Library Juice 4:43 - November 28, 2001
- Bibliography on Current Crisis
- Muslim Life in America
- LibraryHQ "Library Activism" page
- Libraries Create Social Capital
- Index to volume 1 of Cites & Insights
- News stories appearing in the November 26 American Libraries Online
- Online Companies Draw Fire For Removing 'Offensive' Postings
- The Poster Police
- Quirky Yes, Al Qaeda No
- Torture, Intellectual Freedom and the American Library Association
- 1987 William J. Brennan, Jr. speech on civil liberties & security
- COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story
- Biometric library id's
- Publication Rights Clearinghouse
- Breaking Law or Principles to Give Information to U.S.
- Three from Don Wood
- ACLU Issues "Know Your Rights" Brochure
- Dmitry Sklyarov prosecution update: Hearing set for early 2002
- Looks like somebody's performance evaluation didn't go so well
- Amusing searches
Quote for the week:
"If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more
justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power -
would be justified in silencing mankind."-John Stuart Mill, philosopher and economist (1806-1873)
Homepage of the week: Richard Lee Evans
1. Bibliography on Current Crisis
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 12:44:03 -0500
From: Ann Sparanese <sparanese[at]>
To: PLGNet-L List <PLGNet-L[at]>,
"srrtac-l[at]" <srrtac-l[at]>Colleagues,
I've put up a web page on the reference page of my library's site with
books and web sites about the current crisis. I was hoping others might
find it useful, but it's a work in progress. Also, I haven't really got
much up on the civil liberties debate which I hope to do. I tried to
make the books accessible for the patrons of my (and other) PUBLIC
libraries, and the whole list balanced in terms of points of view. Any
comments or suggestions you might have I would certainly appreciate.Web address of the page is: of the site is and one can get to the page by clicking
on reference or the link in the second story.Ann Sparanese
Englwood Public LIbrary
Englewood, NJ
2. Muslim Life in America
"This Web site is an attempt to capture in
photographs, words, and statistics something of
the extraordinary range and richness of ordinary
Muslim life in this country." There are articles such
as "Beliefs and Banking" and "Religion - Exploring
Issues, Answers and Beliefs: Reflections on
Ramadan." From the U.S. Department of State's
Office of International Information Programs.From: Librarians' Index to the Internet -
3. LibraryHQ "Library Activism" page
LibraryHQ, the hard-to-clearly-identify library services company and web
site, has a page called, "Library Activism and Social Responsibility,"
containing links to a familiar (to me) collections of left-library sites.You can check it out at:
4. Libraries Create Social Capital
By Nancy Kranich - 11/15/2001
Library Journal"Libraries in New York and around the country provided comfort,
fellowship, news, and resources during this difficult period. School,
public, and academic libraries stayed open to provide shelter for displaced
and lonely residents needing help and the solace of others. Internet and
phone banks were set up to connect with family and friends and to view news
updates. Library web sites linked citizens to disaster and recovery
information, charitable organizations, and helpful resources to calm
children and adults alike."Americans need such safe gathering places now more than ever. They need
places where people of all ages can share interests and concerns, find
information essential to civic participation, and connect with fellow
citizens. Libraries and librarians have a unique, if fleeting, opportunity
to carve out a new mission as creators of social capital for their
(Cut and paste if the long URL has wrapped and broken.)
Editor's note: Nancy Kranich, I am noticing, is one of the best
articulators of what librarians (at their best) want their role in society
to be (and what they want society to be with the help of their influence).
I sometimes get the feeling, though, that when she addresses the library
community there is a certain amount of soothing wishful thinking going on,
that would lead us to pat ourselves on the back too much for sowing the
seeds of democracy and creating a haven for it. I would be happier to read
the same moving statements of the library ideology (of democracy,
intellectual freedom, personal privacy, and information as a public good
to which there is a universal right) in the popular press, via editorials
in newspapers, feature articles in popular magazines, and newspaper stories
that originate from press releases put out by libraries and organizations
in the library community. That might lead to more of a popular
understanding of what libraries not only are already, but what they can be
in the lives of regular people if they made the choice to use them that
way. Call me naive, but I see a lot of potential in a greater effort to
reach the public, rather than merely trying to inspire one another. (For
the record, I have read at least one article by Kranich in the non-library
press, and for all I know there could be many more available.)
