Library Juice 2:20 - May 19


1. Collected Library Juice Quotes-for-the Week
2. Notices from the ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom
4. News stories appearing in the May 17 American Libraries Online
6. Sixteen articles added to _Progressive Librarian_ website
7. Ex Libris:
8. COOL: College Opportunities On-Line -- NCES IPEDS
9. Information Bridges International, Inc. - For Solo Librarians
10. Open letter from SFPL employees in support of John Philbrook
11. Re: Dr. Laura - selections from the email circuit
12. La Revista REFERENCIAS Vol. 4, Nro. 1, Abr. 99
13. Declaración de la IFLA sobre las bibliotecas y la libertad intelectual
15. Tornadic Images
16. Story of Chewing Gum

Quote for the week:

I don't think we should be automating information professionals out of
business.  Quite the contrary, I think we should be giving them a
bigger job: reaching out to support the collective cognition of
particular communities.  This might include systems to support the
creation, circulation, and transformation of particular genres of
materials.  It might include setting up and configuring mailing lists
or other, more sophisticated tools for shared thinking.  It might
include both face-to-face and remote assistance.  Distributed alliances
of librarians might support specific distributed communities, while
comparing notes with one another and sharing tools.

-Phil Agre, "The End of Information and the Future of Libraries,"
Progressive Librarian 12/13, Spring/Summer 1997


1. Collected Library Juice Quotes-for-the Week

The Library Juice Quotes-for-the-Week from vol.1, no.13 to the latest
issue are now available via e-mail.

Send a message to quotes-1[at] for Volume 1
Send a message to quotes-2[at] for Volume 2

The message doesn't matter - you will automatically be sent the
collected quotes.



2. Notices from the ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom

The 1999 Banned Books Week fact sheet is at

  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
On May 4, ALA President Ann K. Symons delivered the keynote address at
the  Annenberg National Conference on the Internet and the Family.
Her address is available at

  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Libraries, Children, and the Internet, a ALA question-and-answer page,
can be found online at

under the ALA Resources for Parents, Teens, and Kids page at

Don Wood
American Library Association
Office for Intellectual Freedom
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
800-545-2433, ext. 4225
Fax: 312-280-4227


Announcing / Annonce :

Number / Numero 17

(ISSN 1198-5291)

Accessible by/par WWW:  URL:

        A Forum on the Freedom of Information Research Project

1.      Introduction (English version) / (version francaise)

2.      The Freedom of Information Research Project: Alasdair Roberts'
        study of Canadian FOI laws can be found at

        Update: "Closing the Window: How Public Sector Restructuring
        Limits Access to Government Information," by Alasdair Roberts


3.      Jim Bronskill, Ottawa-based reporter with Southam News

4.      Andrew Hubbertz, Head of Government Publications, Maps and
        Microforms, University of Saskatchewan Libraries

5.      Kirsti Nilsen, Faculty of Information and Media Studies,
        University of Western Ontario

6.      Andrew Osler, Faculty of Information and Media Studies,
        University of Western Ontario

*   IFLA-L is provided by the International Federation of Library     *
* Associations and Institutions (IFLA). For further information about *
*    IFLA activities, including organization or personal affiliate    *
*               information, contact:  IFLA[at]                  *
*                                                                     *
*                      URL:                              *

4. News stories appearing in the May 17 American Libraries Online

*  Bill Introduced to Detach E-rate from Phone Bills, FCC
*  S.F. Mayor Orders Library to Let 11-Year-Old Read to Preschoolers
*  Dr. Laura Continues Crusade against ALA
*  Ohio Middle School Restricts Holocaust-Diary Anthology
*  Senate Unanimously Passes Filtering Bill for Internet Service Providers
*  Two Architects Bail Out as Seattle Design Competition Intensifies
*  Plano Edges Closer to Filters for All Computers
*  IMLS Establishes Library Service Award, Calls for Nominations

American Libraries' Web site also features the latest "Internet
Librarian" columns by Karen Schneider; AL's "Career Leads" job ads;
listings of conferences, continuing-education courses, exhibitions,
and other events from AL's "Datebook"; and Tables of Contents for
the current year.

