Library Juice 4:3 - January 24, 2001


  1. Gramsci not available at SJSU
  2. ForeWord Magazine no alternative
  3. UNESCO library portal
  4. Jeb Bush cuts funding to Fla. library cooperatives
  5. SRRT Councilor's report on ALA Council, January 2001
  6. Information Liberation, by Brian Martin
  7. Greeks Bearing Gifts
  8. Shakin the Stacks
  9. Richard Stallman Article and some links on copyright
  10. The Nonverbal Dictionary of Gestures, Signs & Body Language Cues
  11. South Australian police raid bookshop and seize Mapplethorpe's Pictures
  12. Uzi Nissan defends his domain name

Quote for the week:

"A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to."
- Dr. Laurence Peter

From the New Hampshire Library Association's "Intellectual Freedom Manual"

Home page of the week: Sarah B. Osborne


1. Gramsci not available at SJSU

A factoid for the paranoid:

All books by the Marxist Antonio Gramsci, who developed the concept of
hegemony and was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century,
that are listed in the San Jose State University Library catalog, are
presently listed as "missing."


2. ForeWord Magazine no alternative

Does your library subscribe to ForeWord Magazine?  Do you think that by
using the reviews they publish for book selection you are giving proper
coverage to the alternative press?  Well, not quite.

ForeWord Magazine does a fairly good job of covering independent publishers
and university presses, or, at least, they are off to a good start.  But a
quick check of the list of publishers that have been reviewed in ForeWord shows
that they have been neglecting a major part of the independent publishing
scene: alternative publishers, who publish books on sociological or
political topics and represent views that are unobtainable from mainstream
publishers. Of the 519 publishers listed on the ForeWord Magazine web site
(as of January 20, 2001), only 32 are listed in the 4th biennial edition of
Alternative Publishers of Books in North America (CRISES Press, 1999 - ).  Such well-known and important alternative
publishers as Monthly Review Press, City Lights Books, Common Courage
Press, Seven Stories Press, South End Press and Garamond Press have not had
any of their books reviewed in ForeWord.

I am not claiming that this is the result of any anti-political policy at
ForeWord; it may be that they simply haven't gotten around to these
publishers yet.  However, I think that closer to the truth is probably that
these presses don't reflect the interests of ForeWord Magazine's book

That's where you come in.  ForeWord recently advertised that they need book
reviewers.  I want to encourage Library Juice readers to offer to write for
them, and to add help them do the job of representing alternative publishers.
Here is their notice advertising for book reviewers:

ForeWord Magazine is increasing the number of its book reviewers.  Writers
 who can create interesting lead lines, summarize contents, provide
descriptive examples, criticize tactfully, and write with clarity and style
are encouraged to apply. Inquiries can be made to
reviews[at] referencing Patrick Sullivan in the subject

You can check out ForeWord Magazine's online content at

-Rory Litwin

3. UNESCO library portal

UNESCO is pleased to announce the launch of its library portal
( ) which is intended to
facilitate access to information related to library resources
available on the World Wide Web as well as to issues affecting
librarianship. The site, still in an early developmental stage,
is being developed as an interactive point for browsing and
searching a range of categories including websites of national
libraries, government information services, library associations
and on-line resources, with special emphasis placed on activities
in UNESCO's fields of competence namely education, sciences,
culture, communication and information.

Special sections will regularly feature news and articles of
interest to librarians and highlight the activities of a selected
library and/or collection.

All libraries and librarians are invited to participate by
providing information on activities, useful links, news and
content that they wish to share with others and generally make
more widely available.

4. Jeb Bush cuts funding to Fla. library cooperatives

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rosenzweig [iskra[at]]

This is a rally call for those of you in (and out of) Florida. Looks like
Jeb got scissor happy and decided to cut funding to all six Fl. Library
cooperatives down to zero. Which means across the state of Florida public,
K-12 school, academic and specialized libraries will have very limited
networked access to the resource sharing, continuing education, and
technology these coops bring. This is a very serious crisis, and a letter
writing campaign will begin next week. I encourage everyone to visit (the North East Florida Library Network) or whatever
cooperative to which you may belong, educate, and retaliate!

And to think his sister-in-law is a librarian...

-----Original Message-----
From:   Brad Ward [mailto:brad[at]]
Sent:   Friday, January 19, 2001 1:45 PM
To: NEFLIN-Announce List Member
Subject:  [NEFLIN-Announce] Funding crisis - We need your help!

