Library Juice 7:5 - March 4, 2004


1. Links....
2. COLUMBIA LIBRARY SCHOOL (Melvil Dewey's report, 1887)
3. Stay Free!/Illegal Art told to "cease and desist"
4. Mainstream Media Fails Itself (Peter Phillips on Haiti reporting)
5. International Congress of Information - Info'2004 in Havana
6. Amusing Searches

Quote for the week:

"How could our precious nation have become so uncharacteristically
vulnerable to such an effective use of fear to manipulate our politics?
What happened? For one thing there's been a dramatic change in the nature
of what the philosopher Jürgen Habermas has described as the structure of
the public forum -- the way our political discourse takes place. It no
longer operates as it once did. It is simply no longer as accessible to
the vigorous and free exchange of ideas from individuals in the way those
ideas were freely and vigorously exchanged during the period of our

-Al Gore, speaking at a conference at The New School in early February on
"The Uses and Misuses of Fear," quoted by Eric Alterman in his column in
The Nation, March 1, 2004, p. 12.

Homepage of the week: Stacy Barber


1. Links....


On the server:

Updated: Progressive Librarians Around the World


Does internet create democracy?
(Habermas, Rheingold, mass media, Chicago school, Frankfurt school)

[ found surfing ]


RFID Implementation in Libraries
(privacy issues)

[ sent to ALACOUN by Karen Schneider ]


Blake Carver of LISNews has gone batty; the LISNews community politely
pretends that nothing is wrong:
"Are you on the RIGHT side?"

[ found surfing ]


SHUSH and Conservator - two "conservative" library blogs

also note The Libertarian Librarian

[ found in my referrer logs, yes ]


Index Morganagus

[ known about for ages, just giving Eric a shout-out ]


Center for Media Literacy Reading Room
Has the archives of their journal, Media&Values
Articles documenting the history of the Media Literacy movement
& other stuff

[ found surfing ]


Petition in support of immediate reversal of US Government Policy on
Publication Ban from Trade Embargoed Countries including IRAN

[ sent to various lists by Zapopan Muela ]

Related article, sent to me by Margaret Collins:
Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
Publishers Face Prison For Editing Articles from Iran, Iraq, Sudan,
Libya or Cuba


(Stanford University) Faculty Senate approves measure targeting for-profit
journal publishers
Stanford University News Service, 2/24/2004

[ sent by Ann Okerson to liblicense-l ]


ACTION ALERT: Database Protection Legislation needs immediate
grassroots action!
ALAWON Volume 13, Number 9; 19 February 2004


Seventeen Famous Economists Weigh in on Copyright: The Role of Theory,
Empirics, and Network Effects
Stan Liebowitz, Stephen Margolis. Related Publication 04-01. Jan 2004.
AEI-Brookings Joint Center

[ sent by Declan McCullaugh to his POLITECH list ]


New issue of the Feminist Academic Press Column

[ sent by the Mev Miller to the Feminist Task Force list ]

----- Lies, Damned Lies, and Google

[ found surfing ]


ALA Did It Right on Cuba
(John N. Berry III editorial in Library Journal);

[ sent by Don Wood to IFRT ]


By Melvil Dewey. Published in Library Notes, v.1 No.4, March 1887

(Note Dewey's famous "simplified spelling" throughout this article. -Ed.)

The first year is proving more of a success than its best friends dared to
hope. We have space only for brief notes. Full information, as on all
historical matters, will be found in the Library Journal, where the records
of all the various library organizations must be sought. Having admitted a
class of 20, instead of the ten to which it was to be limited, a change of
quarters was necessary; but the entire old library (90x40 feet), now
assigned to the school, gives ample room. To this class-room has been
transferred the old A. L. A. Bibliothecal Museum, which has been lately
doubled in value by large additions. As fast as the needs are recognized,
new provisions are made for the school which will each year find added
conveniences and facilities for profitable study.

Most of the students have been so persistent in their study and practice
that they have seemed to live in the library. Lunch is brought up to those
wishing it by the school page assigned to wait on the class, and for I4
hours daily there is opportunity for work.

The fair criticism on the four months' course was that too much was crowded
into it. The strain was very great, but the interest and enthusiasm of the
class seemed equal to anything; and a census of the score of earnest
workers showed a uniform improvement in health during the term, most
gratifying to those who feared a general breakdown.