Lois Ann Gregory-Wood
Council Secretariat
American Library Association
50 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
1-800/545-2433, Ext. 3204
312/944-3897 (fax)


On Monday, the powerful online research tool Deja News launched a revamped
Website that includes many major enhancements and new information services,
transforming the well-established searchable clearinghouse of 45,000
discussion forums into a multi-functional Internet portal. The new features
provided by Deja News, which has officially changed its name to,
include Deja Ratings, a system that currently offers "access to unbiased
peer ratings and comments" on over 7,200 items in more than 400 categories,
and Deja Shopper, a service to help users "find the best deals on the Web
for products and services." In addition, the Deja Discussions and Deja
Communities services have made key design changes that include hierarchical
navigation, thread digest display, instant messaging, and a feature called
Deja Tracker, which provides users with email notifications when a tagged
discussion posts new messages. [AO]

>From the Internet Scout Report:

6. Sixteen articles added to _Progressive Librarian_ website

Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 17:44:52 -0700
To: PLGNET-L <plgnet-l[at]>
From: Rory Litwin <rlitwin[at]>
Subject: More PL articles on the web

I've added sixteen articles to the website for _Progressive Librarian_.

The articles are as follows:

>From issue 15, Winter 1998/99

A Few Gates: An Examination of the Social Responsibilities Debate
in the Early 1970s and '90s, by Steven Joyce

Book Review: Librarianship and Legitimacy: The Ideology of the Public
Library Inquiry, by Douglas Raber, reviewed by Patti Clayton

Letter Against Bombing of Iraq, 12/16/98

>From issue 14, Spring 1998

Editorial: "Institutionalizing silence within ALA?"

Garlic, Vodka, and the Politics of Gender: Anti-intellectualism
in American Librarianship, by Michael Winter

The "Invisibles" - Lesbian Women as Library Users, by Heike Seidel

"Lesbians & Libraries" Resource List

Librarians Against War: an open letter

>From issue 10-11, Winter 1995/96

Editorial: A Blaise with Indignation

Service Undermined by Technology: Gender Relations, Economics
and Ideology, by Roma Harris

Information Technology and the Future of Work,
by Stan A. Hannah and Michael H. Harris

>From issue 9, Spring 1995

Superhighways, Work and Infrastructure in the Information Age,
a symposium with John Buschman, Barbara Garson and Lance Rose

>From issue 6/7, Winter/Spring 1993

Politics of Information and the Fate of the Earth, by Theodore Roszak

Information Technology, Power Structures, and the Fate of Librarianship,
by John Buschman

>From issue 4, Winter 1991/92

Politically Controversial Monographs, by Charles Willett

>From issue 3, Summer, 1991

Editorial: Politics and Anti-Politics in Librarianship

Ten articles from issue 12/13 remain at the website.

The full table of contents, with links to all the articles,
is at


Rory Litwin, MLIS
Webmaster, Progressive Librarians Guild


7. Ex Libris:

Ex Libris: A weekly e-zine for librarians by Marylaine Block, who says:

  "In part I'm doing this to pass on some things I've learned
  about information, searching, the net, and library users,
  over my 22 years as a librarian. But since there are a lot of
  things I DON'T do--cataloging, administration, extreme
  technical stuff--I am soliciting articles from other
  librarians who know things I don't.

  Articles are going to be short, between 200-500 words. I'm
  not going to tell you everything about a topic--heck, I don't
  KNOW everything about very many topics. Think of them as
  conversation starters, something to get your own ideas
  going--and if they do, write back. Argue. Submit your own

  One continuing concern will be how we can use the internet,
  computers, and databases, to improve our services.

  Another is the ways in which computers, the internet, and
  databases will irrevocably alter libraries, our users, and
  our political and financial environment--not to mention how
  they may change the structure of information as we now know
  it. Every technology that has ever become widespread has had
  unintended side effects, some of them destructive. I believe
  it is important to speculate now about the possible impact of
  our technologies so that we can plan ways to deal with those
  unintended consequences.

