Library Juice 4:14 - April 18, 2001


  1. John Berry Editorial: A Model for the Public Sector
  2. Links related to women in library management
  3. Two Reports on the Dissemination of US Government Information
  4. CIA/EDRC: Popular Documents Collection
  5. Free-speech reigns online for now, but experts wary of controls
  6. Norwin S. Yoffie Career Achievement Award: Prof. C. James Schmidt
  7. Support ALA'S CIPA Legal Fund!
  8. Library User Interface Issues discussion list
  9. Bush and Bush cut library budgets
  10. Senator Schumer's new bill for library construction
  12. The Propaganda System
  13. Noam Chomsky in Citation Analysis
  14. Kay Raseroka for IFLA President-elect
  15. The Invisible Library

Quote for the week:

"Perhaps this is an obvious point, but the democratic postulate is that the
media are independent and committed to discovering and reporting the truth,
and that they do not merely reflect the world as powerful groups wish it to
be perceived. Leaders of the media claim that their news choices rest on
unbiased professional and objective criteria, and they have support for
this contention in the intellectual community. If, however, the powerful
are able to fix the premises of discourse, to decide what the general
populace is allowed to see, hear, and think about, and to "manage" public
opinion by regular propaganda campaigns, the standard view of how the
system works is at serious odds with reality."

- Noam Chomsky, _Manufacturing Consent_, preface, pg xi

Homepage of the week: Carrie Bickner


1. John Berry Editorial: A Model for the Public Sector

Countering those antigovernment slogans

by John N. Berry, III

March 1, 2001

2. Links related to women in library management


3. Two Reports on the Dissemination of US Government Information [.pdf]

Electronic Dissemination of Government Publications -- GAO

A Comprehensive assessment of Public Information Dissemination, Final
Report (January 2001) In four volumes; 1-3 currently available - NCLIS

These two reports from federal agencies look at the future of free
government information in the digital age. Since its establishment in
1861, the US Government Printing Office (GPO) has been responsible
for printing key government documents from all three branches of the
federal government, which are disseminated to the public via a
network of over 1,300 federal depository libraries, in a variety of
formats, including print and, increasingly, electronic. This
centralized system of dissemination has been weakening in recent
years as more and more government information is available at agency
Websites. While there are many advantages to Web-accessible
government information -- it is more searchable, available at all
times of day without travelling, and may be less expensive for the
government to produce -- there is a down side as well -- some
segments of the US population cannot use electronic government
documents, the explosion of information on the Internet makes
government documents harder to find, and issues of authenticity and
longevity have yet to be addressed. The first report, from the
Government Accounting Office (GAO), studies the impact of providing
documents solely in electronic format, and hypothesizes on what could
be gained if some of the functions of the GPO were taken over by the
Library of Congress. The second, far longer report (each of the first
three volumes is approximately 300 pages), from the National
Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS), takes a
broader look at the government's public information dissemination
practices. The report urges the government to recognize public
information as a "strategic national resource." The Executive
Summary, in Volume 1, lists 36 recommendations to improve public
access to government information. [DS]

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2001.

4. CIA/EDRC: Popular Documents Collection

        Full-text government documents on the topics UFO's
        Fact or Fiction?; Bay of Pigs; POW MIA; Guatemala;
        Human Rights in Latin America; Atomic Spies: Ethel
        and Julius Rosenberg; Lt. Col. Oleg Penkovsky: Western
        Spy in Soviet GRU; and Francis Gary Powers: U-2 Spy
        Pilot Shot Down by the Soviets. From the Central
        Intelligence Agency Electronic Document Release
        Center. - smb

From Librarians' Index to the Internet -

5. Free-speech reigns online for now, but experts wary of controls

"Free expression prevails online for now, but the mute button may be
only one click away."