NEFLIN Members,
Many times you have heard the word "crisis" used.  I want you to know that I
do not use that word lightly in writing to you today.
Governor Jeb Bush has put out his budget this week.  He has cut the funding
for all six Florida library cooperatives from $1.2 million next year to
ZERO.  95 percent of NEFLIN's funding comes through the State of Florida in
the form of grants.  This is our operating monies and the match we use to
obtain federal LSTA funds.  Without the base funding of $1.2 million
dollars, NEFLIN, and 3 of the other Florida cooperatives, will have to close
their doors on October 1st.
In order to have this base of funding next fiscal year we need the Florida
legislature to put this funding in their budget.
I will be sending you the following information next week via fax and
* A list of legislators, with contact information, in NEFLIN's service area
that need to be contacted either personally, via letter and/or via e-mail.
* A form letter that can be sent to these legislators to show your support.

I am asking that every person on your staff send the letter.  Numbers count!

I'm optimistic that we can rally support in the legislature.  Please be on
the lookout next week for more information.

Brad Ward
Executive Director

5. SRRT Councilor's report on ALA Council, January 2001

[SRRTAC-L:5682] Report on ALA Council, January 2001
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:20:49 +0200
From: Al Kagan <akagan[at]>
To: SRRT Action Council <srrtac-l[at]>

Thanks again to all SRRT members for voting me in as their representative
to the ALA Council.  Here is my report on the DC meeting.  I would be happy
to try to answer any questions you might have.

Report on ALA Council, January 2001

SRRT did not bring any resolutions to ALA Council at the Midwinter
Meeting. The most important SRRT activity regarding Council actually
happened off the Council floor.  Those of you who have followed the recent
Cuba debate will know that Robert Kent, representing the right-right Cubans
in the US, brought his campaign directly to ALA this time.  Ann Sparanese
and Rhonda Neugebauer prepared excellent solidly documented presentations
to the Latin American Subcommittee of the ALA International Relations
Committee.  Their impressive work not only won over the Subcommittee, but
resulted in an International Relations Committee report to Council that
called for closer ties with the Cuban Library Association (ASCUBI),
invitations to Cuban library officials to ALA meetings, dissemination of
information on how US librarians can visit Cuba and obtain licenses to
export materials, and include Cuba in sister library programs. The report
suggested that ALA leaders attend the Caribbean librarians meeting in
Havana in June to begin this work.

ALA Council finally passed a Library Services for People with Disability
Policy. The first draft had been rejected at the 2000 Annual Meeting
because its language required immediate compliance, and Council thought
this would be unrealistic for many libraries.  A statement revising the
1979 Criteria for Programs to Prepare Library Technical Assistants was
referred back to committee in order to update definitions and substitute
more positive language. There was a long debate before the Council passed a
substitute motion on Voluntary Certification of Post-Masters Degreed
Librarians. The Committee on Education proposed setting up a 501(C)(6)
organization to run such a program which is not possible under the normal
non-profit status, 501(C)(3).  Instead of giving authority to go ahead, the
substitute resolution strongly supported the concept, but asked the
Committee to come back with a much more specific proposal at the next
Annual Meeting.  Since this was the first time I had considered this
proposal, I asked for rationale, which was omitted from the document and
the presentation. No convincing information was provided to explain why ALA
had to do this rather than the current system of various agencies running
state and local programs.  It may be that ALA is just looking for a new way
to generate income prohibited by the current non-profit tax status.

There was another long debate on the first recommendation from the
Electronic Meeting Participation Task Force. They proposed that ALA provide
some form of chat-based service to committees.  The TF had experimented
with such software for itself, and it turns out that they had even voted
through "chat" which is against ALA's open meeting policy.  The resolution
was approved after two amendments were hotly debated and defeated that
tried to bring the resolution into compliance with open meeting
requirements.  Some of us were shocked when the TF Chair then successfully
withdrew the second recommendation for the Policy Monitoring Committee to
continue exploring policy implications of electronic meeting participation.
This shows their technology is king attitude, never mind the implications
for democratic practice.  Fortunately, the Committee on Organization is
also looking at these questions.

Two members of the ALA Executive Board brought an information item to
Council for further discussion by ALA units.  This document on
privatization definitions (2000-2001 CD#57) results from discussion of the
1997 Outsourcing Task Force (OTF) Report and the 2000 Texas Women's
University (TWU) Report contracted by ALA.  Some of you may remember that
the TWU report defined privatization so narrowly that they could not find
any cases to examine!  Both reports also tried to define "outsourcing" as
distinct from "privatization."  The current document provides the OTF
"outsourcing" definition but only recommends adopting a new definition of
"privatization" which eliminates any mention of core services.  (Core
services would be "outsourced," not "privatized.")  In my discussion, I
noted that both concepts must be dealt with together, or that the
privatization definition must address core services.  Leaving out core
services would not prevent another situation similar to the Hawaii debacle.
I suggest we discuss this on the SRRT listserv. Here is the definition
proposed: "Privatization is the shifting of policy making and the
management of library services from the public to the private sector."

