Library Juice 4:34 - September 26, 2001
- Off-topic
- A few more links
- Emergency Declaration
- It's Banned Books Week
- Library questions on privacy and confidentiality (& response)
- In Defense of Freedom at a Time of Crisis
- Folklorists record reactions for the sake of history
- ALAWLON - Vol. 10, No. 69
- From the Scout Report
- From Librarians Index to the Internet
- Finishing comments
Quotes for the week:
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things
wherewith one may edify another." - Romans 14:19"Christ," McCain continued, "what if the terrorists' base of operation
turns out to be Detroit? Would we declare war on the state of Michigan? I
suppose we'd have to." - The Onion
Homepage of the week: M.K. Gandhi
1. Off-topic
Since I am the boss of Library Juice, no-one can tell me to "stay on
topic." I am going to indulge myself in this privilege a little bit and
address some responses to my opening comments in last week's issue.
[ You can find last week's issue at .]Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 13:28:53 +0000
From: "signe carstens" <sigc[at]>
To: Rory[at]libr.orgRory,
I was offended by your opening commentary in Library Juice where it was
implied that there is a difference between intelligent people and so called
"flag wavers". While I don't plan on draping myself in red, white and blue
and do not feel America is perfect by any means, I feel extremely fortunate
to be living here and feel a sense of comfort and unity when I see the
flag... Most humans are just not at the top of Maslow's pyramid or as peace
loving as Ghandi, etc. I think as intellectuals we tend to down play the
emotional aspect of this crisis too. Flag waving just feels good to alot of
people touched by this crisis, it also brings a wonderful sense of unity for
all races. What is really wrong with a little nationalism at a time like
this? It's normal, it's human. Of course some people take it to an extreme,
let's ignore it. In the face of this tragedy, it's not important. Anyway, I
wanted to let you know that there are intelligent, very liberal people who
love America with all it's flaws and evils and who intend to raise the flag
during this time. Rather than taking a negative stand against America and
nationalism, I'm going to concentrate on taking a stand against terrorism
and prejudice by speaking out and educating people on these much larger
issues.Signe Carstens, M.L.S.
I also feel fortunate to be living here, but I do not feel a sense of
comfort and unity when I see the American flag displayed in
non-institutional settings. The flag is not merely a symbol of America.
At least since the Vietnam War, and maybe earlier, it has been a symbol of
American CONSERVATISM. When I see a flag, particularly when it is hanging
from a neighbor's roof or displayed in front of a a co-worker's cubicle, I
see an assertion of a certain set of values, along with the assertion that
these are the true American values, and that if you don't share them you
are less of an American. It gives me a distinct feeling of unease, not
comfort, when I see a flag these days, particularly one that's accompanied
with the words "ONE NATION INDIVISIBLE" (caps in original), as has been
circulating through offices in pdf form. This asserts that our nation has
formed an indestructable unity around the conservative values of flag
wavers, which at the present time emphasize patriotism, simplistic
Christianity (minus the peace and non-violence), nationalism, a little
xenophobia, and a lot of enthusiasm for war.These are my personal feelings. I realize that you self-identify as "very
liberal" and at the same time have positive feelings for personal flag
waving. I can only accept that. And I can also recognize elements of
"national unity" that are unrelated to the march to war. I saw a news
report that inmates in a southern state prison raised over $15,000 to help
the NYC rescue effort. A friend reports that disputing parties that have
been scheduled for mediation sessions are resolving their differences prior
to the meeting, leaving her (a mediator) with little work. I guess it
could be that for many people the flag symbolizes this feeling of all of us
being "in it together." If we were to move to a society that were based on
this feeling of all of us being in it together, where people did not resent
contributing a national health care system, etcetera, it would be done as a
nation, and would therefore involve some nationalistic feeling. But there
is a good reason that "there's nothing wrong with a little nationalism" in
most countries - they are not superpowers. We are the world's only
remaining superpower. That makes nationalism especially threatening and
makes an international consciousness all the more important. So the
quesion is, what will the effect of this event be on Americans? Will it
teach us that we are connected to the rest of the world as a nation and
not free simply to act upon the rest of the world without consequences?