6. Norwin S. Yoffie Career Achievement Award: Prof. C. James Schmidt

Jose State University, School of Library and Information Science A
long-time advocate for freedom of information in libraries, Schmidt
formerly headed the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom
Committee and Freedom to Read Foundation. Last year he served on the
Child Online Protection Act (COPA) Commission, which advised Congress on
the issue of regulating the
availability of "harmful to minors" content on public library computer
terminals. He continues to be a driving force behind the consolidation
of the San Jose State University and San Jose City libraries into a
modern downtown complex that will better serve both students and the


7. Support ALA'S CIPA Legal Fund!

Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 12:05:03 -0500
From: "Don Wood" <dwood[at]>
To: Intellectual Freedom Action News <ifaction[at]>

Support ALA'S CIPA Legal Fund!

"ALA is partnering with state library associations, local libraries and
library users to combat the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
and protect intellectual freedom and equity of access. The funding
necessary for this challenge is substantial. Please help us make this
landmark case for libraries and library users a success by contributing
to the CIPA Legal Defense Fund today."


Don Wood
Program Officer/Communications
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
1-800-545-2433, ext. 4225
Fax: 312-280-4227
intellectual freedom @ your library

8. Library User Interface Issues discussion list

Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:05:37 -0400
From: librefed <librefed[at]>
To: LIBREF-L[at]
Subject: New list/online resources

>===== Original Message From Liz Linton <melinton[at]SBC.EDU> =====

Apologies for the double or cross posting -

LUII: Library User Interface Issues is a forum for librarians, usability
engineers, user experience strategists and other professionals to discuss
issues of usability as they apply to online subscription resources in
the library environment.

I started this list in response to repeated, constant annoyances with
the interfaces of subscription services. It started back in the 80's
with SilverPlatter on CD, and its only gotten worse.

For example:

Stat USA is first on my roster of terrible interfaces at the moment.
What did they do? They offer a link labeled "SOTN Library". When you
click it, you get this message EVEN if you ARE subscribed:

"A paid account is required to access the State of the Nation Library
files. Click here for subscription information."

The staff at Stat USA instructed me to tell patrons, "oh, just ignore

Librarians have been asked, implicitly, for years to explain away erroneous
messages, print up user guides excusing unworkable screens and write up help
where none exists for companies that can't or won't create usable interfaces.

To subscribe to the list, send an email to:


I hope that together we can create usability standards for online products
that are marketed to libraries, and develop a useful website for rating
usability. Most of all, by communicating together, we can improve the
usability of existing and future services.

A very rudimentary web site is taking shape at:

I welcome your suggestions and discussion.

Liz Linton

Electronic Resources Librarian
Sweet Briar College

9. Bush and Bush cut library budgets

News stories appearing in the April 16 American Libraries Online (fwd)
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:45:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Frederick W Stoss <fstoss[at]>
To: SRRT Action Council <srrtac-l[at]>
Reply to: srrtac-l[at]

The first three items on this list of news stories should scare the hell
oout of every librarian. This is the first of four budgets george w bush
will propose.

bush cuts to the environmental agenda over the next 4 years will be
in excess of 20 billion dollars. The cuts to library, information, and
data programs and projects will be described as nothing less than

For those of you who were charmed by the picture of the First Librarian on
the cover of American Libraries, last February, maybe we can ask you to
have her comment on what is happening as the result of her husband's

Last Monday, the date of bush's budget release, will be known as Black
Monday by the environmental community. Maybe also for the library

Fred Stoss
SRRT Coordinator
Candidate for ALA Council

Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 15:15:04 -0500
From: George Eberhart <geberhar[at]>
To: ALA Council List <alacoun[at]>
Subject: [ALACOUN:5812] News stories appearing in the April 16 American Libraries Online

News stories appearing in the April 16 American Libraries Online
< >

> Bush Budget Cuts LSTA, Eliminates NCLIS

> Budget a Mixed Bag for National Libraries

> Arkansas Governor Slashes Library Funding

> Enoch Pratt Plan Calls for Branch Closings

> Hawaii Fears Loss of Library Guards During Teacher Strike

> Digitial Gift to the Nation Urged

> Public Protests Director's Dismissal

> Warren Public Libraries to Stay Open with Emergency Funds

> Unfair Labor Charge Filed against Akron Library

> Library to Get $875,000 in Wilder Copyright Suit

American Libraries' Web site also features the latest "Internet
Librarian" columns by Karen Schneider; "Technically Speaking" by David
Dorman; AL's "Career Leads" job ads; listings of conferences,
continuing-education courses, exhibitions, and other events from AL's
"Datebook"; and Tables of Contents for the current year.