5. Index to volume 1 of Cites & Insights
The index to volume 1 of Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large (including
the Preview issue) is now available. You can get it through the Cites &
Insights home pageor directly at
The 20-page file consists of a volume title sheet and a paginated
18-page index (actually two indexes, thanks to the sorting quirks of
Word--an index to cited articles and a general index for everything
else).That completes Volume 1. See you again in late December, with the
January 2002 issue!-walt crawford-
6. News stories appearing in the November 26 American Libraries Online
- Librarians, Archivists Blast Bush Executive Order on Presidential Records
- UCITA Hearings Held, But Vote Postponed
- Boulder Exhibit on Domestic Violence Vandalized Again
- UCLA Union Seeks Further Redress for Suspension
- Jersey City Ends Controversial Contract with LSSI
- FSU Student Admits Using Library Computers in Stock Scam
- Illinois Director Charged with Stealing Municipal Funds
- New Foundation Honors Bruce J. Ennis
- Trouble Brewing over Coffee-Vendor Selection
- Serve Liquor and They Will Come, Says Glasgow City Council
American Libraries' Web site also features the latest "Internet
Librarian" columns by Karen Schneider; "Technically Speaking" by David
Dorman; AL's "Career Leads" job ads; listings of conferences,
continuing-education courses, exhibitions, and other events from AL's
"Datebook"; and Tables of Contents for the current year.Do you have a comment to make about anything appearing in American
Libraries? The editors encourage signed e-mail letters on recent content or
matters of general interest to the library profession in the Reader Forum
section. Send 250 words or less to americanlibraries[at]
7. Online Companies Draw Fire For Removing 'Offensive' Postings
By Ariana Eunjung Cha, Washington Post
19 Nov 2001, 5:43 AM CSTYahoo's message boards are erupting with the kind of
free-flowing, impassioned discussions the Internet's creators always
dreamed of, with postings about practically every aspect of the hunt
for terrorists, the capture of Kabul and mysterious plane crashes.
But what's also revealing is what is being deleted.
Gone are some gloating messages that say America deserved the attacks.
Gone are some links to extremist sites promoting a jihad, or holy war,
against the Western world. Gone too is a sarcastic note posted by
college student Usman Sheikh:
"America succesfully [sic] attacks terrorists, pinpoint smart
bombing," the note began, linking to pictures of bloody children who
were hurt or killed as a result of the recent military raids.
8. The Poster Police
A Durham student activist gets a visit from the Secret Service
by Jon EllistonA.J. Brown, a 19-year-old freshman at Durham Tech, was thanking God it was
Friday. It was 5 p.m., the school week was over, and in an hour she'd be
meeting her boyfriend to unwind.Then: Knock, knock ... unexpected guests at Brown's Duke Manor apartment.
Opening the door, she found a casually dressed man, and a man and woman in
what appeared to be business attire. Her first thought, she says, was, "Are
these people going to sell me something?"
But then the man in the suit introduced himself and the woman as agents from
the Raleigh office of the U.S. Secret Service. The other man was an
investigator from the Durham Police Department.
"Ma'am, we've gotten a report that you have anti-American material," the
male agent said, according to Brown. Could they come in to have a look
around?"Do you have a warrant?" Brown asked. They did not. "Then you're not coming
in my apartment," she said. And indeed, they stayed outside her doorway. But
they stayed a while--40 minutes, Brown estimates--and gave her a taste of
how dissenters can come under scrutiny in wartime.
And all because of a poster on her wall...