The Core Values debate has not gone away.  We won the battle to stop
adoption of a very narrow document at the 2000 Annual Meeting.  The
question was referred to ALA Presidents for follow-up.  A new task force
chaired by Pat Schuman has been appointed, and they plan to proceed by
looking at current ALA policies.  What a novel idea!

REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library Services to the
Spanish Speaking, is concerned that ALA materials may only be produced in
English. Mitch Freedman, SRRT endorsed candidate for ALA President,
successfully moved that Spanish materials be developed for the current
Campaign for America's Libraries.

Elaine Harger successfully moved a resolution to change the starting time
of the first Council meeting so that Councilors could attend the ALA book
awards press conference, including the Coretta Scott King Awards.

SRRT was asked and agreed to endorse one of the resolutions presented by
the Legislation Committee, the Library Services and Technology Act
reauthorization.  It easily passed along with resolutions on opposition to
the just passed federally mandated internet filtering, fully funding the
salaries of the Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,
improving access to government information in all formats, and the
importance of "Fair Use" in the copyright law.

Finally, the Intellectual Freedom Committee got endorsement for a joint
statement on Violence in the Media.  It has been endorsed by seven other
organizations representing publishers, authors and journalists.


Sabbatical Address for January to Aug.15, 2001

Al Kagan
All Africa House
University of Cape Town
43 Stanley Road
Rondebosch 7700
South Africa

tel. 27-21-650-4181

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

[SRRTAC-L:5684] Fw: Report on ALA Council, January 2001
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 15:05:16 -0800
From: "Diedre Conkling" <dconklin[at]>
To: SRRT Action Council <srrtac-l[at]>

As usual, Al has given you an excellent report.  I just want to say a bit
more about ALA's open meeting policy and the withdrawal of the Electronic
Meeting Participation Task Force's withdrawal of the referral to the Policy
Monitoring Committee.

1.   The Committee on Organization (COO) is working on several issues
related to the open meeting policy and how it is, and occassionally isn't,
being followed by ALA units.  We are working on a clearer definition of
"meeting" recognizing that all units do work between conferences that
require discussions but are not making critical policy decisions.  However,
the policy, administrative, etc. decisions should take place in an open
meeting.  There may be a way to make this possible using "chat" but it
needs to be clearly directed in our policy.   There will be a hearing about
the Open Meeting Policy and how to define meetings, etc. at the summer
conference in San Francisco on Monday, June 18 from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.,
probably in the Convention Center.  Elaine Harger is on the COO task force
setting up this meeting.  I really hope that SRRT people attend since many
of you understand the need for open meetings and some were ALA members
before this policy was in place so know the history.

2.    The second recommendation was fine to have withdrawn.  If they had
gone forward with it COO and Sarah Pritchard were going to amend it.  The
main problem with the recommendation was that it was a referral to Policy
Monitoring.  Policy Monitoring was not the appropriate committee to work on
these issues.  COO is the appropriate committee.

Diedre Conkling
Lincoln County Library District
P.O. Box 2027, Newport, OR  97365
Phone & Fax:  (541) 265-3066
E-mail:  dconklin[at]


6. Information Liberation, by Brian Martin

The complete book, free and online at

"Power tends to corrupt, and information power is no exception.
Information Liberation analyses the corruptions of power in a range of
crucial current areas in the information society, including mass media,
intellectual property, surveillance, bureaucracies, defamation and

"Reform solutions seldom get to the root of information problems.
Information Liberation examines radical alternatives that undermine the
power of vested interests. Alternatives include replacing mass media with
network media, abolishing intellectual property, and changing social
institutions that create a demand for surveillance. The book canvasses
various strategies for moving toward these alternatives, focussing on
grassroots action."

"Information Liberation is provocative. Most readers will find something
to disagree with. That's all part of the process. Everyone needs to be
involved in discussing information policies and practices, rather than
leaving the issues to experts and vested interests."

"Brian Martin lives in Wollongong, Australia. He trained and worked as an
applied mathematician before switching to social science. He has been
active for many years in the radical science, environmental and peace
movements and is the author of numerous works in many fields."