This would be a good outcome, one that might make nationalistic feelings
significantly less threatening and could even liberate the positive energy
in nationalism, making us a nation among nations, interested in our own
well-being as a self-inclusive group that cares for all of its own. Or,
will we fail to learn from it, and merely attempt to teach the world that
nobody messes with the USA? The way it looks to me, judging from most of
the polls (which give Bush a 90% approval rating, among other scary
things), the America of flag-wavers is not yet learning anything from this
tragedy, and is embarrassing and worrying the non-unified rest of us....
A Suggested Reading
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 09:42:33 -0400
From: "Luis Acosta" <luisma[at]>
To: <Rory[at]>Dear Rory,I just read your latest issue of Library Juice. I agree with
your "Editor's Comments." I must say I was a bit bothered by your quoting
of an anonymous friend about hearing "God Bless America." I don't think
that there should be a perceived contradiction between being critical of
our country and being proud of certain aspects of it. I commend to you the
short article by Richard Rorty, in his book Philosophy and Social Hope (pp.
252-54), entitled "The Unpatriotic Academy." Rorty explains: "There is
no contradiction between such identification [of pride in America] and
shame at the greed, the intolerance and the indifference to suffering that
is widespread in the United States. On the contrary, you can feel shame
over your country's behaviour only to the extent to which you feel it is
your country. If we fail in such identification, we fail in national hope.
If we fail in national hope, we shall no longer even try to change our
ways. . . ." I think Rorty is correct that those of us on the left need
not link the signs of national solidarity that have occurred since 9/11
with an uncritical acceptance of the status quo.Yours in the struggle,
LuisAcostaWashington, D.C....
I agree with part of what you are saying, and it influenced me in my
comments in response to Signe, above. I haven't read the Rorty article you
recommend yet, but I can tell you in advance that I am somewhat biased
against him and his approach and prefer a more Realist philosophy. Also, I
think you are missing the particular signification of the American flag.
As I said, it doesn't just stand for America and express a love for our
country; it stands for Conservative America and a love for the values of
Conservative America, while asserting that other values held by Americans
are less American. I see no way of immediately escaping this, although I
can see the possibility that it will change, possibly even as an outcome of
this event. As an example of this possible change, I saw a bumper sticker
the other day that had a picture of an American flag waving in the wind,
over the words, "Another American for Peace." A nice idea, but one that
you can't help noticing is also a clever idea that makes use of a stark
Editor's comments, Library Juice 4:33
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 15:44:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Scott Blake <augustwest99[at]>
To: Rory[at]"And I hope that intelligent individuals will not be
afraid to talk to their flag-waving neighbors.", I
suppose this part of your commentary means that those
flag-wavers are not intelligent? Your Editor's
comments, while articulate and containing some good
points, was the most self-aggrandizing crap I've read
since Hillary Theyer's "A Librarian's Right to
Comfort" in the June/July 2000 issue of American
Libraries.One thing the two articles have in common is something
that exists too much in the LIS professions, a smug
hubris by the authors that seems to indicate one's
superior morality and belief systems. If you have any
knowledge of history, you'll know that warfare has
dominated much of world history. One reason for this
is a necessity to fight back when the opponent is
unwilling to deal with reason and negotiation.
Sometimes when the other cheek is turned, that cheek
is also slapped with a beating thrown in for
devilment. Try Neville Chamberlain at Munich in 1938
for a good example.Scott Blake
LIS professional...
You are right that my comments from last week showed a smug hubris. This
week's probably do as well. In fact, I do believe that I and people who
think like I do have a superior morality and belief system. I can't
honestly deny that. And I think anyone who has confidence in their values
and beliefs believes that they are true. Perhaps this attitude is even at
the root of all war; i don't know. But I have trouble imagining another
way of having a strong opinion.I am well aware that warfare has dominated much of world history. Why you
don't come to the same conclusion that I do - that much of world history is
stupid - I don't know.I think I have a fairly decent understanding of what has happened and what
is happening now, and I will be honest - I think our government and our
populace are having a massive over-reaction. This was not an act of war;
it was a crime. It was a great crime, but it was a crime, perpetrated by
individuals, not by a nation. We should investigate this crime, and in
doing so we should follow international law, which respects civil rights.
