conference reports and comments on Review articles.

It covers, amongst others, the following subjects:

Macroeconomic Policies (Fiscal, Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy);
Economic and Structural Reforms including Issues of Financial Sector
Sectoral Issues on Agriculture, Energy, Mining and Industry;
Issues of Building Infrastructure and Human Resource Capacity;
Private Sector Development;
Regional and International Concerns such as Debt, Trade, Capital Flows,
Regional Integration, South-South Cooperation and Globalization; and
Socioeconomic Issues of Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation.


Editor: T. W. Oshikoya
Email Address: w.oshikoya[at]afdb.org



From NewJour - http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour
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Africa Research Bulletin - Economic, Financial and Technical Series


ISSN: 0001-9852

Africa Research Bulletin is the leading bulletin service on Africa
providing impartial summaries of, and extensive reports on, political and
economic developments throughout Africa. Drawing on over 100 local press
and radio sources, as well as information from government gazettes,
international organizations and agencies, and the European and American
press and news agencies, the Bulletin also contains first-hand comment
from internationally recognized experts. All sources are acknowledged and
each issue is comprehensively indexed. Cross references guide readers to
related articles in previous issues of the Bulletin.

Used together the accumulated knowledge of the Political and Economic
Bulletins give readers an in-depth understanding of Africa since 1964. The
Economic Bulletin is divided into six sections , with countries and
regional entities listed alphabetically within each.

Conferences, Co-operation and Trade: Regional and international
conferences, foreign co-operation and trade agreements, trade figures and
foreign direct investment.

Internal Policies: Changes in economic policies.  Development plans, key
facts and figures, economic reviews with maps for each country. In-depth
budget analysis where possible. Tax changes, interest rates, currency
devaluations or changes, bond issues, S&P rating.

Infrastructure: New links or facilities, company progress and projects in
air, sea, road, rail and telecommunications including regional projects.

Commodities: Monthly updated market review with price changes. Production
figures and developments of major commodity producers, agricultural and
mineral. Tables of African production.

Industries: General manufacturing and the development of specific
industries within a country or region. Company briefs, which highlight new
companies entering Africa, unbundling of large ones, particularly good
returns and co-operations with or investment in a country.

Aid: Extensive details of all new aid: origin of aid, type of agreement,
amount and project.

The Bulletin appears in two series - Political, Social and Cultural, and
Economic, Financial and Technical - available separately or in a combined

Please click here to link to Africa Research Bulletin (Political)

Key Features:

Authoritative and comprehensive - a wide range of reports covering the
whole continent.

Subscription includes a free annual cumulative index

Published monthly, so you can be sure that all information is as
up-to-date as possible


Editor: Pita Adams
Email Address: R.Burt[at]ex.ac.uk



From NewJour - http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour
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Africa Research Bulletin - Political, Social and Cultural Series


ISSN: 0001-9844

Africa Research Bulletin is the leading bulletin service on Africa
providing impartial summaries of, and extensive reports on, political and
economic developments throughout Africa. Drawing on over 100 local press
and radio sources, as well as information from government gazettes,
international organizations and agencies, and the European and American
press and news agencies, the Bulletin also contains first-hand comment
from internationally recognized experts. All sources are acknowledged and
each issue is comprehensively indexed. Cross references guide readers to
related articles in previous issues of the Bulletin.

Used together the accumulated knowledge of the Political and Economic
Bulletins give readers an in-depth understanding of Africa since 1964.

The Political Bulletin is divided into five sections, with countries and
regional entities listed alphabetically within each.

Conferences, Political Relations: detailed reports of annual conferences,
such as Organisation of African Unity. Updates on meetings of regional
blocs - AMU and ECOWAS - relations between Africa states and refugees

Government Changes: all changes to government ministers and constitutional
amendments. Elections results, parties standing and that of leading
figures.  Political parties, thier role and leaders

Internal Security: extensive reports and analysis with up-to-date maps.
Clear background information and comments on future developments, from a
significant range of sources.

Overseas Relations: defence.arms agreements, as are diplomatic overtures,
changes, sanctions and international meetings, cuch as Commonwealth, which
include Africa. Also changes of gpvernment or presidency, which may have a
profound effect on Africa

Social and Cultural: overviews of a specific topic.  Subjects covered
include:  media, health, education, archaeology, conservation, sport,
film, street children

The Bulletin appears in two series - Political, Social and Cultural,
andEconomic, Financial and Technical - available separately or in a
combined subscription.

Please click here to link to Africa Research Bulletin (Economic)

Key Features:

Authoritative and comprehensive - a wide range of reports covering the
whole continent.

Subscription includes a free annual cumulative index

Published monthly, so you can be sure that all information is as
up-to-date as possible


Pita Adams
Email Address: R.Burt[at]ex.ac.uk

From NewJour - http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour

16. The Bookhouse Classifications, a cosmic baseball team


The BOOKHOUSE CLASSIFICATIONS are a new cosmic baseball team. They were
created on February 15, 1998. The team players are related to the Library
of Congress book classification system.

Cosmic Baseball Association:
The CBA is a baseball league of the imagination. Our focus on the great game
of the quadrature is more poetic than athletic. Beginning with the notion
that the game of baseball is really a metaphor for the life of the mind, CBA
expresses itself with the desire for and love of individual and collective
creation. We hope the Cosmic Baseball Association will be experienced as an
art exhibit or as an educational resource. It could also be enjoyed as just
a fantasy game of the imagination played for fun and for pleasure and for
laughs. Seriously.

  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

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| fee of $10 per year, variable based on ability and
| desire to pay.  You may send a check payable in US funds
| to Rory Litwin, at PO Box 720511, San Jose, CA  95172
| Original material and added value in Library Juice    
| is copyright-free; beyond that the publisher makes
| no guarantees.  Library Juice is a free weekly 
| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin. 
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
| opinions are theirs.  If you are the author of some
| email in Library Juice which you want removed from
| the web, please write to me and I will remove it.
| Your comments and suggestions are welcome.   
| Rory[at]libr.org

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