I reviewed this book for Progressive Librarian and republished the review
in Library Juice, at:

- Rory

7. Greeks Bearing Gifts

by Mary Ann Meyers

The motivations for charitable giving and for its more grandiose
cousin, philanthropy, are seldom pure.  Rituals for the sharing
of monies and services probably exist in every culture.  Society's
poor may give spontaneously in response to the immediacy of
need of some person known to them, while the wealthiest
benefactors may choose to remain distant from the need and
give under circumscribed conditions.  Whatever the source or
setting for executing the philanthropic impulse, the motivations
for giving to others range from the most altruistic to the most
base.  If fundraisers and supporters, for public libraries in this
instance, can gain some insight into the unique motivational
needs of a potential donor, parties at both ends of the
transaction may enjoy mutual exploitation--preferably with
little oblique damage to the worthy cause which links the two.

In "Power, Philanthropy, and Potlatch: What Tribal Exchange
Rituals Can Tell Us About Giving," John H. Hanson speaks
of charitable giving as a "political function[s]. . . .about power,"
a way for the rich to solidify their caste and to deflect more
radical solutions for wealth re-distribution in society.  He notes
a "collective symbolism" in both individual giving and in "the
rituals of tribal elites expressing their power."  As recipients of
philanthropic giving, public libraries may not always be aware
at an analytical level that philanthropy has at least two partners
in a charitable exchange, nor consider what philanthropists
expect from them in the exchange.  A donor's expectation
might be a feeling of having done justice to the community, an
affirmation of their elite position within the community,
recognition from a certain social class or from the community,
a dedication in recognition of their gift, a part in directing the
mission of the library, or an opportunity to manipulate an
organization for further personal wealth or reputation.  Hanson
extensively quotes Teresa Odendahl  and others in noting that
charity often benefits the rich more than the poor.

When Andrew Carnegie delivered his "The Gospel of Wealth"
speech in 1889, he said that the wealthy had a responsibility
to the society from which they derived their wealth.  Social
Darwinists of the era believed their success in business marked
them as society's "best and fittest."  They drew on traditional
thinking that linked religion and capitalism, spirituality and
property.  As verification of their superiority, tested in the jungle
of commerce, they had adapted Herbert Spencer's concept of
"survival of the fittest" and Darwin's biological theory of evolution.
A captain of industry's entrée to society's nouveau riche elite was
a muscular assertion of dominance  in the marketplace wrangle, a
willingness to shoulder the burden of the "stewardship" of wealth,
and a pecuniary indication to some worthy institutional
beneficiary.  Many tycoons bought the bona fides of social class
and  paid the price of club membership in our economic pseudoroyalty.
 In emulation of Carnegie's philanthropic example,
nineteenth-century robber barons paid (and a number of their
entrepreneurial descendants continue to pay) homage at the altar
of  self-aggrandizement (or self-justification) and, with a glance
heavenward, thanked God for their own superior existence.

The *venture philanthropist (VP)*, also know as a *social
entrepreneur*, is the latest species evolving out of Social Darwinism.
*"New economy" millionaires*, who founded their wealth on
technology markets, believe they have a better way of addressing
society's messy and recalcitrant social problems.  Their solution,
venture philanthropy, is built on a business model for problemsolving.
 Their aim, their expectation, is that business skills
applied to social needs will produce a nonprofit investment return
beyond any previously envisioned by traditional foundations and
grantors.  New economy millionaires carry the baggage of youth
--they have little personal history of giving or appreciation for the
history of giving by others.  VPs' view traditional giving
bureaucracies as ineffectual (perhaps even inept) investors in public
services because the established methodology of charity fails to
guide nonprofits towards meeting service missions and goals.
VPs, for good or ill, believe they have unique skills for milking a
human profit from charitable investments.

If our current business-government-nonprofit climate performs
so often like Greek tragedy for both those members of society
who succeed financially and those who fall by the wayside, then
venture philanthropy  is our most current deus ex machina,
dropped into the text to artificially resolve problems introduced
by the plot. Recall the past two decades of economic upheaval
and the subversion of public trust in public institutions.  Recall
the pre-history of the social, religious, cultural and natural
experiences that modern U.S. entrepreneurs have repackaged,
commodified, and put up for sale (paid museum experiences
with limited content,  television preaching and prayer-peddling,
artificial "tropical" ecosystems constructed under glass, ocean
creatures housed in tank "seas" in the middle of the urban
United States, human and animal reproduction,  human sexual
experience, elk farming to harvest elkhorn, ad infinitum).
Virtual experiences in a virtual world--and from this
technologically reconstructed and manipulated primordial stew
concocted by our faith and devotion to money comes the
genesis, and "new economy" millionaires reside in this, our
genetically-modified gardens.