  Another continuing concern will be what we have to do to make
  our systems usable for our patrons. We need to observe how
  they go about looking for information, and take this into
  account as we teach them our systems, design our interfaces,
  and write instructions.

  Whatever the down side of the net, it offers us an
  unparalleled opportunity to share our collections and
  knowledge. We are the ultimate share-your-toys people, and I
  will be pointing to information professionals who have used
  the web in innovative ways to help not only their patrons but
  other librarians near and far as well. That's why I hope to
  conduct a series of interviews with some of the greats in the
  field, beginning April 9 with an interview with Tara

  Our strength is as the strength of ten not only because our
  hearts are pure, but because we ARE ten--or 100 or 5000 or
  more. We DO band together, in networks and user groups.
  Libraries are essentially local, but what we do benefits all
  the citizens of our states and our country. That's why I will
  also want to talk about what state libraries and library
  networks can and should do for individual libraries and their
  patrons. I am inviting some colleagues who have worked in and
  with library systems to talk about them.



8. COOL: College Opportunities On-Line -- NCES IPEDS

College Opportunities On-Line (COOL) is a research tool that allows access
to information on more than 9,000 trade schools, colleges, and universities
in the US. Users may search COOL by geographic region, by state, by city,
by type of institution, or by instructional programs, either alone or in
combination. Queries yield general information about institutions, such as
type of institution, contact information, Carnegie classification, and
Title IV code. In addition, each record provides the cost of tuition and
fees, data on fall enrollment, and a list of degrees or awards conferred.
COOL is a product of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) (see the July 4,
1997 Scout Report). [AO]

>From the Internet Scout Report:

9. Information Bridges International, Inc. - For SOLO Librarians

(The website has links to other "SOLO" sites as well.)

Information Bridges International, Inc. was founded by
Judith A. Siess in 1996 to facilitate exchanges of
ideas among librarians and information professionals
around the world.

What is a SOLO librarian?

A SOLO librarian is "an isolated librarian or
information collector/provider who has no professional
peers within the immediate organization." This
definition was developed by the founder of the group,
Martha Rhine. She saw "the image of featured artists
with talents exceeding those of the accompanying
group." In Managing the New One-Person Library St.
Clair and Williamson said that "the value of this
definition is that it recognizes that in his or her
immediate workplace this library/information
professional works alone, both as a librarian and as a
library manager" and called it "the best [definition]
we have found.".

"The One Person Library"

OPL is a term coined by Guy St. Clair in 1976 to
describe a library "in which all the work is done by
the librarian." Another interchangeable term is SOLO
Librarian. This is defined as "an isolated librarian or
information collector/provider who has no professional
peers within the immediate organization." This
definition was accepted by the SOLO Librarians Division
of the Special Libraries Association (USA). The Division
was formed in 1992 from the SOLO Librarians Caucus
founded by Martha Rose (Marty) Rhine in 1989. OPL's
editor, Judith Siess, was the first chair of the SOLO
Librarians Division in 1992-1993. The Division now has
over 1000 members, making it the fifth largest in SLA.
The Division has its own WWW site, http:// and listserv
(send message "subscriber sololib-1 <first name> <last
name>" to listserv[at] We acknowledge
the contributions and competence of the many librarians
who do not have a library degree (M.L.S. or its
equivalent), but the common usage of OPL or SOLO is for
a "professional" librarian. However, THE ONE PERSON
LIBRARY and the SOLO Librarians Division welcome all
information collectors/providers who feel they can
benefit from and contribute to them.