We should make a good arrest, if possible, and we should bring the
perpetrators to trial. And it should be a FAIR trial. If we cannot prove
guilt, there should be no conviction. And if there is to be a conviction,
the punishment should be within the scope of international law, which, I
believe, does not include the death penalty (although I can imagine
exceptions being made, to satisfy people's emotions). Flame me if you
like, but this is how I, and a great many others, really feel. I can't
deny that I genuinely consider this a more enlightened, more intelligent
position than the lust for revenge which I feel is driving the present
"national unity."I do feel for the victims, and I also feel the loss of an American symbol
(the World Trade Center) that as an American I felt belonged in part to me.
Its disappearance is the real reason that Americans feel that "we will
never be the same." I do feel more closely bound to other Americans for
having lost that symbol and the lives in it (many, many of which were not
American lives, by the way). But I am more interested in learning how what
it means to be an American has changed, than I am in exacting revenge. The
impracticality of this war as a means to ending terrorism is the white
elephant in the room. The only way to prevent terrorism is to alter our
geopolitical role at its core.I don't know whether you are a Christian or not, Scott, but I think most
Americans who are calling for war are calling themselves Christian. If
this isn't proof of their stupidity, I don't know what is.Alienated in wartime,
Rory Litwin
2. A few more links
Red Rock Eater News Service! Besser's 9/11 commentary and links: Library Association's annotated 9/11 links: Uncensored: The State of Censorship, Before and After 9/11
http://www.holtuncensored.com100 questions and answers about Arab Americans Buzz's 9/11 coverage (updated URL): Nation (better URL than the long one I gave last week):
http://www.thenation.orgZ Magazine, which was down last week:
http://www.zmag.orgCounterpunch: (excellent right now)
http://librarian.netElectronic Policy Network: Dreams "Response to Terrorism" resource page:
3. Emergency Declaration
LIBRARIANS SPEAK OUT!We undersigned librarians from all over the world implore the United States
government and its allies to halt the preparations for all-out war against
the nation of Afghanistan in retaliation for the alleged actions of the Bin
Laden ring against US targets. We must remind the world that the United
States originally funded occupation.Out of a simple humanitarianism we ask that the technology and forces of
mass destruction ready to be deployed against the Afghani people be demobilized
and that the Afghani people be spared the horrors of yet another war.They have suffered inordinately over these last decades, torn by civil war,
by invasion, by an extended conflict with a militarily superior super-power
by the manipulations of its factions by Cold War political tacticians and
operatives. It has been bombed repeatedly, intensively, furiously. It has
been ripped apart by armed conflict and left to the misery of rule by a
theocratic police state which has imposed an aberrant, pathological form of
Islamic fundamentalism on its hapless people.It is the people of Afghanistan who will pay for the crimes of terrorists
over whom they have no control. It is the poorest, most vulnerable -- the
children, elderly women -- who will suffer for having endured the inhumanity
of the Taliban.We librarians call for the lawful and most humane and peaceful resolution of
conflicts. The war that is about to be unleashed will likely have unmanageable
"collateral damage", human and moral. It will be an abomination that will
breed further abominations, for it is a war against a people, against
civilians, in violation of international law, a war with no end but
vengeance, and a vengeance which seems potentially insatiable.NO TO WAR AGAINST THE AFGHANI PEOPLE!
You can have your signature added to this letter on the web, at it using the form on that page. Your signature will be added to the
page in a few days. Around 100 people have signed so far (though their
signatures don't all appear yet).