9. Quirky Yes, Al Qaeda No
Feds find weird art but not anthrax terrorists at the Art Car Museum
When the art pieces take on a presidential theme, Huanca has learned to
expect G-men patronage.In this time of hyper-patriotism, is a charcoal drawing of George W. Bush
trapped behind a metal trellis really enough to send out the feds?
Apparently somebody thinks so -- and complained loudly enough to get two
agents dispatched to sniff out supposed anti-American activity at the tiny
Art Car Museum last week.The hot-button exhibit? The museum's "Secret Wars" show, which comments on
everything from meat eating to the Persian Gulf War. While it might not be
for typical Monet-loving museum patrons, the four-year-old art car
institution has never tried to pass itself off as a typical stuffy gallery
-- or a lair of bin Laden, either."It's made for the community, to provoke feeling and emotion, and that's
what it's all about," says museum docent Donna Huanca, 21. She was working
alone when two federal agents arrived about a half-hour before the museum
opened on November 7.
10. Torture, Intellectual Freedom and the American Library Association
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 15:05:38 -0500
From: Mark Rosenzweig <iskra[at]>
To: alacoun[at], member-forum[at], srrtac-l[at],
Cc: jberry[at], lniffel[at], wgordon[at], jberry[at]
Reply to: iskra[at]earthlink.netTorture, Intellectual Freedom and the American Library Association:
Based on an examination of prior concerns of the Office of Intellectual
Freedom (OIF) and the Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) of the American
Library Association (ALA) and consulting the policy manual of the ALA
itself, it is not without foundation to suggest that the ALA and its
associated bodies should unequivocally condemn the invocation by US law
enforcement agencies of the government's right to use torture in the 'state
of emergency' declared by the President, as an instrument for carrying out
more effectively the alleged War on Terrorism in which the administration
claims we are now engaged.Apart from the Policy Manual's explicit rejection of the use of government
intimidation, our paramount commitment to intellectual freedom, which runs
through all our policies and practices, makes it incumbent on us to
specifically decry the use of torture to advance the investigation of
suspected terrorist activities, a practice being defended by government and
law enforcement officials at all levels. And, more and more seen as a
defensible legal option by the American public.Why ALA? Why intellectual freedom?
ALA because we are among the preeminent defenders of intellectual freedom
and government openness in the US.Why Intellectual freedom? Because intellectual freedom and the freedom of
thought, speech, assembly, religious convictions etc. are indivisible.Why should we speak out against torture in our name as a profession?
Because intellectual freedom, our primary value, cannot be more seriously
violated than by forcing speech through violence. Coerced speech is not
free speech. Additionally, the secrecy which will attend the use of
torture will also violate our commitment, entailed by our intellectual
freedom commitments, to open access to government information.By what right do we criticize the declaration that torture may be used as
well as its actual practice? Because it is a violation of the "rule of
law".Is this indeed the case? Below you will find the extremely solid legal
premises for considering torture or the threat of torture as a violation
of the rule of law. Please examine the legal protocols, treaties,
agreements, codes, and laws which pertain to this issue.I hope the Council of ALA will entertain a resolution condemning the use
of torture when we meet in New Orleans. Consider this a predecessor to a
resolution which will be presented to the Mid-Winter Conference and which I
hope we will pass by approbation.Be it resolved that the ALA condemns the use of torture as a barbarous
violation of human rights, intellectual freedom, and the rule of law. The
ALA , decries --along with condemnation of the practice of torture anywhere
-- the suggestion by the US government that under a 'state of emergency'
in this country torture is an acceptable tool in pursuit of its goals,The legal basis for this follows, including some explication of issues
raised by these references: ,*Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, Article 5 states: "No one
shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment."*Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR), ratified by 153 countries, including the U.S. in 1992*Convention against Torture or Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment (the Convention against Torture), ratified by 136 countries,
including the U.S. in 1994.*European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.*American Convention on Human Rights [Signed at the Inter-American
Specialized Conference on Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica, 22 November
1969].*The 'Laws of War': the prohibition against torture is also fundamental to
international humanitarian law which governs the conduct of parties during
armed conflict.Article 3 to the Geneva Conventions, for example, bans "violence of life
and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment
and torture" as well as "outrages upon personal dignity, in particular
humiliating and degrading treatment."Article 31 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: "No physical or moral coercion
shall be exercised against protected persons, in particular to obtain
information from them or from third parties."1999 Initial Report of the United States to the U.N. Committee against
Torture: in the United States, the use of torture "is categorically
denounced as a matter of policy and as a tool of state authorityNo official of the government, federal, state or local, civilian or
military, is authorized to commit or to instruct anyone else to commit
torture. Nor may any official condone or tolerate torture in any formEvery act of torture [...]" is illegal under the [Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, G.A.