Do you have a comment to make about anything appearing in American
Libraries? The editors encourage signed e-mail letters on recent content or
matters of general interest to the library profession in the Reader Forum
section. Send 250 words or less to americanlibraries[at]

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Associated Press Texas Wire News

                 Bush proposes slashing federal
                 spending on libraries by $39 million

                 Eds: New for PMs

                 DALLAS (AP) - President Bush's recent proposal to
                 slash federal spending on libraries by $39 million has
                 irked a national library group, which promises to return
                 to Congress for more funding....

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Jeb Bush Slashes Library Funds
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 14:27:52 -0500
From: tombaxter <tombaxter[at]>
To: "plgnet-l[at]" <plgnet-l[at]>
Reply to: tombaxter[at]

Like his older brother, Jeb is also slashing library funds.  .

"Florida, Where Dead Children Pave the Roads!"

Tom Baxter
I have never paid very much attention to the budget and legislative
shenanigans until this year. The Jeb's proposal to remove career service
protections from all state employees, especially environmental managers,
did attract my attention. Regardless of what the Jeb says, if anyone
looks at his actions, the requirements for keeping a state job is not
competence nor doing a good job. While competence is a plus, absolute
total obedience and loyalty to the Jeb is the only requirement.
One example that comes to mind is Jeb's $100,000+ senior management type
that prepared the K-12 school budget for FY 2001/2002. Not provided for
were over 50,000 new students that will be entering the K-12 school
system next year, just as they have for the last few decades. He still
has his job, I suspect the numbers were forgotten on the Jeb's order.
The prime example of gross incompetence and, in my opinion, criminal
negligence is the destruction of Locklin Lake. The senior manager $100 -
200,000 a year types of Anderson Columbia and the Departments of
Transportation and Environmental Protection watched as a quarter million
cubic feet of silt to flowed into Locklin Lake last year. The blame
shifting, damage control and CYAing between the Jeb loyalists was a
sight to see, but the mud flowed for months. I am not sure what the
courts are going to say, but Locklin Lake is full of mud and the
taxpayers through DOT are going to pay tens of millions to clean it up.
I'm sure Anderson Columbia will again come up with hundreds of thousands
more in political contributions to exchange for past and future
contracts, settlements and amnesties.
I heard the Jeb say there will be millions less in tax collections in
the 2001/2002 budget year. The Jeb said sacrifices would have to be made
and little if any growth in any budgets. Only the Jebs' highest priority
items would get any substantial funding increase.
The Jeb recommended gutting the budgets for universities and community
colleges statewide, and zero budgeting library cooperative grants,
library literacy grants and virtual library information services. He
does want to privatize education and substitute book stores for
libraries, after all, he is a Republican.
One of the Jeb's highest priorities is his proposed reinstalling of the
"at the bosses will" spoils system in Florida's public employment, even
though, it will cost about $40 million, just to pay annual leave and
heath insurance for the new "select exempts." Taxpayers and not him will
have to pay to get rid of pesky disloyal employees.
The Jeb's highest priority, Florida's Department of Transportation got a
36% increase in its budget. The $1.1+ BILLION increase from $3.4+
BILLION to $4.6+ BILLION will allow the continued paving of Florida.
More importantly keep the big bucks going to and coming from the road
builders, not just for the Jeb, but also for the legislators. [No High
Speed Train funding is included in the BILLION. The Jeb is thinking of
having a referendum resubmitted to the people to give us chance to
correct our "mistake."]
While all the above got me upset what really got me angry, I MEAN ANGRY,
was when he recommended cuts to Healthy Start, the program that
decreased Florida's infant death numbers from 8.9 to 7.1 per thousand. A
program that, over the last decade, saved 2,000 Florida children's lives
and untold sickness and pain . Ten years ago our infant death rate was
the nation's third highest, right behind Texas and Mississippi. {As they
say in Texas, "Thank God for Mississippi!"} Now, Florida has the 16th
highest infant death rate. Slashing this program will save a few bucks
in the budget, but will increase the number of newborns in intensive
care, and in coffins, which will cost far more.
I am angered about the 20,000 pregnant women of working families that
will be excluded from Medicaid coverage in his budget. By lowering
Medicaid eligibility from 185% of poverty level to 150% the Jeb will cut
20,000 pregnant women from Medicaid and save $37 million. This money
will be paid later by mothers and children in intensive care and again
hundreds more dead and damaged babies and mothers.
One Voice for Children has called for an additional 1% of general
revenue, about $200 million increase, to fund prevention health and
education services for children, including early intervention, maternal
and child health. As I understand it this funding could allow Florida to
lower it's infant mortality close to developed countries.  $200 million
is but 4% of DOT's proposed budget or 20% of this year's recommended
increase. One Voice has proven spending this money now would save
Floridians BILLIONS of remedial health and education costs down the
road. This proposal was rejected by the Jeb, so he could use these funds
to build roads, again at a cost of sick, damaged and dead kids.