With all this work time has been found for many enjoyable extras. Many
courtesies have been extended, including complimentary tickets for the
entire class for various entertainments and lectures. As the guest of Mr.
George Hannah, librarian of the Long Island Historical Society, the class
and teachers enjoyed a delightful lunch as part of their Brooklyn visit.
Alternate Friday evenings have been spent socially at the home of the
director of the school, where music, simple refreshments, and general good
fellowship helpt to develop the esprit du corps evident in the pioneer

The significant fact about the first year is the rapid development. This
class came for threemonths, most of them having made positiv arrangements to
leave at that time. After six weeks they petitioned for an extra month,
which was granted, and later most of the class determined to take the full
two years' course. The College has met these demands for something broader
and more satisfactory than it had dared to offerin the experimental year.
The first annual Register of the School has been issued, and the fourth
Circular of Information now printing, shows how large an advance has been
made on the plans for the coming year.

The gifts of samples were so generous that each student now owns a very
fair bibliografical museum of his own, some of the class reporting that an
extra trunk vas necessary to transport home their acquisitions. Many
favors have been shown by the Library Bureau, R. R. Bowker, publisher of
the Library Journal, Publisher's Weekly, Literary News, and the American
Catalogue and by the Harpers, Appletons, Putnams, and others.

A large number of librarians and others interested attended now and then a
lecture to sample the school's good things, and in several cases visitors
spent from a few days to two or three weeks.

The practice problems, many of them being real cases under discussion in
well-known libraries, and the visits each week to study some library, book
house, or bindery in operation, proved exceedingly practical, and
concentrated much library experience into a very short time.

The faculty feel about this class as do most mothers about an only
child--that it is of very exceptionable merit. The fine large class picture
of students and teachers by Pach Bros. seems to strengthen this opinion so
far as appearances can be trusted.

Their services seem in demand midway in their course. The president of the
class, Mr George Watson Cole, late of the Fitchburg library, is now
librarian of the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Mr Patten, Miss Stott, and Miss
Bonnell are engaged in the N. Y. Free Circulating Library; Miss Miller is
first assistant at Lafayette (Ind.); Misses Seymour and Woodworth go to the
new Osterhout Free Library in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Miss Fernald is cataloging
the new library at Saugus, Mass.; Misses Griswold and Chapman are librarian
and assistant at the Y. W. C. A., N. Y.; Miss Talcott is assistant at the
Hartford library, and six of the rest are busily at work in the Columbia
library, some of them having declined offers from other libraries.


Careful comparison of the new Circular of Information with last year's
announcements shows a markt development of the plans. We notesome of the
points, advising those interested to read the details forthemselves, as the
pamphlet can be had free by applying to the Library School, Columbia
College, N. Y.

The first year's experience has shown a greater demand than was realized
from both students and employers for thoro preparation. Evidently the time
is not far distant when a man or woman seeking the place of a librarian
without training for its duties will be thought as much a quack or
charlatan as the physician seeking patients without having attended a
medical school or served an apprenticeship with an accomplished
practitioner. The college hesitated to offer more than it was sure was now
wanted, and the three months' course was as far as it went for the first y
ear. The second year shows a long stride towarcl a professional school with
as full a two years' course as is given in the law and medical schools. One
term per year has become three,--short, but of solid work without
vacations,--thus giving as many exercises in the year as any department of
the college. Beside the three months' course of the first year, a
preparatory term, begining eight weeks before the first Thursday in
January, fits all students who have not been engaged in a library, for
intelligent and profitable work in the crowded lecture term. The third term
of the junior year is also eight weeks, up to the college commencement.
Those who take also their apprenticeship work in the Columbia library may
work as much of the rest of the year as they choose, but this completes the
regular class exercises. A senior year corresponding in terms is provided,
and a third year of advanced work for those who can give the time is now in
preparation. The fac- ulty have submitted to the trustees a proposition to
confer on college graduates who complete satisfactorily the two years'
course, the degree B. L. S., Bachelor of Library Science, and the Master's
degree, M. L. S., for the three years' course. For this year, however, only
diplomas or certificates of proficiency are offered.

These degrees wiIl not be given as a matter of course to all who spend two
years in the School, but only on rigid examination, it being the purpose of
the School to set its standard so high that its degree shall be a voucher
of nativ ability and thoro preparation for entering the profession. A
college degree is not yet absolutely required for admission to the School,
but more strict examinations are to be passed by non-graduates. The age
limit for entrance is raised to 20 years, and applications are required to
be made on a blank provided, which calls, among other things, for full
information as to previous education and experience. The p]an is to admit
only ten to the regular class, and there are already 20 app]icants for next
year, with good promise of 50 before the term opens. The School prefers a
small class carefully selected from a large number as those promising to do
the best work in the profession. There is already an overstock at mediocre
librarians, assistants, and cataIogers, and the influence of the School is
intended to diminish rather than to increase their number.