Information Bridges International, Inc.
The One Person Librarian
Judith A. Siess, President
477 Harris Rd., Cleveland, OH 44143
Voice: 1-216-486-7443
Fax: 1-216-486-8810
E-mail: jsiess[at]


10. Open letter from SFPL employees in support of John Philbrook





  In April 1996, shortly after the opening of the New Main
  Library, our colleague, John Philbrook, an openly gay man who
  had been a children's librarian for eleven years in the Main
  Library Children's Room, was accused of sexual molestation by
  a disturbed teenager with a long history of lies and false
  accusations against other people. Instead of conducting an
  unbiased and independent investigation, David Price, then
  special assistant to Ken Dowlin (City Librarian until his
  forced resignation in January 1997) and Kathy Page, then
  Chief of the Main Library, denied John Philbrook his right to
  due process. Based wholly on suspicion, innuendo, and
  displeasure at John's longstanding and outspoken stand on the
  shortcomings of the New Main Library, they immediately cut-off
  his salary, physically removed him from the Library, and fired
  him three months later. Throughout John's distinguished career
  at the SFPL, his dedication in bringing quality library
  service to the children of San Francisco was marked by the
  respect and admiration of his colleagues and numerous awards,
  including the Mayor's Award for Outstanding Performance in
  Public Service, commendations from the Board of Supervisors
  for "vital contributions to the life of San Francisco," and
  the prestigious Daniel Koshland Award, presented by the San
  Francisco Foundation for outstanding service to the community.

  After John was fired, a highly biased investigation was
  conducted by Inspector Patrick White of the San Francisco
  Police Department and criminal charges were brought against
  John. These charges were changed several times over the years
  as numerous holes in them were discovered. For two and a half
  years John vigorously fought these heinous allegations in
  court. Finally, on July 30, 1998, all charges against John
  were dropped by Judge William Cahill for complete lack of
  evidence. Despite this exoneration, the Library
  Administration has not reinstated John. His Union arbitration
  for reinstatement is scheduled for the Spring of 1999.

  During John's harrowing ordeal, an overwhelming number of his
  colleagues, friends, family, and library patrons came to his
  defense and have continued to stand by him. Library staff
  petitioned the City Librarian in support of John, in spite of
  threats of administrative retaliation and efforts to silence
  us. We continue to support John's fight for justice. We have
  always believed in his integrity and in his innocence. On
  Monday, November 16, 1998, John's lawyer, Gary Hall,
  delivered a two-page press release outlining the history of
  his client's case, to the San Francisco Chronicle, for the
  purpose of publishing an update on the story they ran August
  12, 1997, by reporter Henry Lee. To date, the Chronicle has
  chosen not to respond.

  Ask yourself: How would you respond to such accusations?
  Doesn't every library administration have a legal obligation
  to presume innocence until guilt is proven? To conduct an
  INDEPENDENT investigation based upon real evidence, rather
  than suspicion, gossip, personal distaste, and hostility
  toward dissenting opinions? Doesn't the administration owe
  you the right to due process? Don't your colleagues have the
  right to give testimony in support of your innocence?
  Wouldn't you expect to be treated fairly by your
  Administration, and be placed in another library department
  or paid administrative leave, while an impartial
  investigation was conducted? None of these things happened
  here. John Philbrook was robbed of his livelihood, his
  career, his dignity and his good name. We want all of these
  back for our colleague. We want justice for John Philbrook!
  And we want the people of San Francisco to once again benefit
  from the professional excellence of an honorable man.

Catherine Bremer  Ackerman Jones
Andrea Grimes   Amelia Martin
Ruth Maginnis                   Victoria Susoev
Melissa Riley                   Betty Williams
Eileen Wampole

San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
12 May 1999

11. Re: Dr. Laura - Selections from the e-mail circuit

Date:    Wed, 12 May 1999 17:36:18 -0400
From:    librefed <librefed[at]>
Subject: Dr. Laura
MIME-Version: 1.0

>===== Original Message From mkfwd[at] =====


If you are disturbed by this thread, I suggest you scroll down now.

Let's talk about librarianship, since Dr. Laura is kinda like a librarian...
People consult her for answers to important questions in their lives, BUT:

-Librarians conduct a thorough reference interview to ascertain important
   facts about the patron's needs before providing answers.
   Dr. Laura does not, because she must get
   to all those commercials and keep her
   _show_ lively and interesting, not accurate
   or factual.