Conservatives have led the profiteering charge in support of
market intrusion/privatization of  governmental and nonprofit
services and in the push for deregulation (read "no accountability")
of industries and services of essential human needs and
services.  Meanwhile, tax support for  traditional governmental
and nonprofit sectors such as education, public libraries, the arts,
and governmental services of all types, has withered.  Consider
the effect of this, for example, on our medical system, on our
prison system, or more recently on rising natural gas costs and
the failure to develop or expand alternative energy supplies.

Concurrently, internal and external pressures for new technology
expenditures have further choked public libraries' budgets.  Public
libraries and other educational institutions have played, and
continue to play, an activist role in using new technologies and
promoting them to their users, in advocating for new technological
solutions, in creating varied curriculum initiatives to educate
diverse patron populations in the use of new technologies,
and by providing technology industries with  marketing access
to an established library audience.

While many of the young venture philanthropists have independently
chosen the objects of their charity, many other VPs, in the
spirit of new economy values of teamwork and partnering,
have turned to "the idea of combining their business expertise
and 'social investments' to improve the capacity of nonprofits
so they can better serve the communities" (Mario Morino--
software entrepreneur and founder of The Morino Institute).
The new philanthropists often form groups (or turn to those
already established) like Social Venture Partners or The Silicon
Valley Social Ventures Fund or to other "donor circles" of
like-minded nonprofit investors.  Through these social
investment clubs, teams of VPs provide advice, assistance
and oversight to their selected recipient-partners.

Venture philanthropists' goals include taking managed risks,
measuring performance to achieve long-term growth,
hands-on managing-partner relationships with nonprofits, longterm
funding for operations and infrastructure, and forming an exit
strategy.  Susan Raymond, Ph.D, in an article discussing these
business practices and their application to nonprofit recipients,
points to differences between traditional and new philanthropy
from the viewpoint of the venture philanthropist:

  1.  VPs donate to "partners," not to "recipients."  The partners
    form a relationship of equals.
  2.  VPs donate more than money.  They offer their goods, skills,
    and time to the nonprofit.
  3.  VPs and their target investment organizations share a value
    of accountability.  Evidence of performance is critical to both.
  4.  VPs want to fund sustainable organizations which will, in the
    future,  no longer have need for philanthropy.  They strive to put
    philanthropy out of business.

Venture philanthropists, according to Catherine Muther
(Founder and President of the Three Guineas Fund), speaking
at the first White House Conference on Philanthropy, held on
October 22, 1999, "bring a set of business practices and
assumptions in how we think. . .solve problems. . .and work."
Those practices and assumptions include a "strategic focus on
change, tackling complex problems with teams and partnering."
Venture philanthropists also have a set of "attitudes" which
Muther admits can project opposite messages:  a sense of
urgency (impatience), confidence (arrogance), accountability
and results (control).

On the issue of accountability, Mario Morino states that "some
moderation in business principles" is required:

    "There's a middle ground here,[sic] you just can't be as
    ruthless in this space [nonprofit] as business is.  While
    you're not going to have a financial return on your
    investment, as a funder you have to be clear about
    expected outcomes.  As a nonprofit, you need to know
    you are going to be held accountable--and if it means
    survival of the fittest, so be it.  At the same time, it
    shouldn't be bloodthirsty."

As a statement clearly meant to calm skeptics' concerns that VPs
pursue a short-sighted bottom-line result for their philanthropy,
Mr. Morino's words actually undercut any notions of  "equal
partnership" and gingerly seesaw on the concept of  "ruthlessness."
A bit of  primitive "Nature, red in tooth and claw," with a Social
Darwinism reference added for good measure, leaks out in
his text.

In essence VPs state that they want to fund solutions that work
and drop initiatives, operations, and structures that "do not work"
--those that do not meet their accountability measures.  How
might this approach re-route a public library's mission?  Would VPs
prefer to fund a literacy campaign directed at a library's
already-enrolled user base, or one for a migrant population, or for
an audience of children living temporarily at a local shelter?  Which
would be easier to measure and which would show a more
easily-obtained return on investment?  Which program might
libraries offer to a VP?  Might they offer a program that has a
better chance for visible success in hopes of renewing a partnership
arrangement in the future?  If the VP funds infrastructure and
operations will the library be able to continue those fundings when
the VP withdraws? (The recent downward trend in the stock
market, especially on NASDAQ, has indicated considerable instability
in the monetary foundation of many would-be venture philanthropists.)
What institutional obligation will libraries feel towards venture
philanthropy?  Will library missions subtly change in response
to VP?   Will your library suffer image contamination when allied
with an philanthropist/business entity who came a-courting in order
to improve their own damaged public image?  What is the price to
the public library in giving a gloss of legitimacy to some donors?