In the School itself women have exactly the same privileges as men and also
in the College, except that women are not admitted to the class exercises
of the men in other departments. The College degrees have however been
opened to women who pass the required examinations. A circular explaining
this fully will be mailed on application.

The fees are $50 per year or $20 for all the lectures of any single month.
The proportionate fee for a single course of lectures is given on
application for each course. Tho the advantages are so greatly increast, it
will be noted that the fee remains at $50.

A Fellowship of $500 per year is offered to the most successful stu- dent
of each class, together with several scholarships yielding from $100 to
$300 each per year; those winning these honors being required to discharge
certain duties in the college library as part of their training. It is
hoped in this way to encourage the best students to spend more time on
their preparation and increase the number of those who will take the three
years' course, which will include considerable work in languages and
comparativ literature, as well as the advanced work in bibliografy and
library economy. One of the markt successes of the last year has been the
bibliografical lectures by various professors of the university. This
feature is to be very largely extended hereafter, so that bibliografy will
receive as full treatment as library economy, and perhaps justify a change
of name from the limited Library Economy to the generic name Library
Science, covering bibliografy, cataloging, classification, and the group of
topics connected with library management known as library economy. When the
school was named it was thought best to begin with only the technical part
and wait till the demand of the public justified broadening the scope to
cover library science.

There has been introduced for next year a course, by proficient scholars,
on the various great literatures of the world treated from the librarian's
standpoint, and also a short course, which will doubtless be fully
developed later, on the leading languages as the librarian's tools.

The faculty has been organized, five non-resident lecturers appointed, and
in many ways there is evidence that the School is to take on more of the
scholastic form with its second year.

Several hundred books have been bought specially for the School, and a
selection of those most wanted for study is placed in the classroom for
more convenient use, while duplicates of the most needed works are provided
to be taken home by those who cannot afford to buy them. provision has been
made for places of meeting for clubs for mutual improvement formed among
the students; rapid additions are also being made to the illustrativ
collections, and every effort is put forth to make the School as
practically useful as possible to its students. Each succeeding class will
of course enjouy all the advantages of its predecessors with whatever has
been added since, but no higher standard of appreciation could be asked by
the faculty than has been shown by the pioneer class.

Students are warned not to hope to make up for lack of preparation or to
take extra studies while at the School, for the required work is so heavy
as to require all their energies. For those who take only a partial course
abundant and attractiv opportunities are offered for other work.

While the standard of admission has been so much raised and the course
lengthened, full opportunity is still given to those engaged in libraries
to come for such time as they can spare and get such help as they can from
the School. The enlarged rooms make it possible to receive momore students,
but the regular class is limited to ten, in order not to offer more
well-trained candidates than there is a ready demand for. Those who have
already secured positions and do not ask the School to become responsible
for their acquirements or to assist them to places will be received as
during the first year, with only examination enuf to satisfy the facillty
that they can profit by the School.

In the same way private book owners not intending to enter the profession,
but wishing to take any part of the course, are allowed to do so on
payyment of the moderate fee.


Constant inquiries are made as to the best use of the time till the opening
of the preparatory term. Much can wisely be done before, for there will be
enough left to do after getting to the School to keep all occupied.

In technical matters comparativly little can be done to advantage till
after the first term. We note:--

Handwriting. One of the details that should be attended to is the library
handwriting, which takes not a little time from some who ought not to spare
it from their studies. In this number we give full advice about this. Those
who enter the School can have brief criticisms and suggestions from a
teacher if they send samples of their handwriting. By acquiring a suitable
hand, students can earlier be allowed to do catalog work of great value as

Visiting libraries. This should be done as far as convenient, since each
library seen broadens somewhat one's ideas. The methods of work, catalogs,
etc., should be specially examined. It is hardly wise to spend extra time
or money on such visits; for, after the School, pupils will have learned
how to get much more good from them. The same remark applies to binderies,
printing-offices, book stores, etc.

Reading. The first thing needed is a set of LIBRARY NOTES, of which a
complete indext volume costs only $1. In each number is something specially
written for students. The rules for card catalogs (20 pages in No. 2)
require no little time from the novice, and the sample cards printed after
them serve as models. In succeeding numbers matter prepared specially for
the class will be given, and it is the assumption in all lectures and class
exercises that each student has a set of the NOTES for reference to the
many rules, tables, and illustrations.