res. 39/46, [annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51
(1984)], entered into force June 26, 1987]. is illegal under existing
federal and state law, and any individual who commits such an act is
subject to penal sanctions as specified in criminal statutes."*The US Constitution: Torture violates rights established by the Bill of
Rights.The U.S. courts have located constitutional protections against
interrogations under torture ina)the Fourth Amendment's right to be free of unreasonable search or
seizure (which encompasses the right not be abused by the police)b)the Fifth Amendment's right against self-incrimination (which
encompasses the right to remain silent during interrogations),c)the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments' guarantees of due process
(ensuring fundamental fairness in criminal justice system), andd)the Eighth Amendment's right to be free of cruel or unusual punishment.
*In numerous cases, the U.S. Supreme Court has condemned the use of force
amounting to torture or other forms of ill treatment during interrogations,
including such practices as whipping, slapping, depriving a victim of food,
water, or sleep, keeping him naked or in a small cell for prolonged
periods, holding a gun to his head, or threatening him with mob violence.*"Miranda v Arizona: The U.S. Supreme Court in 1966 also established a
rule requiring the police who seek to question detainees to inform them of
their "Miranda" rights to remain silent and to have an attorney present
during the questioning [Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)].In explaining the need for this rule, the Court noted the continuing
police practice of using physical force to extract confessions, citing, as
an example, a case in which police beat, kicked and burned with lighted
cigarette butts a potential witness under interrogation.*Torture would also violate state constitutions, whose provisions
generally parallel the protections set forth in the federal Bill of Rights.
Article 4 of the Convention against Torture obligates state parties to
ensure that all acts of torture are criminal offenses under domestic
legislation.*The principal federal law that would apply to torture against detainees
is 18 U.S.C. 242, which makes it a criminal offense for any public official
to willfully to deprive a person of any right protected by the Constitution
or laws of the United States.*Neither international nor domestic law conditions the right not to be
subjected to torture on citizenship or nationality. No detainee held by
U.S. authorities - regardless of nationality, regardless of whether held in
the U.S. or in another country, and regardless of whether the person is
deemed a combatant or civilian - may be tortured. All applicable
international law applies to U.S. officials operating abroad, including the
Convention against Torture and the Geneva Conventions.Some explication relevant to the particular questions raised by the
government's consideration of the use of torture in its "War Against
Terrorism"1)The prohibition against torture is universal and covers all countries
both regarding U.S. citizens and persons of other nationalities.2)The Convention against Torture provides that any statement that has been
made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any
proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that
the statement was made.3)Under customary international law as well as under international human
rights treaties, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is
prohibited at all times and in all circumstances. It is a non-derogable
right, one of those core rights that may never be suspended, even during
times of war, when national security is threatened, or during other public
emergencies.4)According to the U.S. government, " U.S. law contains no provision
permitting otherwise prohibited acts of torture or other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment to be employed on grounds of exigent
circumstances (for example, during a "state of public emergency") or on
orders from a superior officer or public authority."5)The European Court of Human Rights has applied the prohibition against
torture contained in European Convention on Human Rights in several cases
involving alleged terrorists. As it noted in one case, "The Court is well
aware of the immense difficulties faced by States in modern times in
protecting their communities from terrorist violence. However, even in
these circumstances, the Convention prohibits in absolute terms torture or
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, irrespective of the victim's