In a perfect world naïveté, optimism, and gratitude might be an
appropriate response to venture philanthropy and charitable giving
of all kinds. However, a critical viewpoint is necessary not only
when looking at venture philanthropy.  Cause-related marketing,
business partnerships, and virtual fundraising--all deserve careful
analysis of potential long-term effects on libraries. For the public
library and other governmental and/or nonprofit sector targets of
philanthropic investment, there is opportunity--but also danger--
in proceeding as if philanthropists mean well and as if their good
intentions would have only positive effects on an organization.
Charity, in the past, often has been a convenient cloak for
self-serving and exploitive motivations.


Community Wealth Ventures, Inc.  Report.  "Venture Philanthropy:
    Landscapes and Expectations."  Venture Philanthropy Partners
    --Venture Philanthropy.  Most recent access date 1/12/2000:
Curtis, Jody.  "At Issue-How It Feels to be Ventured."  Foundation
    News & Commentary Sept./Oct. 2000:
Evans, Robert I.  "Special Events: Where Is Institutional Integrity?"
    Fund Raising Management July 1995: 26-27.
File, Karen Maru and Russ Alan Prince.  "Cause-Related Marketing
    and Corporate Philanthropy  in the Privately-Held Enterprise."
    Journal of Business Ethics  Oct.1995: 1529-39.
Fromartz, Samuel. Interview of Mario Morino.  See Morino, Mario.
Hamer, John H.  "Money and the Moral Order in the Late Nineteenth
    and Early Twentieth-Century American Capitalism."
    Anthropological Quarterly  July 1998: 138-49.
Hanson, John H.  "Power, Philanthropy, and Potlatch: What Tribal
    Exchange Rituals Can Tell  Us About Giving."  Fund Raising
    Management  Feb. 1997: 16-18.
Hardy, Quentin.  "The Radical Philanthropist."  Forbes  1 May 2000:
King, David.  "Soliciting Virtual Money." Library Journal  Fall 2000:
Morino, Mario.  Interview.  "Outcomes Depend on Inputs." Worth.
    By Samuel Fromartz.
Pfizer Incorporated.  Press release.  "Pfizer Launches 'Venture
    Philanthropy' Magazine on  Internet."  Fund Raising Management
    Apr. 1997: 12.
Raymond, Susan, Ph.D.  "Fundraising Trends-Venture Philanthropy:
    An Idea Whose Time Has Come."  Changingourworld--
    Philanthropy for a New Age  11 Dec. 2000:
Rubenstein, Doris.  "State Behind in Venture Philanthropy."  City
    Business: The Business Journal of the Twin Cities  21 July 2000:
Sievers, Bruce.  "If Pigs Had Wings."  Foundation News & Com-
    mentary Nov./Dec. 1997:
Whitford, David.  "The New Shape of Philanthropy." Fortune  12 June
    2000: 315-16.
Wachtell, Esther.  "Five Basic Rules for Negotiating with Potential
    Donors to Non-Profits."  Directorship  Oct. 1995: 8-9.


Changing Our World, Inc.-Philanthropy for a New Age.
The Council on Foundations
The Peninsula Community Foundation (click on The Center for
    Venture Philanthropy)
The Morino Institute
White House Conference on Philanthropy: Conference Transcript, The
    East Room October 22, 1999
White Paper (pdf file)  "Philanthropy in the American Economy:  A
    Report by the Council of Economic Advisers"
Worth Interactive-". . .a digital-media company focused on the
    high-net-worth market."


8. Shakin the Stacks

Sample question and answer from this interview:

How did you ever manage to pitch rock shows to the library system?

J.K.: It was not that hard a sell. We basically asked, made it clear
just why we felt that it was important, reassured everyone that
there  would be supervision at every show and stressed that the
total  cost to the library was unbelievably tiny compared to the
overall benefit. And the timing could not be more perfect: we have a
very supportive administration, we are seeking new audiences, we are
intent on increasing our programs and services for young adults and
there is a great new excitement about the library throughout the
community. And, after the first couple of shows demonstrated that it
was all working quite nicely, the green lights were pretty much all
switched on.