4. It's Banned Books Week
[IFACTION:1972] It's Banned Books Week
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 13:38:43 -0500
From: "Don Wood" <dwood[at]>
To: Intellectual Freedom Action News <ifaction[at]>It's Banned Books Week"The week of Sept. 22-29 is "Banned Books Week." In its 20th year, Banned
Books Week celebrates the nation's constitutional right to read materials
that have been challenged or removed from libraries."________________________
Don Wood
Program Officer/Communications
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
1-800-545-2433, ext. 1 + 4225
Fax: 312-280-4227
intellectual freedom @ your library
Free People Read Freely________________________________________________________________________top
5. Library questions on privacy and confidentiality (& response)
[RUSA-L:966] Library questions on privacy and confidentiality
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 09:28:17 -0500
From: "Cathleen Bourdon" <cbourdon[at]>
To: Reference and User Services Association List <rusa-l[at]>In light of recent events, the American Library Association has drafted a
Q&A document to assist librarians with questions on the privacy and
confidentiality of library records. The statement is available at below is a shared statement from the ALA, the American Association
of Law Libraries and the Association of Research Libraries:Library Community Statement on Freedom of Speech and Access to Information
America's library community mourns the innocent victims of the recent
terrorist attacks. We send our deepest sympathy to their families,
friends, and other survivors. We also extend our appreciation and
heartfelt support to the thousands of police officers, firefighters,
volunteers, and other emergency personnel in New York City, Washington,
D.C. and Pennsylvania who have sacrificed so much to assist others.As our Nation and, indeed, the World move forward during this time of
mourning and recovery, libraries continue to serve a diverse array of
communities across our Nation with information and library services that
celebrate the freedom of speech and access to information that we all
embrace. By maintaining, on a daily basis, the balance between access to
information for all, the privacy rights of our users, and the
responsibility to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, libraries
continue to be culture l and living symbols for the freedoms that we enjoy.As stated so eloquently by Abraham Lincoln in a letter to an old friend in
Illinois during the final days of the Civil War, "freedom is not some
arbitrary right that is bestowed upon us because of the virtuous nature of
our national character. It is a right we must protect and defend in both
times of promise and peril if we are to remain in the future what we are in
the present -- a free and honorable people."The library associations listed below support the efforts of our Nation's
leaders to protect and preserve the freedoms that are the foundation of our
democracy. Libraries serve as critical resources for communities,
individuals, and institutions and those concerned about the important need
for access to information. We welcome the public's continued use of public,
academic, research, special and school libraries.American Association of Law Libraries
Mary Alice Baish, 202-662-9200American Library Association
Lynne Bradley, 202-628-8410Association of Research Libraries
Prue Adler, 202-296-2296.................................
[SRRTAC-L:6834] Re: [RUSA-L:966] Library questions on privacy and confidentiality
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 18:33:41 -0400
From: Mark Rosenzweig <iskra[at]>
To: SRRT Action Council <srrtac-l[at]>Thanks for posting this, Monika (see below).
I am concerned by several aspects of it.
No problem with the sentiments of paragraph one or the means of their
Paragraph two is a different matter...I'm not sure what it means to say that " our Nation [why the
capitalization?] and, indeed, the World, move forward during this time of
mourning and recovery."One can hardly characterize the ideological,tactical and operational
preparations for a massive war in the Middle East/Central Asia focussed on
the people of Afghanistan with no rational strategic objectives asa "
activities of "mourning and recovering" . Perhaps preparation for MORE
mourning and recovering?There is nothing here that indicates that under the circumstances in which
there are on-going inncidents of anti-Arab racism our special
responsibility to provide service to those who are the targets of
jingoistic, xenophobic, racist attacks, of subtle & not so subtle
discrimination, Arab-Americans, immigrants etc. This is implicit only as
something buried in vague generalities and not accidentally in my opinion.
The formulatiopn of this is extremely weak.Furthermore, this notion which follows of maintaining a "balance" between
our commitments to access, intellectual freedom and the demands of the
police is an extremely dangerous one. Since when do the demands of the
police have this specal status for us, any different than they have for a
haberdasher. except as we have had to protect our patrons time and again
against the unlimited abuse of libraries, librarians and library records
fro the carrying out of police activities? Where is our "responsibility to
cooperate with law-enforcement agencies" made a special issue in our
fundamental creed or its basic interpretations? Where is the public and the
police so starkly counterposed as in this formulation, which is surely not
one inscribed in our basic philosophy?It is the most general and vague statement of this crucial conflict of
interest I have seen recently, and suggests nothing except taking the
opportunity of making a public statement which emphasizes a fawning
attitude towards the demands of so-called "law-enforcement" against the
rights of citizens in a period of so-called crisis.In a period of crisis, it is the rights of citizens which need to be
protected against the zealousness of the defenders of the Nation which is
seenas the guarantor of all that is good and worthwhile, it motives,
mentality, methods unquestioned.The reference to Lincoln and the necessity of defending our basic freedoms
is very patriotic but illuminates nothing. Against whom are we doing this
defending? Against handfuls of terrorists or against those who would
suspend legal protections in the higher interest of protecting liberty in
the abstract while carrying out a probably illegal war?I find the oath of fealty in the last paragraph to the "Nation's leaders"
nothing but a version of "my country, right or wrong", a pledge of blind
obediance, which almost implies that the apotheisized "Nation" is ruled,
not by fallible, ELECTED leaders, but by divine delegates of "National"
destiny. It is unnecessary and obsequious in a professional organization
which operates within the framework of the Constitution and law.One wonders what the OSTENSIBLE purpose of the document in question was.