conduct." (Chahal v. United Kingdom, Nov. 15, 1996)6)The Committee against Torture, reviewing Israel's use of torture as a
method of interrogation against suspected Palestinian terrorists, stated,
"The Committee acknowledges the terrible dilemma that Israel confronts in
dealing with terrorist threats to its security, but as a State party to the
Convention Israel is precluded from raising before this Committee
exceptional circumstances as justification for [prohibited] acts" [United
Nations Committee against Torture. "Concluding observations of the
Committee against Torture" (1997), A/52/44,paras.253-260. (15 Nov. 2001).]Some people argue that the goal of saving innocent lives must override a
person's right not to be tortured. Although such an exception might appear
to be highly limited, experience shows that the exception readily becomes
the standard practice. For example, how imminent must the attack be to
trigger the exception and justify torture - an hour, a week, a year? How
certain must the government be that the detainee actually has the necessary
information?The international community, however, rejected the use of torture even in
this type of case. International human rights law - as well as U.S. law -
do not contain any exceptions to the prohibition against torture.Respectfully submitted,
Mark Rosenzweig
ALA Councilor at large{The legal premises are adopted from a document on torture issued by Human
Rights Watch brought to my attention by Mr. John Gear. My thanks to Mr.
Gear for his efforts in raising awareness of the collateral effects of the
so-called War on Terrorism and the 'national state of emergency']
11. 1987 William J. Brennan, Jr. speech on civil liberties & security
"The Quest to Develop a Jurisprudence of Civil Liberties in Times of
Security Crises"The following text is from the Brennan Center for Justice:
"The struggle to establish civil liberties against the backdrop of these
security threats, while difficult, promises to build bulwarks of liberty
that can endure the fears and frenzy of sudden danger-bulwarks to help
guarantee that a nation fighting for its survival does not sacrifice those
national values that make the fight worthwhile."
- Justice William J. Brennan, Jr.
These words, so eerily relevant to the challenge now facing our nation,
come from a speech delivered by Justice Brennan fourteen years ago.It is not the Brennan Center's practice to use the Justice's writings for
public education. Indeed, in our six years, we have never released a
mailing like this. The reason is simple: Justice Brennan admonished us not
to give special deference to his opinions and specific views. Instead, the
Center has taken its cue from the singular Brennan spirit of asking the
hard questions, defying common wisdom, and building unlikely coalitions
around practical solutions.We are distributing Justice Brennan's speech, "The Quest to Develop a
Jurisprudence of Civil Liberties in Times of Security Crises," because we
believe it will be an asset for government leaders, judges, journalists,
scholars, and other policy makers at this difficult time in the life of our
nation. In these pages you will find a concise history of our nation's
balance between civil liberties and security during times of national
crises: the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798; President Lincoln's suspension
of habeas corpus; Espionage Act prosecutions of anti-war statements during
World War I; the internment of American citizens of Japanese descent during
World War II; and the Cold War Communist scare. Our historical record in
dealing with this challenge has been decidedly undistinguished.In this speech, as in much of his jurisprudence, Justice Brennan fused
principle and pragmatism. The Justice believed that a successful
jurisprudence of civil liberties in times of crisis requires "intimate
familiarity with national security threats that tests their bases in fact,
explores their relation to the exercise of civil freedoms, and probes the
limits of their compass." All too often judges have shirked that
responsibility, resulting in infringements on civil liberties that, in
hindsight, appear ineffectual and unnecessary for achieving their stated
goal.The Justice's pragmatic approach pointedly underscores the difficult task
now facing the judiciary and our government leaders. As much as we strive
to learn from the past, the current threat to our nation's security is
without precedent. Neither of the World Wars, nor other past security
threats confronted by the United States, involved terrorism and its
secretive tactics. So it is not at all obvious what to do with Justice
Brennan's admonition that history "teaches that the perceived threats to