9. Richard Stallman Article and some links on copyright

>From LIBREF -

        This article, that originally appeared in the February 1997 issue
of Communications of the ACM (Volume 40, Number 2), presents an
interesting look and viewpoint towards intellectual property rights
regulation issues and their future impact in terms of use of technology
and information resources.  This article is a selection from a longer
futuristic fiction piece:

(from "The Road To Tycho", a collection of articles about the antecedents
of the Lunarian Revolution, published in Luna City in 2096)

        Those on this discussion group wishing to take a look at this
publication and its accompanying bibliography of additional sources to
read may do so at this URL:


The Right to Read
by Richard Stallman

Brief Excerpt from the above publication:

The university security policies described above are not imaginary. For
example, a computer at one Chicago-area university prints this message
when you log in (quotation marks are in the original):

"This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using
this computer system without authority or in the excess of their authority
are subject to having all their activities on this system monitored and
recorded by system personnel. In the course of monitoring individuals
improperly using this system or in the course of system maintenance, the
activities of authorized user may also be monitored. Anyone using this
system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such
monitoring reveals possible evidence of illegal activity or violation of
University regulations system personnel may provide the evidence of such
monitoring to University authorities and/or law enforcement officials."


        For those wishing to read about Copyright Christmas Present, (I
hope that I do not get the Dickens for this allusion) one source to check
is the useful collection of copyright materials on the Educational
Cyberplayground at these URLs:



Copyright Links


How some Teachers Feel About Fair Use and Intellectual Property
Protecting Intellectual Capital While Nurturing Intellectual Capacity


Best Resources on Self Publishing

        I hope that these resources will prove interesting and useful to
the members of this discussion group.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 - 4584

Check My Articles on Database Searching
Click on Ringleaders and Then Reference
Diversity University Collaboratory Mailing List (DUC)

New York Times, USA Today, MSNBC Hot Site Pick Awards
The Educational CyberPlayGround <>;
Diversity University Collaboratory Mailing List ISSN:1529-7861

The Educational CyberPlayGround <>;
New York Times, USA Today, MSNBC Hot Site Pick Awards

[DUC]Diversity University Collaboratory ISSN:1529-7861

See also the recent Library Juice copyright supplement, at


10. The Nonverbal Dictionary of Gestures, Signs & Body Language Cues

        Developed from the research of "anthropologists,
        archaeologists, biologists, linguists, psychiatrists,
        psychologists, semioticians, and others who have studied
        human communication from a scientific point of view." Some
        definitions include an image. - dl

From: Librarians' Index to the Internet -

11. South Australian police raid bookshop and seize Mapplethorpe's Pictures


By Richard Phillips
19 January 2001

In a serious attack on democratic rights, two South Australian
plain-clothes detectives raided an Adelaide bookshop on January 7 and
seized a copy of Pictures, a book by the internationally renowned
photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.

Police told Penelope Curtin, the owner of Folio Foliage bookshop and a
former literature officer for the state's Department of Arts, that they had
received an anonymous telephone call to Crime Stoppers claiming that the
shop was selling a book containing child pornography. Unable to find the
alleged booka collection of works by Jock Sturgess published by the Museum
of Modern Art in Frankfurt, the officers looked around the shop and decided
to impound Mapplethorpe's Pictures.

As Curtin told the media: "I was trying to be helpful. Then they [the
police] said: 'What if a child was to see this?' I explained that I have
never had a child in the shop and the book was on the top shelf with only
the spine showing."

The detectives told Curtin they were impounding the book and would "seek
advice" as to whether it breached Australian censorship laws.  Senior
Constable Rod Huppatz, one of the detectives involved in the raid, later
admitted to the press that he had not heard of Mapplethorpe before but said
the book was in a public place. "We need to determine whether it should or
shouldn't be there."

Mapplethorpe, who died in 1989 aged 43, is regarded by many as one of the
most important American photographers to emerge in the 1970s.  After
studying at the Pratt Institute of Art in New York, he developed an
interest in photography and held his first one-man show in 1977. He won
notoriety for his homoerotic and sado-masochistic photographs in the
late-1970s and held critically acclaimed exhibitions in Corcoran Gallery,
Washington D.C. (1978), the Musee National d'Art Moderne in Paris (1983),
and the Whitney Museum in New York (1988). Generally favouring large format
cameras, his range of work includes celebrity portraits, nudes and still
life close-ups of flowers.

Mapplethorpe's photographs are freely available in Australian bookstores
and can be viewed in extensive collections of his work at Australian art
museums and galleries. The National Gallery of Australia in Canberra has
more than 40 of his photographs, several state galleries have collections,
and four exhibitions of his works have been held in Sydney over the last
six years.

South Australian bookstore owners, artists and writers condemned the raid.
Julie Robinson, Art Gallery of South Australia's curator of prints,
drawings and photographs, described it as "petty" and an "over-reaction".
Samela Harris, whose father Max, was a well-known writer and campaigner
against Australia's repressive censorship laws in the 1940s, 50s and 60s,
described the raid as "scandalous" and a "regressive start to a new
millennium" in a comment published in the Adelaide Advertiser. James Crump
from Arena Editions in the US, the publisher of Pictures, told the press
that South Australia's police had created a world first in seizing the book
and described the raid as "an outrage" and "tantamount to fascism."
John White, South Australia's assistant police commissioner responded to
these statements by defending the police and stating that the book was
confiscated because officers believed some of the photographs "could be
within the ambit of a restricted publication".