So next time you are driving on the road remember Florida's new slogan,
"Welcome to Florida, Our Roads are Paved with Dead Children!"
I have heard that members of the legislature is so horrified by the
images of dead children they are trying to cut various environmental
programs to fund children's programs.  Setting the environmental
community against children's advocates, both groups include few
Republicans, DOT funding is protected at all cost.
For more Information Contact
Tom Baxter


Speak Truth to Power
Tom Baxter, USA 66-69, Vietnam  67-69
Progressive Librarians
Veterans for Peace
PO Box 10358, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-9752
W  850-414-3300  H  850-893-7390
When you absolutely, positively have to know, ask a librarian.

10. Senator Schumer's new bill for library construction

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Golaszewski - Community Relations Manager
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 6:39 PM
To: NYLINE[at]
Subject: Schumer's new bill for library construction

April 17, 2001
Four County Library System
Vestal, NY
Contact Paul Golaszewski
Community Relations Manager


At a news conference yesterday in Endicott (NY) U.S. Senator Charles E.
Schumer called for passage of his legislation to provide one billion
dollars in federal grants over five years to repair and modernize public
libraries. "America's neglected libraries are crumbling. In a modern world
where education is the key to success, our libraries are out of date and
out of space," Schumer said. Four County Library System hosted the Schumer
event at the George F. Johnson Memorial Library.

Schumer released data showing that public libraries in Four County Library
System are suffering from crumbling infrastructure and inadequate wiring
for Internet connectivity. He estimated that $11 million in new
construction or renovation is needed for the System's 42 member libraries.
"We would be making a terrible mistake if we continue to neglect our
library system. In today's information age, libraries should be having a
renaissance and not be struggling to survive," Schumer said.

Schumer's legislation -- the Andrew Carnegie Libraries for Lifelong
Learning Act -- will authorize grants of one billion dollars over five
years to allow cities, counties, and towns to build, renovate, and
rehabilitate library facilities. The bill (S.671) also will permit
libraries to use grants to purchase high-tech hardware and information
technology. The grants must be matched by state, city, or charitable
donations on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

"This will be a shared responsibility between the federal government and
city, state, and private sources. The grants will be awarded competitively
so areas with the most need will receive the grants. My bill will help
close the gap between what is needed and what we can afford," Schumer said.

Schumer was joined by David Karre, executive director and CEO of Four
County Library System, who added, "The strength of Senator Schumer's
proposal is that it provides for renovation as well as new construction,
funds to help libraries comply with ADA requirements, and the retrofitting
of existing facilities to meet the needs of new technologies."