Much more extensiv than Library Notes and therefore more important if it
can be afforded, is a set of the Library Journal, in which is more
important matter for the young librarian than he will find in all the rest
of the language together. We cannot too strongly urge the importance of
access to the Library Journal, but its considerable cost may deter many.
All the prominent libraries have full sets, and many can read it in their
home libraries. If necessary it is worth some sacrifice to secure at least
the most important of the II V. now completed and to subscribe for the
current numbers. Liberal concessions in cost can be had by those coming to
the School. If all cannot be afforded, the most useful material will be
found in v. 5, 4, 3, and in that now printing, and we recommend that they
be bought in that order. An article pointing out how the Journal is worth
in cash much more than its cost to any earnest young librarian will appear,
we hope, in the next NOTES. From time to time we shall give reading lists
which will assume that the student has access to the Journal.

The U. S. Bureau of Education Report on Public Libraries publisht in I876
iS the most important single volume, but it was written before the
Association was founded or the Journal started, and few of the articles
would be written today by their authors as they are printed there. This
should be secured if a copy can be pickt up second hand, as sometimes
happens. The Library Bureau is able occasionally to buy a copy, and
application could wisely be made there. It is doubtful if it is well for
students to spend time or money on other books in this field before they
lay the foundation for their wisest use in the short course at the School.

Bibliografy. Anything and everything that increases his knowledge of books
will be directly valuable to the librarian, but the time can be much better
spent after some instruction, and the list of the best books to read in
this field is deferred.

General education. While everything counts in preparation, the most
important is a knowledge of the German, French, and Latin languages, not as
philosophy but as working tools. The pupil that can read German and French
readily has an immense advantage. Next in order come Italian, Spanish, and
Greek, or some of the Scandinavian tungs, but these are much less often
needed, and can be acquired later. German and French, if known, will be in
daily use.

After the first term every student has work enuf laid out to last him for
years. Before that, more than enuf has been suggested above. We prefer to
have the preceding summer largely devoted to laying in an estra stock of
strength and good helth for the activ work of the School. It is better to
spend such time as can wisely be given, on German and French, the library
hand, and general reviews of literature and history rather than to try to
anticipate the instruction of the School in bibliografy and library

3. Stay Free!/Illegal Art told to "cease and desist"

Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 10:45:29 -0500
From: Carrie McLaren <carrie[at]>
To: stayfree[at]
Cc: werde[at]
Reply to:[at]

Ah, the saga of DJ Dangermouse continues. EMI sent out a cease and
desist notice to Stay Free!/Illegal Art and about 150 other websites
this week, claiming "willful violation of [copyright] laws." EMI
wanted to prevent Grey Tuesday, an online protest of Capitol's
attempt to squash Dangermouse's "Grey Album," from taking place. The
New York Times article below has the crucial background info.

What this means for Stay Free! is as of yet unclear. I'd much rather
report on other people's lawsuits than get dragged into one myself,
but, having spent over a year praising artists who have stood up to
this sort of corporate bullying, we can't very well duck out
ourselves.... so we haven't removed the contested mp3s (online at ), and don't plan to. With luck, Capitol
will back down and realize that suing a bunch of marginal publishers
is only going to bring more publicity to an album they'd like to
suppress. But if they do come after us, we'll have a rock solid fair
use argument. Prof. Zittrain's comment (below) notwithstanding, there
are exactly zero laws that state that what we're doing is illegal.
Nor, for that matter, are there laws forbidding Dangermouse from
appropriating the Beatles's recordings -- these legal threats are all
based on the precedent set by a single court case from the 1990s (See
O'Sullivan v. Biz Markie, ). A habit, in other

You can find the cease and desist letter on the Downhill Battle site
(I would post it myself but I'm lazy... and, besides, the letters are
all the same):

And here's the man who signed it:

all for now,


Defiant Downloads Rise From Underground
Published: February 25, 2004

"More than 300 Web sites and blogs staged a 24-hour online protest
yesterday over a record company's efforts to stop them from offering
downloadable copies of "The Grey Album." A popular underground
collection of music, "The Grey Album" mixes tracks from the Beatles'
classic White Album with raps from Jay-Z's latest release, "The Black

4. Mainstream Media Fails Itself

By Peter Phillips

On February 29, Richard Boucher from the U.S. Department of State
released a press release claiming that Jean Bertrand Aristide had
resigned as president of Haiti and that the United State facilitated
his safe departure. Within hours the major broadcast news stations in
the United States including CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, and NPR were
reporting that Aristide had fled Haiti. An Associated Press release
that evening said "Aristide resigns, flees into exile." The next day
headlines in the major newspapers across the country, including the
Washington Post, USA Today, New York Times, and Atlanta Journal
Constitution, all announced "Aristide Flees Haiti." The Baltimore sun
reported, "Haiti's first democratically-elected president was forced
to flee his country yesterday like despots before him."