-Librarians strive to provide answers that are both complete and correct.
   Dr. Laura: as above.

-Librarians have usually earned a master's degree in their field from an
   accredited institution, or received appropriate training, which they're
   usually happy to tell you about.
   Dr. Laura has a doctorate in physiology
   and a marriage and family counseling
   certificate from an undetermined institution.

-Librarians understand the limitations of current technology and balance
   them with the importance of a person's right to access information.
   Dr. Laura - on her Web page - is selling
   something called WebChaperone[filtering]
   software for $49.95.

-Librarians purvey personal, professional and academic enrichment.
   Cost: free.

Dr. Laura has just signed a TV deal that will bring her more money,
followers and a bigger bully pulpit. Fame is a drug more powerful than
the ones that killed Dana Plato this weekend.

I would like those of us shocked and enraged by this woman's attacks on
us to _do something about it_, rather than just talk and let her kick us,
but I'm not sure how. Let's stop talking and begin to mobilize and act.
Any ideas???

M. Kaminsky
   Michael Moore is back!
     "The Awful Truth"
    Sunday nights on the
    Bravo cable network.

                          M. Kaminsky

  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

From: "Anderson, Steven P." <SANDERSON[at]>
To: mkfwd[at], law-lib[at]
Cc: publisher[at],

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:29:52 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0

Thank you for bringing this topic to our attention,
especially since Dr. Laura continues to escalate her attacks
on the library profession.  I've been following the thread a
bit on the Library Juice newsletter
( ),
hoping that she would hush up, but she hasn't.

Law librarians should be concerned about her diatribes for a
couple of reasons.  First, I believe that she has
specifically attacked the Library Bill of Rights.  According
to the AALL Code of Ethics, "A librarian has a special
responsibility to maintain the principles of the Library Bill
of Rights."

Second, she has made verbal attacks on librarians in general,
which certainly cannot boost our professional esteem.  She has
made a point of going after librarians, instead of MANY other
players in this game.  After all, why isn't she criticizing
Go Ask Alice's web publisher, Columbia University's Health
Education Program?  According to the site itself (true,
perhaps not the most reliable source of unbiased information,
but if someone else wants to run a NEXIS search to doublecheck
that'd be great), "Go Ask Alice! has been praised and
recommended by:

The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
Newsweek -from Google:
Black Essence
NBC Nightly News
Good Morning America
The Boston Globe
The Atlanta Constitution
The San Diego Union
The Toronto Sun
Consumer Reports
The Jerusalem Post
USA Weekend
National Public Radio
Voice of America
Architectural Digest
Men's Health
Harvard Health Letter
Johns Hopkins On-line
The Village Voice"

Instead, Dr. Laura is picking on librarians.

I did a quick link search on Alta Vista of Go Ask Alice (in
the search box, simply type in to see who else besides the
ALA links to the site.  I received approximately 759 hits,
many of which are other health and medical sites, colleges
and universities, several local public libraries, and even
the Federal Office of National Drug Control Policy, which
lists it on its The School Zone
- - web site's Guidance
Counselor subpage!!!  Also included in the results list are a
radio station's homework hotline page,,, several public (and one Catholic)
schools, the Teacher/Pathfinder Educational Village
(apparently sponsored by U.S. Department of Education Funds
for Innovation in Education Award #R215J40024-95), and even
the Association of Professional Flight Attendants.  The
USDA's National Agricultural Library has links to Go Ask
Alice's nutrition resources.  The same search in Google adds
these sites that link to Go Ask Alice: Channel 2 TV in
Naples, FL, and the Alcohol Treatment Facility at the Camp
Lejeune Marine Corps Base in North Carolina!  Of course, just
because "everyone else" is doing it may not make linking to
this site right (or wrong).  However, one needs to ask why,
out of approximately 700 other groups, organizations,
individuals, and even Federal agencies (!), Dr. Laura sees
fit to single out libraries and librarians.