Rob Lucas, acting Attorney General for South Australia's conservative
Liberal Party government, wrote to Curtin last Tuesday declaring that it
was up to police when they returned the book and that he would not
interfere in their investigations. Lucas said police could hold the book
for up to two years depending on whether they decided to prosecute the
bookshop owner.

Police forwarded the book to the Office of Literature and Film
Classification, Australia's censorship body, which resolved on Thursday
that the book could be sold without restrictions. Despite this ruling,
under South Australia's Summary Offenses Act police can seize material they
deem to be indecent or offensive. Those prosecuted under this law can be
fined up to $20,000 or face two years prison.

The Socialist Equality Party condemns this blatant act of censorship by the
South Australian police. The police decision to seize the Mapplethorpe book
and take upon themselves the role of moral guardians is an ominous
development. It follows a series of attacks on freedom of artistic
expression instigated by extreme rightwing elements over the last four
years, demanding a stricter censorship code in Australia.

In October 1997, the National Gallery of Victoria closed down an exhibition
by American photographer Andres Serrano, whose photograph "Piss Christ"
became the target for physical and verbal attacks by Christian
fundamentalists. In 1998 two films were banned, Pasolini's Salo and the
documentary Sick: The life and death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist. And
in 1999 Canberra's National Gallery of Australia cancelled Sensation, an
exhibition of British artists, after management held discussions with
federal Arts Minister Richard Alston.

While Adelaide is the home of many artists and writers and the site of one
of Australia's most prestigious arts festivals, it is also the base of
Trish Draper, Liberal federal MP and leading member of the Lyons Forum, a
pro-censorship lobby group within the Howard government with links to
Christian fundamentalist groupings.

In 1996 Draper campaigned to stop Salo being screened in Adelaide and in
January 1997 called on the government to establish a Royal Commission into
paedophile activity. In 1999 she attempted to have Lolita, Adrian Lyne's
film adaptation of the Vladimir Nabakov novel, banned. She declared that
the film encouraged paedophilia, even before she had seen the movie. Draper
regards Playboy magazine as pornographic and has demanded the government
stop all X-rated videos.


12. Uzi Nissan defends his domain name

Dear Internet User,

In an effort to prevent deep pocket corporations from taking control of
the Internet by hijacking domain names from their rightful owners,
particularly small businesses, we are taking it upon ourselves to bring a
classic case of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking to the public and ask you to
take a stand.

Uzi Nissan, an Israeli-American, is the founder and president of Nissan
Computer Corp., incorporated in Raleigh, NC in 1991.  Nissan registered the
domain names NISSAN.COM in 1994 to help expand his computer business and
NISSAN.NET in1996 to provide Internet Services (ISP).

Recently, Nissan Motor Co Ltd. and Nissan North America, Inc. (the
automaker), filed a lawsuit against Nissan Computer Corp. for owning
NISSAN.COM and NISSAN.NET. They alleged trademark infringement and dilution
in an attempt to bankrupt the Nissan Computer Company, and are now dragging
them through federal court in their own back yard (Los Angeles).

Nissans last name has been in his family for more then seven generations
and can be traced back to biblical days (identifying the seventh month in
the Jewish calendar), long before Nissan Motors was in existence.

Nissan Computer Corp. has created a website dedicated to this matter at   Public awareness is the most effective way to
fight back against these giant corporations.  Our goal is to reach out and
inform you, the public, of this ridiculous and bogus lawsuit.


Visit, read the complete story, the people's
opinions and take a stand by:

1.         Join the BOYCOTT movement already in progress against these
hijackers.  See what other concerned Internet users think.

2.         Let your voice be heard in protest of this ridiculous andbogus
lawsuit by sending an email to these hijackers from:

3.         Email this important message to your friends,
           family and colleagues, and ask them to do the same.

4.         Let your Congressmen and Senators know about this problem and
your opinion.


Remember, it can happen to you or to someone you know.  No domain name
will be safe if these hijackers get their way.  Every deep pocket entity
will be able to use the court system to bankrupt legitimate small
businesses and hijack their domain names.

Thanking you in advance for helping and taking a stand.

The "Internet For The People" Committee



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| Original material and added value in Library Juice
| is copyright-free; beyond that the publisher makes
| no guarantees. Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin.
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
| opinions are theirs. If you are the author of some
| email in Library Juice which you want removed from
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