The APPARENT purpose of the entire document as put forward by the three
signators, ALA, AALLL, and ARL is a rally-rund-the-flag exercise in a
'write-your-own loyalty oath' mode, which, compared to our existing
statements on these kinds of issues, unnecssarily privileges the needs of
law enforcement, weakens our comitments to the defense of the people's
informational rights, needs and interests, and suggests a need to declare
ourselves as part of some patriotic front whenever a disaster happens to
jprevent us from being veiewed as suspicious unpatriotic bookworms.Mark Rosenzweig
ALA Councilor at large________________________________________________________________________top
6. In Defense of Freedom at a Time of Crisis
[IFACTION:1976] In Defense of Freedom at a Time of Crisis
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 09:05:34 -0500
From: "Don Wood" <dwood[at]>
To: Intellectual Freedom Action News <ifaction[at]>In Defense of Freedom at a Time of Crisis"1. On September 11, 2001 thousands of people lost their lives in a brutal
assault on the American people and the American form of government. We
mourn the loss of these innocent lives and insist that those who
perpetrated these acts be held accountable.2. This tragedy requires all Americans to examine carefully the steps our
country may now take to reduce the risk of future terrorist attacks.3. We need to consider proposals calmly and deliberately with a
determination not to erode the liberties and freedoms that are at the core
of the American way of life.4. We need to ensure that actions by our government uphold the principles
of a democratic society, accountable government and international law, and
that all decisions are taken in a manner consistent with the Constitution.5. We can, as we have in the past, in times of war and of peace, reconcile
the requirements of security with the demands of liberty.6. We should resist the temptation to enact proposals in the mistaken
belief that anything that may be called anti-terrorist will necessarily
provide greater security.7. We should resist efforts to target people because of their race,
religion, ethnic background or appearance, including immigrants in general,
Arab Americans and Muslims.8. We affirm the right of peaceful dissent, protected by the First
Amendment, now, when it is most at risk.9. We should applaud our political leaders in the days ahead who have the
courage to say that our freedoms should not be limited.10. We must have faith in our democratic system and our Constitution, and
in our ability to protect at the same time both the freedom and the
security of all Americans."Endorsers are found on the site.
Don Wood
Program Officer/Communications
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom________________________________________________________________________top
7. Folklorists record reactions for the sake of history
Voices: Folklorists capture people's reactions for the Library of Congress.
By Stephanie Shapiro
Sun Staff
Originally published September 21, 2001Exactly one week after terrorism struck the country, Rory Turner places
his mini-disc recorder and microphone on a counter as construction workers,
firefighters, cops, mothers with young children and business professionals
grab lunch at the Cross Street Market in South Baltimore.Turner, a folklorist and program director for the Maryland State Arts
Council, finds a relatively quiet corner behind a Chinese food and barbecue
stand. He turns to customer Douglas H. Strachan, pastor of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church in Curtis Bay, and asks how he responded to the attacks.
Strachan is happy to share his feelings with a stranger."You can't let your hatred for one nation and one people destroy your
belief in humanity," Strachan tells Turner. Their conversation roams over
several aspects of the crisis, from the reaction of fundamental Christians
to the need for the United States to act "rationally, not emotionally."