Also participating in the news conference were Ed Dunscombe, assistant
director of George F. Johnson Memorial Library; Mary King, library director
of Moore Memorial Library; and Janice Vartuli, director of Sidney Memorial
Public Library.



by Sanford Berman, U*L Contributing Editor

From: U * N * A * B * A * S * H * E * D    Librarian  Number 118 (2001)

Since 1976, Project Censored, founded by Carl Jensen at Sonoma State
University in Rohnert Park, California, has diligently (and appallingly)
identified critical public issues and events that mainstream media either
underreported or failed to report at alI. In that same spirit and format,
these are stories that the orthodox library press --most notably American
Libraries and Library Journal--altogether ignored or minimized, even though
they dealt with clearly significant professional matters.

And it's not that AL and LJ didn't know about these things. They did.
Fortunately, other sources recognized the importance of these challenges
and developments, but their reports and analyses hardly reached the
substantial readership commanded by the two leading journals.


Synopsis: James Billington, the Librarian of Congress, hoping to save space
in LC's Capitol Hill collections, announced a plan to shelve books there by
height, which would effectively eliminate useful browsing by reference
librarians and scholars, and might well be disastrously copycatted
throughout the library community. Billington apparently believes that
everything will ultimately be digitized and available on the tube so why
bother about shelving the physical volumes in any classified order?

And he also seems to suffer from the delusion that standard, LC-type
cataloging is so adequate, so functional, that relevant, wanted materials
can be easily and confidently discerned through the catalog.   Every LC
professional organization openly opposed this potentially precedent
setting, wrong-headed idea.  And critiques appeared in several
"alternative" media, resulting in the proposal being put "on hold."

Sources: Thomas Mann, Height Shelving Threat to the Nation's Libraries
(Washington, DC: Library of Congress Professional Guild, AFSCME 2910,
l999), reprinted in Counterpoise, v.3, nos. 3/4 (July/Oct. l999), p. 19-
38, and Alternative Library Literature, 1998/1999 (Jefferson, NC:
McFarland, 2000), p, 338-56; Sanford Berman, "Keep It Classed!," ibid., p.
337; Grace Palladino, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Shelving by Height at the
Library of Congress," Chronicle of Higher Education, v . 45 , n o . 40 (June
11, 1999), p. B6-7; "Good Reasons To Oppose Height-Shelving at LC," Bulletin
Board: the Voice of the Library of Congress Professional Guild, AFSCME
2920, December 6, 1999, p* 3, reprinted in The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D
Librarian", no. 114 (2000), p. 13; Robert Anderson, "Research Collection
Shelved by Subject--an Endangered Species?," LG Communicator, v. 33,
nos. 4/5 (July/October 1999), p. 16-17.


Synopsis: Discarding damaged or truly obsolete library materials is a
practical necessity, but lately--in part flowing from a reigning mentality
that deemphasizes print and AV in favor of purely digital resources --
there's been a virtual epidemic of trashing, hiding, or selling arguably
historic and valuable items without proper review or consultation. At San
Francisco Public Library, for example, an expensive new downtown building
was constructed with ample accommodation for computer terminals but hugely
insufficient shelf space for books, resulting in thousands of volumes (some
estimates suggest half-a-million!) being unceremoniously and often secretly
pulped or remotely stored. Variations of this frequently appearance- or
circulation-driven practice are now so common that a Midwest library user
was even prompted to write a scorching poem in California's Anderson Valley

Sources: Fred Whitehead, "'To Thine Own Shelves Be True': a Call for a
Working Group in Defense of Library Collections,"   People's Culture,
no. 37 (1997), p. 1-2, reprinted in Alternative Library Literature,
1996/1997 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998), p. 180-81;  Fred Woodworth,
"Report from Arizona,"   People's Culture, no. 37 (1997), p. 3-5, reprinted
in Alternative Library Literature, 1996/1997, p. 182-83; Clark Dissmeyer,
"Public Library,  R.I.P.,"  Anderson Valley Advertiser, v. 47, no. 26
(June 30, 1999),  reprinted in Alternative Library Literature, 1998/1999
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998), p. 86; Fred Whitehead, "Update
on Library Collections," People's Culture, new series no. 42 (1997),
reprinted in Alternative Library Literature, 1998/1999, p. 87-89; Bill
Witherup, "The Burning of the Books: 2000 A.D.," People's Culture,
new series no. 42 (1997), reprinted in Alternative Library Literature,
1998 1999, p. 90; Fred Woodworth, "One of the Strange Features of
 Life and Civilization," Mystery & Adventure Review, no. 34
(Summer 1998), p. 4-7, reprinted in Alternative Library Literature,
1998/1999, p. 91-94; Mark Campos, "The Wishing Ring" (comic strip),
Exapno Mapcase, no. 2 (1998), reprinted in Alternative Library Literature,
1998/1999, p. 95-99.


