Back Issues, Vol. 7
1. Links..... 2. Sri Lankan Libraries Need Urgent Assistance 3. Polish Librarians Association appeal to Cuban "colleagues" & response 4. Ed D'Angelo's response to "A Critique of 'Anarchist Librarianship'" 5. Library Cooperation (1901)
1. Links... 2. Editing Embargo Lifted 3. On Google's Monetization of Libraries 4. Google-Watch appeals to the American Library Association 5. To the Bodleian Librarian
1. Favicon contest 2. Links... 3. Editorial: Undone by Flattery 4. Braverman Award - Student Writing Contest 5. ARL Joins Others in Supporting Public Access to Government Information 6. Create a people-orientated public library service (Shiraz Durrani) 7. A critique of "anarchist librarianship"
1. News 2. Links... 3. Take Action on Federal Funding for Libraries (ALAWON) 4. A copyright debate from 1922
1. Links... 2. What's At Stake! A Message From Barbara Ehrenreich 3. Annotations: a Guide to the Independent Critical Press (3rd edition) 4. Iranian Nobel Prize Winner's Book May Be Banned in US 5. The Father of the American Libraries (1883)
1. Links.... 2. The problem with and other plagiarism detection services 3. Project to Save Iraqi Culture 4. Information-Seeking During Wartime: Reconsidering the Role of the Library in a Time of Increasing User Self-Sufficiency 5. Library School Drove Me Insane
1. Links... 2. Terry Tempest Williams muzzled by University 'till after the election 3. BCALA plan to save Clark Atlanta's Library School 4. Moving WIPO in a new direction - documents
1. Links... 2. IFLA Report 2004 to SRRT 3. Social Forum of Information Documentation and Libraries 4. ALA Council list discussion on "E-Participation"
1. Links.... 2. Clark Atlanta University SLIS Student Activism 3. Get involved with ALA-APA! 4. Downs Award Nomination Deadline 5. Letter on major proposed FOIA exemption 6. Public Libraries: Mission and Practice
1. Links... 2. On the "Radical Reference" project 3. A Librarian's Confession 4. How Far Should the Library Aid the Peace Movement and Similar Propaganda? 5. The Song of the Library Staff (all six verses)
1. Links... 2. DOJ publications withdrawal - ALA Council discussion 3. The Library: Its Past and Future
1. Links... 2. The Libary's Primary Duty (Hiller Wellman, 1915) 3. Upton Sinclair's The Brass Check.... Introduction and first chapters
1. Links... 2. A New Perspective on Reference Weeding and CD 3. Support for National Geographic Society in Case Involving Public Access 4. Social Forum on Information, Documentation and Libraries 5. NEA - a lupine aroma (ALA Council Thread) 6. Burger King "Bill of Rights" - a document of neototalitarianism 7. Libwahians ah smaht peabow
1. Links... 2. "Information Commons" - a note on the conflation of meanings 3. Councilor Jim Casey's notes on the ALA conference in Orlando 4. Resolution Against the Use of Torture adopted at ALA Conference 5. Cuba and the Myth of the Independent Libraries
ALA Council discussion on the new Draft Core Values Statement
1. Links... 2. John E. Buschman named Futas winner 3. Lannan Video collection for donation to libraries 4. Action Alert: Call your representative to stop HR 3179 5. Artists reportedly subpoenaed in Patriot Act case 6. Turn your library into cash! COLLIB-L discusses OCLC and Barnes & Noble 7. U.S. Military use of Anti-Arab book 8. ALA and Walgreens.... implications
1. Links... 2. Please stop being excited about the Web - especially 'blogs 3. Response to the LISNews community 4. Core Values Task Force II Draft Report & Comment 5. Activist accused of burning people's American flags
1. Links... 2. Four Popular Delusions about Free Speech 3. LISNews Veers Right 4. Progress of the Open Letter calling for the US withdrawal from Iraq 5. The Larger Publicity of the Library (1916)
1. Librarians Say No to Occupation! 2. Links... 3. What you are reading 4. ALA on Nomination of Allen Weinstein for Archivist of the US 5. Archivist Groups - Questions to Ask the Nominee 6. One Site
1. What are you reading? 2. Links... 3. Meeting Demands: A Library Imperative 4. Twenty Years Since '1984' 5. Archivist Groups Oppose Appointment of Allen Weinstein 6. The Library and the Community (1924 book review) 7. On Kevin Starr's Retirement 8. TV Turnoff Week
1. Note to Library Juice readers 2. Links... 3. Salon's David Womack - interview with Rory Litwin 4. From Papyrus to Print-out: African library conference 5. New Yorkers for Fair Use Call to General Assembly 6. Moby Dick Used 7. Libraries Should Provide for the Reader Who Smokes (1919)
1. A note from the publisher 2. Links... 3. A Tale of Two Latakias 4. Of Smoking 5. Odd Epigrams for Tobacco Jars
1. Links... 2. ALA election endorsements 3. Boston Medical Library Dedicatory Address, 1878
1. Links.... 2. COLUMBIA LIBRARY SCHOOL (Melvil Dewey's report, 1887) 3. Stay Free!/Illegal Art told to "cease and desist" 4. Mainstream Media Fails Itself (Peter Phillips on Haiti reporting) 5. International Congress of Information - Info'2004 in Havana 6. Amusing Searches
1. Links... 2. Database as a Symbolic Form (Lev Manovich)
1. Links... 2. SRRT Councilor's Report on ALA Council 3. Maine Chapter Councilor's Report on ALA Midwinter 4. Prison Library 5. Social Forum of Information, Documentation and Libraries 6. Amusing searches
1. Links... 2. A note on Fresh Ideas and Fresh Thinking 3. "Improper Books" (1895) 4. SRRT Resolution on Cultural Democracy (and background) 5. Cinder Johanson memorial 6. SRRT Feminist Task Force endorses Michael Gorman for ALA President
1. Happy New Year and Please Send Money 2. Links... 3. "Hear the Other Side" - 1896 ALA President's Address 4. [PUBLIB] Unusual things returned in books 5. Queens College Worker Education Program/MLS Extension 6. zine of translations 7. Amusing searches