8. ALAWLON - Vol. 10, No. 69
ALAWON: American Library Association Washington Office Newsline
Volume 10, Number 69
September 24, 2001
In this issue:
[1] Bush Administration Submits Anti-Terrorism Legislation to Congress
( or
[2] ACLU and other civil liberties groups release "In Defense of Freedom
at a Time of Crisis" statement ([1] Bush Administration Submits Anti-Terrorism Legislation to Congress
( or
Hearings have just started in the House of Representatives with other
hearings scheduled tomorrow, September 25th, on the Anti-terrorist Act of
2001. Late in the day on September 19, 2001 the Bush Administration sent a
"working draft" of anti-terrorism legislation to Congress. The proposed
legislation is intended to "combat terrorism and defend the Nation against
terrorist acts." It now appears to be moving on an expedited schedule
although many in Congress and elsewhere are encouraging the House and
Senate to go cautiously and prudently without rushing into this
In essence, the proposed legislation would expand both government
surveillance authority, including electronic surveillance, and the ability
to detain suspects and deport immigrants. Various groups fear that such
broad authority could impinge on citizen's privacy rights and erode civil
liberties. ALA is reviewing the legislation to assess how it specifically
impacts libraries.
For more information, analysis, and a copy of the draft legislation go to
the Center for Democracy and Technology's web site at or
visit the Electronic Privacy Information Center's (EPIC) web site at
The ALA Washington Office is closely monitoring the legislation, related
hearings and activities, and will keep members updated on the progress and
effects of the proposed legislation.
[2] ACLU and other civil liberties groups release "In Defense of Freedom
at a Time of Crisis" statement (
A broad coalition of civil rights and civil liberties groups as well as
other political, religious, immigration, and related organizations have
signed the "In Defense of Freedom at a Time of Crisis" statement. The
diverse coalition has just been established because of concerns about
threats to civil liberties as the Nation addresses security and other
issues in this time of war. The newly formed coalition held a press
conference on September 20th at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
Included in the over 130 groups signing onto the statement are the ACLU,
the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the Arab American Institute, the
Council on Islamic Relations, Gun Owners of America, the Rutherford
Institute, Japanese Americans Citizens League, and Americans for Tax
The text of the statement and the list of supporting organizations is at:
( Instructions on how other
individuals and organizations can sign onto the pledge are also available
at that URL.
ALAWON (ISSN 1069-7799) is a free, irregular publication of the American
Library Association Washington Office. All materials subject to copyright
by the American Library Association may be reprinted or redistributed for
noncommercial purposes with appropriate credits.
To subscribe to ALAWON, send the message: subscribe ala-wo
[your_firstname] [your_lastname] to listproc[at] or go to To unsubscribe to ALAWON, send the
message: unsubscribe ala-wo to listproc[at] ALAWON archives at
ALA Washington Office, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 403, Washington,
D.C. 20004-1701; phone: 202.628.8410 or 800.941.8478 toll-free; fax:
202.628.8419; e-mail: alawash[at]; Web site: Executive Director: Emily Sheketoff. Office of
Government Relations: Lynne Bradley, Director; Camille Bowman, Mary
Costabile, Miriam Nisbet and Claudette Tennant. Office for Information
Technology Policy: Rick Weingarten, Director; Jennifer Hendrix and Carrie
Russell. ALAWON Editor: Bernadette Murphy.