However on Sunday afternoon February 29, Pacific News network with
reporters live in Port-au-Prince Haiti were claiming that Aristide
was forced to resign by the US and taken out of the Presidential
Palace by armed US marines. On Monday morning Amy Goodman with
Democracy Now! news show interviewed Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Waters said she had received a phone call from Aristide at 9:00 AM
EST March 1 in which Aristide emphatically denied that he had
resigned and said that he had been kidnapped by US and French forces.
Aristide made calls to others including TransAfrica founder Randall
Robinson, who verified congresswomen Waters' report.

Mainstream corporate media was faced with a dilemma. Confirmed
contradictions to headlines reports were being openly revealed to
hundreds of thousands of Pacifica listeners nationwide. By Monday
afternoon mainstream corporate media began to respond to the charges.
Tom Brokaw on NBC Nightly News, 6:30 PM voiced, "Haiti in crisis.
Armed rebels sweep into the capital as Aristide claims US troops
kidnapped him; forced him out. The US calls that nonsense." Fox News
Network with Brit Hume reported Colin Powell's comments, "He was not
kidnapped. We did not force him on to the airplane. He went on to the
airplane willingly, and that's the truth. Mort Kondracke, executive
editor of Roll Call added, "Aristide, ?was a thug and a leader of
thugs and ran his country into the ground." The New York Times in a
story buried on page 10 reported that "President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide asserted Monday that he had been driven from power in Haiti
by the United States in "a coup," an allegation dismissed by the
White House as "complete nonsense."

Mainstream media had a credibility problem. Their original story was
openly contradicted. The kidnap story could be ignored or back-paged
as was done by many newspapers in the US. Or it can be framed within
the context of a US denial and dismissed. Unfortunately, the
corporate media seems not at all interested in conducting an
investigation into the charges, seeking witnesses, or verifying
contradictions. Nor is the mainstream media asking or answering the
question of why they fully accept the State Department's version of
the coup in the first place. Corporate media certainly had enough
pre-warning to determine that Aristide was not going to willingly
leave the country. Aristide had been saying exactly that for the past
month during the armed attacks in the north of Haiti. Aristide was
interviewed on CNN February 26. He explained that the terrorists, and
criminal drug dealers were former members of the Front for the
Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH), which had led the coup in
1991 killing 5,000 people. Aristide believed that they would kill
more people if a coup was allowed to happen. It was also well known
in media circles that the US Undersecretary of State Roger Noriega
for Latin America was a senior aide to former Senator Jesse Helms,
who as chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs committee was a
longtime backer of Haitian dictator Jean Claude Duvalier and an
opponent of Aristide. These facts alone should have been a red flag
regarding the State Department's version.

As a former priest and liberation theologist, Jean Bertrand Aristide
stood for grassroots democracy, alleviation of poverty, and God's
love for all human beings. He challenged the neo-liberal
globalization efforts of the Haitian upper class and their US
partners. For this he was targeted by the Bush administration. That
the US waited until the day after Aristide was gone to send in troops
to stabilize the country proves intent to remove him from office.

Mainstream media had every reason to question the State Department's
version of the coup in Haiti, but choose instead to report a highly
doubtful cover story. We deserve more from our media than their being
stenographers for the government. Weapons of mass destruction aside,
we need a media that looks for the truth and exposes the
contradictions in the fabrications of the powerful.

Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University
and Director of Project Censored a media research organization.
Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Sociology Department/Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928

5. International Congress of Information - Info'2004 in Havana

From: info [mailto:info[at]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 2:07 PM
To: info
                        INFORMATION NEWS

Multidisciplinary, social and technological integration in the
information field: questions and answers
Havana International Conference Center, Cuba, April, 12 - 16, 2004
Official language of the congress Info 2004: Spanish
   Simultaneous interpretation English-Spanish/Spanish-English will be
provided during the opening                         and closing sessions
and in plenary sessions and others selected by Organizing Committee.
The main topics of Info 2004 will be:
*   Multidisciplinary convergence of information processes.
*   Quality evaluation and certification in the industry of contents.
*   Technological innovation within the frame of activity in the field
of information.
*   Collaboration in alliances in a world without borders
*   Editorial trends, marketing and intellectual property.
*   Towards a sustainable equitable society based on the economy
 of information.
*   The behavior of information needs: product offer and demand
*   From information management up to talent built up
*   Lectures
*   Symposium
*   Seminars
*   Workshops
*   Round tables
*   Session upon request of delegates
*   Free topics: oral and poster
* Keynote papers:  (with simultaneous interpretation)
*   Multidisciplinary, social and technological integration in the
information field: questions and answers
*   Collaboration in alliances in a world without borders
*   Toward a sustainable equitable society, based on the economy of

II International Symposium: Information management in organizational
intelligence and in knowledge management.

Coordinator:  PhD. Eduardo Orozco Silva
Director General of IDICT , orozco[at]
*   Business   intelligence  from the point of view  of   knowledge
*   Relation between information management  and knowledge management
*   Convergence between  knowledge management and business intelligence
*   Information and communication technologies in knowledge management
and   business intelligence
Workshop: Information technologies and management in order to achieve
Coordinator:  Eng. Francisco Campos
Director General of Softcal, frank[at], deborah[at]
*    Information techology evolution and impact in the ntrepreneurial
*    Quality, process management and the application of information
technology tools
*    Role of the information professional in an informatic and
enpreneurial environment
*    Information architectures and technological solutions in order to
achieve success in corporative management
*    Electronic informaion and businesses
International seminar on the measurement of scientific and technological

General Coordinator of the seminar - Dr. Anna María Prat (Chile)
Sponsored by: Iberoamerican Network of Indicators of Science and
Technology (RICYT) of the
 Iberoamerican Program of Science and Technology (CYTED),
Bibliometric indicators as a tool for evaluation of the scientific
*   Obtaining bibliometric indicators based on the use of traditional
information tools.
*   WEB based indicators.
*   New forms to obtain indicators of scientific production
II International  Seminar  on Quantitative and Qualitative Srudies of
Science and Tecnology " Prof. Gilberto Sotolongo Aguilar"
           General coordinator:  Dr. César A. Macías-Chapula
            Hospital Nacional de México (México)
cesarmch[at], chapula[at]
            Coordinator: Dra. Jane Russel
            CUIB UNAM (México)  jrussell[at]
            Coordinator: PhD. Ma. Victoria Guzmán-Sánchez
            Instituto  Finlay,  (Cuba)  mvguzman[at]
*   This is the second seminar international that is organized as part
of the traditional INFO congresses First seminar was held on April 25,
2002.. For this first seminar were accepted 27 papers from specialists
of 11 different Iberoamerican and Caribbean countries. The selected
contributions from  the first seminar were published as an special issue
of the Revista Española de Documentación Científica Vol. 25-No. 4,.
The topics considered relevant for the Seminar, are the followings:
*   Scientific communication models ( system approach, mathematical
models, etc)
*   Communication patterns,  collaboration, information flows in science
and technology, migration Scientific production (disciplines, gender
studies , investigation departments, organizations, countries, etc.)
*   Literature dynamic (history, increasing, obsolescence, dispersion,
relation science-technology, etc.)
*   Support indicators for decision making in scientific policy
(economy, organization and management, information technologies and
communication, resources management, prognostics, impact, evaluation)
*   Information visualization and organization for bibliometrics,
sciencetometrics and webmetrícs/cibermerticsa
*   Theoretical issues of quantitative and qualitative studies of
science and technology
*   Software analysis, design and application
To all colleagues interested in participating as speakers, are requested
to send their abstracts to the coordinators of the Seminar. The
abstracts should not exceed 1,5000 words and should include information
about this:
1-       backgrounds studies
2-       paper objectives
3-       applied methodology/approach
4-       main results obtained or to be expected
    Round table:  "Technological innovation within the framework of
information performance"

    Coodinator: PhD. Axel Mulet
    Director of the Center for Technological Management of Las Tunas
province, Cuba, axel[at]
*   Technological innovation and internal and external information flows
of teh enterprise
*   The enterprise, is it information user or producer for innovation?
*   The information and communication technologies, as the base of
information processes for innovation in modern economy, its territorial
*   Information organization´s role as interface and catalyst in
innovation processes
*   Technological surveillance and busineness intelligence systems and
innovation strategies  