This does not portend well for our profession.

Speaking for myself and NOT my employer,

Steven Anderson, JD, MA(LS)
Gordon Feinblatt Rothman Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC
233 East Redwood Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410.576.4255
Fax: 410.576.4246
E-Mail: sanderson[at]

  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Subject: Re: Dr Laura
Author:  "Jason Kruppa" [SMTP:JKruppa[at]] at BMWHEM
Date:    05/14/1999 2:19 PM

In response to why Dr Laura is attacking Libraries and not Go Ask
Alice's web publisher, my feeling is that, in keeping with her incendiary,
attention-seeking style, she's going for a target that people can easily
visualize.  Every town has a library, but Columbia University's Health
Education Program is an organization most people aren't familiar with.
When you're addressing lowest common denominator thinking, pick an
easy target, and a big one.  Dr Laura, true to her style, doesn't appear to
be interested in meaningful dialogue but in ratings and in stirring things

However, something beneficial could come of this after all.  Instead of
damaging out professional self-esteem, it could allow librarians to show
their strength, compassion and convictions concerning this subject.  A
foe is never so strong as when challenged.

Jason Kruppa
Law Library of Louisiana

  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

From: Janeen.M.Heath[at]
To: mkfwd[at], SANDERSON[at], law-lib[at],
Cc: symons[at], publisher[at]
Subject: RE: Dr Laura
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:29:00 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0

          I found it amusing that she is such a big proponent of
          parental responsibility and keeping the government out of
          the parent/child relationship, and yet here she is
          advocating lazy parenting by supporting a bill that would
          make librarians take responsibility for what YOUR child is
          allowed to see on the Internet, allowing the parent to avoid
          the responsibility of monitoring their child's online

          Things that make you go HMMMMM.

          Janeen Heath
          Director of Library Services
          Baker & McKenzie
          Dallas, TX


12. La Revista REFERENCIAS Vol. 4, Nro. 1, Abr. 99

Estimados colegas

Se ha publicado un nuevo numero de la Revista REFERENCIAS (Vol. 4, Nro. 1,
Abr. 99) editada por la Asociacion de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la
Republica Argentina (ABGRA)

En este numero, podran encontrar los siguientes articulos:

- II Seminario Latinoamericano de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y
  Profesionales Afines: Las asociaciones del futuro. Pag. 4

- HOMENAJE: Diálogo con Carlos Victor Penna. El país no puede avanzar
  si no cuenta con los servicios de bibliotecas que apoyen su desarrollo, por
  Adriana Riera y Roberto Servidio. Pag. 6

- ABGRA - Servicios - Noticias - Socios. Pag. 14

- Concurso ABGRA para jóvenes profesionales. Premio Blackwell's:
  Visualización de la información en OPACs basados en web, por Victor Herrero
  Solana. Pag. 15

- NOTICIAS: VII Congreso Nacional de ANABAD - SALALM -
  Congreso Internacional de Informacion INFO´99 -
  Jornadas sobre publicacion electronica - VII Jornadas de
  Informacion y Documentacion en Ciencias de la Salud - II Jornadas
  Andaluzas de Documentacion - IX Coloquio de Automatizacion de Bibliotecas
  y VII Reunion de Usuarios de SIABUC - Navegador WWW para invidentes -
  La Biblioteca virtual de BIREME: una propuesta del siglo XXI -
  INFOLAC y ABINIA: una alianza estrategica - Despedida al padre del ISIS -
  Encuentro Iberoamericano de Responsables de Bibliotecas Publicas. Pag. 23

-  En Memoria Maria Cristina Cajaraville, por Susana Romanos de Tiratel.
Pag. 29

- IFLA: Nuevo Secretario General - Programa Memoria del Mundo y proyecto
  de colecciones digitalizadas de IFLA - Programa IFLA/FAIFE - Grupo IFLA
  de argentina. Pag. 30

- Gestión colectiva de los derechos de reproducción reprográfica para países
  de América Latina, por Claudia Rodriguez. Pag. 32