Synopsis: Early in March 1999, hoping to prevent other colleagues from
undergoing the same denial of on-the-job intellectual freedom that I
was experiencing at Hennepin County Library, I proposed this resolution to
the American Library Association Council:

WHEREAS the American Library Association
is firmly committed to human rights and freedom
of expression (Policies 53 and 58.4.1); and

WHEREAS candid, robust debate is
essential to the making of sound
policy; and

WHEREAS library staff do not universally
enjoy the right to openly discuss library
and professional issues without fear of reprisal;

Council amends the Library Bill of
Rights (53.1) by adding:

7) Libraries should permit and encourage
a full and free expression of views by staff
on professional and policy matters.

On Tuesday, June 29th, in New Orleans, ALA Council overwhelmingly voted
to refer the amendment to its Committee on Professional Ethics.

As I feared, that referral effectively killed any possibility of amending
the Library Bill of Rights. Indeed, the Ethics Committee subsequently
determined that workplace free speech was already addressed by
ALA's Code of Ethics, opting simply to draft a clarifying document,
"Questions and Answers on Librarian Speech in the Workplace;" presumably
to be presented to Council for approval.

In a "brief reply" (12-18-00), I remarked that "while it may be a
reasonable statement (with certain noted reservations) on how things are,
it does not ringingly declare--as only an amendment to the Library Bill of
Rights could--how things should be, unequivocally establishing as
professional philosophy and principle that library staff ought to enjoy the
right to full and free expression of views on professional and policy

I concluded that "despite the admonition to library administrators (pages
3-4) to encourage staff input and discussion, the document frankly appears
to be a manifesto supporting 'managerial prerogatives,' not free speech."
Neither AL nor LJ traced or commented upon the tortured history of the
original resolution and its abject fate, even though the issue is central
to librarianship itself.

Sources: Sanford Berman, "Rights or Ethics?" (letter), American libraries,
September 1999, p. 40, reprinted as "An Open Letter to ALA Members,"
Alternative Library Literature, 1998/ 1999, p. 85; letter from Sanford
Berman to Charles Harmon, 5-3-00; "Draft ALA Committee on Professional
Ethics Minutes, 2000 Midwinter Conference, San Antonio, TX," p. 7-11;
letter from Charles Harmon to Sanford Berman, 12-14-00, with 5-page "Draft
Questions & Answers on Librarian Speech in the Workplace"; letter from
refer the amendment to its Committee Sanford Berman to Charles Harmon,
12-18-00; John Buschman/Mark Rosenweig, "Intellectual Freedom Within
the Library Workplace: an Exploratory Study in the U.S.," Journal of
 Information Ethics, v. 8, no. 2 (Fall 1999), p. 36-45.


Synopsis: A committed band of citizen activists and watchdogs, led by
James Chaffee and Peter Warfield, unsuccessfully -- albeit energetically --
tried to sink the San Francisco Public Library's Fall 2000 quest for over
$105,000,000 to ostensibly "improve" library branches.

Save Our Library --No On Prop. A argued, in effect, that the SFPL
management and Foundation had badly mismanaged earlier bond issues, made
fraudulent claims regarding such matters as earthquake risks, seemed to be
promoting the privatization and corporatization of library service, and
just couldn't be trusted to responsively and efficiently handle the wanted

Sources: Gray Brechin, "SF Hoodwinked on Library" (letter), Bay Area
Reporter, v. 30, no. 42 (19 October 2000); James Chaffee, "Library
Privatization Concerns" (letter), Independent, October 21, 2000); various
press releases and manifestoes, some reprinted as "San Francisco Public
Library: the Fight Against the Bond Issue in the 2000 Election,"Librarians
at Liberty, v, 8, nos. l/2 December 2000), p. 1, 3-7.