9. From the Scout Report
Islamic Studies, Islam, Arabic, and Religion site from Dr. Alan Godlas, professor of religion at the University of
Georgia, gives scholarly resources on Islam and related subjects. Perhaps
not surprisingly, the page opens with a short list of pieces related to
terrorism, including Yusuf Islam's (nee Cat Stevens) "Terrorism has nothing
to do with Islam" and statements from scholars of Islam speaking out against
terrorism. The main body of the site, however, is given over to twelve
sections of annotated links, which span maps, art, women's rights, the
Qur'an, history, and much more. Godlas aims to provide "a non-polemical view
of Islam (including Sunni Islam, Shi'ism, and Sufism) and to a lesser extent
of Judaism and Christianity," and this is a wonderful collection of
resources. Both scholars and the general public should profit from this
site. [TK]Two from the State Department [.pdf, .zip]
International Security
Democracy and Human Rights by the US Department of State's Office of International
Information Programs (OIIP), formerly the USIA, these two sites are among
the four US Policy topics covered in depth on the OIIP site. The first
contains a special Response to Terrorism section that presents relevant
official policy texts, photo galleries, key documents, and in-focus topics
such as Investigation, US Muslim Community, and Economic Issues. Other
features of the International Security site include several other Issues in
Focus (i.e., Arms Control and Non-Proliferation), Regions in Focus, Links to
other organizations and agencies, as well as to the Electronic Journal of
the Department of State, _U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda_. The Democracy and
Human Rights site contains fewer resources than the International Security
site, and in fact, the first headline links to the latter. The site offers
access to several journals off the front page -- _Criminal Justice in the
United States_, _Accountability in Government_, and _Towards a Community of
Democracies_ -- but the bulk of the site's material is divided into two
sections, Democracy and Human Rights. Each contains policy documents, indepth
looks at selected issues, links to other resources, and more. [TK]Afghanistan Resources -- Directories -- Taliban Links
Terrorist Attack on the United States latest addition to Mike Madin's Academic Info (discussed in the November
7, 1997 _Scout Report_) is this useful pathfinder of resources related to
Afghanistan. As with the other sections of Academic Info, resources are
updated regularly, and most are annotated with brief, helpful descriptions.
The site is divided into six sections: Indexes & Directories, Digital
Library, News & Media Sources, Taliban/ bin Laden/ Al-Quida, Women in
Afghanistan, and Organizations. In addition, Madin has added a new page of
resources to his American Studies section related to the September 11
attacks on United States targets. [TK]Azadi Afghan Radio [.pdf]
WUST [Windows Media Player] Afghan Radio, a division of Global Infolinx Inc., is broadcast from
Washington, DC and San Francisco on Saturdays and Sundays respectively.
Users can listen to a Web broadcast at Washington, DC's WUST at the second
URL above or check out the other material online. Most of the news here is
from other Web sources, but the Interviews, Afghan Links, Literature/
Poetry, etc., while often containing older material, should be of interest
to anyone who wants to learn more about politics or culture in Afghanistan.
The Photo Gallery, while small, begins to reveal the natural beauty of this
country and the devastation wrought there by war. [TK]From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2001.
10. From Librarians Index to the Internet
Afghan Network -
Whether you need information on Afghan geography,
culture, religion, flags, or cookery, you will find it at
this Web site. This award-winning Canadian site
also lists information about landmines and Afghan
hounds, and has some examples of Dari poetry.Analysis: Who are the Taleban? -
This December 2000 report covers the origins of the
Islamic fundamentalist group that controls
Afghanistan and is currently allowing Osama bin
Laden to stay as a guest in their country. From the
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).Bin Laden, Osama -- 1957- -
Who is Osama Bin Laden? covers this controversial
figure's history from his early connections with the
CIA to his current command structure and
speculations about his stock market manipulations.
This current report (September 14, 2001) is from the
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).The Taliban: Engagement or Confrontation? -
Transcript of the hearing before the Committee on
Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, July
20, 2000. Also available in PDF.Librarians Index to the Internet -
11. Finishing comments
The usual end-of-the-month "funny searches" will wait until next month... I
can't bring myself into the sense of normalcy that they require.I am cutting Library Juice a little short this week, because... I guess
because I really want to stay on topic. I am looking forward to the day
when we can pay close attention to many of the other things which really
matter. I think we all feel that this event has "put things in
perspective" for us. But has it really? It has certainly shifted the
national perspective. (I typed "shafted" and corrected it - an interesting
slip.) Are the things that now seem so unimportant really so unimportant?
Or are we overestimating the importance of an injury to ourselves, which
in terms of numbers dead is small compared to what other nations have
suffered recently? (Are American lives that much more important?)Final comment: the best defense of the right to free speech is to exercise
that right.Therefore patriotically,
Rory Litwin
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| Original material and added value in Library Juice
| is copyright-free; beyond that the publisher makes
| no guarantees. Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin.
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
| opinions are theirs. If you are the author of some
| email in Library Juice which you want removed from
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| Rory[at]