- Nuevo foro de discusión en Internet: Lista ABGRA de correo electrónico.
  Pag. 34

- Calendario Internacional. Pag. 36

                SECCION ESPECIAL

* Agenda y programa de la XXXIII Reunión Nacional de Bibliotecarios

Para obtener mayor informacion sobre esta publicacion, podran dirigirse a:

        Comite Editorial
        Revista Referencias
       Tucuman 1424 , 8vo.piso
       (1050) Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
       Tel./fax (54 11) 4371-5269 4373-0571
        E.mail : referencia[at]

Roberto Servidio

*   IFLA-L is provided by the International Federation of Library     *
* Associations and Institutions (IFLA). For further information about *
*    IFLA activities, including organization or personal affiliate    *
*               information, contact:  IFLA[at]                  *
*                                                                     *
*                      URL:                              *

13. Declaración de la IFLA sobre las bibliotecas y la libertad intelectual

  La declaración, elaborada por el Comité de Libre Acceso a la
  Información y la Libertad de Expresión de la IFLA (en inglés
  Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of
  Expression, FAIFE), fue aprobada por su Comité Ejecutivo en
  La Haya, Holanda, 25 de marzo de 1999

  La Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios
  y Bibliotecas (IFLA) apoya, defiende y promueve la libertad
  intelectual tal y como está definida en la Declaración
  Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas.

  La IFLA declara que los seres humanos tienen el derecho
  fundamental de acceder a las expresiones del conocimiento, el
  pensamiento creativo y la actividad intelectual, y de expresar
  sus opiniones públicamente.

  La IFLA cree que el derecho a saber y la libertad de
  expresión son dos aspectos del mismo principio. El derecho a
  saber es un requisito para la libertad de pensamiento y de
  conciencia; la libertad de pensamiento y la libertad de
  expresión son condiciones necesarias para la libertad de
  acceso a la información.

  La IFLA afirma que el compromiso con la libertad intelectual
  es una responsabilidad esencial de la profesión bibliotecaria.

  Por lo tanto, la IFLA hace un llamamiento a las bibliotecas y
  el personal de las
   bibliotecas para que se adhieran a los principios de la
  libertad intelectual, el acceso sin restricciones a la
  información y la libertad de expresión, y reconozcan el
  derecho a la intimidad de los usuarios de las bibliotecas.

  La IFLA insta a sus miembros a que actúen para promover la
  aceptación y la puesta en práctica de estos principios. Al
  hacerlo, la IFLA afirma que:

  Las bibliotecas proporcionan acceso a la información, a las
  ideas y a las obras de creación. Sirven como puertas de
  acceso al conocimiento, el pensamiento y la cultura.

  Las bibliotecas proporcionan un apoyo esencial a la formación
  continua, a la toma de decisiones independiente y al
  desarrollo cultural, tanto de los individuos como de los

  Las bibliotecas contribuyen al desarrollo y el mantenimiento
  de la libertad intelectual y ayudan a preservar los valores
  democráticos básicos y los derechos civiles universales.

  Las bibliotecas tienen la responsabilidad de garantizar y de
  facilitar el acceso a las expresiones del conocimiento y de
  la actividad intelectual. Con este fin, las bibliotecas deben
  adquirir, preservar y hacer accesible la más amplia variedad
  de materiales, que reflejen la pluralidad y la diversidad de
  la sociedad.

  Las bibliotecas asegurarán que la selección y la
  disponibilidad de los materiales y servicios bibliotecarios
  estén regidas por consideraciones profesionales y no por
  criterios políticas, morales y religiosas.

  Las bibliotecas adquirirán, organizarán y difundirán
  [información y documentación] libremente, y se opondrán a
  cualquier forma de censura.

  Las bibliotecas harán accesibles a todos los usuarios por
  igual todos los materiales y los servicios. No habrá
  discriminación por razón de raza,  credo, sexo, edad o por
  cualquier otro motivo.