Synopsis: As another troubling instance of a now-"normal" trend--the
commercialization of libraries--the Library of Congress in late December
2000 not merely accepted a gift of some 20,000 Coca-Cola TV commercials
(whjch would have been unexceptional), but shamelessly conducted a PR
extravaganza for the pop-maker within LC 's hallowed halls. Police ejected
protesters who questioned the propriety of a public institution shilling
for a "junk food pusher" which incidentally had just agreed to pay milions
to settle a suit contending it had discriminated against Black employees.

While AL noted the donation, neither major library periodical reported on
the protest or editorialized on the menace of commercialism and the
cascading erosion of library "neutrality,"

Source: Russell Mokhiber/Robert Weissman,
"The Real Thing: Democracy As a Contact Sport,"
reprinted from the Focus on the Corporation Internet Column
( in Library Juice, 4: 1 (January 3,
2001), p. 6-8.

Sanford Berman, U*L Contributing Editor

"Copyright 2001, The U * N * A * B * A * S * H * E * D  Librarian, the
"How I Run My Library Good" letter sm , P.O. Box 325, Mount Kisco, N.Y.
10549.   Reprinted with permission from issue #118."


12. The Propaganda System

Noam Chomsky
Lies of Our Times, May 1992

"Media critique has generally focused on how the news and opinion
sections ensure right thinking. Book reviews are another intriguing
element of the system of doctrinal control. In particular, the New
York Times Book Review serves as a guide to readers and librarians
with limited resources. The editors must not only select the right
books, but also reviewers who adhere to the norms of political
correctness. What follows are some illustrations, drawn from
successive weeks..."

13. Noam Chomsky in Citation Analysis

Many are the authors who may wonder if anyone is paying attention to
what they write.

Professor Noam Chomsky, MIT's preeminent linguistics authority,
doesn't have that problem.

Recent research on citations in three different citation indices show
that Professor Chomsky is one of the most cited individuals in works
published in the past 20 years.

In fact, his 3874 citations in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index
between 1980 and 1992 make him the most cited living person in that
period and the eighth most cited source overall - just behind famed
psychiatrist Sigmund Freud and just ahead of philosopher Georg Hegel.

Indeed, Professor Chomsky is in illustrious company. The top ten
sources during the period were: Marx, Lenin, Shakespeare, Aristotle,
the Bible, Plato, Freud, Chomsky, Hegel, and Cicero.

But that isn't all. From 1972 to 1992, Professor Chomsky was cited
7449 times in the Social Science Citation Index - likely the greatest
number of times for a living person there as well, although the
research into those numbers isn't complete. [Theresa Tobin checked
statistics for 40 top authors in the Social Sciences but admits she
may have overlooked someone. To date, no one has corrected her
research.] In addition, from 1974 to 1992 he was cited 1619 times in
the Science Citation Index.

"What that means is that he is very widely read across disciplines and
that his work is used by researchers across disciplines," said Theresa
A. Tobin, the Humanities Librarian who checked the numbers. "In fact,"
she added, "it seems that you can't write a paper without citing Noam

From MIT's Tech Talk, Volume 36, Number 27, April 15, 1992

"I doubt that these [citation indices] can even be close to true. If
they were, they would be meaningless (consider what it means that
Marx, Lenin, Mao and Castro are listed high on citation indices in
Western literature). Even if they were true and meaningful, they would
be utterly irrelevant to any topic addressed here. Take a really
important 20th-century figure: Bertrand Russell, who should be among
the most cited, surely, if the rankings meant anything. Did his high
ranking make his views on nuclear disarmament important? That's
stressing exactly the wrong lessons." - NC

In his office hallway, Chomsky has a poster of Bertrand Russell. A
quote at the bottom of it says: "Three passions, simple but
overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love,
the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of

According to his secretary, as of 1993 Chomsky had written 72 books.
The current bibliography of his writings (the third published so far
in hard cover) contains over 700 entries. Just over half relate to
political subjects. Noam Chomsky: A Personal Bibliography, 1951 - 1986
was compiled by E.F. Konrad Koerner and Matsuji Tajima with the
collaboration of Carlos P. Otero (John Benjamins, 1986).