Round table:  University libraries:  Trends and development models

Coordinator : María Graciela Godoy Zanni  (Chile)   mgodoyz[at]

*     Collaborative alliances in university libraries management.
*     Technological trends in university information services.
*      Design of products and services.
*      Corporative solutions.
*      Presence  vs. virtual libraries.
*     Structural an behavioral changes in university information
*     Accreditation and evaluation processes for services.
*     Infrastructure and performance standards.
Round table:  "Discipline synergy required to build the information

General coordination: PhD  Eva Mª. Méndez Rodríguez,
Dptmnt.Biblioteconomy and Documentation Department / University  of
Carlos III, Madrid, España, ). emendez[at]              
*    Documentation for Information: The role of the information manager
versus the new media.
*    Documentation and Computer Science: an indestructible couple for
the creation of a semantic web.
*    Multidisciplinary team towards the success in the conception of
Digital Information Systems: experiences, projects and prospects.
*    Multiqualified information managers:  education of professionals
for a world that needs us but doesn't know it.
Workshop  "Legal protection of digital information and computer

General coodinator: PhD Yarina  Amoroso Fernández, yarina[at]

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cuba
and PhD. José Bidot Director  General of SEGURMATICA, Cuba
*   Legal regulations for e-mail confidentiality
*   Intellectual property of digital products and services.
*   Electronic commerce.
*   Legal regulations for the exchange of digital information.
*   Computer security (virus and antivirus).

Round table "Information Industry trends, marketing and intellectual

  General coordination: Mr. Oscar  Saavedra
  General Manager, EBSCO Information Services México,
*    The Information Industry: STM Publishers, subscriptions agents,
  electronic information services agregators and integrators  
*   Knowledge Social Comunication Model, paradigm change from the print
to the electronic environment
*   New marketing strategies for electronic information services
*   Copyright against License Agreements

Room 8 will have working sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
(morning and afternoon) for the presentation of free topics.  Fifteen
minutes will be allowed for every speaker.  Likewise, free topics in the
area of posters will be presented in the fair-exhibition.
Those interested may organize a session upon delegate request" related
with the congress topics, in this case, please contact the executive
vicepresident  of the organizing committee, Mr. Enrique Suárez Zarabozo,
e-mail:  eszarabozo[at] The proposal for the session should cover
no less than the papers and the deadline for registration shall be no
later than January 15, 2004.

Guidelines for the registration of papers.
The papers presented will be based on the main topics of the Congress
and the issues dealt with within the different forms of paper

There is a ten (10) page limit per every paper presented.
Exceptionally, if is required more space, should be reduced the spaces
between lines  (1 space). Instead of using smaller fonts.
It should be attached to the paper one leaf with a brief curriculum of
the authors (not more  than 200 words), were be highlighted the most
relevant professionals issues.

The text should be written in the languages of the congresses (Spanish
or in English). Should be used Microsoft Word, version 6.0 or higher.
Page design:  (letter) 8 1/2 X 11, margins at 2,5 cm. Justified text,
Type font: Arial 12, space and a half between lines.  Put page numbers
in the bottom, in the center. of the page. Footnotes    should   be
written using spaces (only one line) at the end of the page.

The document shall not be bigger that 1 Megabit.
Your paper should have the following structure:
1) Title.
2) Summary and key words
3) Introduction
4) Objectives
5) Materials and methods
6) Results
7) Conclusions
8) References
The first page should include: Title (in Spanish or English). (Centered
and in bold face and a larger source letter should be used), main
author, coauthors, (in bold face and italics), institution, address of
the institution, country, phone and e-mail (in bold face).


The summary should cover the article contents. Please try it use less
than 200 words. Do not include references or equations in it.
Key words
Three (3) keywords showing the central content of the paper should be

Important information
It is a requisite that at least, one author of the of the paper
registers himself and pays the corresponding registration fee.  
February 13th, 2004 is the deadline to send the electronic version of
papers and the biographic page.
The e-mail is: Organizing Committee of the Congress, Info[at]  

The commission of the professional program will report on the acceptance
or rejection of the papers as well as the form and place of
presentation.  Regardless of paper rejection, you may participate in the
congress as a delegate.