national security that have motivated the sacrifice of civil liberties
during times of crises are often overblown and factually unfounded."The critical guidance provided here is that, regardless of where the
inquiry may lead, the American public, and the judges who are the ultimate
guardians of their liberty, must be ever vigilant, cautious and skeptical
in the face of demands to suspend civil liberties in the name of security.While fully aware of how hard it is to strike the right balance, Justice
Brennan closed his speech on this characteristically hopeful note: "For in
this crucible of danger lies the opportunity to forge a world-wide
jurisprudence of civil liberties that can withstand the turbulences of war
and crisis. In this way, adversity may yet be the handmaiden of liberty."E. Joshua Rosenkranz
President, Brennan Center for JusticeThe speech is here:
12. COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story
Compilation by Paul Wolf with contributions from Robert Boyle, Bob Brown,
Tom Burghardt, Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, Kathleen Cleaver, Bruce
Ellison, Cynthia McKinney, Nkechi Taifa, Laura Whitehorn, Nicholas Wilson,
and Howard Zinn.Presented to U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson at the
World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa by the members of
the Congressional Black Caucus attending the conference: Donna
Christianson, John Conyers, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Barbara Lee, Sheila
Jackson Lee, Cynthia McKinney, and Diane Watson, September 1, 2001.Table of Contents
Murder and Assassination
Agents Provocateurs
The Ku Klux Klan
The Secret Army Organization
Snitch Jacketing
The Subversion of the Press
Political Prisoners
Leonard Peltier
Mumia Abu Jamal
Geronimo ji Jaga Pratt
Dhoruba Bin Wahad
Marshall Eddie Conway
Justice Hangs in the Balance
Appendix: The Legacy of COINTELPRO
The Judi Bari Bombing
We're here to talk about the FBI and U.S. democracy because here we have
this peculiar situation that we live in a democratic country - everybody
knows that, everybody says it, it's repeated, it's dinned into our ears a
thousand times, you grow up, you pledge allegiance, you salute the flag,
you hail democracy, you look at the totalitarian states, you read the
history of tyrannies, and here is the beacon light of democracy. And, of
course, there's some truth to that. There are things you can do in the
United States that you can't do many other places without being put in
jail.But the United States is a very complex system. It's very hard to describe
because, yes, there are elements of democracy; there are things that you're
grateful for, that you're not in front of the death squads in El Salvador.
On the other hand, it's not quite a democracy. And one of the things that
makes it not quite a democracy is the existence of outfits like the FBI and
the CIA. Democracy is based on openness, and the existence of a secret
policy, secret lists of dissident citizens, violates the spirit of
democracy.Despite its carefully contrived image as the nation's premier crime
fighting agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has always functioned
primarily as America's political police. This role includes not only the
collection of intelligence on the activities of political dissidents and
groups, but often times, counterintelligence operations to thwart those
activities. The techniques employed are easily recognized by anyone
familiar with military psychological operations. The FBI, through the use
of the criminal justice system, the postal system, the telephone system and
the Internal Revenue Service, enjoys an operational capability surpassing
even that of the CIA, which conducts covert actions in foreign countries
without having access to those institutions.Although covert operations have been employed throughout FBI history, the
formal COunter INTELligence PROgrams (COINTELPRO's) of the period 1956-1971
were the first to be both broadly targeted and centrally directed.
According to FBI researcher Brian Glick, "FBI headquarters set policy,
assessed progress, charted new directions, demanded increased production,
and carefully monitored and controlled day-to-day operations. This
arrangement required that national COINTELPRO supervisors and local FBI
field offices communicate back and forth, at great length, concerning every
operation. They did so quite freely, with little fear of public exposure.
This generated a prolific trail of bureaucratic paper. The moment that
paper trail began to surface, the FBI discontinued all of its formal
domestic counterintelligence programs. It did not, however, cease its
covert political activity against U.S. dissidents."