14. Kay Raseroka for IFLA President-elect

The Norwegian and Swedish Library Associations have initiated a support
campaign for Kay Raseroka as President-elect in IFLA. 27 library
associations around the world have signed this support letter for Kay
Raseroka for President-elect.

Christina Stenberg, Secretary-General Swedish Library Association
(chs[at] )
Frode Bakken, President Norwegian Library Association
(mrfrodebakken[at]  Here is the support letter:

Recently you will have received from IFLA Headquarters the Postal Ballot
forms for the 2001 IFLA election for President-elect.

Our appeal is: Take this opportunity to vote for Kay Raseroka as
president-elect NOW!


IFLA-members are going to elect the new president-elect this spring.
For the first time it will be a mail ballot and all eligible voting members
have an opportunity to participate in this important election. We  the
signatories of this announcement - would like to communicate the following:
1. Development of libraries is a global responsibility;
2. IFLA has for a long time been working on an equal distribution and
development of libraries all over the world;
3. Nevertheless, IFLA has yet to elect a President from among our
colleagues in the developing world.
4. Now is the time to change the imbalance and image of IFLA:
libraries in developing countries should have a more influential voice in
5. We have an excellent representative from Botswana, who is willing
to - and is in a position to be - candidate for President-elect

We believe that NOW is the moment to give whole-hearted support to
KAY RASEROKA - a candidate who:
a. is a highly respected representative of developing countries.
b. is a woman with a long-standing reputation of professional
c. has a dedication to the cause of African and global library development;
d. has a well documented experience with IFLA issues and activities.
We believe that we should take this opportunity to let IFLA have for the
first time  a president-elect and later a president from developing
This is an opportunity to contribute to a new and important step forward in
the long history of IFLA.

We therefore urge you to vote for Kay Raseroka as President-elect.

Thank you

April 4th 2001

Signatories (in alphabetical order):
Association des bibliothécaires français (ABF)
Association of Danish Public Library Managers
Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
Bibliotekarforbundet Danish Union of Librarians (BF)
Comité français pour l'IFLA (CFI)
Commonwealth Library Association (COMLA)
The Danish Research Library Association (DF)
DIK association library (Sweden)
Finnish Library Association
EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation
HK/Kommunal Library committee (Denmark)
The Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
Librarians Association of Malaysia (Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia- PPM)
Library Association (UK)
Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago
Macau Libraries and Information Management Association
Nederlandse Vereniging van Beroepsbeoefenaren in de Bibliotheek-,
informatie- en Kennissector (NVB, Netherlands)
Netherlands Public Library Association (NBLC)
Norwegian Library Association
Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA)
Papua New Guinea Library Association
Sociedad de Bibliotecarios de Puerto Rico
Swedish Library Association
Swedish Society for Technical Documentation (TLS)
Uganda Library Association
UKB/Samenwerkingsverband van de Universiteitsbibliotheken,
Bibliotheek en de Bibliotheek van de Koninklijke Nederlandse
Akademie van
Wetenschappen (Netherlands)
Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Dokumentatiewezen
(VVBAD) (Belgium)

15. The Invisible Library -

        This site contains a collection of over 1000 "books that
        only appear in other books. Within the library walls you
        will find imaginary books, pseudobiblia, artifictions,
        fabled tomes, libris phantastica, and all manner of books
        unwritten, unread, unpublished, and unfound." Browse
        the A-Z Catalog by Authors (real authors of books),
        Titles (real titles of books), Pseudo-Authors (fictitious
        authors of books), or Pseudo-Titles (fictitious titles of
        books). Browse The Librarian's Office to view
        additional links and sources of information about
        reference books, contributing authors, and about
        non-existent books within books. - jh

From Librarians' Index to the Internet -

L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

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