Along with the Congress, Expoinfo 2004 will be opened. It would be an
ideal setting for business offices and/or enterprises linked to these
topic, to show and promote their products
ExpoInfo will be opened from April 12 - 16 in areas of Havana's
International Conference Center.
The indoors modular stand is rated at $120,00 USD per m² during the
exhibition and includes:
* Minimum space - 9 m² Power consumption up to 500 W
* Modular panels, Octanom system R-8 (2,5 x 1,00 m)
* Credentials (2).
* Label with the name of company/institution.
* 1 power outlet.
* 2 invitations for the welcome cocktail and farewell lunch.
* Certificate of participation.
Location within the ExpoInfo plan is ought to the Organizing Committee
and according to the order requests.
Day of arrangement of ExpoInfo:  April 10 (Saturday) and April 11
(Sunday), if required.  The exhibition would be disassembled on April 16
at noon.
If exhibitors require custom services, please contact Agencia Aduanal
Contacts for Expoinfo'2004
Betty Ma. Hernández
Jefa Departamento Comercial y Marketing del IDICT
Telf. : 537 8626531, 8603411 ext 1174 y 1180
Fax. : 537 8626531
betty[at], comercial[at],
Violeta Rodríguez Oramas
Especialista en Exposiciones
Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana
Telef: (537) 2084398, 2026011 ext. 1504
Fax:   (537) 2028382
Lianet Fernández Costa
Agencia Aduanal Palco
Especialista de Ferias y Exposiciones
Telf.: 537 202 6011 /19 ext 728
Fax: 537 2028382, 208 7578
Telefax:  2086111

Those participants who require an "invitation letter" to have their
institution's permission, may request it to the President of the
organizing committee.
Registration fees
                        Delegate  200,00 USD
                        Speaker  180,00 USD
                        Student   150,00 USD
                Persons            80,00 USD

 The registration fee includes
The registration fee includes:
Credential, briefcase, materials, program of the congress, CD with the
minutes of the former editions, certificate of participation, welcome
cocktail and farewell lunch, access to all the professional activities
at the conference center, list of participants.
Students should be properly accredited with a letter from the higher
education center where they belong and a student's card.

Credential, briefcase with a souvenir, welcome cocktail and farewell
lunch, access to the opening and closing sessions and list of
Havanatur  S. A. , Grupo Internacional de Turoperadores  y Agencias de
Havanatur Eventos,  Fax: (537)2041760,
Telf: (537)203-97-82/203 9362 , 2039362
HOTEL      .                   Room  DBL     Room SGL
Palco**** (venue)                        47.00            68.00
Meliá Habana*****                      75.00           112.00

Novotel Miramar****                    60.00             88.00

Panorama****                            60.00             88.00

Comodoro****                            58.00             75.00

Bellocaribe***                           42.00               58.00

Neptuno /Tritón***                    45.00                60.00
Lodging (per night) with breakfast, Transfers IN / OUT, Transfer to the
official activities of the event, guide service and customized
The Organizing Committee has decided that Rochi S.A. an event
turoperator, in coordination with the Cuban counterpart, be the official
promotor of the workshop.
Evento y Congresos,   Gran Caribe travel agency
Office -  Hotel Neptuno, Habitación 606. Calle 3ra. e/ 70 y 74
Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, Phones.: (537)  204 1432 Fax: (537) 204 1433

For further information, please contact:
Lic. Eduardo Orozco Silva
Presidente Comité Organizador
IDICT, Capitolio Nacional
Apartado 2019, La Habana, 10200, Cuba
Telf.: 537 626501, 8603411 ext. 1118
Fax.: 537 8608813

Lic. Enrique Suárez Zarabozo
Vicepresidente Ejecutivo Comité Organizador
IDICT, Capitolio Nacional
Apartado 2019, La Habana, 10200, Cuba
Telf.: 537 8635500, 8603411 ext. 1137
Fax.: 537 8608813
eszarabozo[at], info[at],

Lic. Antonio Luis Ruano López
Secretario Ejecutivo del Congreso
IDICT ,Capitolio Nacional
Apartado 2019, La Habana, 10200, Cuba
Telf.: 537 8635500, 8603411 ext. 1246
Fax.: 537 8608813
tony[at], info[at],

6. Amusing Searches

The following are search expressions that led web surfers from search
engines (mostly Google) to pages on last month:

precolumbian porn
nobel laureate fred stoss
"why do we need carbohydrate "
moral issues for a juice carton
how many people masturbate in binghamton university
how to get data from an investigation using juice ,without numbers

L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

ISSN 1544-9378

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| Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
| Rory[at]