(This document is long)
13. Biometric library id's
How would you feel about getting your fingerprint scanned every time you
want to check a book out of the library? A company in Amherst has set up a
system that would replace library cards with fingerprint images. The
company is the Ultra-Scan Corp. of Amherst, and it's being used at the
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library system.Biometric identification, either by fingerprint scanning, electronic facial
recognition, retinal scanning or dna fingerprinting, is on the way. I knew
that, but I didn't expect libraries to use it.There's a short article about this at Buffalo Business First:, at the end of the article, there is a link to a page where
you can use Tasini's Publication Rights Clearinghouse to buy repro rights
to the article. Would you believe they want $5 for the right to LINK to
the article? Fuck that! Jonathan Tasini ought to rethink that idea; the
aftermath of the lawsuit is creating enough of good-will challenge for him
and the National Writer's Union.
14. Publication Rights Clearinghouse
The PRC is the collective-licensing agency of the National Writers Union.
It acts as a clearinghouse to track freelancer's rights, so publishers can
have a simple (though not automatic, yet) way to compensate freelance
writers for their work if they want to republish it. It is the Union's
effort to create a workable system in the post-Tasini landscape. Part of
the idea is to cooperate with the Copyright Clearance Center, but it is
unclear to me how much cooperation between the two entities there actually
is at this point. This page is mostly directed at writers who want to
learn how to use the PRC.
15. Breaking Law or Principles to Give Information to U.S.
New York TimesWASHINGTON, Nov. 22 - When the names and photographs were first released,
Kathleen Hensman, a public librarian in Delray Beach, Fla., recognized some
of the suspected hijackers in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon as men who had used the computers in her small library.She immediately called the police.
That broke a Florida law that guarantees confidentiality to library
patrons. It also violated a cardinal principle of librarians never to tell
the police, in absence of a court order, about who uses their rooms and
what books they check out.But almost no one thinks Ms. Hensman did the wrong thing. Of course, she
will not be prosecuted...
16. Three from Don Wood
Terrorizing the Bill of Rights"That many details of this new law are in contempt of the Bill of Rights
is unknown to most Americans because, with few exceptions, the
press--particularly its television and radio divisions--has not been paying
enough attention. Even in the usually dependable New Yorker, Jeffrey
Toobin blithely writes that these changes in the law 'do not represent a
wholesale retreat from civil liberties.'"John Ashcroft v. the Constitution"To begin with, because of the limited technology in his time, George
Orwell could not have conceived of how pervasively we are now going to be
surveilled. St. Petersburg Times syndicated columnist Robyn Blumner has
noted that we are already changing from being citizens to being dossiers.
But you ain't seen nothing yet."The First Amendment in the Shadow of Terrorism"As we dig out and try to restore normalcy, even though threats
proliferate around the country, civil libertarians and others have begun to
ask not only what harm terrorists may yet inflict, but also what damage
will be self-inflicted in response to this threat. Individual liberties
have historically been vulnerable in times of crisis. Already, national
security concerns are cited to justify expanded government power to detain
immigrants, monitor electronic communications, invade on-line privacy,
control news coverage, and suppress dissent."