  Los usuarios tendrán derecho a la intimidad y al anonimato.
  Los bibliotecarios y demás personal de la biblioteca no
  revelarán a terceras personas la identidad de los usuarios ni
  los materiales que utilicen.

  Las bibliotecas financiadas con fondos públicos y a las que
  tenga acceso el público defenderán los principios de la
  libertad intelectual.


  Los bibliotecarios y demás empleados de estas bibliotecas
  tienen el deber de defender estos principios.

  Los bibliotecarios y otros profesionales que trabajen en las
  bibliotecas, asumirán sus responsabilidades tanto con sus
  superiores como con sus usuarios. En caso de conflicto entre
  estas responsabilidades, prevalecerá el deber hacia el

Ms. Josche Neven
IFLA Communications and Project Officer

IFLA Headquarters
P.O. Box 95312           Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2509 CH  The Hague, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-70-314 0884    Fax: +31-70-383 4827

E-mail: josche.neven[at]

*   IFLA-L is provided by the International Federation of Library     *
* Associations and Institutions (IFLA). For further information about *
*    IFLA activities, including organization or personal affiliate    *
*               information, contact:  IFLA[at]                  *
*                                                                     *
*                      URL:                              *


  Shake in your shoes bureaucrats!  The time has come for a
  realization of the theory-death of the librarian, embodied in
  the revolutionary struggle for liberation from this odious

  The weapons of contestation at our disposal have so far been
  exposed as inadequate.  We must forge new tools from extreme

  The revolutionary theory developed by the various
  avante-garde tendencies of this century has had no influence
  within our miserable milieu.  We must resuscitate ourselves
  before we die of boredom.

  The poverty of library theory is everywhere apparent.  Are we
  to be just another branch of the bureaucratic management of
  coffee-table knowledge?  Are we the soft police of social

  As usual it has been left to those outside our so called
  "profession" to open our eyes.  Our rationales are
  fragmenting on the road to ruin.  What should we do?

  The librarian is the narrator of a story that has lost its
  authority, the complacent host of a canon now exploded.

  The classifications we invented now reinvent us daily, we are
  losing control as control leads us, inevitably, to more
  control.  Our rules have been turned upon us and we have been
  sentenced to an eternity of silence.

  Paradigmatic shifts in the fields of knowledge and
  information have left us with little to call our own.  We are
  seduced and abandoned in a sea of data with no shore.

  The media image of the librarian is a travesty.  The real
  situation is ten times worse.  We must exorcise those who
  wish to see more of the shame as we leave the 20th century.

  We must recruit those who have no investment in things as
  they are, the future will be for those who will create change
  without loving it; those who perceive the joy of creation
  behind every destruction.

  In the field of the cultural we live in a lie of autonomy.
  Publishing is an area as sullied as any other in a world
  dictated by the commodity and exchange-value.  The file of
  information is a commodity like anything else, a can of beans
  on the supermaket/library shelf.  The library is now a
  shopping mall full of boring, aimless academics.

  We must determine new relationships for ourselves in order to
  give the greatest gift of all, the gift of liberation from the
  past for a new situation really worth living.

  -Movement for an Avant-garde Librarianship, London, 23/1/93

  (Published in _Progressive Librarian_ No. 8, Fall, 1993)

15. Tornadic Images

Tornado Violence: Are Tornadic Images In The Media To Blame?


16. Story of Chewing Gum -

        While this is not an in-depth site, the basic information
        about chewing gum is here. Brief articles cover history,
        how its made, and facts. There are also tips for getting
        unstuck and a list of gum manufactures. Site is produced
        by the National Association of Chewing Gum
        Manufacturers. - de
        Subjects: chewing gum

LIIWeek -

  L I B R A R Y   J U I C E

| Except where noted, items appearing in Library Juice
| are copyright-free, so feel free to share them with
| colleagues and friends.  Library Juice is a free weekly
| publication edited by Rory Litwin.  Original senders
| are credited wherever possible; opinions are theirs.
| Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
| mailto:Juice[at] 

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