17. ACLU Issues "Know Your Rights" Brochure
As Government Prepares to Investigate Thousands, ACLU Issues
Multi-Lingual "Know Your Rights!" PamphletsMIAMI - The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida today
announced that it is distributing brochures in English, Spanish and
Arabic advising people about their rights when stopped or questioned
by the FBI, police or INS officials.The pamphlet - entitled, "Know Your Rights What to Do If You're
Stopped by the Police, the FBI, the INS or the Customs Service" -
contains information for citizens and non-citizens alike and is
intended for those who are at risk of becoming innocent targets of
government investigations in the
wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks."At a time when thousands of people are being rounded up and
detained, it is important that citizens and non-citizens alike
understand their rights when being questioned by government," said
Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU of Florida."While the information contained in these pamphlets should not be
substituted for legal advice, we encourage people to keep them handy
and use them, especially if they feel they're at risk for becoming
innocent targets of government investigation," added Simon, who has
participated in numerous
community events sponsored by organizations including the Council on
American-Islamic Relations and the Broward Center for Islamic
Studies in an effort to inform people about their rights and
responsibilities regarding encounters with law enforcement.These brochures, which answer the vast majority of questions that
have been raised about stops, questioning, searches, and the rights
of non-citizens, are available from the ACLU of Florida state office
in Miami and can be obtained by submitting the request in writing to:Alessandra Soler, Public Education Director, ACLU of Florida, 4500
Biscayne Blvd., Suite 340, Miami, Florida 33137.Or they can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat/PDF format from the ACLU
of Florida website: or at the following addresses:English:
Arabic: release also available at:
18. Dmitry Sklyarov prosecution update: Hearing set for early 2002
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 15:35:46 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh <declan[at]>
To: politech[at]
Reply to: declan[at]well.comArchive of U.S. v. Sklyarov news:
From: Henry Schwan <owlswan[at]>
Subject: [free-sklyarov] Dmiry hearing
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 14:58:31 -0800To the list,
This is an update from the status conference for Dmitry and Elcomsoft
today. As expected, the only issue discussed was the setting of dates for
pre-trial motions. The issues were divided into two categories:DMCA (possible claims are unconstitutionality including vagueness, First
Amendment and lack of constitutional authority), and:non-DMCA issues (possible issues are jurisdiction, a bill of particulars,
and the
conspiracy charge).The non-DMCA dates are:
Jan. 14, 2002 - the opening brief is due,
Feb. 11 - the opposition (govt.) brief is due,
Feb. 25 - the Dmitry reply brief is due, with the
March 4, 2002 - hearing.The DMCA dates are:
Jan. 28, 2002 - the opening briefs and amici are due,
March 4 - the opposition (govt.) brief is due,
March 18 - the reply brief is due
April 1 - hearing
Assuming the case is not dismissed because of the motions, there
will be a hearing to set a trial date on April 15.If this needs to be forwarded to Dmitry-plan, would someone do that?
Henry Schwan
Electronic Frontier Foundation
(415)436-9333 x114
(415)436-9993 (fax)---------------
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19. Looks like somebody's performance evaluation didn't go so well
All kidding aside, without knowing more, I can only suggest to this person
that you:Perhaps, a) Head for a management position yourself, making sure to impress
the right people with your industriousness along the way;Or, b) Get a masters degree in organizational studies or industrial
psychology and become a consultant, so that you can tell rooms full of
managers your management philosophy from a position of authority;But definitely c) Pick your battles carefully and accept that not all
things, and possibly not most things, are going to go your way in the world
of work, and that part of the long-term struggle is to build professional
capital so that when you find it really important to fight for something,
you have some power;And definitely d) Recognize that wisdom comes from experience, and find
mentors whom you respect to help you grow professionally and to advise you
in the most effective (and not necessarily the most immediately satisfying)
ways to deal with the crappy things that sometimes happen.
20. Amusing searches
Here are the amusing web searches (mostly Google) that led to pages on in November:First place: hairygirl
Second place: gas mask bongs
Third place: Vitameatavagimen
Honorable mention: bug juiceThe rest:
how many mins to Pinar del rio
martain luther king jr sex
young boy in prison for chewing gum in class japan
librarians are crap
pics of world's largest human penis
sex powerpoint presentations
bongs gas mask
communist masturbation
loony left schools
anarchy pez
loveless frump
jesus vs budha
who is a librarian
am i gay
hacking tricks to enter the next computer in a cybercafe
techno music opposers
free questia username and password illegal
"change is bad" libraries
WHAT IS LIBRARIANFor search requests reaching a variety of weblogs, see: link, and links to a few of the other stories in this week's issue
thanks to Blake Carver of
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| Original material and added value in Library Juice
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| publication edited and published by Rory Litwin.
| Original senders are credited wherever possible;
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